Fake Boyfriend (4 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

thank you. I rather get this over with so I can get

get naked."

"Here?" I
ask, horrified.


"I'm not
getting naked right here. Where's your bed?'

certainly sound eager."

"Eager? I
just don't want to get naked where I stand."

"But you
do want to get naked." He smirks and walks toward the hallway.
"This way."

"If only
I had a gun." I mutter, following him. He opens a door and waits
for me to enter. I pretend not to see his eyes following my every
movement. Why does he look at me like that? Its strange and a
little unsettling. Its dark in the room until he turns on a lamp by
the bed.

nervous, I don't know if I can go through with it. I don't get why
he would do this? He's handsome, rich and I hate to admit it, but
he's easy to along with. Why me? He can have his pick of any women
he wants. I probably would have slept with him if he would have
returned my things and asked me out like a normal

"What are
you thinking about?"

the mind reader. Why don't you tell me." I snap back.

thinking about why I would do this, that this doesn't make any
sense." He states, as he starts taking off his tux jacket. I don't
respond as he takes of his gold cuff links and set's them on the
dresser. "If I would have asked you out, would you have said yes?"
He asks, curiously.

"Probably." I answer, truthfully.

His head
whips to me. "You mean after I gave back your mothers

yes. If you don't know by now, they would have burned those things
if I dated you."

He nods.
"You would have taken those things and went out on a date with me,
then labeled me a friend." He states, his eyes scanning my face to
read any lies that I might say.

"Not that
it matters now, but before you blackmailed me I thought you were a
prince. A little smug and domineering, but nice and well

punched me and told me to shut up, you were playful. Those are
traits of friendship." He remarks, suspiciously.

"Yes it
is, but I was more focused on not letting you get me in trouble. I
guess I did think you were becoming a friend, of some

"See, you
would have made me your friend."

"First of
all, like I said, I was only worried about pissing off Susan and
Cindy. Now that I think about it, I didn't think you would ever be
really interested in someone like me as more then a friend or a one
night stand. Secondly, a lot of relationships start with

was no way in hell I wanted to wait for you to decide that. As soon
as you told me to shut up, you sealed your fate." He replies,
unbuttoning his dress shirt.

"I sealed
my fate when I told you to shut up?" I ask confused.

your lucky I didn't take you on the table."

apologized for that."

shrugs, "Doesn't matter. I watched you from the beginning of the
party. You interested me, which no women has even done. Then you
made me laugh, which I couldn't tell you the last time that
happened. I brought you into my home without thinking twice about
it, which I assure you no women beside my mother and sister have
been. Forgive me, but I won't take the risk of letting you walk
away without insurance that I'll see you again."

"So you
decided to make sure you'd get to sleep with the first woman that
interested you, instead of asking her out and getting to know


"You're a
complete moron." I state, exasperated.

laughs, "Probably."

"Why six
months?" I ask, wanting to understand the time frame.

"I'm in
and out of the country for the next six months."

"And that
effects me?"

you'll be going with me."

starting a new job tomorrow, I ca-"

"I am
part owner of Gulliver's. You won't be working there."

firing me?"

"I don't
think you can call it firing if you never started." He says, taking
his shirt off and tossing it aside. I try not a notice his chiseled
abs, but unfortunately I did a double take and of course he
noticed. "Like what you see?"

I roll my
eyes, "I've seen better."

He bites back, sounding angry and I can't help but smile. I like
knowing that I irritated him. He walks and stands in front of me,


"Do you
want me to undress you?"

"No." I
state and he just watches me patiently. I huff and decide he's not
going to change his mind. "How are you going to insure I go through
with the six months?"

stalling, but I'll answer your question because its simple. I will
keep the bag until the six months is over. You don't want to take
it back to your fathers house anyway."

"The six
months is so you don't have actually go looking for sex while your
overseas. Perfect." I state, finally understanding. I unzip my
dress, letting it fall. I just want this night to end, so screw

He looks
me over from head to toe, then he reaches out putting his hands on
my hips and slams me against him. This is when I really notice the
height difference between us. I can see every muscle in his body
and I have to stop from staring at his arms and chest, so I close
my eyes. His hands start to caress my back following my spine,
causing me to shiver. His hands unclasp my strapless bra and I feel
my flesh meet his. His skin is warm, he pulls me even closer and he
gathers my hair in his hands. He bends down and kisses where my
shoulder meets my neck and I moan. He grunts and licks the spot
that he just kissed, he moves and breathes against my ear. Tilting
my head back by tugging on my hair, he kisses up my neck. His lips
meet mine softly as if he asking me to kiss him back. I part my
lips and he moans as he takes full advantage and ravages my

His hands drop my hair and start to caress my butt, cupping it
in both hands he picks me up until I'm standing on my tippy toes
and he rubs against me. I gasp when I feel the jolt of pleasure
course through my body. He picks me up entirely and lays me on the
bed. Lowering his head to my breasts, he lavishes them with
attention until I want to cry out in need. His fingers find my
center and I can't hold back my moan, I buck my hips up to meet his
hand, I'm in ecstasy until he pulls away. I groan in frustration,
having been so close, but seconds later I feel him enter me. The
sting and pinch of my virginity is short lived as he stills himself
inside of me and kisses me hungrily and passionately. He starts to
move, sliding out of me with care and pushing back inside with the
same gentleness. He buries his head in my neck, his breathing harsh
and fast. Wanting more I rub against him and moan when I get what I
need. I push against him again, wrapping my legs around him. He
starts to go faster and its exactly what I want, I cry out as my
pleasure pierces through me and Ruxin starts to slam into me
uncontrollably. When I hear him grunt and brace himself over me, I
close my eyes and open them again.
Top of

"I didn't use a
condom." He admits, seemly stunned by this.
"I'm on the pill anyway, for cramps." I reassure him. He looks at
me for a moment longer and kisses me tenderly. He hauls himself off
of me and gathers me to him. "I need to go." I remind him.
"Is that an order?"
"If it has to be." He replies.



I wake up
in the most comfortable position ever, after the best sleep I've
had in a while. I lift my head from Eva's chest and look at the
clock. Today is Sunday but that doesn't mean I don't work, I work
seven days a week. I think about getting up and going to my office,
but that's completely pushed to the back of my mind when Eva starts
to stretch and moan. With her eyes still closed she pouts. I smile
and watch as her eye lids flutter open she looks up at me and pouts
even more.

sore, there's too much light coming in and your smiling." She
complains and I start to laugh.

not a morning person."

groans. "Coffee." She looks at me pleading, looking so adorably
pathetic. I know I would do anything she asked, if she gave me that

"You want
me to make you coffee?"

She nods.
I smile and get out of bed, walking to the kitchen. I've never made
a cup of coffee in my entire life, but how hard can it be? It turns
out its a lot harder then I thought, I call my secretary

Novak." She answers on the second ring.

"How do I
make coffee?" I ask, looking at the contraption in front of

you like me to come make it for you?" She offers.

"No, just
tell me how to do it." I order.

"Is it
turned on?" She asks.

"Yes, I
got that far." I reply.

next to the coffeemaker there are little cups that are labeled
different kinds of coffee. Take one and open the hatch at the top
on the machine and put it in with the label up and close

"Do I
open the foil part?"

"No, you
just put the whole thing in."

I do what
she says and shut the lid, the lights flash and before I can ask
what button to push she says, "Push the middle button." and I hit
it and it instantly starts to brew. I smile, that was

"Why are
you making coffee, sir? Don't you have it brought in?" She
questions. I instantly tense, I hate when employee asks questions.
Especially, because I know Julia wants to sleep with me. I have
known for a while and choose to ignore it because she's good at her
job. I don't get personal with my employee as a simple rule and the
fact I never hire anyone I am sexually attracted to.

I decide
to answer her. "Because the amazing woman in my bed asked me to
make her coffee." I don't wait for a response and hang up. I take
the coffee back to my bedroom and see that Eva has fallen asleep
again. I set the coffee on the bedside table and kiss her full
lips. She opens one eye and moans. "You need to stop moaning like
that." I state, hovering over her lips.

breaths in deeply then sits up suddenly, pushing me out of the way
and reaching for the coffee. I'm going to have to remember that
coffee is a necessity for her. She takes a sip and lowers it,
looking insanely happy about having coffee. "Thank you." She says,


She takes
another drink. "This is really good coffee. Did you know I liked my
coffee black, or did you guess?"

"Truthfully, I didn't think about it. I was just amazed how
easy making coffee was."

She looks
at me shocked, "You've never made your own coffee?"


you did good. Even though you should be cited for a health code
violation." She smirks, raising an eyebrow at my completely naked
body. I smile until she adds, "Let me finish this and I'll be out
of your hair. I'm sure you have millions of dollars to make and
people to destroy." She jokes.

I narrow
my eyes at her, "I wouldn't have made you coffee if I wanted you to
leave. I'll run you a bath." I reply and stand up to walk to the
bathroom. I run the water making it the perfect temperature and add
some kind of bubble stuff that was in a basket under the

"Can I
have more?" She asks, holding out her cup when I walk back into the

"Yes, of
course. I'll bring it to you in the bathroom. Go get in the
bathtub, it will help with the soreness."

"How did
you know I was sore?"

"You woke
up complaining about it."

"Oh, I
did." She says, not remembering. I wait for her to stand up,
knowing she's naked under that sheet she's holding. "Well?" she
asks, wondering why I'm still standing there. "Go fetch my coffee
wench." She states, smiling.

"I'll go
after you get in the tub."

She looks
confused at first then she crosses her arms, "I'm not getting up
until you're gone." Her refusal stirs my manhood and she shields
her eyes." Do you have to stand so close to me with that

wouldn't say I needed to." I laugh huskily. Damn, I want her so bad
right now. Just thinking of her hot tight- Fuck! I growl and walk
out of the room to the kitchen to make her more coffee, knowing if
I stay a moment longer she won't be able to walk for the rest of
the day. I go to the coffeemaker opening the lid and trying to
think of anything, but the woman in my room. I hear my phone
vibrate against the granite countertop where its charging and see
William Prescott calling. I smirk and answer the phone.

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