Falling In (13 page)

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Authors: Lydia Michaels

“No, thank you, I've had more than I should've.”

“I like a woman who isn't afraid to enjoy a good meal,” Jamie commented.

Breakfast was cleared and briefcases were popped open. Papers slid across the table as their conversation flowed. It soon seemed all very chaotic to her. Papers traded hands and more coffee was served. A phone was brought in so that Slade could make a call, while Lucian spoke on his cell and Jamie sent a text to his secretary.

“I know I had it,” Jamie said. “Nancy handed it to me just as I was packing my briefcase.”

“Maybe it got mixed up with the leases,” Slade said as they all rummaged through pages.

“Here, Scout, do me a favor and look through this stack for a page that says Cambridge Development on the top.” Jamie slid her a stack of papers and continued to sort through the stack in front of him.

Her hands trembled as she gently slid the papers closer. With extreme care she flipped one page then another.

Sweat moistened the skin beneath her arms and she forced herself to breathe steadily.

“Here it is.” The page she was holding was torn from her hands. “She was staring right at it,” Slade said in a huff as he slid the paper to James.

“Thank you, Scout.” James smiled apologetically at her then turned to glare at Slade.

“What kind of name is Scout, anyway?” Slade asked as he continued to loom over her.

Lucian came back into the room. She didn't recall him leaving. “Did you find it?”

With undue credit, Slade announced, “
found it.”

Lucian frowned at his friend then glanced at her. “Evelyn, you okay?”

She nodded and distracted herself with stacking the papers still in front of her in a neat pile. Jamie picked up the discussion they'd been having before, and everyone's attention was eventually directed back to the business at hand. Everyone's except Lucian's.

He stood behind her chair, gently resting a large hand on her shoulder as they continued their business. She was very aware of him and he seemed to intentionally stick by her side. She wasn't sure if the action was to comfort her or to make a statement to the other men.

An hour later their business had concluded, and Slade was the first to go. He took a great deal of her tension with him. Lucian and Jamie settled into their chairs and let go of a bit of their professionalism.

“Wow, it's noon already,” Jamie said. “How about a drink?”

Lucian nodded at Lucy, who was idling at the edge of the room. She nodded back with understanding and left only to return moments later with a tray.

“That will be all, Lucy.”

The maid left and quietly slid the pocket doors closed. Jamie poured himself a drink and raised an eyebrow in her direction.

“No, thank you,” Scout said, appreciating the offer anyway.

Once they each had their drinks they eased back in their chairs and sighed. “Slade was in a mood today,” Jamie commented. “Do you think it's Monique?”

“He's always in a mood.” Lucian rolled back his sleeves and tossed his jacket onto an empty chair. She liked seeing him like this, rumpled and relaxed.

“So, Scout, how is it you managed to charm Lucian?”

Her mouth opened, but no words came out. She looked to Lucian and he grinned. He took a long sip of his drink then placed it on the table. Propping his arms behind his head he said, “Don't worry, Evelyn. Jamie and I have been friends since we were in diapers. We have no secrets from each other.” He faced Jamie. “She works for me.”

Jamie nodded. “What do you do?”

Before she could answer, Lucian said, “She pleases me.”

James laughed. “I see. Do you find Mr. Patras difficult to please, Scout? I'm much easier to content than my friend here, you should know.”

Heat rose under her cheeks. Lucian chuckled and grinned at her. “Come here, Evelyn.”

She hesitated. The look in Lucian's eye was patient, yet indomitable. Slowly she rose on shaky legs and walked around the table until she was standing beside Lucian. She was very aware of Jamie's smiling gaze on her.

“Don't be shy,” Lucian said as he took her hand and pulled her to sit on his knee.

His fingers pulled at the collar of her sweater, exposing a slight bit of skin. Her spine stiffened as his lips press there.

“Relax,” he whispered against her neck. His mouth kissed up to her shoulder and to the curve of her neck.

She looked into Jamie's green eyes. They were no longer creased with laughter. He watched her carefully under lowered lashes, his hands folded over his chest. He was completely undisturbed by Lucian's show of affection.

Lucian's arm banded around her hips and she was pulled farther onto his lap. “I like being watched, Evelyn. Does that bother you?”

His fingers lazily traveled up and down the sweater covering her tummy. Her heart began to race.
Watched doing what exactly?

“Jamie is a voyeur. Do you know what that means?”

When she didn't reply he said, “It means he does well with an exhibitionist as his friend.”

Her lips parted as Lucian's fingers gently lifted her sweater. Jamie's gaze smoldered as he watched his friend's hand slip under her top. Lucian didn't expose her skin, but his touch was obvious. Her sweater pulled tight over his hand as it continued to draw circles on her belly. His touch was hot over her skin.

Easing her back to his chest, his knees pressed between hers. He separated his legs, drawing her denim-clad thighs apart. His left hand moved over her hip and stopped at the apex of her thighs as his right hand landed softly over her lace-covered breast. She gasped.

“Shh, he won't see anything beneath your clothes. I'm just going to make you come.”

Her body tensed as his palm pressed down over her jeans and he rocked his fingers back and forth, applying pressure, kneading the area between her legs.

Scout tried to draw her legs together, but he used his own legs to stay her. His touch grew firm, surer. Jamie quietly groaned, but her eyes remained averted from his intense stare.

Lucian's mouth continued to kiss her throat. “It feels good, doesn't it, Evelyn. You like having my hands on you, don't you?”

Her heart raced as a mixture of arousal and humiliation clogged her veins. Overwhelmed, she struggled to break his grasp, but his hold only tightened.

“Stay still.”

Why was he doing this in front of someone she just met? Was he purposely trying to embarrass her? Punish her for something?

Tears prickled her eyes and she blinked. His fingers molded over her sex, spiking the pleasure that warred with her modesty. It was easier to give in than to fight him. Something told her if she said stop he would, but for some reason he wanted this and some twisted part of her wanted to prove she could give it to him, no matter the mixed emotions rioting in her head.

Forcing herself to surrender, she quietly breathed. Her body tightened and twitched in places she wasn't used to twitching. Her bottom clenched against his muscled thigh and his fingers moved faster.

“You're close. I can sense it.” His voice and touch gentled her struggles.

Lucian Patras had some sort of horse-whisperer hold over her she couldn't figure out. He changed her in ways no one else seemed capable of. It made her hate him and like him a little bit more. There was no black and white here, only shadows of innuendos and seedy intentions she was too inexperienced to navigate through.

The lace was pulled away from her breast as his warm palm cupped her in its place. His thumb touched the tip of her nipple and her spine trembled. A frightened rush filled her blood as she stared at Jamie staring back at her. Lucian was breathing hard and his body was rigid beneath her.

She cried out as he suddenly pinched her. His moist lips pressed into the flesh just below her ear. “Shh, feel the pain transcend into a slow burn. Are you ready to come now?” His hand slipped out from under her sweater and he sucked two fingers into his mouth. The hand at the crotch of her jeans lifted and quickly undid the snap at her waist.

Lucian's wet fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her pants and pressed into an extremely sensitive place. A startled gasp escaped her as he rubbed over her bare flesh fast and hard. She reflexively jerked.

He held her down, pressed tightly to him, as she struggled with the intense sensations taking over her body. The hand under her shirt pinched her other nipple. His breath echoed over the shell of her ear and just before he bit down on her tender lobe, he whispered, “Come.”

Her cry filled the room as her muscles locked. Moisture flooded her panties and her knees forcefully pulled together, locking Lucian's fingers between her legs. Her body throbbed and pulsed as her heartbeat filled her ears and Lucian's mouth sucked hard on her neck.

Scout didn't remember shutting her eyes, but when she opened them, Jamie's gaze locked with hers. His chest rose and fell beneath his dress shirt and he looked nothing like the good-humored man she'd met that morning. His eyes set in a narrow stare that made Scout all too aware of how vulnerable she was at the moment. Jamie suddenly seemed very much like Lucian. She recognized the predator hiding behind a friendly smile, a smile that had been replaced with parted lips. His expression was covetous.

Lucian's hand slowly pulled from between her legs. His fingers were glazed with moisture from her body. He brought them to his mouth and moaned. “Delicious, Evelyn, very sweet.” He righted her clothes and briefly hugged her.

Embarrassed, she turned in his lap and pressed her face into his shoulder. He held her and kissed her temple. She was grateful her hair was down, for it created a much-needed barricade around her.

She heard Jamie stand. “Lucian, as always, it's been a pleasure. Scout, I look forward to
seeing you
again.” The door slowly slid open and shut.

They were alone again.

Chapter 14

Safe Word

Lucian's hands eased Scout back from his chest and sifted through her hair until he found her face. Tipping up her chin, he asked, “You okay?”

She couldn't look at him. “Why did you do that?”

“Did you not enjoy it?” His gaze moved over her face, taking in her upset. Softly, as if realizing how unprepared she had been for anything like that, he whispered, “I don't know. I'm sorry, Evelyn. We haven't reached that stage yet. I shouldn't have put you in that position.”

Lucian Patras was not the kind of man who apologized easily. Somehow she knew that. She looked into his eyes and found nothing but sincerity. He was sorry. However, the part of his apology about not reaching that stage
disturbed her. She had grown up in places where people fulfilled their bodily urges with no regard to their audience. She expected more from the upper class.

Nevertheless, there was something erotic in the act, something that created that reaction in her body. This worried her, worried her about the effect he was already having on her. She had the urge to sever any emotional link that may have stimulated such an emotionally charged result, but she couldn't pinpoint what it was. Did there have to be an essential connection for her body to react that way?

Lucian kissed her cheek and eased her off his lap. “I have to make some calls in the library. Why don't you go freshen up and then join me there.” His words were confident, but she detected concern in his gaze. She nodded and went to use the bathroom.

Two hours later she was sitting on a cushioned chair, watching Lucian as he made phone call after phone call. He was like a fascinating storm she knew she should avoid, but couldn't. He moved quickly and made fast finite decisions that changed the world around him.

She analyzed his appearance. His power made him seem older than he was. He seemed much older than her, but in reality, she'd be surprised if he was over thirty-five. She thought of Jamie. He looked like he was in his thirties. If they'd been friends since they were babies, then that made Lucian about the same. How did someone that age get so much power?

Just from hearing these men work today, she'd learned that Patras was more than a local commodity. There were also Patras hotels in Europe. And she now knew Lucian did more than own a chain of hotels. He developed properties and did things with the stock market and worked on a slew of committees.

He hung up the phone and the room was suddenly quiet. “I'm sorry this has taken so much of my time today. I didn't expect to be held up here so long.”

Scout closed the garden magazine she had been looking at. “That's okay. I didn't have plans,” she teased.

He eased his leather chair away from his desk and lounged back, watching her. “What is it about you, Evelyn, that makes me want to go out of my way to make you smile? See, like that. When you smile you light up a room.”

Warmth spread in her chest. “I like when you smile too. You don't do it enough.”

He breathed in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Well . . . you're certainly helping with that. Come on, let's get out of here.”

When they returned to the limo, she grinned with delight. Lucian had one of the servants set up a chessboard for the ride home. Once they were on their way he said, “Okay, Ms. Keats, let's see how fast I can get you naked.”

Scout returned his challenging glare with a smile. “You're on, Mr. Patras.”

By the time they reached the city limits, she had lost her shirt, literally. She was still smiling, however, because she had managed to collect Lucian's shoes and tie.

“Check,” he called as he cornered her king. Her only choice was to intervene and sacrifice her knight. She moved her piece, recognizing that the game would be over very soon.

“I'll take that lovely bra, Ms. Keats.” A chill spread over her shoulders as she met his gaze. “Don't even try it. Last time I let you get away with those puppy dog eyes, but not this time. You should've protected your king better.”

Moving her pawn she huffed. “Fine.”

Reaching around her back, she undid the clasp and slowly slid the straps down her arms. Her breasts pulled tight as the cooler air touched her flesh. Taking a deep breath, she sat up straight and faced Lucian.

He stared at her with unblinking eyes as his hand moved one of his pieces. She frowned at the board. His move was foolish, but she wasn't going to give him the chance to take it back. Her bishop slid over and knocked out his rook.

He nodded in approval and without a word began unbuttoning his shirt. His eyes bored into her, and she suddenly realized what he was doing. Once his chest and arms were bare he moved his queen. “Check.”

He hadn't even glanced at the board, but he was right. He had her in check again. She examined the board, curling her shoulders in and trying to hide under her hair. She was very self-conscious of him watching her. Her lips pursed. “If I move my queen you'll only take it. I refuse to give you my panties.”

“There's always a consequence,” he rasped, shifting as if he were uncomfortable in the tight space.

His abs formed a neat little stack of ridges, and his belly button was perhaps the most perfect belly button to ever exist. Wiry, dark hair traveled from his navel and disappeared somewhere beneath his pants. Oddly, she found his body exquisite and mesmerizing, where she found her own reflection lacking and flawed. She liked seeing him partially dressed, something she hadn't expected to enjoy.

“This isn't fair. You've had way more practice,” she whined, crossing her arms over her breasts.

“You were quite aware of the rules when we started.”

His fingers closed over her wrist and pulled her arms away, exposing her breasts once again. She watched as his drowsy eyes stared at her chest. Why did men have such obsessions with boobs? His fingers twitched and she scooted back an inch.

He looked at her then, stared into her eyes, warning her not to move again. Her chest filled with quick breaths as his hand slowly rose and cupped her breast. Warm heat engulfed her, and her lashes lowered. Her eyes opened as his fingers closed over the nipple of her other breast. She gazed down at his hands touching her body and found the image very erotic.

His palms slid to her sides, thumbs teasing the turgid tips, and suddenly she was being lifted over his lap. Her knees pressed into the soft leather seating on either side of his hips as he settled her thighs over his.

Hands squeezed over her hips and slowly traveled up her bare back. Lucian pulled her to him as his mouth crashed over hers. His tongue seared into her mouth, hot and wet. His hands gripped her to him, and she found her own hands holding the thick flesh of his shoulders tight. She didn't want him to let go.

Their heads tilted as they took from each other. Lucian growled as she tried getting a little creative and lost their rhythm a bit. Taking hold of her neck, he took back his control and showed her what it was to be kissed soundly.

Her thighs squeezed down on him. It was difficult to stay still. Scout pressed up on her knees, wanting to get closer. He directed her hips back down only to help them rise again. Guiding her motions, he remained in complete control. When she drew up on her knees another time, he ripped his mouth from hers and latched onto her breast.

Her head tipped back and she moaned. “Oh my God, Lucian!” Sensation burst inside of her.

He wasn't delicate with her. He sucked her flesh hard, bruising the tender tips, but it felt too good to ask him to be gentle. His mouth moved from one breast to the other and then back to her lips. It was a cycle she never wanted to end.

Scout thought about that morning and what he had done to her. She wanted to feel like that again. Boldly, she reached around to where he gripped her hips and nudged his hand. She closed her palm over his hand and directed it between her thighs. He pulled his mouth from hers and pressed his forehead to her shoulder. As he panted he looked down at where she had moved his hand.

Suddenly she was being flipped over, and the cool leather upholstery pressed into her back. Lucian dropped to his knees on the floor of the car and peeled her panties down her legs. Her heart raced as she watched him look at her there, completely bare, nothing to cover herself with.

“God you're beautiful.” He kissed her hip and licked up to her breasts. His strong fingers massaged her ass, and then his mouth was between her legs.

“Lucian, no!”

She reached for his head as his tongue licked her slit. All of her pleasure vanished, suddenly replaced with extreme mortification.

Scout squeezed his head with her thighs and he yanked back.

“Stop.” The command fell from his lips like a whip cracks through the air, sharp and precise.

He wrenched her knees apart and glared at her. His gaze was hard and had her shrinking away as if he'd slapped her.

“Why are you here?” he asked with intent. When she said nothing he barked, “Answer the question!”

“Because you asked me to be,” she whispered, a little frightened.

“And how did I ask you to come to me? What were my conditions?”

Why was he acting like this? “Prepared. You get control.”

“This is not a game, Evelyn. I either have the control when it comes to sex or it doesn't happen. If you can't agree to that I'll have Dugan gather your things and deliver them to your home and our agreement will be over. I will not
tolerate being told no by my lover.”

“But I'm not your lover,” she whispered, and he looked at her menacingly, one last time, then sat up.

He retrieved his shirt and began to get dressed. She wasn't sure what was happening. He kept changing the rules. The weight of her sweater suddenly on her thighs made her cringe. What was she doing?

Dressing was a shameful experience. Each item of clothing acted as a reminder of how far she had fallen. By the time she zipped her boots, she was blinking back tears. Being whatever she was supposed to be to him was simply too hard.

She had never been so happy to see Patras Hotel before. She'd go change her clothes, grab her bag and go. Tomorrow she'd beg Tamara to give her her old hours back. When the doors opened to the penthouse floor, Lucian went to the private elevators and she walked briskly toward her room. He cursed and called her name. She walked faster.

As she dug her key out of her pocket she saw him gaining on her. Thankfully she unlocked the door on the first try and had the satisfaction of slamming it in his face.

“Evelyn, open the door.”

“Go away.”

Disappointingly, that's all it took. He sighed and she heard his muffled steps walk away. He didn't persevere, didn't try to convince her further.

Once Scout got over the sting of being so quickly discarded, she began to pack. She rummaged through the drawers, putting any practical items aside, items she could carry with her, wear or sell. She wasn't taking the majority of the clothes with her, because she simply couldn't lug it all, but she could at least put them back in the bags and boxes, so returning them wouldn't be a hardship for whomever got that job.

Pursing her lips, she contemplated her belongings. Were they truly hers? She hadn't met her side of the bargain. She didn't steal. Convincing herself that the items were likely inconsequential to Lucian, she stifled any protests from her conscience and stuffed them into a bag.

Her bed was made and her bags were packed. She tied her old sneakers and sighed as she placed her warm coat on the comforter. She'd need that once winter hit. There was a quiet beep, and then she heard the knob turning. Her jaw unhinged when Lucian stepped inside the room and slammed the door.

“What are you doing here? You can't just barge into someone's room!”

He looked around dramatically, taking in the walls, ceiling, and floor. “I'm sorry. I thought this was my hotel.”

Exasperated, she grabbed her bags and snapped, “Fine, stay. I'm leaving.” He gripped her arm and pressed her into the wall before she could get to the door. “Get off of me, Lucian.”

“You don't want to leave,” he whispered, boxing her in with his body.

“Yes. I do.”


He was unbearable. Challenging him was like swimming upstream in a lead vest. She simply didn't have the energy. Her body slackened. “I don't understand you.”

“I'm very complicated,” he whispered almost humorously.

“You're beyond complicated. I've never met anyone as frustrating as you. You can't expect me to be what you want if you constantly change your expectations.”

“I told you what I want.”

She scoffed. “You told me to be on time, dress appropriately, provide company, and stay away from lower Folsom. Other than that I'm flying blind.”

The corner of his mouth quirked up. “Don't go.”

“Why should I stay?”

“Because you like me.”

She did like him, the big jerk. The jury was still out on whether or not that was a good thing, but that didn't make it any less true. She liked the way he made her laugh and distracted her from all the terrible things she was used to coping with, but at the same time he somehow had the ability to make her feel terrible about herself. She never second-guessed herself until she was around Lucian.

“This isn't going to work.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don't know what it is you want!”

He suddenly pulled away and dragged her toward the bed. He sat down and tugged her until she sat beside him. He wouldn't let go of her hand.

“I'm fucked-up, Evelyn. I need to have things a certain way and if I'm ever going to care about someone again I need to know I have complete control.”


“Yes. Again. I don't usually share my past with others and I don't intend on changing. Suffice it to say I lost someone very important to me once and she'd still be here if she had listened to me and done as I said.”

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