Falling into Exposure (6 page)

Read Falling into Exposure Online

Authors: A. Zavarelli


Chapter Nine




I thunder down the freeway with Victoria’s arms wrapped around me tight. She’s the first woman that’s ever been on my motorcycle, not to mention the first I’ve ever taken to my cabin. For some reason, she’s the only one I could ever imagine bringing here. Anya would have hated coming to a place like this. So would the rest of them.

We spend two hours on the road before we make it to Hunter. It’s just a small town, in New York away from the noise of the city. But my cabin is even further away, down a long dirt road in the middle of a whole lot of nothing.

I purchased this place for that very reason. It’s my place to hide away from the world when I need to. Nobody else knows I own this property. But I look forward to showing it to Victoria, holing up with her for the next two days.

After several miles of driving through dense forest, I turn down another dirt driveway that dips into a small valley. As the cabin and private lake come into view, I hear Victoria gasp behind me.

I pull to a stop and turn off the motorcycle. As I unload the bags and lead Victoria inside, her eyes are darting around, taking everything in. I’m afraid to ask if she likes it. Because I really need her to like it.

The lights are already on, courtesy of the housekeeper. Victoria stands in the doorway, looking around the kitchen and dining area. When she turns, she spots the large open windows overlooking the lake and finally makes a noise of approval.

My chest fills with relief as she walks across the room and stares out at the water.

“Gabriel, this place is amazing,” she says. “So beautiful. I never would have expected it.”

I walk over and pull her against me, kissing her softly.

“I’m glad you like it. I come here to relax.”

She looks up at me with adoration and grins. “So do you mean to say, I’m the first girl you’ve brought here?”

“You’re the first and only woman I’ve wanted to bring here.”

She flushes under my words, burying her face against my chest as she squeezes me a little tighter.

“Come on.” I reach for her hand and tug her along. “You haven’t seen the best part yet.”

Upstairs, I open the refinished sliding barn doors that enclose the master suite. Victoria darts straight to the bed covered with a fluffy white comforter and flops back onto it.

“This is like a cloud,” she muses.

“I’m glad it only takes the simplest things to please you.” I chuckle. “But I was actually referring to the bathtub.”

She sits up dazedly. “Oh, okay.”

She follows me through the stone archway and freezes when she sees the garden tub. It’s filled with hot water, steam rising up from it.

“How did you… I mean when?”

My fingertips move of their own accord to caress her cheek.

“The housekeeper did it for me, I arranged it earlier. I assumed you would be chilled from our ride.”

She lunges forward, pulling me into her arms and hugging me tightly. I’m only too happy to oblige her, wrapping my arms around her as my lips meet hers. But then she pulls back suddenly, biting her lip as she eyes my leather jacket.

She glances up, searching my eyes for permission before she unzips it. Her hands are warm and soft as she reaches inside, and I groan. She peels it off my shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Her fingers skim my waistband and pull the bottom of my shirt up unhurriedly.

I close my eyes as her fingers dance across my skin, soaking up my warmth. She drags the shirt over my head, and then unzips my jeans, slowly pulling them down too. My cock is already rock hard, jerking to get her attention. She mewls at the sight of it, leisurely rubbing her palm along the shaft. And I can’t take any more. My hands move over her, ripping her clothes from her feverishly.

Once she’s naked, I lift her impatiently and press her against the stone wall behind her. I wrap her legs around me as I devour her mouth with mine. The only time I pull away is to find her breast, bringing it to my greedy mouth. I suck her nipple roughly as she writhes in my arms, her wetness rubbing against my cock. I can’t wait any longer. I need to bury myself inside of her and forget everything else. My hands grip the soft curves of her butt as I nudge closer.

“Please,” she whimpers.

“Please, what?” I smirk. I love how much she enjoys this. How greedy she is to feel my cock. It turns me on like nothing else ever has.

“I want you inside of me Gabriel, now. Please quit teasing and fuck me.”

I close my eyes and grunt. “What you do to me, Victoria,” I whisper. “I love it when you talk to me like that.”

She bucks back against the cold stone wall as I thrust inside of her. Then she reaches her hand up and strokes my cheek while she stares into my eyes, appraising every inch of me. For a minute, I don’t move. I want to hear her beg again.

“Gabriel,” she moans.

My cock swells and my fingers squeeze her hips in response.

“Yes, Victoria. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you need.”

“I want you,” she whispers softly. “I need you.”

I plunge all the way into her, quickly finding my rhythm. She quivers with delight on every impact, the tension fleeing her body as she explodes around me. The tremors are still engulfing my cock as I thrust one last time, blowing my load inside of her. My forehead dips down and rests against her as I close my eyes and steady my breath.

“I love feeling you come around me,” I murmur.

She leans back into the wall behind her, panting. “I do too. Much more than you know.”

I lead her to the bath and climb inside, pulling her along with me. I wrap my legs around her and pull her back to relax against my chest, exactly where I want her.

“What do you mean much more than I know?” I ask.

Her shoulders tense, telling me this is another secret.

“I just meant… I don’t know. I don’t really want to explain it, it’s embarrassing.”

“Please, Victoria. I don’t like secrets, remember? You have far too many as it is.”

She holds her breath for a few moments, lost in thought.

“Tell me,” I coax.

She sighs. “It’s just that… well… you’re the only man who has ever… you know.”

I look down into her amber eyes, searching. “No, I don’t know. I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to be a bit more specific than that.”

“You are the only man….” Her voice cracks. “Who has ever done

I try to stifle a smile as her cheeks flame bright red. “Victoria, you don’t need to be embarrassed with me. You can tell me anything. But I still don’t really understand. I know you’ve been with other men before…”

She clasps her hands to her face in frustration.

“For fuck’s sake, Gabriel, I was NOT a virgin when I met you. I don’t know how to say this without sounding pathetic. You’re the only man who has ever given me an orgasm.” She bows her head to her knees, mortified.

“Are you serious?” I sigh in disbelief. “But you’re so responsive. I don’t see how that’s even possible.”

“I am serious. And I’m responsive to you because you showed me things I didn’t even know could be so gratifying. I don’t know what it is about you, but it’s like you know exactly what I need. Even better than I do.”

I close my eyes and revel in her admission. How can I tell her that I feel the same way?

“Victoria…” I hesitate uncertainly.

“I know. It’s pathetic, right?” she laughs half-jokingly.

“Not pathetic,” I say. “Don’t talk about yourself like that, ever. I don’t like it.”

I pick her up and turn her so that she’s straddling my lap. Her eyes are once again searching mine, desperate for my approval and comfort.

“Victoria, I feel exactly the same way.”

“What do you mean?” she asks softly.

“I mean that you anticipate my needs and desires better than anyone else. You give me everything I want, in every way.”

She lets out a sigh of relief as she wraps her arms around my neck and nuzzles into me.

“I know it’s still early,” I continue, “but I’m completely captivated by you. You are the most fiery and stubborn woman I’ve ever met, and it turns me on to no end. You’re also a natural submissive when I want you to be, and I’m constantly surprised by you.”

She leans forward and pulls me into a passionate kiss, mounting my growing erection again. I sit back and watch her in awe as she rides me with everything she has, milking my cock until I explode inside of her again.

When we finally climb into bed an hour later, her fingers are pruned and I can tell she is exhausted. I pull her into my arms and fall asleep to the sounds of the water sloshing softly against the bank below.



Chapter Ten




I wake early the next morning to the sounds of birds chirping outside the window. Nature. It sounds so unnerving after years of living in the city. I can sleep through trains, planes, and automobiles… but not a little bird chirping.

Gabriel’s beautiful naked body is against me, his leg draped over me protectively.
Pure bliss.
A warm feeling spreads through my chest as I recall his sweet words to me last night. In his own way, he kind of admitted that he’s crazy about me.

I want to be happy. I want to shout it from the rooftops. But I can’t help the sense of dread that lingers deep in the pit of my stomach. I can want it with every ounce of my being, but it makes no difference. Ultimately, if I stay I’ll be putting him in danger. The thought of Eleanore hurting Gabriel makes me nauseous, and it’s a risk I’m not willing to take.

I gently slide out from beneath him, and he rolls over and mumbles something incoherent in his sleep. I sit up wearily, trying not to let the looming feelings of defeat overcome me. Our relationship might be doomed, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the here and now.

I head to the bathroom and pick up his crumpled tee shirt from last night. As I tug it over my head, I close my eyes and inhale his delicious scent. After splashing some water on my face, I twist my hair into a loose bun on the top of my head and head downstairs.

When I open the refrigerator, I’m surprised to find it fully stocked. I pull out some eggs and an assortment of vegetables and get to work. After chopping and whisking for ten minutes, I wrangle my concoction into a pie tin and pop it in the oven. As I’m doing dishes, Gabriel wraps his arms around me from behind.

“Good morning, beautiful,” he whispers into my ear.

I turn into him, kissing him on the cheek and pressing my head into his bare chest. It’s warm and smells delicious, and I don’t want to move.

“What was that tune you were just humming?” he asks curiously.

“Oh.” I laugh. “Somewhere Over the Rainbow. It’s cheesy I know, but I’ve always loved that song. My Dad used to sing it to me after my mom died. It was our thing.”

He looks down at me and smiles. “Not cheesy at all then.”

“I’m making you breakfast,” I say proudly.

“I can see that. By the way, you look sexy as hell in my tee shirt and those panties. I had to fight the urge to rip them off.”

“Well, you’ll just have to wait.” I smile playfully. “I need sustenance for what is no doubt going to be a very taxing day.”




After breakfast, Gabriel told me apologetically that he had to make a business call. I shooed him upstairs and told him not to worry about it. I want to use the opportunity to explore the premises anyway.

I slip into my bikini and throw Gabriel’s shirt back on over it. I’d normally be a little more reserved about traipsing around in a bikini, but I don’t have to worry about that with him. He’s seen me naked in all sorts of compromising positions and still seems to worship my body. I throw on a pair of flip flips and grab my camera from my bag, determined to have some good memories of this weekend with Gabriel.

As I walk around outside, I snap photos of squirrels, the lush trees against the backdrop of the clear blue sky, and the water lapping at my feet as I test it out. Once I’m satisfied with the shots I’ve gotten in, I walk back to the deck to test out the hammock that lies out over the water.

If there’s a graceful way to get on this thing, I don’t know what it is. I try to balance myself as I step onto the netting, taking several steps before I decide just plopping down is the best way to go about it.

I nestle into the hammock, listening to the soft ripples beneath me. I don’t know what it is about being near water that’s so relaxing, but it is. It’s a beautiful day, warm and sunny with just a slight breeze, and I stretch out to enjoy it.

I’m awoken from my blissful and all too short catnap by a cold shadow blocking the sun in front of me. My eyes open lazily to find Gabriel grinning down at me with a hungry expression.

“Victoria,” he rumbles. “That bikini...”

“Yes?” I smile up at him

“I like it,” he says.

I laugh and pat the empty space next to me. “Join me.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.” He pounces on top of me playfully, the hammock swaying beneath our weight.

“This is so nice here,” I say. “I bet it’s beautiful in the winter.”

He gazes down at me with hooded eyes. “I guess maybe we’ll find out together.”

My stomach flips at his response because that’s seven months from now. I bury my face deep in his arm and hold him close, too lost for words. He strokes my back in long, lazy strokes, nearly lulling me back to sleep as we sway in the breeze.

“Oh!” I bolt upright, remembering something. “I want to grab something in the house. Can you wait here for me?”

He eyes me curiously before releasing me.

“Hurry back please.”

I run back inside and rummage through my bag until I find what I’m looking for. This is going to be the perfect opportunity to use it. But just as I’m about to leave, I think of something else. I search through my bag again, pulling out the blue tie I bought for him. I run the soft material through my hands while I debate how I can use this.

Then inspiration hit me. In a moment of extraordinary confidence, I tear off my bikini top and slip the tie around my neck in a loose knot. I skip back out to the deck and freeze when I find him playing with my camera.

“Um, what are you doing?” I ask nervously.

He props himself up on his elbow and squints at me against the sun, a smile beaming across his face. “What are you wearing?”

I look down and stroke my fingers over the tie. “It’s a gift. I thought this color would look nice on you, and… I thought I could make it memorable.”

His eyes have that hooded look again, the one that I love.

“That I’m sure you will, beautiful.”

He glances back at the camera in his hand. “Did you take all these photos?”

“Um yea,” I retort, a little sharper than I mean to.

He doesn’t seem fazed.

“Some of these are really amazing. Did you go to school for this?”

I cringe at the question because I’m sure right about now he’s wondering why the hell I’m not doing something with my life.

“No… not really.” I shuffle my feet. “I just learned on my own I guess. Through the internet, mostly.”

“You should show them to someone. I bet you some of these would get published at first glance.”

He looks so excited at the thought, I don’t want to burst his bubble.

“I don’t know, we’ll see I guess.”

He frowns at my flat response, and I hate it. I always feel like I’m disappointing him.

“Here.” I hold out my hand and wiggle my fingers. “Let me take a couple of you.”

For a moment, he actually looks surprised. “Really? You want a photo of me.”

“Of course I do.” I smile. “I want a thousand photos of you, but somehow I don’t think you’d agree to that.”

He hands over the camera, and I mess with some of the settings before focusing in on him. “Just try to look natural,” I say.

I take a few shots of him stretched out across the hammock, and I can’t help smiling. This is definitely something I will want to remember forever. Just as I suspected, after I take a few too many shots, he grows impatient. I laugh and shake my head as I move to put the camera away.

“Wait!” he says. “Can you take one of us together?”

“Of course.”

I curl up next to him, laying my head on his chest and wrapping his forearm around my breasts to cover them. I take a few shots before checking them. Because of our height difference, we have to readjust several times before I get a decent photo. I hold it up and get his nod of approval before I shut off the camera and set it aside.

“So is this what you had to get inside the house,” he asks as he runs his fingers along the blue tie.

“That was part of it.” I smile coyly. “I have the perfect afternoon planned out.”

“Do you now?” he asks huskily.

“Yep, and I know just how I’m going to start.”

I sit up and tug at the waistband of his loose grey sweatpants. “I’m going to need you naked for this, Maddox.”

He laughs and willingly obliges, pulling off his pants. I position myself between his legs and palm his quickly growing erection, making him groan in response. I stroke it softly, marveling as it hardens against my hand.

After several minutes of stroking him, I relent and place my lips around his thick head. I suck him in, teasing him with the tip of my tongue. He reaches down with his hand, massaging one of my breasts before wrapping the long end of the tie in his hand. He pulls down on it gently, effectively bringing him further into my mouth. Dominant Gabriel is back, and I’m more than happy to submit to him.

“God that’s good,” he gasps.

His words spur me on, my sucking increasing to a feverish pace. He wraps the tie around his hand even more, clenching it as he pumps into me.

He grunts as his cock begins to twitch in my mouth, tensing with every thrust. He uses the tie to guide my head up and down with unrelenting force. And then he comes, exploding hot and wet against my tongue. Sweet, delicious, Gabriel. His body relaxes beneath me, and his hand strokes my hair as I sit up.

“Definitely memorable,” he pants.

I can’t help the small smile of satisfaction that creeps across my face.

“Roll over,” I command. “I’m not done yet.”

He laughs softly and then complies, rolling onto his stomach. His naked body is splayed out like a Greek God on the hammock, and I almost wish I had a photo of this. I reach back and grab the small bottle of massage oil I brought with me, opening it up. I pour some into my hand, warming it between my palms before applying it to his back.

I begin caressing him slowly, paying attention to every tense muscle fiber in his body. Surprisingly, there’s a lot, and by the sounds he’s making, I can tell he’s enjoying this. I wonder how long it’s been since someone’s taken the time to care for him, or if he’s ever even let them.

He doesn’t say a word as I work him over, and just as I intended, he falls asleep within minutes. I lay down beside him and nestle up against him, closing my own eyes and letting the soft waves of water lull me to sleep.




When I wake, Victoria is snuggled against me, sleeping soundly. She looks at peace, and I know I made the right decision in bringing her here. Whatever it is that frequently plagues her thoughts is nowhere to be found right now.

I want her to be this relaxed all the time. To tell me her secrets so I can help her somehow. I don’t like her not being open with me, but I also want her to come to me on her own when she feels like she can trust me. I made a mistake earlier, talking about the future, and I could feel her tense up when I said it. It was stupid, but I don’t know why she wants to leave. And more importantly, I have no idea if I can let her go now.

I reach down to touch the soft skin of her back. She is beautiful, and for right now, she’s mine. I can’t believe that any man before me would have been stupid enough to let her go. The things that she did for me today were so simple, yet thoughtful. None of the women I’ve dated before have taken care of me in that way. Not genuinely, at least.

She stirs beneath my touch, rolling over to face me. She smiles up at me sleepily as I continue to run my fingers along her delicate collarbone.

“You look beautiful when you sleep,” I whisper.

“If you say so.” She flushes.

“I do. All of your thoughts and your worries are far away. As opposed to when you’re awake and I’m left to wonder what’s going on in that head of yours.”

“Trust me, you wouldn’t want to know.” She laughs.

“I think I would,” I say carefully. “So tell me, Victoria. What are your plans?”

  “Well,” she says in a playful tone, “you standing over me, naked… with a whip, and…”

I shake my head and try to keep a serious expression. “As much as that thought appeals to me right now, I won’t let you distract me. I want to know what you imagine your life being like a few years from now. What do you want?”

She’s silent for a few moments, and I think she’s going to brush me off again. I’m surprised when she doesn’t.

“Well, do you want to know what my plans are,” she says, “or what I want them to be? Because they are two entirely different things.”

I frown at her response. “What you want them to be.”

“What I want is to settle down somewhere,” she says in a soft voice.
“Somewhere I could actually take photos for a living… that would be amazing. I’d like to have a cat since I’ve always wanted one. And maybe a dog too, I haven’t decided on that yet. They are kind of hard work. But I guess the main thing is just to be happy, being surrounded by friends and feeling like I’m part of… I don’t know, a family, I guess. Oh, and my own house too.”

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