Extortion (38 page)

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Authors: Peter Schweizer


G. Miller Development Company,

Gardner, Tom,

Garland, Jim,

Gates, Bill,

General Electric,

Gensler, Gary,

Gephardt, Dick,

Gianopulos, Jim,

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher,

Gibson, Joe,

Gibson Group,

Gillmor, Paul,

Giuliani, Rudy,

Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933,

Global Competitiveness Report
(World Economic Forum),


Goldman Sachs,



; politics and,

Gordon, Jack,

Gordon, Sanford,

Gorton, Slade,

Grassi, Libero,

Graves, Sam,

Gray, William,

Greenberg, Stanley,

Gregory, Doug,


Haar, Stanley,

Hachette Book Group,

Hacienda Hotel Casino,

Hafen, Andy,

Hall, Ralph,

Hanabusa, Colleen,


Hanks, Tom (actor),


Hanna, Mark,


Hartley, Gregg,


Hastert, Dennis,

Hastert, Joshua,

Hastings, Alcee,

Hatch, Orrin,


Hayes, Keri Ann,

Haynes, Brad,

health care reform,


Healthcare Technology Fund (Missouri),


Heartland PAC,

hedge-fund industry,

See also
Chanos, Jim; Paulson, John

Hefley, Joe,

Herbold, Robert,

Heyes, Anthony G.,

Heyman, Bruce,

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

high-tech industry: campaign donations from,

; online piracy legislation and,

; political involvement and,
; video-game regulation,


The Hill

Hoeven, John,

Hofmeister, John,
; quoted,


Hogan Lovells (lobbying firm),

Holder, Eric,

entertainment industry

Hollywood Reporter

House Appropriations Committee: Subcommittee on Defense,


House Judiciary Committee: antipiracy bills and,
; fund-raising and,

House Ways and Means Committee: campaign fund-raising and,

Houston Chronicle

Hoyer, Steny,

H.R. 1002.
Wireless Tax Fairness Act of 2011 (H.R. 1002)

H.R. 1070.
Small Company Capital Formation Act (H.R. 1070)

H.R. 2940.
Access to Capital for Job Creators Act (H.R. 2940)

H.R. 3630.
Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012

Hulshof, Kenny,



Huvelle, Ellen Segal,


Impact (PAC),

incumbents: personal loans to own campaigns and,

; public financing of elections and,

; restriction on fundraising by,

See also
leadership PACs

individual targets: Justice Department and,

Innospec (chemical firm),

Internal Revenue Service (IRS),


Internet Association,

Internet sales tax bill,


Internet service providers,

Iraq War Emergency Appropriations Bill,



Jackson, Robert H.,




J.C. Flowers & Company,

job creation in Washington: antibribery law enforcement and,

; complexity of laws and,

; leadership PACs and,
; “protection” and,

See also
family members of politicians; law firms in Washington D.C.; lobbyists for firms and industries

Joe Barton Family Foundation,

Johnson, Broderick,


Johnson, Lyndon B. (U.S. president),

Johnson, Ron,

Johnson & Johnson,

Jolly, David,

JP Morgan,

JP Morgan Chase,

“juicer bills.”
“milker bills”


Kaiser, Robert,

Kangas, Edward,

Katzenberg, Jeffrey,

KBR (Halliburton subsidiary),

Kelleher, Dennis,

Kennedy, Joe, III,

Kinder, Peter,

Koch, Charles,

Koch, David,

Koch Industries,

Koehler, Mike,

Kolb, Charles,

Kraft Foods,

Krug, Anita,

Kynikos Associates,


Lady Gaga,

LaHood, Ray,

Lansky, Meyer,

Lanza, Adam,

Las Vegas Sands, Inc.,

Las Vegas Sun

Lathrop & Gage (law firm),

law firms in Washington D.C.: art of line-crossing and,

; complexity of laws and,

; DOJ enforcement trends and,


laws: ambiguities in,


; bills passed vs. bills introduced and,

; complexity of,

; enforcement of reforms and,
; reading of, by Congress,
; single-subject rule for,
See also
legislative process; “milker bills”;
entries for specific laws

leadership PACs,

; abuse of,

; banning of,

; benefits to family members and,

; donation limits and,

; personal uses of,

; regulation of,

; retired Congressmen and,
; spending for elections from,
; spending on other candidates,


Leading Us in Success PAC,

Leahy, Patrick,

Lee, Mike,

legal system.
See also
Department of Justice (DOJ); financial crimes; Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA); “protection money”; Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Legal Times

legislative process: Access to Capital for Job Creators Act and,

; extortive practices in,


; fund-raising obligations and,

; fund-raising reforms and,

; gridlock in,

; “milker bills” and,

; number of laws passed and,

; “tax extender” method and,

; transparency in,
; Wireless Tax Fairness Act of 2011 and,


LeMieux, George,


Levin, Carl,

Levy, Paul,


Lewis, Jerry,

Lewis, Rita,

Licari, Michael J.,

Licklider, Sam,

Light, Martin,


Lionel Sawyer & Collins (Nevada law firm),

loans to campaign committees,


lobbyists for firms and industries: benefits of gridlock and,

; factors in choice of,

; fraud detection and,

; politicians’ family members as,
; reforms and,



Locke, Gary,

Lockheed Martin,

Lofgren, Zoe,

Longhorn PAC,

Lopatin, Jonathan,

Ludwig, Eugene,


Lugar, Dave,

Lugar, Dick,

Lynton, Jamie,

Lynton, Michael,



Madison Group,

See also
organized crime in Nevada

Markey, Ed,

Martinez, Mel,

Mason, Karol,


Mattoon, Dan,

Maximus, Inc.,

Mayer, Marissa,

McAuliffe, Terry,

McCain, John,

McCarthy, Kevin,

McCotter, Thaddeus,

McCue, Susan,


McKeon, Buck,

McKinley, William (U.S. president),

Meade, Daniel,

Meeks, Gregory,
; leadership PAC(s) of,

Mehlman, Ken,

Mehra, Sanjeev,

Melin, Mark,

“members points system,”


Mendelsohn, Mark,


Meng, Mu,

Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority,

Meyer, Barry,

MF Global,





; online piracy legislation and,

Herbold, Robert

Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012,


midterm elections (2010), targeted industries in,

Milam, Chris,


“milker bills,”



Miller, Gary,

Miller Brewing Company,

Minnick, Walter,

Mintz, Joel,

Missouri: driver’s license fees in,

; ethanol legislation in,
; medical records legislation in,

; real estate legislation in,
; telephone rates bill in,
Blunt, Roy

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