Read F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) Online

Authors: Sheila Michelle

F#ckGirl (F#ckGirl #1) (17 page)

Sherwood looked back at Seals.

“And who are these guys?” Sherwood

Erin sighed again. “There are a lot of them
from all different schools and stuff.”

“Any from your school?” Seals asked.

Sherwood looked at Erin.

Erin sighed once again. “Yeah, but . .

“But what?” Seals asked.

Erin looked out the window. “Look, I don’t
wanna say anything because it’s just not right to—”

“Not right to do what? Snitch? Tattletale?
What? I thought Felicity was your best friend?!” Sherwood angrily

!” Erin snapped back.

“Then help us out, Erin! Who were some of
the guys that she was involved with? We need to know!” Seals said,
but tried to keep a gentle voice.

Erin continued to stare out the window.

“ERIN!” Sherwood yelled.

Erin looked at him as tears swelled up in
her eyes again. “Look, Felicity had two sides of her, okay? She had
the side that she showed her parents and then the side that she
showed to guys, girls, and to the rest of the world. She lived for
being on social media, and just loved fucking with people. Maybe
she fucked with someone that I didn’t know that she fucked with and
they found out where she lived and tried to kill her. I honestly
couldn’t keep up with all of the people she caused fuckery to.”

“So what you’re saying is that this could’ve
been anyone who did this? Just some random guy, but it actually
could be someone that she knows?” Seals asked.

Erin shook her head. “I don’t know what I’m
saying. All I know is that I warned her about all of the fuckery
she was causing and that it could get her into a lot of trouble
someday if she didn’t stop it. But Felicity was always in denial
about starting shit with people. She would always say that they’re
the ones who always started stuff. She always liked to twist shit
around; always having to justify why she would do the things that
she would do, and she always had to come out looking like the
better person. I just think she liked making people miserable
because deep down inside, she was miserable.”

“And why do you think she was miserable?”
Sherwood asked.

Erin shrugged. “I really
don’t know because she would always tell me that she was happy, but
I just couldn’t fully believe that she was. She was the type that
hid a lot of shit. I think guys finding her attractive was like an
obsession for her, especially on social media. She would take,
like, a million selfies of herself with very revealing clothes on,
but her parents never saw her wearing these clothes because she
would always cover herself up for them in
clothes, as she
called them. She could get away with this because her parents hate
social media so they’re not on any of it and don’t see what she was
always posting on it and the way she would start shit with people
on there and claim that they were hating if they put something
negative about her. She couldn’t handle rejection and always wanted
to get revenge by ruining people’s relationships and flirting with
guys who had or didn’t have girlfriends, but then turning around
and saying mean stuff about them. Also, when she would start
fuckery with people and these people wanted confronted her about
it, she would avoid them at all costs, and then make up some lie to
me about why she wasn’t at school and would set all of her social
media accounts on private or whatever, but, of course, she wouldn’t
have them set to private for that long.”

“Seems like you know your best friend well,
Erin. Her parents told us that she had a boyfriend who broke up
with her less than two weeks ago name Sloan Avery,” Sherwood

Erin nodded. “Yeah, Sloan was her
boyfriend,” she confirmed.

“Do you know why they broke up?” Seals

“Because of all of her
fuckery. He couldn’t take it anymore and he told her that. He kept
trying to defend her to people, but it didn’t do any good. She was
always telling me that she wanted him back, but then would turn
around say that she didn’t want him back. She would also tell him
constantly that she wanted him back, and he would always call him
; he was
before anything else,” Erin said.

Sherwood and Seals grinned as they took
notes on their small notepads.

“Well, we’ll definitely be talking to Sloan
today,” Sherwood said.

Erin stared at them. “About what?”

“Don’t worry about that, Erin. We just want
to know as much as we can about Felicity from you and people who
are close to her. We heard you say that you heard about what
happened to Felicity on social media. Whose account were you
looking at?” Seals asked.

“My own. I saw it on a post of one of the
people that I follow,” Erin replied.

“And who might that be?” Sherwood asked.

“Carson. Me and Felicity met him at Moves
over a year ago. His older brother is the owner of the club. He
reposted a pic of one of Felicity’s many selfies and stated that he
heard from someone else that something bad happened to her at her
house last night,” Erin replied.

Sherwood and Seals looked at each other.

“Can we see the post?” Sherwood asked.

“Sure,” Erin replied, and turned back on her
phone. She scrolled through one of her social media pages to find
it. She kept looking for it, and even checked her other social
media pages since she followed Carson on all of the social media
sites. She didn’t see the post.

“Something wrong?” Seals asked.

“Um . . . yeah. I don’t see the post
anymore. I don’t see it on the original social media page that I
saw it on earlier. I just checked all of my other ones to see if he
posted it on there and I don’t see it on there, either,” Erin said,
as she still scrolled through her phone completely confused.

Sherwood and Seals looked at each other

“Maybe he erased it,” Seals said. “And if he
did, do you know why he would do that?”

Erin shrugged. “I have no idea. We only saw
him at Moves on Friday and Saturday nights. We never saw him
outside of the club. We don’t go to the same school as him.”

“What’s Carson’s last name?” Sherwood

“I don’t know,” Erin replied, since she
really didn’t know.

“Was Felicity involved with Carson?”
Sherwood asked.

Erin looked out the window.

“Erin?” Sherwood asked.

“Not really,” Erin replied.

“What do you mean by that?” Seals asked.

“Because she would only see him when we were
at Moves, like I said. She would flirt with him for free drinks and
she would get them for us, but out of all of the times that we’ve
been there and that seems like a thousand times, she only danced
with him once,” Erin said.

“And what was the special occasion?”
Sherwood asked.

“Because Sloan was there,” Erin said.

Sherwood and Seals looked at each other.

“Were Felicity and Sloan still together?”
Seals asked.

Erin shook her head. “No. Sloan had just
broken up with her that week before, and Sloan really never goes to
Moves. But he showed on Friday and Felicity was all happy and
everything, but then got mad when she saw him dancing with his ex,
Willow Hartman, so she decided to start shit by dancing with Carson
— but I think that Carson knew he was being used because she’d
never danced with him before and he even knew that Sloan was her
ex-boyfriend. Carson didn’t seem to mind, but on the other hand, he
didn’t look all that happy about it.”

“Do you think Carson liked Felicity for more
than a friend?” Sherwood asked.

“If he did, he didn’t show it, but I don’t
know why for the life of me why he would like her for more than a
friend because she sure as hell used him a lot,” Erin said.

“Like how?” Seals asked.

“To get us in free every time we came to the
club, and it worked after us only being at the club for less than
five times, otherwise, we would’ve had to pay the $10 cover charge
each and every time. We would also get free drinks, even though
half of the time they were watered-down sodas,” Erin said.

Sherwood and Seals grinned.

“Anything else that Carson was generous to
give?” Seals asked.

“Tickets to special events that were held
there. He would give us free tickets and VIP passes to meet the
singers and everything. I thought it was really cool, and I knew
this was all because of Felicity,” Erin said, and then sighed. “But
I don’t even wanna think about what she could’ve been doing to get
these things from him. But what I didn’t like is that she thought
she was owed this stuff, and more than half the time, would ignore
Carson while at the club on regular and special nights. She only
talked to him and wanted him around when she wanted something.”

Sherwood and Seals nodded.

“So Carson wasn’t boyfriend material to her,
we take it?” Seals asked.

“Not at all. She said she didn’t find him
attractive in the least bit and that he was far from her type, and
that the only reason why she was nice to him was to get the things
from him that she thought she deserved while she was at the club
because she knew that she could because his brother’s the owner.
And of course, she wanted me to have these things, too, so it was
double everything. It seemed like he was always happy to see us at
the club, so I thought nothing of it,” Erin said.

Sherwood continued to write notes on his
notepad. “Anything you would like to add?”

Erin shook her head. “I just hope you all
find who did this to her.”

“That’s what we’re doing, Erin. That’s why
we need everyone’s cooperation in this investigation. We need to
find out about Felicity as much as we can, and you’ve been a
tremendous help to us. We’ll definitely be talking to you again
soon. Here’s our cards,” Sherwood said, and handed his to her;
Seals did the same.

“Thank you,” Erin said, as she took their

“If you hear or see anything on social media
or at school about Felicity and who could’ve done this to her,
please let us know because right now we have no suspects, but from
what you’ve just told us about her, everyone is a suspect,” Seals

Erin tensed up. “I understand.” She got out
of the car and walked through the parking structure towards her

Back inside the unmarked police car where
Sherwood and Seals were, they looked at each other while Seals sat
back up front.

“So, what do you think?” Seals asked.

“That Felicity is something
else,” Sherwood said, as he shook his head. “You notice how I

“Right,” Seals replied. “Because I’m sure
you noticed, as well as I did, that Erin was talking about Felicity
in the past tense, as if she just knew or knows she’s gonna

“Of course I noticed that; it was hard not
to. And what do you think about her saying that Carson posted up
something about what happened to Felicity, but then when we asked
to see it, she claimed that it was erased?”

“It’s possible he could’ve put up something
about it since news does spread fast on social media, but then
didn’t wanna look like a suspect so he erased it. But then again,
she could’ve been lying about it; only she knows that. But what I
do know is that we’re not only paying Sloan Avery a visit today,
we’re paying Carson one as well,” Seals said. “If Erin has
something to hide, I’m sure Sloan and Carson will tell us.”

They pulled out of the parking lot and

Meanwhile, in Erin’s car,
she tried desperately to contact Sloan to let him know that the
cops were going to try and talk to him today, but she couldn’t get
in touch with him on the phone or through social media. “Dammit!
Come on, Sloan! Answer me! I don’t want you to think that it was me
who told the cops that you’re the one who probably hurt Felicity!”
After numerous tries, she stopped. “Well, he’s gonna have to talk
to them sooner or later.” She looked at her phone again and went to
Felicity’s social media pages to see what people had written on
them . . . she gasped.
They were all




Chapter 18



doorbell rang at the Avery’s home. Sloan’s mom, Lydia, answered the
door. “Yes?”

“Hi, are you Sloan Avery’s mom?” Sherwood

“Well, yes, I am. I’m Lydia Avery. And you
are?” Lydia asked.

“I’m Detective Roland Sherwood and this is
my partner Detective Genevieve Seals. We’re here to talk to your
son Sloan about his ex-girlfriend Felicity,” Sherwood informed

Lydia gave him a blank stare. She stared at
him as if she didn’t know who he was talking about.

“Is Sloan here, Lydia?” Seals asked.

“Of course he’s here. But he hasn’t been
with Felicity for almost two weeks,” Lydia informed them.

“Well, it doesn’t matter that he isn’t with
her anymore, Lydia. We need to talk to him because he was with her.
Right now, we don’t have any suspects in this investigation, so we
want to talk to the people that are or were close to her. You do
understand that this is a process of elimination, right?” Sherwood

Lydia sighed. “Of course. Come on in. I’ll
go get Sloan.”

“Thank you,” Sherwood and Seals said.

“You can both have a seat in the family
room,” Lydia said.

Sherwood and Seals sat down on a couch in
the family room while Lydia went to go get Sloan.

Minutes later, Sloan came downstairs with
Lydia behind him.

Sherwood and Seals stood up.

“Sloan Avery?” Sherwood asked.

Sloan stared at him as if he didn’t know
what he was doing here. “Yeah?”

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