Faithful (21 page)

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Authors: Louise Bay

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

“You love me, still?”

“Still and always.” As I looked back at him I knew it would forever be true.

“I can’t do this here.” Daniel rummaged in his jacket pocket and threw some cash
—far too much —on the table and stood up. “Let’s get some air.”

Daniel was through the door before I said goodbye to Luigi. As I stepped outsid
e, Daniel pulled me to him. His looked at me so intensely, so intimately; I felt a fuzziness in my legs and thought I might collapse. And then he kissed me, delicately, softly. I reached under his jacket and traced his beautifully broad back. His tongue trailed between my lips; I was lost to him. I hadn’t allowed myself to remember how it felt when he touched me, but I couldn’t stifle the moan that betrayed me.

“Daniel.” I pulled away from him.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t go another moment without kissing you.”

“It’s not fair on Georgina.”

“What does kissing you have to do with George? If I didn’t know better, I’d be jealous. You seem to have an unhealthy interest in her.”

“You can’t be kissing me when you are with Georgina, it’s just not—”

“—With Georgina? What are you talking about? I’m not with Georgina!”

“But the pictures, at the launch?”

“She came to the launch
, but not with me. I couldn’t be with her again. I couldn’t be with anyone who isn’t you.”

“You’re not back with her?”

“Of course not. That launch was weeks ago. Have you thought all this time I was back with her? Why didn’t you call me?”

My tears
flowed uncontrollably. It was relief and happiness all mixed up. My heart tried to explode in my chest as he pulled me toward him. Daniel wiped my tears from my face. “Don’t cry, baby. Don’t be sad.”

“I’m not sad.” I sobbed. “I’m
  ... I don’t know what I am.”

“Mine?” Daniel suggested.






“This is the smallest of the bedrooms
, but a perfect size for a small study or maybe a nursery.” The agent looked under her lashes at us, clearly trying to gauge our reaction.

anic rumbled at the base of my spine, and then I heard Daniel’s throaty laugh next to me as he pulled me toward him and kissed my temple.

, baby. We don’t have children.” Daniel explained to the agent through his laughter. “Yet.” He added raising his eyebrows at me. I play-slapped his stomach, but really rather than chastisement it was just an excuse to touch him.

We followed the agent out of this, the smallest of the five bedrooms in the apartment we were looking at. Since Daniel returned from New York we hadn’t
spend a night apart. Our separation made it clear to me that although I could do without him I would never want to and so I agreed to move in with him when he asked me exactly three weeks after our reconciliation. I moved the rest of my stuff out of Anna’s. As soon as I was unpacked Daniel announced he wanted us to have our own place rather than share the place he lived in with Georgina so we were house hunting.

The apartment was incredible. Since the break in Daniel insisted we only look at apartments with 24 hour security. The police hadn’t discovered who had broken in but I never went back there overnight and Daniel installed a security system before Anna went back.

As we left the building Daniel grabbed my hand as we started down the street. “So, what do you think?” He was grinning at me.

“It’s amazing
, Daniel. Big but homey. But we don’t need all that space. It’s huge.”

“Would you be happy here?” He pulled me in. “I want you to be happy.”

“I’m happy anywhere if I’m with you.”

“Then marry me.”

It wasn’t the first time he’d mentioned marriage. He’d brought it up a couple of times. There’d been no formal proposal, so I’d never said no, but I hadn’t said yes, either. I knew it was going to happen. I wanted it to happen, but I was in no rush. I looked up to him. He looked worried. I reached for his face.

“Hey. Don’t look so worried.”

“I want us to be together forever. That’s all.” I pulled his forehead to mine.

“We are going to be together forever.”

“Then tell me you’ll marry me.”

“I’ll marry you
, Daniel.”



The process of writing this book has been so more fulfilling that I can have possibly imagined. Most people who have supported and inspired me
along the way have no idea of the part they played but I thank them still. 

Thank you to all my friends and family who have encouraged me (and not quite believed me when I told them I was writing a book).

Adrienne, you give good edit. ‘Brava’ to you. Faithful is a much better book because of you, thank you.

Thank you
Mr and Mrs Cates – A wonderful cover and wonderful encouragement and advice. I love that you support other writers. I will do my best to pay it forward.

Thank you Ashley
Rutter – If I’d not found your blog, I’m not sure this would have ever happened.

Thank you
Twirly for your help and excitement.


Read on for the first chapter of my next novel.



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Read on for the first chapter of my next release – Hopeful.



By Louise Bay

Chapter One



“I thought we were going to the pub, you boring bastards.”

Adam was on one of his increasingly regular rants. Everyone reacted to the Big Three-O differently. Apparently, Adam was going to party as hard as possible and reject any evidence that he wasn’t a kid anymore.

“We’re going when this is over, so shut the fuck up.” The six of us—even Matt and Daniel—were engrossed in sequin-covered, ballroom-dancing celebrities, but Adam was restless. He paced up and down behind us all. He’d been in a bad mood all day.

“Ava, I’m surprised at you, liking this glitter and sequins and dancing shit. You’re such a girl.”

“IQ points are wasted on you, aren’t they? Get lost so we can watch this in peace.” I hated to humor him when he acted like this, but reacting was wasted energy.

“Thank god I’m getting my wingman back for good. I’m going to nail a different girl every day this summer.”

“Yeah, I’m sure,” Daniel said as he headed to the bar. “... won’t mind you picking up his leftovers.”

What did he say?

“No one says 'nail' anymore, Adam.” Leah said. “This isn’t 1996.”

Jules turned to raise her glass to get a top-up from Daniel, the perfect man he was, who had brought the half-empty wine bottle over from the bar. “Has someone not snapped that delicious man up yet?”

Who? What delicious man?

“Nope. And I don’t need his leftovers, so fuck off, Daniel. We’re going to tag team it all across
Londontown this summer.”

“Not if I snap him up first!” Jules jiggled on the sofa.

Adam’s mood was not improving. “And you can fuck off, Jules. Don’t go near him when he gets back.”


They were talking about Joel. Joel was coming back.



It was so hot in the pub that I couldn’t breathe. The sweaters I had on weren’t helping. Nor was the open fire. Nor was the mention of Joel. The conversation had moved on to other things, but I was desperate to know more. When was he coming back? Why was he coming back?

I hadn’t seen him for so long—years. Not since July 10, 2006, if we wanted to be exact.

“You ok, Ava?” Jules asked.

My grin was too wide. “Of course. Just hot.” I was going to have to work on my poker face. And my hearing: I couldn’t hear anything. We were in a little local pub in the middle of nowhere, but it was so loud. Everyone’s voices came out as incomprehensible vowel sounds. Maybe I was coming down with something. I just wanted to get back to the house and crawl into bed, but I was designated driver. Thank god we were all going home soon. I needed some space, some time to think.

Tomorrow was the end of our annual weekend away. Since University, we all got together every Easter. It had started as just a Sunday lunch and, over the years, had morphed into a weekend in the
country. Daniel had become the richest man in England—technically, I think he was the third richest man under 40 in England, but whatever he was, he was far richer than the rest of us. He found us increasingly glamorous places to stay, which he insisted on paying for. At first we resisted, but it had been futile and we had all long since given in. He was just ridiculously rich. This year we were in a beautiful old castle in Scotland that had turrets and sweeping driveways and staff. It felt like a hotel, but with only us as guests. I’m not sure why we’d even come to the pub—we had a cook back at our castle.

It was a comforting ritual. Various girlfriends and boyfriends came and went, but the six of us were together every year. This year Daniel brought Leah; I wondered if by this time next year they would be married. They hadn’t been together long but they were perfect together.

Neither Jules nor Adam had significant others this year. Jules had disposed of her latest victim last month, and Adam, for all his talk, was still licking his wounds over his girlfriend of five years rejecting his proposal this time last year. I’m not sure if he really was out “nailing” half of London, but I doubted it. He had never been good at casual sex. He was far too needy—one of several reasons there would never be anything romantic between us. We were teased about it from time to time. Matt and Hanna were convinced Adam and I would end up together, but Matt and Hanna wanted everyone paired off as soon as possible. They had been together since the first term at University and married just after graduation. They wanted everyone to be as settled as them, in the nicest possible way. They were so happy and wished that for everyone in their orbit. They had been the constant in our group—like the patient parents of four unruly children.

I’d never brought anyone along to our annual weekend in the country, but I’d never liked anyone enough to let him into this private world. Not since Joel.

Joel. God, I had to get out of there. My head was full of him. Over the past eight years, I’d pushed him to the very corners of my memory. Within weeks of his leaving, I had started my training for one of the best law firms in the country, first at law school and then on the job. I had loved the long hours, the lack of sleep, the mostly unspoken competition between the junior lawyers, the whole brutality of the culture. It was my punishment. In those first few years I didn’t see much of our little group; I deliberately kept my distance. I’d joined in on the odd night out, and of course we did our annual Easter thing, but generally it was all too painful. It reminded me too much of our shared history and of what was missing, who was missing. Work was the perfect excuse, and nobody questioned my absence, really. After a couple of years I had bought my first flat in Clapham, which was where Hanna and Matt lived, and slowly I began seeing more of them and then more of Adam and then everyone. I restarted my life outside work.

Of course, I didn’t date. Not even a little. There were times that my lack of sex life was questioned. Jules regularly asked me if I was shagging my boss and Adam occasionally enquired whether I was a closeted lesbian. But eventually my
singledom stopped being a topic of conversation. Hanna and Matt were married; Daniel had been in New York, married to his now
-wife, George; Jules was a serial monogamist; Adam was a pretend serial shagger either side of a long-term girlfriend. And I was single. That’s just how we were. That’s how we saw each other and ourselves.

Joel’s return threatened to put a proverbial cat among the
Clapham pigeons.


Joel was Adam’s friend, initially. They were classmates—both economists—while the rest of us were thrown together in the same block of bedrooms in the dorm. Joel lived on his own off campus, so I’d only see fleeting glimpses of him when he came to visit Adam. On nights out, he would sometimes be there, but he seemed always slightly at arm’s length from the rest of us. He and Adam were kind of a package deal. Whereas the rest of us were all firsthand friends, Joel was a secondhand friend—we knew him only through Adam. This thought only struck me when I saw him for the first time without Adam.

It was midmorning in the library at the beginning of our final year, it was packed, and I was desperately trying to find a desk. I had two or three secret spots on the first floor that were so tucked away that I could always guarantee one of them would be empty, but not that day. I’d been forced off the first floor that held the law library to the third floor when I spotted him. That was when I realized I didn’t really know Joel. He was just familiar. I stood, half-concealed by a bookshelf, and watched him, his head bowed and his forehead creased, flicking between two books as if they were saying completely opposing things and he was trying to make sense of it. There was a space open opposite him; I wanted to grab it before anyone else did, but I felt awkward, shy almost. Looking—no staring—at him from this distance, I took him in. I usually avoided looking at him, desperate to ensure I didn’t become one of the quivering women that seemed to be constantly buzzing around him. He had developed a bit of a half-beard, which made him look even more masculine than usual. He still had his summer tan, and his shirt clung to his broad chest. His sleeves were pushed up, emphasizing his strong arms and his very capable-looking hands. Had he always been this handsome? Totally out of my league.

As if he could feel someone watching him he raised his head, and I knew I should look away and busy myself with the bookshelf in front of me, but I couldn’t. His eyes found mine and he broke into a grin. I forced a goofy smile back, did a stupid half-wave, and walked toward him. Jesus, I was pathetic.

And that’s how it started; Joel became my firsthand friend.

“Hey, Ava. You studying or picking up books?”

“I’m trying to find a spare desk to start my thesis but the world’s conspiring against me. This library’s packed!” My voice was a least half an octave higher than any sane person.
Calm the hell down, Ava.

“What bad
luck. And that free desk in front of you right now is completely useless? Anyone who sits there will be infected by a curse which will cause them to fail their finals?”

“You heard that, too? Well, coming from an economist, I suppose I have to believe it—I thought it was just a rumor. See you around.” I pulled my eyes away from his and turned to leave.

“Sit, Ava.”

I said nothing, avoiding his eyes, and I set out my books and papers and opened my laptop.

I’d always recognized Joel as being attractive. That was just an indisputable fact; acknowledged by men and women alike. He was well over six feet tall, had a swimmer’s body and that slightly longer, messy hair that just begged to be tousled. The boys would tease him about being pretty and the girls would flirt with him as a matter of course. It was his confidence that sealed the deal. I’m not sure if he was confident because he was so gorgeous or gorgeous because he was so confident. He wasn’t cocky or arrogant, and he didn’t enjoy other people’s misery or disaster. He was just very comfortable with who he was—or so it seemed.

The world Joel inhabited wasn’t like most
people’s: It was a privileged existence. He was served at the bar before others, strangers smiled at him in the street, and shop assistants were at his beck and call. From the outside, the sun just seemed to shine a bit brighter in his world. I had never resented his smoother path in life, never thought it was unfair. I just knew it to be different from the world I lived in, and I understood that our worlds wouldn’t collide. But sitting opposite him did bring our worlds into convergence, just a little. I watched from behind my hair as people stopped by his desk to do that weird boy handshake stuff, bat their eyelashes (women mainly, but not exclusively) and even library staff acknowledged him with an air of deference. None of his visitors gave me a second look. To my embarrassment, every now and again Joel caught me distractedly looking at his interactions with his numerous admirers. He said not a word when he caught me; he just offered the occasional smirk.

Despite the floorshow right in front of me, I managed to achieve more than I expected. Joel always had good grades; I’d assumed these always came easily to him, like the rest of his life, but it seemed
that, like the rest of us, he had to work hard to do well in class. So when his admirers weren’t looking, Joel worked hard—really hard. Now, I wasn’t competitive, but I wasn’t letting a pretty boy like Joel out-study me. I took fewer breaks than usual, which may have had something to do with my view, but more than that, I wanted him to know I worked hard, too.

At lunchtime, one of his almost equally attractive friends came to over to ask him to grab a snack. Unexpectedly, he asked me to join them and I hastily refused. I needed a break from study, but I also needed a break from being so close to him.

At just after seven I was ready to throw in the towel. Joel looked totally consumed by what he was doing—it looked complicated with graphs and numbers stuff. Without saying anything, I started packing up my stuff. As I closed my laptop, he looked up.

“Hey, are you going? I’ll come with you.” He looked exhausted.

“You stay. You look engrossed.”

“No, I’m done. I’ll walk you back.” He collapsed back in his chair and ran his hands through his hair.

“Adam will be around, I imagine.” Joel just looked at me and frowned.

Silently we gathered our stuff and headed out.


Following the pedestrian path back to the dorms, neither of us had uttered a word.

“So, you work hard?” I blurted. I wasn’t as comfortable with the silence as Joel seemed to be.

Joel threw his head back and laughed. “Yes, I work hard. You sound shocked. Did you think I had my work done by someone else?”

“No. Sorry. No, I just thought it would have come easily to you or something.”

He bent his head to my ear. “Nothing worth having comes easy, Ava.”

I could feel the warmth in my cheeks. Was he flirting with me? I kept my eyes fixed on the path in front of me. I heard him laugh again. He was making fun of me. Great.

“Maybe that’s true for most of us,” I said.

“Who’s that not true of?”

“All I’m saying is that life is easier for some people. The planets align for some but not others.”

“Oh wow, you’re one of those.” He was laughing again.

“One of what? Don’t laugh at me!” I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

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