Fairyville (11 page)

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Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Romance


Bryan had spent many evenings in Phoenix in overloud country-western bars, waiting for some cowboy to give him The Eye. Despite these numerous assaults on his eardrums, his hearing was fine. He caught more of Alex's conversation with his mother than he suspected Alex intended. Why Alex had been rattled by the information, Bryan didn't want to speculate.

Alex couldn't be thinking he'd been switched as a baby, when Oscar Pruitt was so obviously exactly who the hospital said.

That Alex was rattled was undeniable. Bryan's partner didn't take a "thinking" break from a case before they'd barely gotten under way. Bryan also had the impression that Alex was avoiding making his presence known in his old hometown. It was nearing sunset, late this time of year, and guests were coming back from dinner. These weren't people likely to recognize him, but Alex chose to enter the Vista Inn via a side door, handily skirting the public lobby.

Equally suspicious, they took the rickety elevator to the fourth floor, riding it alone and in silence. Alex's face was tense, maybe a little flushed. Though this might just have meant his partner was upset, Bryan found his body hardening.

If Alex was a sex addict as he'd claimed, it seemed likely he'd be wanting to have it soon. Bryan had been pretty sure he'd had a boner back in the car. And possibly being on edge, for whatever reason, might increase his need. For motives that, admittedly, weren't unselfish, Bryan was more than ready to be Alex's therapeutic sex object—repeatedly, if required.

He'd been wanting him way too long to have exhausted that appetite.

Alex had the key out and entered the room first. Bryan made up for that advantage by kicking the door shut behind him and pulling off his shirt.

The slamming door spun Alex back. A flicker of irritation crossed his face, but the appearance of Bryan's chest erased it. That his disrobing also darkened Alex's cheeks brought Bryan's erection to its most demanding proportions. In that moment, he thought
might go crazy if it wasn't seen to soon.

"Bed first," he said firmly, kicking off his shoes. "Brooding later."

Alex didn't say a word, just took two steps toward him and grabbed his face for a quick, deep kiss. Bryan fell back onto the king size bed almost before he knew he'd been pushed. Alex was on top of him in two seconds, on his knees, and heading straight for Bryan's belt.

He got it off so fast, Bryan's waist should have had whiplash.

"Hey," he said as Alex started wrestling off his pants as well. "Give me a chance to get my hands on you this time."

Alex looked up. His eyes were the same intense blue Bryan had noticed back in the firm's bathroom. Whatever caused the effect, it had to be the sexiest expression he'd ever seen.

"Be quick," Alex said. "I'm not in the mood to wait."

"Are you ever?" Bryan asked rhetorically.

He sat up to make short work of freeing Alex from his business shirt, then gave in to temptation to lick his nipples. They were pink and flat but sharpened at the first wet touch, his velvety skin taking on a sudden taste of sweat. Alex's arms came around his shoulders, tight and hard. For just long enough to make Bryan's heart skip, Alex clutched him close, like what he needed from Bryan was more than sex.

Then Bryan bit the nipple he'd been licking, and Alex's fingers dug into his back.

Oh, yeah
, he thought.
You like to got it as rough as you give

Encouraged to test his limits, Bryan shifted to the meat of Alex's pectoral muscle and nipped that. Alex jerked, sucked in air, then let it out as a moan. Adrenaline flooded Bryan, aching along his skin. He knew as surely as he'd known Alex wanted him in the car that this encounter wasn't going to go slow.

"The rest," Alex demanded on a rasping breath, as if they'd been engaged in foreplay longer than two minutes. "Take off the rest."

Getting their clothes off was like a battle, with each wanting the other naked so he could examine every part that came into view. Bryan couldn't get over the perfection of Alex's skin—so addictively smooth Bryan simply couldn't keep his hands in one place. He didn't deliberately get in Alex's way, but Alex had to fight him to keep up.

For once, Bryan had an edge over his partner. His one sport in high school had been wrestling, and he hadn't forgotten how to maneuver. Used to being in charge physically, Alex lost his patience when both were down to their briefs. Bryan had squirmed down to kiss his knees and knead his calves, putting him temporarily out of reach.

"Enough," Alex said, using sheer strength rather than technique to pull Bryan up him full length.

Bryan couldn't claim to be sorry. The bed had what he thought of as granny covers—chenille, he thought it was called. The stuff was nubbly, and when Alex hauled him up it, the texture felt delicious against his skin. As soon as Alex had them level and was able to run his own hands over Bryan, they writhed together like teenagers, their pricks bumping and rubbing through the cotton of their underwear.

It was difficult to say which one of them was more eager.

Images flashed through Bryan's mind of the first time he'd "experimented" with another boy. The forbidden thrill of it had been piercing, the sense that being with another male was what his body had been born for. For reasons he couldn't have defended even if he'd wanted to, the idea that Alex didn't always do it with men made his fervor for doing it with Bryan even sexier.

This was probably the closest Bryan would ever come to sleeping with a straight man.

He groaned at the power of that particular fantasy—which was enough to crash Alex through the last of his ability to hold off.

"The lube and rubbers are in the bathroom," he said, his hips grinding against Bryan's with astounding force. "But I am so not moving from this bed until I come."

"Not a problem," Bryan assured him, almost as raggedly. "There are more things than fucking that I want to do with you."

Happy to demonstrate, Bryan shoved his hand down Alex's briefs, finding him hot and full and long. Alex's breath hissed inward a second before he returned the favor. If Bryan's hand felt half as good as Alex's, Bryan understood why the other man shuddered hard. One of Alex's thighs jerked between his, the hairy muscle pressing his balls. Bryan's briefs were bunched around his testicles, holding up their fullness like a sling. His shaft was throbbing in the open air. The sensation of Alex fisting it made his own hand tighten on what it held.

"Yes," Alex urged, his leg hooking behind Bryan's to lever them closer. "Rub me against your belly. Rub my dick next to yours."

Bryan grunted and shifted his body until their pricks were perfectly aligned. The technique of rubbing head and shaft together like boy scouts starting a fire was one he'd known well once upon a time, a throwback to the only sex he'd had the nerve to try as an eighteen-year-old. Revisiting his old standby pushed his buttons enough to need to bite his lip for control. Boy, did Alex know how to crank him up, if only by accident.

Fortunately, Alex was just as ready to rock. They squirmed their cocks up and down, slightly crosswise so that the best bits got plenty of pressure, each alternating directions in short, rough thrusts. All that smoothed the increasing friction was the sweat and pre-ejaculate dripping down their skin.

The closeness of their heights was perfect for what they were doing, maybe too perfect. The position was more intimate than Bryan was used to, especially since Alex didn't seem to know the meaning of self-consciousness. Once he got going, he threw himself into sex, as if the thought of being shy about going straight for what he wanted was foreign. He didn't seem to care who was what size or where they touched each other, didn't seem to mind what sounds their bodies were making, or want to ask permission to go as hard as he could. Not quite as unbuttoned, Bryan buried his face in Alex's shoulder, rather than expose how much he wanted him back. This, of course, meant he heard every catch of Alex's breathing, every groan of pleasure and half-swallowed cry.

The noises Bryan was making were a little too embarrassing to describe—unless he wanted to admit he could whimper.

When the noises started coming faster, Alex clamped his free hand over Bryan's buttock. His hold was so determined Bryan was pretty sure his palm was going to leave a mark. The way their other hands were trapped between their frantically rubbing pricks was a mixture of inconvenience and ecstatic pain. The bones of their fingers were too hard to be comfortable, considering the force they were using, but the edge of hurt didn't slow either down. Bryan might not have been at ease with meeting Alex's eyes, but he sure as hell was good with what was happening. Alex was lost to pleasure and controlling the proceedings at the same time. The combination was enough to bring a fresh flow of pre-come spilling over Bryan's knob.

Alex curled his thumb over the brimming hole. "Do this to me," he ordered, the directive like sandpaper. "Feel me come."

Bryan made a low, hungry sound he couldn't have held back to save any amount of pride. Urgency swelled inside him, pressure and tropic heat. He fumbled to get his thumb positioned like Alex's. The tip of Alex's cock was wet with arousal. As Bryan pressed, its slipperiness increased. That one small change was a surge of lightning whipping through his groin—and maybe Alex's as well. A second later, both were groaning, their seed squeezing out against the pads of thumbs that ground down as hard as they could and couldn't possibly have kept the stuff dammed up.

Bryan didn't think he'd ever come like this. He climaxed with a concentration of feeling that stole his breath, and still every flutter of Alex's ejaculation registered in his brain.

This wasn't just a good orgasm; this was epic.

The last contraction came for both at the same time. As the near unbelievable pleasure receded, Bryan felt as if he'd come up for air after being tumbled in a huge ocean wave. The veins in his head were throbbing, his hand and belly spattered with seed. When he rubbed it gently into Alex's silken skin, Alex's hard-on stopped softening.

Alex drew back and smiled at Bryan's gasp of astonishment, their gazes meeting for the first time since they'd begun. Alex's eyes were dark and knowing and hot.

insatiable," Bryan said.

"Uh huh," Alex agreed. "Want to choose what we do next?"

"I want to take you," Bryan said without hesitation, the glow of climax having loosened his tongue. "And then I want to suck you off."

Alex rolled away from him, flopping onto his back in wordless offering. He stretched from fingertip to toe against the white granny cover, a quivering display of just how beautiful and hard and golden his body was. By the time he'd finished, his cock lay thick and ripe against his admirable abs, not just fallen there but upright. The head was so close to his navel that Bryan wondered if his desire to go down on him weren't biting off more than he could suck.

He honestly wasn't sure how many inches Alex was.

"A three-fer," Alex mused. He grinned and stacked his hands behind his head. "That sounds about the right speed for me."


It was hard to fuck a man who preferred being on top as intensely as Alex did. They managed by lubing up Bryan's condom and having Alex lower himself onto him in a crouch. The position didn't demand a lot of Bryan except that he enjoy the show. Alex put on a good one, every muscle in his legs highlighted by the effort of raising himself up and down. His strength was great enough that he didn't need his hands for support, but used them to tweak the nerves of Bryan's body in places he hadn't known could feel good.

The tendons under his arms were tingling from Alex's massages, his Adam's apple hummed from his kisses, and the back of his knees had gone sensitive from a stray caress. Alex had a knack for tightening his inner muscles around Bryan's prick that just about spun stars in front of his eyes. If Alex hadn't been groaning himself, Bryan would have accused him of being too unselfish, but Alex clearly got as much pleasure as he gave.

His enjoyment was inspiring to watch. When Alex brought Bryan off for the second time, the climax was as phenomenal as the first.

Bryan was done for the night then, his prick limp and satisfied. He didn't, however, have any objection to keeping his promise to suck Alex off. He'd been wanting to run his tongue all over that melting skin ever since their first time. No amount of sensual exhaustion was going to interfere with that.

"Lay back," he said, his tone telling Alex it wasn't a choice. "You can let me take charge this once."

Alex opened his mouth to protest.

"No," Bryan insisted, pinning him to the bed by his narrow hipbones. "This is my show."

Alex's breath came faster, telling Bryan he'd made a better choice than he knew. Maybe Alex had been wanting someone to take charge of him. With that in mind, Bryan didn't play it conservative. He pulled out all the tricks he knew, whether they came from previous lovers or porn movies. Alex writhed and groaned over every one, his reactions too abandoned to be anything but sincere. It was like making love to someone you simply could not displease, and knowing how much Alex was enjoying what he was doing was enough to bring Bryan up again.

"God, you're good," Alex said, about ten minutes into it. "Oh, yes, suck me just as hard as you can."

Bryan didn't just suck him hard. Bryan grabbed his balls in one big hand and gently twisted their now-tight sac. This wasn't something you could do without a hint of pain, but Alex's reaction confirmed his suspicions. He gave a whimper of pleasure that could have been torn from Bryan's own throat, his back arching high off the bed. Alex was helpless to resist the rough stimulation, his cock stiffening in Bryan's mouth like it hadn't known what hard was before.

His shaft felt huge, its blood pulsing madly with urgency. Bryan let the crest bump his throat with each digging thrust. He knew he wouldn't have to tolerate it long. Alex was practically throwing his hips off the bed with his need to come. Not wanting to be overwhelmed, Bryan put his weight behind his forearms, trapping Alex's upper thighs.

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