Fake Boyfriend (13 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

better? " I ask, when he pulls away. "Now, everyone knows you own

"Yes, its
very satisfying." He smiles and I huff, turning back to

smirks and shakes his head. "He's a neanderthal. Don't expect much
from him and you won't be disappointed."

flicks him off as the doors close and I laugh. "You missy are now
working for me. You can't laugh when your boyfriend is mean to me.
You have to stick up for me."

sir. I'll give him the middle finger the next time I see

better, but you know what I really want?" He asks, wiggling his


time you see him flick him off and say, courtesy of Xavier

I laugh.
"Even when were at home?"

"Especially, when your at home." He smiles.

just stick to working hours." I suggest.

but its going as a mark in your file." He responds,


"Yep, you
have disappointed me. Now, lets show you the ropes."

By ropes
all we did was go to the breakroom, where we sat at a table eating
Oreo's. "I love my new job."

"Its not
always this good." He leans forward and motions for me to do the
same, so I lean in and he whispers. "Sometimes they buy chips ahoy,
instead of Oreo's."

nerve. If its not black and white or doesn't have Kibbler elves
involved, what's the point?"

"Exactly!" We both laugh and finish our cookies. Before we
leave, Xavier goes to the cupboard and looks around making sure the
coast is clear. He takes the bag of cookies and hides them in the
bottom drawer under some sandwich bags. I can't help but laugh at
his sneakiness. He slams the drawer shut and yells for me to run.
Startled, I open the door and bolt out with him laughing behind me.
I start laughing so hard I stop and rest my hands on my knees. I
catch my breath and he's shaking his head at me.

"We only
made it down the hall. They're going to know it was us. That's
another mark on your file." He tisks.

"Oh, no
you don't. You're taking the wrap for that. I didn't hide

"It was
your idea."

I gasp.
"It most certainly was not. You-"

"Collusion, we were working together. You're apart of the
deal, whether you like if or not."

"What are
you two talking about?" A man asks from the hallway. I look up at
him he's tall, about sixty years old with graying light brown hair
and pretty dark brown eyes.

"Eva, was
trying to place blame on me for something I did." Xavier says,
sounding outraged. I can't help but giggle.

The man
raises his eyebrow. "The audacity of some people." He states,
winking at me. "I'm Charles Sterling."

Thorpe. Pleasure to meet you." I reply, shaking his

"Pleasures mine. Now, why are you racing down the

this idiot told me to run after he hid the cookies in the
breakroom." I explain, pointing to Xavier.

mark in your file." Xavier sings.


called me an idiot and told on me. Technically it should be two
marks." He threatens.

since both are true, I get a two for one deal?"

she's been working for us for less then 30 minutes. Should I fire

works here?"

"Yeah, I
just hired her as my new assistant."

"So far
it looks like a demanding job." Charles replies, "Did you talk to

"Yep. I
could have gotten a hell of a deal. However, I wouldn't have gotten
such a great assistant."

"You took
his assistant?" He looks at his son, shocked and amused.

"No, I
took his girlfriend and made her my assistant." He

back his head and laughing. He asks, "Why?"

"To piss him
off of course. Not to mention she's fun."
Charles stops laughing and asks, "How much for the property?"
"You were supposed to talk him down." He scolds, but still
"He wouldn't budge." Xavier replies. Gone is the joking guy from
two minutes ago. This is work Xavier.
"Is anyone else interested in the property?"
"A couple people. I already okay the expense, its going
"That's good."
"Well, I need to show Eva the rest of the place."
"Don't take too long. I don't want you late for the meeting."
"Am I ever late?"
"Have you ever had a distraction at the office?" He retorts,
"Touché." He responds, smiling at his dad. Charles waves, I start
to wave back, but Xavier pulls me with him down the hall.
"Are we going to my office with a view?" I ask.
"As a mater of fact we are."
We walk up to woman at a desk typing away diligently. "Hello, Mrs.
"Mr. Sterling." She replies, automatically.
"This is Eva my new assistant. If she needs anything help her
"Yes, Mr. Sterling." She replies and I smile at her before I'm
pulled to a set of double doors.
"Are you ready?" He asks, excitedly.
"Ready." I answer and he opens the doors with flourish.
"I look around the messy desk and the couch that looks like it was
recently slept on. "This is your office." I state, knowingly.
"Our office."
"We're sharing an office?"
"I told you at the restaurant you'd have a view. You can't beat
this." He says, pointing to himself.


I started
cleaning right away. Apparently, Xavier has never heard of a trash
can. "Why don't you have people clean your office?"

I'm always in it." He replies, seriously. Clicking away on

I fold
the blanket and put it on the back on the sofa. "Don't you have a

"Yes, but
it saves time staying here."

"I don't
think men like you or Ruxin will ever get married. I've known him
two days and can tell he's a workaholic. Now, having seen this
place I see you are too. I thought I was bad, but I'm nothing
compared to you guys."

"Are you
going to give me the, 'there's more to life then work'

not if you've heard it before." I scoff.

"I have.
You've only known Ruxin two days?" He asks, curiously.

Although, it feels like months." It really does. A lot has happened
in those two days.

days?" He asks again. Sounding shocked and confused all at once. I
can tell he's stopped working and is watching me.

"Why do
you keep asking that?"

my question he continues. "And your living with him?"

but it's not what you think." I start.

by the way he is with you, I doubt that." He says,

I laugh.
"What I meant was, that it's just until I can get my

wouldn't you stay with William?"

and Cindy don't want me there. Staying with Ruxin is easier." I
explain. His phone rings and he puts up his finger and

I brush a
pile of crumbs from his coffee table into my hand and dump it in
the trash. I need music, I hate cleaning without it. I go to my
purse taking out my iPhone and headphones, putting them in my ears.
I play Bastille and pick up the take out containers, dumping them
in the trash. I kick off my shoes and finish clearing the 'Living
space'. I take the cups and plates to the wet bar washing them and
letting them dry in the rack beside the sink. When Flaws starts
playing I mum along and scrub one partially tough plate. What the
hell is this? I think whatever was on this plate was there for
weeks. I keep scrubbing until the song ends and I hear.

Scared, I
jump and turn to Xavier. Who, now realizes I had my ear buds in.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."


throw the plate away." He states, looking irritated.

"Why? I
can get it off." I say, going back to scrubbing.

going to get me off if you keep shaking your ass like that!" He
yells, frustrated. "Just toss it."

but we need to have a conversation about what your eating. Because
whatever this was." I say, pointing to the plate. "Is not food." I
reply, dumping the plate in the trash.

"I eat
just fine." He mumbles.

"Why are
you in such a bad mood?" I ask, confused. He was fine a minute

not." He snaps.

"Yes, you
are. Talk to me. I'm your assistant. If you can't talk to me, you
can't talk to anyone." I tease.

chuckles. "Oh, yeah?"

it's a well known fact. What's up boss? Why, so glum?" I ask,

"We don't
have time for this right now, Dr. Phil." He jokes, standing up and
grabbing a folder. "We have a meeting to go to."

"I have
to go?" I ask, disappointed.

your my assistant. It's your duty to poke me every time I fall
asleep." He explains. I put my shoes back on. "Let's go." He opens
the door.

"Wait, I
need a pencil."

what?" He asks, as I rifle around his desk.

"To poke
you with." I take his letter opener instead.

not poking me that." He replies, smiling. Finally, someone is in a
better mood.

"Yes I
am. I take my job very seriously." I walk out the door. I see Dave
and wave at him. It looks like he's debating whether to wave or
not. I smile and look at Xavier. "I wouldn't want another mark on
my file."

my line." He reprimands and holds out his hand for the letter
opener. I sigh and lay it in his hand. He chuckles and puts it in
his folder.

A young
man in a suit is rushing towards us. "Sir, I have the geological
survey you wanted."

He takes the folder and I elbow him.

thank you."

He raises
an eyebrow at me. "Because he did his job? He should thank me for
paying him." He states, walking away and I follow him.

because its polite when people give you something." I point out.
Barely keeping up with his long stride. He flips through the pages
of the report.

Once we
are at a large conference room with glass walls I whisper. "How
long is this going to take?"

"About an
hour." He replies, amused. He puts his hand on my back and pushes
me forward. I reluctantly move forward and he pushes

pushing." I scold. Then noticing I may have said it a little too
loud. The five guys and three women in the room turn and look at
us. I smile back uncomfortably. Xavier pulls out a chair for me and
I sit.

For the
next thirty minutes I zone out bored. The light goes off. I look
around and a projector comes on. I feel a kick from under the
table, "Ouch." I mutter, but everyone hears and turns to me. I
blush. "Sorry, I just uh, don't like the look of that red line up
there." I stammer, pointing to the screen. I hear Xavier laugh and
kick him back. When everyone turns back to the presentation I look
over to a smirking Xavier. "What?" I mouth.

He leans
forward and shoves a notebook at me. I see tic tac toe on the paper
and he's already put an X in the middle. I pick up the pen and make
my circle. After three games ending in a drawl, I finally win the
next three. Xavier narrows his eyes at me and makes another game.
It ends in another tie and Xavier tears off the offending piece of
paper and throws it behind him. I snort trying to hold in my

Eva. Don't make me separate you two." I hear the amused voice of
Charles and I start snickering.

keeps cheating."

can't cheat at tic tac toe!" I argue, laughing full out.

"Obviously, you can!"

"Do you
think it would be possible to finish this meeting without anymore
interruptions?" Charles asks, calmly.

I apologize and the man at the front of the table explaining the
graph continues. I ignore Xavier, because I know he'll either make
me laugh or yell again. When I see little balls of paper being
thrown at the back of peoples heads it takes all of my willpower
not to laugh. When one man Xavier seems intent on hitting keeps
brushing at his hair, I cover my mouth and close my

When one
particular ball of paper hits Charles my eyes go wide and the
notepad with ripped off pieces of paper hits my hand as Charles
turns to us. I see Xavier sitting back like nothing happened and my
mouth drops.

Travis, I think we've had enough for today." Charles states and the
lights flick on. There are little balls of paper everywhere people
are noticing them on the table. They look at the notebook in front
of me and I point to Xavier. Who shakes his head

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