FaCade (Deception #1) (6 page)

Read FaCade (Deception #1) Online

Authors: D.H Sidebottom,Ker Dukey

Tags: #novel

“Go inside,” he mumbled gently, shooing me forward towards a slightly open door. I was wary, my soft footfalls small and cautious. I felt his heavy palm on the bottom of my back, coaxing me forward.

I lifted my hand and slowly pushed the heavy steel door open further. The shadow crept across the white tiled floor, revealing more of the room to my view. My breathing divulged the truth of my nerves but I tried to hide them behind my stoic face.

The pressure on my back from the giant’s hand forced me to stumble into the room, its bright florescent light illuminating the space before me. There were three walls made from what looked like a mirrored glass, but maybe thicker. My eyes darted around, soaking in the scene laid out in front of me.

Dark penetrating eyes roamed over me as the man who confused all my senses sat at a large table set up in the center of the otherwise barren room. He was dressed in slacks and a blue shirt, his tie hanging loose like he had tugged on it at the end of a hard work day.

Heat burned bright in his eyes then simmered to anger, the furrowing of his brow confirming it as his eyes dragged over the length of me. “You’ve changed so much, but then not at all,” he murmured. The air was still but also charged like the calm, thick atmosphere before a storm.

I shuffled from one foot to the other, unsure of what was expected of me. The room had my brain scratching for memories it couldn’t reach. What was this place and why was I there?

I hated myself. I wanted to pound at my own skull and berate my absent mind for failing me so drastically. Thoughts were so jumbled I didn’t know if I could even trust myself.

What he said earlier played back in my mind making my lips move without permission. “How do we know each other?”

His hard glare made me want to fade into the air, evaporate into particles and then be carried away through the vents to freedom. What was freedom for me? What if my world was worse outside? No, I couldn’t believe that. There was something inside me, granted it was deeply buried under the fear and clogged thoughts but there was something that told me I wasn’t alone. I had something…someone.

The scraping of the chair and heavy presence in front of me commanded my attention. An iron-fisted grip tightened on my arms. “Why would you think we knew each other?” he barked at me, the small spray of spit from his angry question misting my cheek.

“You know my name and said I look different but the same,” I squeaked as he shook me. My head thumped angrily against the abuse.

He stilled, his eyes studying my face before he answered. “I don’t buy stock picked from a cattle farm, Star.” He looked down at himself then back to me with a quirked brow. Yes, he was beautiful and shouldn’t have trouble finding any woman to cater to any type of need he craved. “I chose with reason.”

I was surprised at how forthcoming he was being and decided to push for more. “So we do know each other?” My eyes rebelled against what I wanted them to do, making me want to poke them out with a rusty spoon when they focused on his lips as I waited for his reply. They were full, the bottom one slightly fuller than the top, pink and smooth unlike the chapped, peeling sore lips of my own.

The side of his mouth lifted into a smirk. I wanted to cry that he knew what I was thinking. “I know you! But you have no idea who I am.”

My body deflated. If we didn’t know each other then there were no binds that tied us to make him more human towards me. I was just a captive to a man clearly deranged.

A chill blew gently against my exposed skin. Goosebumps scattered over my still sore flesh, making a tingle shoot through my body. I jerked from the intensity of it.

A throaty chuckle resonated from his chest and I glanced at him in shock.

His head tilted like a cat’s does when it’s curious about an object. Dipping his hand into the pocket of his slacks, he pulled a small tin out and flicked the lid with his thumb. The smell of cherries lifted from the tin, teasing my nose. The pad of his thumb skimmed over the surface before he reached towards me and swiped it across my bottom lip. It was warm and soothing, a silky smooth layer of moistness coating my parched lips.

I gasped involuntarily from his gentle touch, my eyes holding his, trying to decipher his play. Was it wrong that my whole being ached from such a tender caress? I wanted to sob and be held onto and told that everything would be okay.

My mind raced with all the instability. I didn’t have time to react when a warm palm slid up my cheek, cupping me behind the ear and bringing me forwards to crush me against the full lips I had been admiring not moments before. My body tilted into his and for a split second I allowed myself to enjoy the connection before reality morphed back in.

His scent invaded me. His warm comfort turned to the fire of the underworld, trying to corrupt me. His taste exploded on my tongue, mint and wine swirling in the wet massage as his tongue danced and explored every inch of my mouth.

Images reminded me of Maria’s mouth wrapped around his cock. My teeth clamped down as anger and confusion drowned me in what was real. This wasn’t comfort, this man had kidnapped me.

A metallic tinge hit my lips as a hand gripped my braids in one fist, dragging forcefully downwards. My head snapped backwards. My mouth opened, releasing the damaged tissue of his now swollen, bleeding lip. I stared at him and winced at the black orbs swallowing any other color, glassy and terrifying as he glared down at me.

“You kissed me back.” He seemed stunned, his eyes wide and searching which made me feel even more like a needy, dirty whore. “You like to bite?” A shadow marred his features.

I tried to shake my head to tell him no but his grip was so tight I was frightened if I moved too much I would lose the hair that was confined in his grip.

“Biting, marking, drawing blood is claiming in my world, Belle,” he breathed before pushing me forwards across the table. My stomach hit the surface, my face following. His hand pushed hard making my cheek ache on impact with the wood. The air rushed from my lungs. He was so strong, the weight of him impossible to shift. He was hard; I felt his pleasure digging into my prone ass as the rest of him covered my back.

His lips rested at my ear, taunting me. “I like to bite too!”

Tears filled my eyes and leaked out. A weak, broken cry rippled through my compressed chest. The ripping of the barely there shirt had my heart exploding into a thousand tiny shards.

Oh, God, no! My body fought against him, flipping frantically beneath him. I heard him grunt and then I was moving as he yanked me up. I spun to face him, my hand coming up and round as my body did, hitting him across the face. Fire exploded across my palm from the contact and then my own cheek smarted, my body giving way under the power of his backhanded attack. I met the floor in a crumbled mess.

Anger fueled me, making me act foolish. I knew I couldn’t win but how could I live with myself if I didn’t try? I kicked my foot out at his shin, making him swear and rush me, grasping my attacking foot so it couldn’t make a second blow.

I was dragged a few feet, the tiles making me glide on my jeans-covered ass. Before I could stop him he grasped my other foot. I wiggled to free myself but it was useless. He parted my legs, his smirk mocking me as he overpowered me. His leg lifted, pressure coming down on me from his foot. I shook my head, pleading with him. “You going to behave?” he asked, amusement coloring his tone.

I shook my head as I still fought to defy him, but said yes over and over. He dropped one ankle, leaned forward and ripped at the remaining strands of fabric left of my tee, leaving me completely topless. My nipples hardened from being met with cooler air. My hands instinctively cupped my breasts, hiding them from his amused gaze.

“Stand up,” he commanded, releasing my other foot.

I knew he saw defeat in my eyes. I was too weak, I knew I was, but I was too scared of the repercussions if I didn’t do what he asked. Maria told me he never wanted full on intercourse, so maybe if I didn’t provoke him with violence which he seemed to enjoy, he would get on with whatever he planned and permit me go back to my room.

I maneuvered my forearm to cover both breasts while I freed my other hand to help lift my body from the cold floor. I looked him in the eye, grateful my tears had dried.

“Clean your mess.”

My eyes pinched in confusion. I scanned the room but there was no mess, nothing out of place or dirty. I came back to rest on his face, shrugging in bewilderment but before I could ask what he wanted me to clean, his finger lifted to the blood still pooling from his fattened lip.

I sighed loudly, my beaten down spirit finally giving in. I stretched my free hand up towards his face but he grabbed my wrist, shaking his head. His other hand forced my arm to free my breasts, the bounce slightly drawing his attention to them. Heat sparked in his eyes like when I first arrived. “Use your tongue.”

He was disgusting. I hated him.

I closed the few inches between us and swallowed the lump strangling my throat then swiped my tongue over his mouth. He added pressure, pushing the weeping wound harder against the soft warmth of my tongue. His eyes briefly closed. I coaxed myself to cover his lip with my mouth, applying a gentle suction. The tang from his blood burst across my taste buds making me wince. He groaned, which encouraged me to continue, adding more pressure and swipes of my tongue. The warm cotton of his shirt teased my nipples. I didn’t want to feel anything but the anger; however, my body was a traitorous slut, making me despise myself more than I already did.

A gust of cool air hit my face when he pulled away from me abruptly. He guided my body towards one of the mirrored walls. “Hands up,” he growled.

I placed my hands on the glass. It was thick and not as cold as I thought it would have been, like it was made of plastic rather than glass. His weight pushed me flat against the mirror. His hands roamed down my body, tucking into the jean shorts and tugging them down, tapping at my foot to lift so he could clear them from my body.

I squeezed my eyes closed as humiliation curled deep, but I didn’t risk moving. I concentrated on breathing, in…out…in…out. Hot palms smothered my flesh. A yelp retched from my lungs as a sharp, piercing compression dug into the fleshy tissue, heat firing up my spine as the bastard bit me. A warm trickle flowed down my leg as an offering, blood for blood.

“She will always belong to me. The mind might forget but the body never forgets who truly owns it,” he said.

He stood upright, his presence encompassing me. I turned my head to see him. He was so close. I soaked in the image of my blood coating his lips. He looked like a fucking vampire, the sick asshole.

Tears threatened to fall. I was sick too because the wet between my thighs exposed me to the fact that sometime between entering and then, I had gotten aroused from his twisted game. The lights flashed out, blanketing us in complete darkness until a dim light from the other side of the mirrors bled into the room, growing brighter and highlighting male silhouettes that were looking in.

I scampered backwards but was met by the solid frame of my captor. “You’re such a dirty slut, Belle. Nothing changes with you.”

My intake of breath was so sharp I choked on the rush of air hitting my lungs too quickly. “I hate you, you sick bastard.”

His growl was haunting, drenching me in the nature of his reason for taking me. He hated women. He hated me, but like me, he was weak and betrayed by his body’s needs and urges. His erection pushed into me from behind. His hand roughly cupped between my legs. I grasped at his wrist on instinct, trying to pull his hand away.

“You hate me, Belle, yet your pussy leaks your truth into my hand. You want me to fuck your tight little cunt, ease the throb you have there?”

“SCREW YOU!” I sobbed.

“Mmm, that wouldn’t work for me. No-one SCREWS ME!” He emphasized the final words with authority and finality.

“I hope Maria bites your dick off,” I snarled.

His other hand wrapped around my throat, squeezing to show me he could easily take my life. A small part of me longed for him to just do it. “Maria knows her place and you will too. When I shove my cock in that greedy mouth of yours, all you’ll be thinking about is how far down your compressed…” He squeezed his fist tighter, making me frantically claw at his hand, digging my nails in, “…throat my thick cock can go. I want to fuck your slutty little mouth so forcibly you choke as my cum empties straight into your stomach!” His hold loosened, making me splutter. “Good way to get protein into you.” He chuckled darkly.

My mouth hung open at his outlandish comment. “Who were those people?” My dry throat burned as I murmured my question.

He walked to the door and banged his fist against the steel panel. It clicked open. The giant filled the space. I covered my dignity the best I could from his wandering eyes. I felt the trail like a stain on my skin even after he averted his gaze. “Take her to her room. Give her a robe to wear.”

My eyes popped wide at his orders. Something so small shouldn’t have been a luxury but I wanted to thank him. The little bit of joy from something so minor conflicted with my inner war. I didn’t want to be grateful for something so trivial but I was. I wanted to cover my body and have some type of humanity and this small thing granted me that.

My lips moved with my feet. As I passed him I whispered, “Thank you.”

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