Read Falling into Exposure Online

Authors: A. Zavarelli

Falling into Exposure (7 page)

“That doesn’t seem like it would be too far out of reach,” I reply. “I’ve seen your photos. You have real talent, Victoria. I don’t know why you haven’t shown them to someone.”

She doesn’t respond, and I can sense her discomfort, so reluctantly, I change the subject.

“Tell me about this house. What’s it like?”

“Oh, that’s easy,” she says. “It would be a Spanish style Villa. The kitchen would be decorated in hand painted tiles and it would definitely have a brick oven. The inside would be warm and comfortable, with a big dining room so I could have people over for dinner all the time.”

She pauses for a moment, brushing her hand through her hair as she thinks about it some more. “I would have a reading nook, like a giant padded area with lots of pillows where I could cuddle my cat and just lose myself in a classic. Oh, and one of those giant couches that are like a couch and a bed combined. I would have to have one of those in the living room. A big bathtub… that’s a necessity. The whole place would be colorful and vibrant, a happy place.”

“Is that all?” I tease. “Doesn’t sound like you’ve put any thought into that one before.”

“You wanted to know.” She grins.

Without another word, I mount her, my cock stirring against her belly. I untie the strings of her bikini bottoms, flinging them aside.

“Time to repay the favor,” I murmur.




We spend the rest of the afternoon napping and fucking on the hammock. I never would have thought of putting it to that use before, but Victoria seems to be very fond of it.

It’s dark now, and noticeably cooler. She’s tucked into my arms, staring up at the night sky with a strange expression on her face.

“What is it?” I ask.

She points up at the stars nervously. “It’s just that constellation, Orion. I remember learning about it in school when I was young. It’s always stood out to me for some reason. And when I left home, it seemed like no matter where I was, whenever I looked up at the stars, there it was. I always thought it must have some sort of significance to me. I’ve seen the other constellations a handful of times, but this one was always so prominent to me.”

“Hmm,” I murmur, kissing her temple. “That is strange. We’ll have to figure out what that means.”

“I think I already know,” she says softly.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I looked it up once. Orion was notoriously handsome, and he was known as the hunter.” She grins up at me and makes my heart do a weird little flip.

“Anyway, the myths vary as to what his story was, but one of them was that he fell in love with the beautiful Artemis. But she unknowingly killed him and was so deeply saddened by what happened, she immortalized him in the stars.”

“Well, that’s a bit depressing.” I laugh. “So what significance do you think it has to you then?”

“It’s not depressing,” she says stubbornly. “Just hear me out.”

“Please by all means, continue,” I tell her. “I’m dying to know where you’re going with this.”

“So anyway, the Sumerians called Orion the light of heaven. And I know it sounds kind of silly, but in some of my darker times, I used to sit out and look up at the stars. And I thought that because Artemis couldn’t be with the man she loved, she made him a guiding light for others. And I knew that someday she would guide me to…. well, I guess to where I needed to be.”

I watch her carefully, her cheeks flushing in the soft moonlight, and it occurs to me what’s she’s trying to say in her roundabout way.

“I don’t think it’s silly at all.” I pull her a little closer. “I think that I’m glad that the star- crossed lovers sent you to me.”

She grins at me appreciatively, nuzzling into my chest. 

“I read a Chinese proverb once that said there is an invisible thread that connects those who are destined to meet,” she whispers. “And that no matter what happens, it never breaks. I think that’s true. If someone is meant to come into your life, they will. I mean you were so persistent…”

I laugh at her teasing little smile and squeeze her tight. “Yes, I was very persistent. But look at where it got me.”

“That’s true,” she says. “I can’t imagine never having met you now that I know you.”

“Me either, beautiful.”



Chapter Eleven




By the time we head inside, I’ve got netting marks all over my body and I’m exhausted. But the memories I’ll carry with me from this day are worth every imprint.

I change into one of my silk night dresses and walk into the bedroom to find Gabriel sitting on the bed. He looks anxious, and I’m not sure why.

“What’s up?” I ask, sitting down beside him.

“I really liked your gift today.” He smiles softly. “I got you something too, but I’m not sure if you’ll like it.”

I study his beautiful blue eyes, wondering what could be bothering him so much. I’ve never seen him this nervous. I can tell he wants my approval right now, so I try my best to reassure him.

“I’m sure whatever it is, I’ll love it.”

He stays still for a few more moments, searching my face again. Then with a deep sigh, he reaches behind him and opens the drawer next to the bed. He retrieves a flat black case and hands it to me apprehensively.

“If you don’t like it, you don’t have to wear it.”

I glance at the case in my hands, swallowing anxiously. It’s definitely not a ring box, but it looks like a jewelry case of some sort, and that makes me nervous.

I move my fingers to the unhinged sides and open it slowly. Inside is a beautiful white gold and diamond studded piece of jewelry. It isn’t a necklace, but looks more like a dainty choker. The front has a small circular opening with a tiny pendant style chain and a larger diamond attached within.

“I’m not a strict devotee of the BDSM lifestyle,” he says with an awkward laugh. “But as you’re aware I’m familiar with it. And, well, I kind of like the idea of collaring you. If you wear this, it means that you belong to me.”

I smile at the implication, logic be damned.

“It’s stunning, Gabriel.” I smooth my fingers over the band, noting how strong it is even though it appears delicate.

“It’s like you,” he says in a teasing voice.

“What?” I blink up at him.

“Tiny and willful.”

I laugh and shake my head, picking the jewelry up and handing it to him.

“Put it on me, please?”

Relief floods his eyes as he pulls my hair over my shoulder and clasps it around my neck.

“Beautiful,” he murmurs in a husky voice.

I stand and walk to the mirror on the other side of the room to check it out. I’ve never worn anything this extravagant in my life, and it feels a little strange. Jewelry isn’t normally something I’d go gaga over, but this is different. It has a much deeper meaning.

Gabriel walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist as I stare at my reflection.

“Do you like it?” he asks.

I turn in his embrace to face him, leaning up on my toes and kissing him softly on the lips.

“It’s stunning,” I reply. “But, that’s not why I love it. I love it because you said it means I belong to you.”




We arrive back in the city early Sunday afternoon. Gabriel seems reluctant as he drops me back at my apartment, and even I miss him already. As I turn to go inside, he stops me.

“Don’t make any plans tonight,” he says with a grin. “I have a surprise for you.”

There’s only one thing that wicked smile could mean, and my own face lights up in response.

“Okay, what time?”

“I’ll let you know.” He kisses me chastely on the forehead before disappearing down the stairs.



Once inside, I curl up on the couch and rehash my weekend with Alanna. Afterwards, she regales me with stories about her wild sexcapades with Nathan. For being a financier, he’s into some pretty kinky stuff.

At 3:00 pm, there’s a knock at the door.

“Delivery for Miss Kelly,” the familiar voice calls out.

I bolt to the door, nearly tripping over my own feet on the way. After I collect the gold box from the courier, I turn around to find Alanna smirking from the couch. I can’t even find it in me to care. There’s no hiding my feelings for Gabriel at this point.

I pull the familiar white note card from the top, inspecting it eagerly.


My place.

4:00 pm.

Wear this, but bring a change of clothes, please.



That isn’t even an hour from now. That means I have forty minutes to get ready and be downstairs. Talk about being at his beck and call. For a moment, I actually toy with the idea of showing up late, and it sends a delicious tingle down my spine. Gabriel hates waiting, and there would surely be punishment involved. But ultimately, I decide for the sake of my already sore lady parts, I better just go get dressed.

Once I’m in the privacy of my own bedroom, I peek inside the box. Inside lies what, at first glance, appears to be a giant pair of fishnet stockings. But as I pull it out and hold it up, it takes the form of a full fishnet bodysuit. I don’t even know how to begin to put something like that on.

After ten minutes of struggling to get into the thing, I’ve finally achieved my task. Only then do I realize it’s completely crotchless. And how very little it holds to the imagination.

It doesn’t actually cover any of my body up, just accentuates it with small strings woven delicately over my naked flesh. I can’t believe Gabriel wants me to go outside in this thing. Even covered with my infamous trench coat I’ll still feel completely naked underneath. And after the incident with Anya on the street, I’m not sure if that gives me such a thrill now.

I dig through my shoe collection, hoping to find something that will match. I end up settling on a trusty pair of black stilettos. They seem to go with just about everything. Hell, the shoes are so sexy I could probably get away with wearing nothing but them.

After shrugging into my coat, I put some mousse in my hands and tousle my hair. I spend about five minutes on my makeup, which is all I can manage.

Next on the agenda is a change of clothes. I don’t know what Gabriel has planned for afterwards, but I end up opting for one of my sexy black dresses. It was an impulse buy, and one that I haven’t had time to wear yet. It’s a little more daring than I’d normally wear, with just a strip of fabric covering my breasts and sheer strips of fabric throughout. It shows off the flesh around my waist as well as my entire back. I figure that since it will just be me and Gabriel, it’s the perfect opportunity to break it in.

After I’ve gathered my clothes into a messenger bag, I open my nightstand and quickly snap the beautiful diamond studded collar around my neck.




When I arrive at Gabriel’s he’s waiting for me just inside the door. I barely make it through before he pounces on me, removing my coat as he kisses me fast and hard.

He walks me backwards without a word, his hands everywhere on my body. I bump into the breakfast bar, and he scoops me up and splays me out across it.

I’m gasping for air, trying to get my bearings from hurricane Gabriel when I see him pulling out some leather cuffs and chains. Before I even have a chance to ask what he’s doing, he’s attaching the cuffs to my wrists and ankles.

He threads the connecting chains under the breakfast bar and attaches them on the other side, pulling them tight. I’m bound and completely spread eagle on the middle of the bar as he stares down, admiring his handiwork.

Without a word, he climbs up on top of me, straddling my hips as he sucks my nipples through the delicate lace material. I arch up into his touch, rattling the chains as I do. Gabriel groans, nipping through the material with his teeth and pulling, effectively tearing it.

He frees both nipples, the shredded lace leaving just enough skin exposed for him to lick and suck my breasts. Which he does thoroughly, curling his tongue around each one and gently nipping them like he can’t stop himself.

I so badly want to reach up and touch him, but I’m bound, and I can tell he’s enjoying my natural instinct to attempt to move.

He grazes his way down my naval and across my pubic bone, showering me in kisses before he lands at his intended destination. He buries his face deep between my thighs, rubbing his nose along the wet seam and inhaling, his eyes darkening.

“You smell so fucking good,” he grunts, plunging two fingers inside of me.

I cry out as his tongue starts to lap at my clit, wiggling my hips as he eats me like a man possessed.

I feel my muscles tightening, contracting, stringing me so tight I’m going to snap. My toes curl and my head falls back before it hits me. A bolt of lightning through my core, electrifying every nerve ending as I explode around him.

I scream like a mad woman from the force of emotion raging over me. Gabriel’s eyes are feral with lust as he pulls his engorged cock from his pants, plunging it inside of me.

His movements are frantic and wild as he rocks into me. He’s ripping and tearing the lace from my body with primal sounds emanating from his chest. His hands are everywhere, his teeth, his tongue, his lips. The only thing I can see is his glorious hard body moving against me, taking what he needs from me without apology. And I want to give it to him.

As he reaches the last remaining remnants of the lace around my collarbone, he sees the collar around my neck, and his expression changes. I didn’t think it possible, but he turns even wilder as he grips my hips in his hands, bottoming out inside of me.

And then he’s coming, shuddering inside of me as his head falls back and his lips part. He’s rocked back on his heels, looking utterly wrecked and beautiful, his large body looming over me, but still connected.

When his breathing finally calms, he leans down and gives me a gentle kiss, smoothing my hair back as he stares into my eyes.


It’s the only explanation I get. The only one I need.

He undoes the chains and the cuffs, freeing me before he starts picking up the scraps of lace from the floor.

“Why do you buy them if you’re just going to rip them?” I tease, retrieving a few pieces myself.

He turns to me and grins. “That’s the whole point, beautiful. I like tearing things off of you. Especially things like that.”

I smile and shake my head, knowing that Gabriel is certainly one of a kind.

“I need you to go get dressed,” he says in a low voice. “Quickly.”


I retrieve my messenger bag from the entryway and make my way to the bathroom. It’s only then that I realize I’ve forgotten to pack a pair of panties.
Of course.
Well if nothing else, this night should be interesting. I slip into my dress and tame my curls before stepping back into the hallway. Gabriel is standing in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie when I emerge.

“Is that what you’re wearing?” he asks hoarsely.

I look down at my dress in confusion.

“Uh yeah,” I reply meekly. “Is that going to be a problem?”

A small smile creeps across his face and then relaxed laughter escapes him.

“You look absolutely beautiful in that dress,” he reassures me. “It just wasn’t what I was expecting.”

“Well, you didn’t say specifically what to wear.” I cross my arms in frustration.

He saunters towards me, taking me in his arms and kissing me sweetly.

“I’m glad you’re wearing it, believe me, I am. It’s just going to make it that much harder to take my eyes off of you tonight.”

“Well,” I retort. “Then you should probably also know that I forgot a pair of panties.”

“You’re killing me,” he groans, pressing his forehead to mine.

The familiar ding of the elevator doors carries down the hallway, followed by loud bellows of laughter.

“Who’s that?” I ask nervously, taking a step back.

He gives me a coy smile and pulls me back into his arms.

“I want you to meet two people who are very special to me.”

I look down at my dress in panic. Before I can protest, he’s tugging at my hand
dragging me along behind him.

He walks into view of the kitchen, casually pulling me up against his side. There’s a young man and woman sitting at the breakfast bar, staring.

Meanwhile, all I can think about is what Gabriel and I just did on that very breakfast bar.

Both of the strangers are openly gaping as Gabriel wraps his arms around my waist. The young woman stands, eyeing me speculatively. She’s of average height with a slightly round figure and long brown hair. The young man remains seated with a dumbfound expression as his eyes travel the length of my body.

I suddenly feel very much on display.

Gabriel interrupts the stiff silence. “Victoria, I’d like you to meet my brother Abel, and my beautiful sister Angelina.”

I glance up at him in surprise. I hadn’t realized they were his siblings. They look different than Gabriel, much different. While he stands there with his tall, beautifully sculpted body draped casually beside me, they seem much simpler in comparison. More down to earth, relaxed, and not at all like high society royalty.

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