Fearless (18 page)

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Authors: Eve Carter

He gazed into my eyes, two stray strands of hair hanging down, and spoke softly and tenderly. “You are amazing, Niki. I’m so happy you came with me. I always want to be with you.”

I reached up and pushed back one of the dangling strands of hair, cupping his face in one hand. “Me too, baby. Me too.” That’s where I wanted to be too, always in his arms. I closed my eyes, feeling a buildup of happy tears behind my eyelids that threatened to slide down my face.

In one swift move, Jesse pulled me tight to his body and flipped both of us over so I was on top. He smacked my butt with a firm wallop, using the palm of his open hand. A sharp crack split the air and I yelped, letting out a sound like someone had stepped on a little Chihuahua dog.

“Get in there and take your shower, girl.” I rolled off him and jumped to my feet, holding my behind with my hand, like a child that had just been spanked. He popped up into an upright position, sitting on the edge of the bed and said, “I want to eat dinner soon. I can’t wait for dessert and you’re the specialty dessert on the menu tonight, baby.”

“You guys and your one track minds…” I teased as I ducked into the bathroom for the fastest shower of my life. I couldn’t wait either and wanted him desperately. I was excited to try out something very special from my Victoria’s Secret collection that Kat had convinced me to purchase just for this trip. Something that would make his eyeballs roll up in his head just looking at me.

As soon as I emerged from the bathroom, my wardrobe choice jerked Jesse’s attention my way. I teased him with the typical movie pose in the bathroom doorway, dressed in a matching red lace set. Red for the hot passion I felt coursing through my veins as I studied his frame - broad, young and strong.

Neither of us could eat much. We were too interested in moving on to the ‘dessert menu.’

“Now this is the way to have dinner,” Jesse said when we were finished, running a finger along the lace edge of my bra. The sensation of his finger brushing against the crest of my beast rekindled the before dinner thoughts and within seconds my pulse was racing again. Jesse pushed the room service cart to the side of the bed and slipped the do not disturb sign on the outside door handle. I took that as my cue to slide up on the billowing white comforter on the bed and seductively pose with my back to the headboard, high heels and all. I reached to remove the shoes.

“No.” Jesse stopped me with his intense gaze. “Leave them on. You look damn hot all up on that bed. And I have a little dessert for you.”

“Mmmm. Mr. Morrison.” I bent one knee up and pushed my hair up onto the top of my head striking a kind of ‘pin up girl’ pose. I wanted Jesse begging for more. “Come here and show me what you’ve got, baby.”

Jesse’s voice rumbled deep in his throat. He stepped over to the dinner cart and pulled a sweating bottle of champagne from a bucket of ice. He strategically set two empty champagne flutes on the linen covered cart and popped the cork with a bang. I flinched and giggled.

“What’s the champagne for?”

“Technically, it’s not champagne, it’s Prosecco - sparkling wine - but we’re celebrating my deal and me getting back into racing. Plus, my mom is getting better and Jimmy’s about to become a proud papa and….well the list goes on.”

He neatly filled the glasses with Prosecco, then reached for the silver plate cover on the same cart and lifted the lid. He dramatically held the lid in the air and said, “Something sweet for my sweetie.” The raised lid revealed a small white porcelain bowl, filled with shiny red strawberry halves, glistening in the reflection of the lights in the room.

Jesse dimmed the lights and two seconds later, strawberries bobbed buoyantly in the effervescent bubbles, as Jesse dropped a couple in each glass.

“And I want to celebrate you?”

I looked up sheepishly from under my lashes, sitting with my back against the headboard and holding my glass with both hands. He raised his glass.

“To one of the most special and exciting things in my life right now…you, baby.”

I smiled, feeling foolish for being so egocentric and wanting all of his attention. But I did want it. I wanted to drink in every ounce he had to offer. I wanted to feel like I was the only woman in the world for him, the center of his universe, the only person who could make him feel special. It was an unflattering assessment to be so greedy. I wanted him all for myself, but at least I considered my thoughts to be legitimate for in the bedroom.

He sat down on the edge of bed, facing me, with his thoughtful eyes on me, caressing my body with his warm gaze. He lowered his voice to a sexy hum and said, “I am so glad I met you and this feels like a dream to me, that a girl like you would want to be with a sorry ass guy like me.”

The delicate glass rims of our stemmed glasses kissed with a clink and we sipped the wine, eyes locked on each other, almost daring each other to be the first to break away. Reaching out his arm, he set his drink on the small food cart adjacent to the bed.

I watched the muscles ripple under the taught skin covering his bicep as his arm moved. I loved watching his body, especially his eyes when he made love to me. He slid his warm hand up my leg, snaking around to the inside of my thigh as he moved forward and rose up between my legs to reach my lips for a kiss. A shiver of desire ran one second ahead of his hand, running up my body as the heat from his hand caressed my skin. Only his touch made me feel like this, made me want to beg for more. His lips were still moist from the champagne and he tasted sweet. The touch of his lips was a delicious sensation, as his tongue traced the edges of my mouth. A new spiral of ecstasy shot through me.

His lips left mine to nibble my neck. “I’m glad we ordered room service and stayed in,” he murmured.

Between kisses he took the glass out of my hand and placed it on the bedside table, then brought his attention back to me. I pushed my hands through his long locks of hair, those glorious locks that fell in his blue eyes; those sexy locks and those sexy eyes. I pulled him in and his lips recaptured mine, more demanding this time, making me desperate to feel his tongue grazing mine.

His lips slowly descended feathering kisses down my neck, all the way to the swell of my breasts, pushed out high and round by my bra. His lips grazed the area, fingers pulling at the lace edges, eager to sample my nipples, already sensitive and swollen, under the fabric.

I gently pushed him off and sat up, with the intention of removing the object of his frustration, but decided to opt for a little teasing fun first. I reached for a strawberry and wedged it between my breasts. With a challenging look in my eyes I said, “With a cherry on top…or in this case, a strawberry.”

“Mmmm, I like. Told you, you were my dessert tonight,” he grinned and leaned in to my chest, taking the fruit out with his teeth while he reached behind my back and unfastened the clasp of my bra. My breasts bounced free and he tossed the red temptation aside. When sexy lingerie doesn’t stay on long, it’s a sure sign that it was worth the expensive price tag.

He sucked the red berry into his mouth and held it there until his hands were free. He pushed the strawberry out of his mouth far enough to grasp it with his thumb and forefinger, then he took a bite, to release the juices, and slowly rubbed the remaining piece on my nipples, first one and then the other. A cool sensation shocked my skin and the stimulation of my hardened peaks shot a tingling line of fire all the way down between my legs.

“That’s cold…” I giggled, and watched him lick the sweetness, as he took each nipple into his mouth one at a time. After his last lick, he brought his head up to my line of vision, smiling a devilish grin. His smile melted into a lusty gaze as it blazed straight into me. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the steamy stare of those half-hooded blue orbs. I thought I heard a kind of deep rumbling moan that was part chuckle, erupt from his throat. Whatever it was, it jolted my heart and made my pulse pound faster.

I wanted him badly and I wanted him now. I wanted him to crush my lips with his and possess me. I wanted to touch and kiss every square inch of his skin, every part of his hard body, especially the part that was getting harder by the minute. I wanted to ride the crashing wave of an orgasm with him inside me, but I could tell from the look in those bad boy eyes that he was going to make me beg for it. He was going to torture me with a slow tease, and make me ache with the desire of a slow burn, before giving me what I wanted.

My eyes follow his motions as he gently touched the small sweet piece of the strawberry to my lips. Reflexively, I parted my lips, eyes still locked, and he slowly rubbed the fruit across my lower lip, then slipped it into my mouth, along with his finger. Looking up at him, I clasped his hand with both of mine, holding his finger in my mouth. I closed my warm wet lips around it and slowly sucked, gently thrusting it in and out, in and out. His hardness jerked in spasms between our bodies and a hurricane began to rumble inside of me.

By now he was between my legs, on his knees in front of me with his finger in my mouth and a sky high erection. I leaned forward and replaced his finger with his erection. He moaned, sucking in a sharp breath through clenched teeth, arching back with a jerk. I moved my mouth around his velvety smooth shaft, letting the sensation fill him, reveling in the satisfaction that I was pleasing him. My blood surged in a lusty frenzy inside my veins. I moved faster, increasing the rhythm. I felt his hand swirling in my hair, guiding me, and I imagined him savoring the sight as he looked down at my head moving on his cock.

He gently put his hands on my shoulders and pulled out of my mouth, laying me back on the bed. He scooted back and caught me behind my bent knees, and pulled me down the bed until I was flat on my back. I gasped at the urgency in his sudden, commanding move. I liked it. It fueled the hot desire already searing through my veins.

He reached for the champagne glass and took a sip. I lay there, panting, barely able to keep from clawing at him and pulling him on top of me. He gave a seductively wicked low laugh as he fished a strawberry out of the happy bubbles. He slid his hand up the inside of my thigh and tugged the red lace panties off with one hand. He pushed at the inside of my leg and I eagerly opened my legs for him, aching for his touch to take me to that special place. The firmness of his warm palm felt good as he caressed the thick part of my thigh, the erogenous part on the inside, where the skin is smooth and nerve endings tantalized and tingled.
He squeezed, and rocketing sensations fill my brain with anticipation. Pleading words burst from my lips in the form of his name, “Jesse…”

He pushed his hand up further and slipped his fingers into my folds. I bucked and thrust my hips in the air, imploring him to touch me where I needed. I was swollen and the concentration of blood in my hot spot, caused my nub to throb with an intensity I had never felt before. My skin was so hot I feared I might internally combust if he didn’t give me relief soon.

I arched my back and flung my head back, biting my lip to keep from whimpering out loud. With his fingers still holding the champagne infused strawberry, Jesse parted my folds with his free hand and put the cool wetness of it on my fiery bud. I gasped and contracted. Intense pleasure waves spiked through my body as he rubbed the fruit along the outer edges of the lips of my sex. He traced a path up and around in one direction, then up and around in the other, licking the sweet trail behind it with his tongue as he worked the strawberry over the surface of my pink skin.

The little piece of berry was getting pretty mashed up by now and in one final swirl his fingertips pushed it right on the button. He sucked hard, drawing it and my clit into his mouth. He flicked and swirled with his tongue. I wrenched and moaned, hitching my breath with deep sounds of raging pleasure. His tongue moved frantically; it was all wetness down there. The perfectly slippery prologue to what I needed next, to feel him inside of me.

He held my hips down and worked faster, he was going to make me come in his face, before I could get him to penetrate me. I felt it coming; the waves of pleasure came now in torrents. He wound me up and my body begged for release. My muscles tightened, my fists twisted knots in the bedspread cover as I panted and rolled my head from side to side, begging for more.

 My awareness of reality was slipping away. The rush was so fantastic, so extreme, I thought my body would explode. I squealed a high pitched sound.

Oh my fucking God!

And screamed out my orgasm into the New York night.

With my mind reeling and my brain flooded with endorphins I was barely aware of him on top of me. I clawed at his shoulders; I pulled and tugged, desperate to feel his skin on my skin, his chest pressing into me. He was like an animal, wild and virile, holding his cock at the base and throwing his head back. He drove it in me, hard, not holding anything back. I surrendered, I pushed up to meet his every thrust as he pounded and stroked the living daylights out of me.

I pulled my legs up and wrapped them around his waist. He convulsed and contracted on top of me, his face buried in my neck, my long hair splayed all over the pillow. A deep groan rumbled from his throat as he shuddered into me. With my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, I clung to him, our two bodies creating a symphony of love.

Chapter 19


A rush of satisfaction that stemmed from returning home after being away hit me, hard, as we drove into the city limits of Thunder Ridge. I was stoked to be back in this little shit-hole of a town. The sight of familiar shops was like a soothing balm for my soul, as we made our way through town towards my brother Jimmy’s house. I had only been gone a little more than three months, but my drunken escapades in this town, and repeatedly getting thrown out of the Oxford Tap by Manny, all seemed a lifetime ago.

And who would have thought I’d met the most wonderful woman while on a crazy adventure in California. It was only supposed to be a visit, to help Kenny with that damn bar of his, but…who would have thought?

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