Feros and the Underworld Prince (21 page)

Read Feros and the Underworld Prince Online

Authors: A.L. Bridges

Tags: #humor, #gods and goddesses, #paranormal, #contemporary, #romance, #fantasy, #supernatural, #action, #supernatural abilities, #mythology

I need to go talk with Natasha and Auntie Tia in the basement so I need you to watch TV with Auntie Sara for a while, okay?” I announce.

Addie pouts in response and I almost feel my heart stop. She trundles over to the couch and climbs onto it. Natasha follows me into the basement and Tia meets us down there a few moments later.

Alright, what’s going on?” I ask Tia.

Well, it seems that Adelaide is convinced that the man that saved her is her dad. Sara and I just rolled with it; after all, you did say you were going to raise her.” Tia says with a mischievous smile.

Well shit… I don’t really have a problem with being her father, but I leave for a ten week mission on Thursday.” I inform her.

Ten week mission? Does it have anything to do with why Chezarei and Naia are transferring into Fogquartz University?” Tia asks.

They’re what!? Dammit Carla!” I shout port to the Minneapolis office.

CARLA WHAT THE HELL!” I yell in the office.

I figured it was only a matter of time before you found out. I wasn’t sure if you were going to say yes to the transfer so I arranged for some backup incentives. Naia will be taking classes as a normal student and hopefully this will help her memories return. Chezarei is also going to be taking classes as a normal student. They will be informants that will simply be reporting anything they overhear. They won’t be investigating so there is very little danger to them.” Carla explains.

Alright… I don’t like it, but you have a point and it’s their decision to make. I’ll see you later.” I concede before returning to the basement.

It looks like Naia and Cheza are going to be informants for the student body…” I tell Natasha.

So when do you guys leave?” Tia asks.

We move in on Thursday.” I reply.

Alright, well I have some work to get done. Later!” Tia announces and heads upstairs.

Okay, now we need to see if we can get you moving faster with my blood. Let’s see… with Cheza, all she had to do was envision herself moving faster so let’s try that… but she had already used her Drive at that point so maybe we should try sparring instead…” I tell Natasha.

Are there any melee weapons that you are proficient at using?” I ask.

Not really… I’m more of a gunslinger girl.” Natasha replies.

(I’m going to save you a lot of time and tell you right now that it won’t work)

What? Why not?”

(Natasha doesn’t have the compatibility with your blood that Cheza has. The most Natasha can do is utilize your silicon carbide, but she can’t control your blood like Cheza can)

Well shit… never mind Natasha. Airi just told me that it won’t work. By the way and sorry if this sounds rude, but you don’t seem like much of a fighter so why are you an operator?” I inquire.

You’re right Cole. With my shoulder, close range fighting is disadvantageous for me. That’s why I’m a sniper; my ability as an oracle is well suited for it.” Natasha answers.

What? I didn’t know you were a sniper.” I say.

Yeah, well carrying around a twenty pound rifle isn’t easy when you’re my size.” Natasha replies.

You know, I could make a rifle out of silicon carbide that would be considerably lighter. It would also have minimal recoil with my blood in you.” I offer.

That’s okay Cole. Even a rifle made of silicon carbide would still be too bulky to carry around all of the time.” Natasha responds.

Alright… let’s go watch TV, I guess.” I say.

We head upstairs and relax on the couch. Addie crawls over and sits on my lap as we watch TV.

So where’s Cheza?” I inquire to Sara.

She’s giving Katie a ride back to ASU right now. I spent most of the afternoon showing her procedures and letting her know what we would be working on.” Sara replies.

I sit back and relax, enjoying the luxury of downtime for about thirty minutes…





Chapter 20: The Return of the God of Love

I’m home!” Cheza announces as she walks in the door.

YAY! MOMMY’S HOME!” Addie shouts as she runs over to Cheza.

If I’m Addie’s father and Cheza’s her mother then… wow, and here I was thinking that our relationship couldn’t get any more awkward.

Hello Ada!” Cheza warmly greets.

Look Mommy! Daddy is home and he brought a pretty blonde lady with him!” Addie exclaims.

Why hello…
.” Cheza says so maliciously that I feel my ass cheeks involuntarily clench. Okay, now our relationship can’t get any more awkward.

Hey Rei. Were you able to get everything sorted out at ASU?” Sara asks.

Yeah, it’s all taken care of.” Cheza replies.

Hey Cheza… I need to talk to you for a moment.” I tell her.

I stand up, grab her lightly by the wrist, and walk down the hall. Cheza yanks her wrist away as I walk into my room. Cheza follows and closes the door behind her.

What?” Cheza pointedly ask.

Perhaps you should sit down.” I suggest.

Perhaps you should go fuck yourself.” Cheza replies.

Perhaps… I have some upsetting news for you, Cheza.” I tell her.

If it’s about how you got somebody pregnant, don’t worry; I’m not upset and I don’t care.” Cheza responds.

I killed Jarrett…” I quietly say and wait for the ensuing shitstorm.

So? I broke up with Jarrett.” Cheza replies.

You what!? When?” I ask astonished.

About ten minutes prior to walking in on you and Katie. Now if you have nothing else to say, I have things to do.” Cheza says as she starts for the door. So the reason that Cheza said she didn’t need to tell me was because she was planning on breaking up with Jarrett anyway…?

It was fake! The kiss between Katie and I was set up because we were both angry at how you were handling the Jarrett situation.” I blurt out as Cheza stops with her hand on the doorknob.

That doesn’t fix our relationship, Cole.” Cheza quietly replies and then she leaves.

Damn… if I thought this was my fault before, now…

(Save regret for the things that are permanent… like AIDS… and yes, I’m aware that I could stop at the good part)

You’re right Airi… on both counts. I can still fix this. It will take some time, but I don’t want to give up on Cheza.”

but right now I’m tired so bed seems best. I take off my pants and climb into bed.


It looks like there’s a new prospect to be the next to join us, Cole.” Bullet-hole Kita says with a crackling voice while floating over my prone form in my bedroom.

Or are you going to be the one to join us so the little one doesn’t have to?”


[September 16th]

Daddy? Daddy are you okay? Daddy!?” Addie asks while kneeling on my chest.

I open my eyes to see her wearing flannel pajamas with tears in her worried eyes.

Yeah, Daddy is fine, Addie. I just had a nightmare. Let’s go back to bed.” I tell her while sweating and shaking as an aftereffect from Kita’s words. Addie moves off of my chest.

Okay. Goodnight Daddy!” Addie says while snuggling into my left side. I wonder if she has been sleeping in my bed while I was gone…

Hey Airi, did you have anything to do with why Addie sees me as her father, Cheza as her mother, and seems so unscathed by the whole being held captive thing?”


I’ll take that as a yes… well, thank you for helping her.”

Daddy! Wake up, Daddy!” Addie exclaims.

Hmm? What do you need sweetie?” I sleepily ask.

I’m hungry!” Addie announces.

Okay… let’s go see what Auntie Sara is making for breakfast.” I say as I sluggishly get out of bed.

Addie grabs my hand and we walk out into the kitchen. When we arrive in the kitchen, I’m shocked to find that Sara isn’t awake. Then I understand why: it’s 5am.

It’s still too early for breakfast Addie.” I explain.

But I’m hungry, Daddy…” Addie quietly pouts.

If I don’t hurry up and get this girl some food, I’m going to end up having a heart attack from too much concentrated adorable.

Alright, what do you want for breakfast?” I ask.

Hamburgers!” Addie exclaims.

You can’t have hamburgers for breakfast!” I reply… or is that acceptable for a werewolf?

Cake!” Addie responds.

Only on the week following your birthday. How about blueberry pancakes?” I suggest.

Yeah!” Addie excitedly replies.

I don’t think I have ever seen anyone so excited at 5am… probably because I’ve almost never seen 5am. I walk over and turn on the TV to Boomerang, which is the only network I can think of that will be playing cartoons at 5am and not infomercials. I return to the kitchen and make pancakes as quietly as possible while Addie is engrossed with The Powerpuff Girls. I consider changing it, concerned about the effect of the show’s violence on a three year old, until I remember what she is and the world she is growing up in. Ultimately, I decide that if she develops a distrust of monkeys with exposed brains, then she will probably be better off.

Cole? What are you doing up at this hour?” Cheza groggily asks.

Oh, sorry if I woke you. Our daughter is hungry so I’m making her pancakes.” I explain. A few seconds later, Cheza’s face reddens.

Oh… alright.” Cheza replies and walks over to the couch to sit down next to Addie.

Good morning Mommy!” Addie exclaims.

Good morning Ada.” Cheza says, sleep still clinging to her tone.

I finish making pancakes for Addie, Cheza, and myself before I put a cover on the remaining batter.

Breakfast is ready.” I announce.

Addie runs over and sits at the table while I cut her pancake into bite sized pieces before applying a small amount of syrup.

Where’s Mommy?” I inquire.

Mommy is sleeping.” Addie says as quietly as is possible for a three year old, and points to Cheza’s sleeping form on the couch.

She must be tired. I’m going to go put Mommy to bed while you eat breakfast, alright?” I say. Addie nods and jabs at a square of pancake with her Disney Princess fork in response.

I walk over to Cheza’s sleeping form and scoop her up in my arms before carrying her down the hall and into her room. After tucking her in, I brush a strand of hair out of Cheza’s face, bend down, and kiss her before I can come to my senses. Cheza starts kissing me back as she opens her eyes. She continues for a few moments before she reels back and smacks me.

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