Fake Boyfriend (10 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

"Its nice
to meet you both. I'm Eva Thorpe. " I reply.

to our home. Come meet the rest of the family." Andrea says,
hooking her arm through mine.

I'll escort her." Ruxin states.

right." I see her disappointment.

"Actually, I'll go with your mom so she can show me more of
her beautiful home." I reply, patting Ruxin's arm and walking back
to a beaming Andrea.

way." She says, happily. I smile and we walk up to a group of
people who stop talking and turn to us. "Eva, this is my brother
Anthony and his wife Lily." I smile at them as she continues. "This
is Ruxin's best friend Porter Harrison and Kelsey's boyfriend Byron

"Its nice
to meet you." I say to the group.

"Nice to
meet you too." Porter smiles and turns to Ruxin, who I know is
right behind me. "Why are you looking so down? You're here with a
beautiful women."

I answer
before Ruxin. "Ignore him. He's pouting."

"I'm not
pouting." He mutters back.

I turn to
him. "Yes, you are." I state and turn back to a snickering

I see
everyone trying to hide their grins. "Let me introduce you to
everyone else, Angel." I hear as Ruxin's arm comes around my waist
and he pulls me towards a group of men his father is talking

smiles at us as we enter the group. "Eva, these are my brothers
Jeremy, Aaron and Rodger." Conrad states introducing the men and
another joins the group introducing himself.

Devon. Ruxin's cousin."

"Nice to
meet you." I reply, feeling overwhelmed. I didn't expect to meet so
many people.

your, Eva?" Devon asks, having missed out on the beginning of our

sorry. Eva Thorpe."

"Eva!" I
hear Kelsey yell form across the room.

me." I say, walking back towards Kelsey and Andrea who are standing
with two women I haven't yet met.


hot. I call dibs after your done with her." Porter states, as he
joins our conversation.


"Relax, I
said when you were done."

"I don't
think Ruxin will be done with Eva anytime soon." Dad

never been in a relationship longer then a night. I bet in two
weeks he's already moved on."

"I'm not
going anywhere." I state, narrowing my eyes on Porter.

see." He shrugs.

I don't
bother responding. "Dad, I need to speak to you." I say, walking
away from the group. He follows and I turn to him. "I'll be taking
Eva with me to Europe. It would be nice if you brought mom for the
week we'll be in London. I don't want her alone and that week is
going to be the busiest out of the entire trip."

talk to your mother about it." He replies. "Your really serious
about her? Already?"

"I know
what I want."

sweet. You better be good to her."

I huff.
"I don't think she'd let me be anything but good to her. I don't
know how it happened, but she can put me to task with a single
look. I made coffee for her, fetched her bag-" I stop when I hear
him laughing loudly. He calms down and pats my shoulder.

"If you
don't mind being a fetching boy, you must have it bad."

I don't
respond and he continues.

worry about it. Would you rather her ask someone else to do the
things she asked you to do?" I feel my blood heat thinking of
anyone else making her happy or meeting her needs.


makes you feel needed, not wanted. Its a big change. You're used to
people coming to you wanting the things you could give them and the
life you lead. Now, you have someone who needs your protection and
kindness, which you've never given outside of this family. I've
seen her in those crowds of reporters, your life isn't something
she's looking for, its evident in her demeanor."

hates it." I agree. Thinking about her face in my shoulder and her
shaking body.

"Its not
for everyone son. So, if your serious about her tell

me. She knows." I mutter, looking over to her smiling face. "She's


Bottom of


this is my friend Lindsay, Byron's sister." Turning to the next
women she continues "and this is Vanessa my cousin."

"Nice to
meet you." I say, shaking their hands.

"So, are
you really with him?" Lindsay asks, whispering.

"I am." I
nod, smiling politely.

it like?" She pushes. I notice she has a southern accent and she's
acting like she's asking for top secret information. I laugh, her
face looking at me in wonder.

nice. He's a great guy." I shrug, Not knowing what else to

"But he's
Ruxin Novak." She replies, seriously.

"And?" I
ask, smiling at her wide eyes.

"Leave it
alone Lindsay. My brother isn't anything special. If anything, Eva
should be considered special, because he picked her." Kelsey
states, smiling. Throwing her arm around my shoulders.

mind her." Vanessa apologizes, she's always been fascinated by

she's not the only one. Judging from the reporters outside Ruxin's
condo." I joke.

"Tell me
about it. You looked absolutely terrified when Ruxin was shoving
you into that car. He never takes girls out because most of them
just want the attention of the media. I guess he doesn't have to
worry about that with you." Kelsey says, happily.

definitely not." I agree whole heartily. I feel his presence before
I do his touch. "Are you following me Mr. Novak?" I tease as he
wraps his arm around my waist.

me to him a little away from the group he explains quietly. "You
were nervous in the car. I didn't want to leave you to the

chuckle. "Ruxin, your the wolf in that scenario and we're the
little piggy's." I tease.

"Time for
dinner!" Andrea announces.

"I'm in
the mood for suckling pig." Ruxin whispers in my ear and kisses my
neck. I feel the goosebumps break out on my arms as Ruxin guides me
to the dinning room. The room in elegant with white and black
accents. Every place setting is perfect and beautiful.

pulls out a chair for me and I thank him as I sit down. Ruxin sits
on one side of me and Devon his cousin, sits on the other. Lindsay
and Porter are across from Ruxin and I. I feel Ruxin's hand on my
leg and his thumb makes slow circular motions on the inside of my
thigh. I try to ignore his touch, but its impossible. As the wait
staff brings our plates and sets them in front of us I try to push
his hand away. He doesn't move it and I don't want anyone to see me
swatting at my lap. I glace at him, but he's talking to one of his
uncles, I think his name is Aaron.

I watch
as everyone talks and picks up their forks eating their caesar

"So, Eva.
How did you meet Ruxin?" Devon asks.

charity benefit my father was hosting." I answer, picking up my
glass of water.

I'm happy he finally found someone. I didn't think he'd ever settle
down." He replies as I take a drink. I start coughing feeling the
water go down the wrong pipe.

"Are you
okay, Angel?" Ruxin turns to me and I nod. Holding my napkin in
front of my mouth and trying to settle the burning in my

"Yeah I'm
fine. Thanks, just went down the wrong way."

I hear
chuckling coming from Devon. "Thanks for your concern." I remark,

but I didn't expect that reaction. Usually, women fall at his
feet." Devon says, looking at Ruxin amused.

"What are
you talking about?" Ruxin questions.

"I told
her I was happy to see you settling down and she almost drowned in
her water." Devon replies.

"I'll be
sure to keep all liquid away from her when we start to discuss our
future." Ruxin states, staring at me. Not at all amused.

I roll my
eyes at him. It not my fault, I didn't expect anyone to think we
were settling down. I start to eat again. Listening to the gossip
and laughter at the table. This is a family. I cant keep the smile
off of my face. I wish I had a family like this. I thought I was
getting one smilar to this when I moved here, I think to myself
sadly. All families should be this way loud obnoxious and fun.
Ruxin is the only one here that doesn't act like the rest of them.
He's more reserved and calculating, I don't think he's capable of
turning his mind off. I look at him as he quietly eats, not
involved in the rest of the yelling and talking above each other.
Does he ever feel left out? Its like the charity event. If I hadn't
sat with him he would have been all alone at a table for five. I
realize he isolates himself from everyone. Even his

I bump
his shoulder with mine, getting his attention. "Yes, Angel?" He

"Why are
you so quiet?"

"I was
blessed with the ability to keep my mouth shut." He answers,

serious. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were

laughs. "Should I start to shout at everyone, to prove my

"No, your
dad isn't shouting. But he's still laughing and talking to
everyone." I point out.

"Why did
you choak on your water when Devin said that." He asks, changing
the subject so fast I almost got whiplash.

the fact that we've only known each other a day was probably the
culprit." I answer, honestly.

sits back and the waiters clear the table, stopping anymore
conversation for a few minutes. Another dish is placed in front of
us and it smells delicious. Its a nice filet stake with asparagus
and mashed potatoes. I feel Ruxin's eyes on me so I look up. He's
smiling from ear to ear. "What?" I ask, actually hearing my voice
hitch. A smile from Ruxin like this is heart stopping.

"I liked
your answer." Confused, I try to recall what I said about settling
down, because we've only knowing each other a day? Why would that
make him smile?

part?" I ask, still not understanding. He almost looks relieved and

"All of

"Are you
smiling?" Porter asks, sounding suspicious. Ruxin doesn't even look
at him.

don't even realize what you said do you?" He questions

I look at
him like he's crazy. "Obviously, I missed something." I say,

He laughs
and kisses my cheek. Moving his mouth to my ear he whispers
huskily, "If I could I would take you on this table."

"Do you
have something for tables? You said that last night." I point

when I want your legs spread on my plate instead of

I gape at
him stunned. I finally close my mouth when I see Lindsay looking at
me and Ruxin like we belong behind glass at a museum. Porter is
looking at me with his eyes touching every part of my body. I shift
uncomfortably under his scrutiny. Ruxin notices and looks up from
his dinner to glare at Porter. Porter just smiles back at Ruxin.
"Can't a man look?"

unless he wants to lose his eyes."

holds up his hands. "Sorry, couldn't help myself." He replies,
winking at me. I ignore him and Devon starts to talk to me

mind Porter. He's Ruxin's oldest friend, but he's always wanted
what Ruxin has. He won't get in the middle of you two, its not his

his style, then?" I ask, only slightly curious.

"He waits
until Ruxin is done with them and swoops in. He's a

that's disgusting and it will never happen."

"God damn
right it won't." I hear Ruxin state on the other side of

I see
Devon smile at Ruxins statement. "I almost feel sorry for you. You
are now and forever his and you don't even know it."

I scoff.
"You don't know what your talking about."

see." He mocks. Irritated by Devon, I turn back to Ruxin who has a
small smile on his face.

dinner everyone goes into the great room which has a few sofas and
four wing back chairs. Coffee is served and little vanilla cakes.
Ruxin keeps me by his side the rest of the evening and we sit on
the sofa listening to the chatter around us.

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