Fake Boyfriend (20 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

"I should
not have had that vodka." I state standing back up with Ruxin's

"Or that
scotch." He replies seriously.

"I drank
scotch, too?" I whine. He chuckles but helps me to the bathroom and
leaves. I use the toilet and then wash my hands in the sink. My
head is still fuzzy so I splash water on my face and brush my teeth

I open
the door and Ruxin is standing there waiting for me. I go to him
and he rubs my back as he walks us out of the room. I see my purse
in the hallway and pick it up, taking out my sunglasses and slip
them on. I dig for a hair tie and finally locate one, putting my
hair in a messy bun on top of my head. Dave holds the front door
open for us and I see Ronan just coming out of the elevator with my

"God, I
love you." I say gratefully, taking the coffee from him. "Now,
someone carry me." I demand grumpily walking into the elevator and
making the men laugh.

"Such a
morning person." Ronan remarks sarcastically.

your mouth or I'll do it for you, punk." I reply as the doors

grunts. "I can take back that coffee."

I scoff.
"You'd lose a few fingers." I take a sip savoring the taste and

more snickering but I ignore it. I look at Dave. "You're slacking,
Dave. Ruxin dressed me, Ronan gave me coffee, what are you going to
do for me?"

you?" He asks. Then his eyes go wide and he turns red realizing
what he said. "Wait, I didn't mean that." He shakes his

I laugh.
"Me either. I was hoping for a bagel." I reply knowing he really
didn't mean to say it like that but it has me and Ronan laughing
hysterically anyway.

I look up
at Ruxin and see he's not amused. The doors open and we walk to the
front of the building. I know I'm still smiling because as soon as
I see what’s waiting outside, my smile drops. There's a mass of

there's even more people than there was five minutes ago." Ronan
grumbles. This is by far the worst it’s ever been.

"No, I'm
not going out there." I refuse.

running late." Ruxin says undeterred and pulls me with him to the
front of the building. I hear the crowd shouting at us as we pass
through the throng of people and all three men yell for everyone to
back up. It feels like hours before we make it to the car. I climb
in making room for the other two, loosening the death grip I have
on my coffee. I cover my face with my hand as cameras flash at my
window. Ruxin sits next to me and pulls me to him and I take refuge
in his shoulder.

As the
car pulls away I ask. "What the hell happened? I thought they were
over it."

"The news
from last night travelled fast." He mutters.

I think
about what he just said. "What news?"

His eyes
snap to mine. "Tell me you're joking." He states looking at me

I look at him, he looks tense. "Oh, my God what did I do?" I ask
horrified to find out. The night is a blur. I remember drinking a
lot after him joking about that engagement ring. I vaguely remember
fighting with him about something. "Did we fight? In public?" I
question, trying to read his face.

"Look at
your left hand." He replies, his tone curt.

I look
down and see the diamond ring. I gasp. "You didn't."

"I did."
He responds coldly.

"Why?" I

I wanted to. What does it matter why? We're engaged." He snaps

"Why are
you so mad?" I question, if anything I should be mad.

irritated that I have to have this argument with you

"So I did

don't you argue?"

I glare
at him and turn away, trying to recall more events from last night.
I remember Ruxin yelling at me for leaving him and then he took me
to the table to eat. The auction started and... Oh my God! I groan.
"I remember."


I sulk
and then recall my plan from last night. I smile. My time in the
shower was well spent. I just hope Xavier is game to help

I stay
quiet all the way to the small airport. I see a smaller sized plane
and a golf cart waiting for us. The car stops and everyone gets
out. Dave and Ronan put our luggage on the cart and it drives away.
We walk to the plane’s steps and Ruxin turns to Dave and

call you if we need you in London." He says.

They nod
and I wave goodbye to them and walk up the steps. I see the flight
attendants, a man and woman, and give them a polite smile. I walk
to an open seat and put my purse in the seat next to it. Ruxin
picks it up and moves it to the floor as I buckle my seat

it." He demands.

I don't
pretend to not know what he's talking about. I'm aware that the
silent treatment works on everyone, pissing them off. I look out of
the window ignoring him. He doesn't talk to me again until the
plane is in the air.

"Are you
still tired?" He asks as the stewardess brings him

I nod my
head yes. Refusing to act my age and talk to him. He takes the
water from her and stands up leaning over me, he unbuckles my seat
belt. I look up at him wondering what he's doing. He bends down and
throws me over his shoulder and walks down the aisle to the back of
the plane. I hear him open a door but still, I refuse to
acknowledge him.

He flips
me forward onto the bed and his body comes down on mine. I see his
mouth start to lower and I turn my head just in time, avoiding his
kiss. He sits up on his knees looking down at me.

"What do
you want from me?" He asks.

I take
off my ring and hand it back to him. "I want you to take this back
until you have the balls to ask me." I reply holding out the

He runs
his fingers through his hair and takes the ring. "Will you marry
me?" He grumbles.

you think this is a little sudden?" I question.


"I just
want to know why you're rushing this." I say pointing between

"I know
what I want, Eva."

not an answer." I reply.

haven't given me one either."

"I need
more time."

don't get any more time. Say yes." He orders.


"Eva, I
swear to God, if you don't wear my ring-"

wear the ring, Ruxin, if it means that much to you. It's just a
ring." I take the ring and put it back on.

ring tells people you're mine." He states.

give you an answer when I'm ready." I explain.

you're ready?" He questions trying to stay calm but I see him

when I can tell you without a doubt I love you and you can say it
back." I clarify.

wanting nothing from me, you sure ask a lot." He murmurs lowering
his mouth to mine. I kiss him back, running my fingers through his
thick dark hair.

"I can't
believe you asked." I say smiling against his mouth.

growls. "It was a moment of weakness." He replies kissing me

I push
him over until I'm on top of him, kissing his neck. I start undoing
the buttons on his shirt, kissing each patch of skin that I expose.
I get to his belt and unhook it and his pants, lowering the zipper
slowly. "Good things happen when you ask." I tell him. The look in
his eyes gives me the courage to continue. I pull on his pants and
he lifts his hips as I tug them down. I look into his eyes as I
take him out of his briefs. Suddenly, he sits up and pulls me into
his arms tugging my pants off. I get one leg free when he enters
me. His thrusts are hard and fast, almost desperate. I find my
release quickly but he doesn't stop. Just when I don't think I can
take any more, another orgasm pulses through my body and I feel his
release. I curl up against him and close my eyes, finding sleep


you have to get up." Ruxin says, softly.

already woke me up once today. I don't advise you to do it again."
I grumble, turning away from him.

of replying he picks me up and carries me out of the room. He
places me in a seat and buckles my seatbelt. I rub the sleep out of
my eyes. I have to admit I feel pretty refreshed, I stretch and
look at Ruxin who is going through paperwork on the table in front
of us.

"Why did
you wake me up?" I ask, curiously.

"I want
to go over what we're doing for the next couple of days." He
replies, concentrating on his papers.


"I have a
two o'clock walk through at a shipping yard I own, then an investor
presentation at five. I should be back around six and we'll have
dinner. Tomorrow I'm in and out of meetings all day until five then
we'll do some sightseeing. Order whatever you want and charge it to
the room." He holds out a black plastic card for me to take. "This
hotel has many shops close by you might want to buy something." He


thanks. If I want something, I'll buy it myself." I push away the
hand holding the offending card.

take the damn card." He replies, shoving it into my

I'll max the damn thing out, happy?" I reply, putting it on the

chuckles and puts the papers in his brief case. "You're so damn
adorable." He turns to me and kisses my neck.

thought I argue too much?" I tease.

"You do,
but you're still perfect."

I look at
him suspiciously. "What did you do?" I ask suspiciously, knowing
he's up to something.

yet." He smirks.

"What are
you planning on doing?" I inquire with a groan.

many things." He whispers, unlatching my seatbelt.

"When?" I
ask, narrowing my eyes.

"No time
like the present, Angel." He replies, lifting me up and placing me
on his lap.

"I think
I need to get that statement tattooed on my ass, so I can make you
kiss it every time you say it. Now tell me what you're planning." I

"I'm not
planning anything, unless you choose to not use that card. Then
I'll retaliate."

"Retaliate for not spending your money?" I ask in


"What are
the consequences?"

have you followed. If you so much as look at something twice, I'll
have it bough for you."

I turn to
look at the card. "It doesn't even have my name on it, they won't
let me use it."

let you use it." He replies, knowingly.

you like lunch now?" I hear from behind me.

please." Ruxin responds. I crawl back into my seat as our food is
brought forward. Two big turkey sandwiches are put in front of us
with chips and a pickle. I dig in right away and Ruxin asks for two
cokes as well.

clears his throat and asks, "Are you going to call,

"I was
planning on it, but I need to get his number from you." I answer,
sensing his reluctance to ask. "Ruxin, come on. You have nothing to
worry about." I say, taking a big bite of my sandwich.

father wants the two of you together."

I almost
choak. I start beating my chest and Ruxin pats my back. I finish
chewing and look at him with watering eyes. "Are you crazy? Don't
tell a joke when I'm eating."

"I wasn't
joking." He replies. I know he wasn't, but it's not going to stop
me from making him feel stupid for saying that.

has seen us together. He knows we're friends and nothing

what was that at the fundraising gala? Xavier is in London, Call
Xavier, don't forget to call Xavier, you'll call Xavier?" He
questions mockingly.

I laugh.
"He didn't sound like that, drama queen."

"Even my
dad noticed."

who cares anyway? He wants him to settle down, lots of parents are
like that. It doesn't mean he's right on assuming Xavier is
interested in me. Just give me the number and quit being so

Lunch is
over and I can tell Ruxin is sulking, so I don't talk to him. I
don't know what to say, anyway. We land finally! I thank the fight
attendants and pilots as we leave. I see the black car waiting for
us, as always. A man holds the door open and I climb in with Ruxin
right behind me. We leave and I watch my new surroundings. Clearing
his throat Ruxin gets my attention and holds out a piece of paper
to me. "Don't lose it. I won't give it to you a second time." I
smile at his grumpy attitude and kiss his cheek.

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