Extortion (39 page)

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Authors: Peter Schweizer

Mitchell, George,

“mob tax,”

Moffett, Toby,


Molinari, Susan,

Mollohan, Alan,

“monitoring fees,”

Moran, Jim,

Mother Jones

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA),

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)

“Mr. Cleanface,”
See also
Reid, Harry

“Mr. Plain English,”

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Mullins, Brody,

Murdoch, Rupert,

Murphy, Chris,

Murphy & McGonigle,

Myers, John,

Myrick, Sue,


Napolitano, Grace,

National Association of Broadcasters,

National Association of Homebuilders,

National Association of Realtors,

National Cable and Telecommunications Association,

National Football League,

National Forensic Technology Center,

National Journal

National Journal Daily

National Leadership PAC,

National Music Publishers Association,

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC),
See also
Republican Party

National Stripper Well Association,

National Telephone Cooperative Association,

NBC Universal,


See also
Reid, Harry

Nevada Gaming Commission,


New York City “mob tax,”


New York Law Journal

New York Life,

New York Times


News Corporation,

Nixon, Richard M. (U.S. president),

Nocera, Joe,

Nomura Securities,

Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business

Notzon, Monica,

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)

Obama, Barack (U.S. president),
; AT&T merger and,
; Dodd-Frank and,
; entertainment industry and,



; high-tech industry and,


; Justice Department and,

see also
Department of Justice); publishing industry and,
; telecom industry and,
; 1012 election and,



; Wall Street and,


Affordable Health Care Act

O’Brien, Edith,

O’Callaghan, Mike,

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA),

Occupy Wall Street movement,

Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA),

oil and gas industry,

Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA)

O’Leary, Michael,

online piracy legislation: entertainment industry and,

; high-tech industry and,


organized crime,

See also
family political machines; Mafia

Oriental DreamWorks,

Orrick, William,

Overton, Spencer,

Oyama, Katherine,


corporate PACs; leadership PACs;
entries for specific PACs

“partisan bias”: Justice Department and,


party dues,

; Democratic Party lists, 1013–1015,

; Republic Party lists for 1013,


Patek, Jewell,

Patterson, Jeanne,


Paul, Joanna,

Paul, Rand: leadership PAC(s) of,

Paul, Ron,


Paul Hastings (firm),


Paulson, John,


Paxon, Bill,

Pelosi, Nancy,



The Penguin Group,


Peoria Journal Star:

Perlman, Abigail,

Permanent Political Class, as buyer of influence,

See also
bureaucratic extortion; committee assignments; Congress, members of; incumbents; lobbyists for firms and industries; Washington law firms;
entries for specific politicians

Perrelli, Thomas,

Peterson, Collin,

Petrocelli, William (“Butch”),

Pew Research,

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals,

pharmaceutical industry,

Philip Morris (company),

Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011 (PIPA)

Pitt, Harvey,

Plank, Ray,


Plouffe, David,

Podesta, Tony,

Podesta Group,

“policy dinners,”


political corruption: buyers vs. sellers of influence and,

; extortionist as symbol of,

; legality and,

; MF Global case and,

; solutions to,

; style and,

; in U.S. and other countries,
; warnings in 1940 of,


; quoted,

Posner, Richard,

presidential election of 1012: Obama fund-raising for,


Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011 (PIPA),

Price, Tom,


Promontory Financial Group,


“protection” method,


; reform and,

See also
Department of Justice (DOJ)

Pryor, Mark,

public financing of campaigns,


publishing industry,


quid pro quos,




Rahall, Nick,

Ralston, Jon,

Rangel, Charlie,

Rangel, Steven,

R&D tax credit,


Real Estate Roundtable,

Reclaim America PAC,

Redding Rancheria Indian Tribe,

reform efforts: public financing of campaigns and,

; regulation of political class and,

; regulation of special interests and,

; “soft money” contributions and,

; Tillman Act of 1907 and,
; vote-buying and,


regulation of campaign money,
; campaign committees and,
; leadership PACs and,


regulatory agencies,


See also
legal system

Reich, Robert,

Reichard, Jay,

Reid, Harry,

; family machine of,


Reid, Joshua,

Reid, Key,

Reid, Rory,



Reid Majority Fund,

Reid Nevada Fund,

Reid Searchlight Fund,

Reid Victory Fund,


Reinventing a New Direction (PAC),

Rely on Your Beliefs (RoyB) leadership PAC,

Republican Majority Fund (PAC),

Republican Party: contributions to other candidates and,

; family syndicates and,

; party dues and,

; Sixth Congressional District Committee,

; “soft money” contributions and,

; Wall Street and,


resort expenditures,

Restore Our Future (PAC),

Reyes, Silvestre,

Rivlin, Gary,

Road to Senate Victory Fund,

Rockefeller, Jay,

Rogers, Harold,

Roll Call

Romney, Mitt,

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (U.S. president),

Roosevelt, Teddy (U.S. president),


Rosen, Hilary,

Royal Dutch Shell,

Rely on Your Beliefs (RoyB) leadership PAC

Rubio, Marco,

Rush, Bobby,

Rush, Carolyn,


Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

Sandberg, Sheryl,

Santa Fe railroad,

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX),



SBC Communications,


Schakowsky, Jan,

Scher, Susan,

Schmidt, Eric,

Schneider, Gabriella,

Schneider’s (liquor store),

Schock, Aaron,

Schultz, Debbie Wasserman,


Schumer, Chuck,

Schwartz, Alyson,

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC),

Scully, Thomas,


Searchlight Leadership Fund (PAC),

Searchlight Tahoe Victory Fund,

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),


; FCPA enforcement trends and,

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