Feros and the Underworld Prince (22 page)

Read Feros and the Underworld Prince Online

Authors: A.L. Bridges

Tags: #humor, #gods and goddesses, #paranormal, #contemporary, #romance, #fantasy, #supernatural, #action, #supernatural abilities, #mythology

That isn’t our relationship anymore, Cole.” Cheza quietly says as she turns over to go to sleep. I exit Cheza’s room and return to the kitchen.

Daddy, why is the side of your face all red?” Addie asks with a mouth full of pancake. Despite the fact that I only put on a small amount of syrup, Addie still found a way to get it everywhere.

Don’t talk when you have food in your mouth. Daddy was a little clumsy and ran into the door.” I say.

Does it hurt, Daddy?” Addie asks after swallowing her pancake.

I’ll be fine sweetie. Now, we are going to take a bath.” I tell her.

I don’t wanna…” Addie pouts. Must. Keep. From. Caving.

Come on, Addie; you’re a sticky mess!” I exclaim.

Okay… are you gonna take a bath with me?” Addie asks.

I… Uh…” I reply, not sure what the proper etiquette is on this.

Please?” Addie pouts.

Sure!” Dammit… I’m going to be the world’s weakest father when Addie gets older; there is nothing that I will be able to deny her so I’ll have to keep telling her to ask her mother, which will cause Cheza to slowly start despising me for constantly making her play the part of the bad guy which will lead to our divorce and possible resentment of Addie, which will lead to a broken home, which will lead to Addie becoming a stripper… I might as well go to the UK and buy the children’s Peek-a-Boo Pole Dancing Kit from Tesco and get her started early for the future that I’ve already set up for her by being such a little bitch!

However, that can wait. Now, how do I get through this while avoiding awkward questions about dangly bits that Cheza can answer when Addie gets older?

(Wear swim trunks)

Perfect! Thanks Airi!”

How about you sit down and watch TV while I go run the bath? Just don’t touch anything, alright?” I say.

Okay Daddy!” Addie exclaims and then uses her sticky hands to climb onto the couch… at least leather is easy to clean.

Addie starts watching Looney Toons, which I am much more likely to change than the Powerpuff Girls because I don’t want her to grow up thinking that a roadrunner, with a top speed of 20mph, wouldn’t be caught by a coyote, which has a top speed of 43mph, in an outright foot race. I head to the master bathroom to run a bath without turning the channel. While the bath is running, I quickly put on some swim trunks in my room before running to the kitchen to inhale my pancakes while I have time. I return to the bath and see that the water is at a nice temperature so I grab two towels and a wash cloth and set them on the bathroom counter before going to fetch Addie.

Alright, it’s bath time Addie.” I tell her as I pick her up.

Okay Daddy!” Addie cheerfully replies.

I carry her into the bathroom, set her down, and she just stands there. Right… I forgot that I’m going to have to remove her clothes because she probably doesn’t know how. I unbutton her flannel pajama top and take it off, followed by her pajama bottoms. Wow, this is awkward… Putting clothes
a small girl is one thing, but taking them off just feels wrong. With the hard part over, I pick her up and sit in the tub before setting her down. I use the wash cloth to try and get her cleaned up.

Daddy! That tickles!” Addie squeals.

You think that tickles? How about this!” I start tickling her which only makes her squeal louder. I decide to stop before I accidentally drown her.

(Ah, the sign of the world’s greatest parent: stopping before you accidentally drown her)

I grab the shampoo and move onto her hair, which is also covered in syrup.

Now I need you to close your eyes and don’t open them until I say so.” I tell her. I lather up her hair and work on getting the syrup out of it.

Owie! Daddy, owie! IT HURTS DADDY! IT HURTS!” Addie screams.

Sorry Addie, I’ve never done this before.” I tell her while trying to extract the soap from her eyes.

COLE! WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?” Tia screams as she barges in. She looks at the situation, before looking away in embarrassment. I glare at her for her misunderstanding.

This is a new low for you, Tia.” I say quietly under Addie’s crying.

It looks like you forgot new clothes for Adelaide… I’ll be right back.” Tia says and leaves. I’m able to get the soap out of Addie’s eyes and Tia comes back while I’m drying Addie.

Hey Tia, where is Natasha?” I ask. Since Naia is in the guest bedroom and Natasha wasn’t in the master bedroom, I have no idea where she is.

Natasha drove home last night. Anyway, I’ll just be going now.” Tia says as she retreats out of the bathroom.

I get Addie dressed and settled down on the couch before I run to my room to get dressed. I sit down on the couch and Addie crawls over to sit on my lap. We watch cartoons for several hours while I teach her all of the things that are wrong with them.

No sweetie, animals can’t actually talk.”

If you put your finger in the barrel of a gun to try and block it, your finger will come off.”

St. Bernard dogs don’t actually carry around alcohol.”

No, lemmings don’t actually jump off of cliffs and kill themselves. The only reason that myth is around is because of a documentary called White Wilderness where… never mind.” I was smart and stopped before I had to tell her why the nice film makers tossed a dozen lemmings off of a cliff.

Yes, fairies are real but they are bigger than that.”

How big are they, Daddy?” Addie asks.

Well, one of my fairy friends is Mommy’s size and the other one isn’t much bigger than you. Do you want to meet them?” I inquire, thinking of Aine and Lila, whom I haven’t seen in over a year.

Yeah!” Addie exclaims while standing up off of the couch.

Alright, let’s go!” I reply while picking her up. I carry her over to the entryway, set her down, and cram her shoes on her feet.

Okay, hold on tight!” I tell her as I pick her up, use my left forearm to support her against my side, and touch my triskele.

AHHHHHH!” Addie screams in my ear and starts crying as we arrive at the gate in Tir na nOg.

Shhhh, it’s okay. I’ve got you; Daddy’s got you. Shhhh.” I soothingly say as I try and calm her down by holding her tightly. Once Addie sees that she’s okay, she stops crying about a minute later.

Alright, you’re going to have that feeling again, but don’t worry; I’ll always have you and I promise that I won’t let anything happen to you.” I reassure her.

*Sniffle*… Okay Daddy…” Addie quietly replies.

I port us to Aine’s foyer as Addie grasps my shirt tightly. I walk down the right hall and into the dining room, where I see Aine reading with a cup of tea and a scone… the cup of tea and the scone being a snack, not implements for reading with… as far as I know, these are not magical items with the ability to read like a more cannibalistic version of
Beauty and the Beast
… because the inanimate objects in the Beast’s castle were originally human servants and the little boy becomes a talking tea cup and thus the scone? Is nobody else getting this?

(I get it, Master)

Thank you, Airi.”

Hey Aine… it’s been a while.” I greet.

Aine looks up at me and her eyes grow to the size of saucers as she drops her teacup, which shatters on impact with the marble floor.

(Nooooo! Not Chip!)

Cole!? But… how!?” Aine asks in a state of shock as I stifle my laughter.

I came back. Aine, I want you to meet
my daughter
, Adelaide. Addie, this is Daddy’s friend Aine, Queen of the fairies.” I say as I walk towards Aine, putting extra emphasis on my declaration of Addie being my daughter so that Aine knows not to ask any questions right now.

It’s nice to meet you, Adelaide.” Aine says with a warm smile.

Hello…” Addie shyly say before turning her face in towards my shirt.

Daddy, if this lady is a fairy, where are her wings?” Addie asks in a child’s whisper, i.e. one that is very loud because she doesn’t know how to control her volume yet.

Do you mean these?” Aine asks. Behind her, two rainbow-colored butterfly wings, which appear to be made of light, flicker into existence and unfurl themselves. I stare dumbstruck as Addie’s face lights up.

They’re so pretty! Look Daddy, pretty!” Addie exclaims.

They sure are, Addie. Aine, I wasn’t aware that you had wings, unlike Lila whose wings are immediately noticeable. Speaking of, where is Lila?” I inquire.

Lila is at school.” Aine answers.

Oh, when does she get home?” I ask.

You misunderstand; Lila is going to a boarding school. She won’t be home until her next holiday. She left last week, but Dagda gave both of us special cell phones so she calls almost nightly. I’ll let her know that you’re back the next time she calls.” Aine says.

That probably isn’t the best idea… it will most likely only serve as a distraction so it will be better if you just tell her the next time she comes home.” I explain.

Yes, that most likely is for the best. She should be home for winter break in December. Uh-oh, it looks like someone is ready for a nap!” Aine exclaims as Addie yawns and rubs her eyes.

I think you may be right! Let me just port home and put her to bed, then I’ll come back and we can catch up. Tell Dagda for me, will you? Knowing him, he is most likely about ten seconds away from breaking your door down!” I exclaim and port to the gate before porting back to the house.

I carry Addie’s sleeping form into my room and tuck her into bed.

Hey, I just set Addie down for her nap. I have some things to take care of in Tir na nOg but I’ll be back soon.” I tell Cheza in the living room. Cheza just ignores me, but I trust her to take care of Addie if she wakes up and I’m not here.

I touch my triskele and port to the gate, where I’m ambushed and a sword is pressed to my throat. I see that Manannan mac Lir is the one holding the sword, which I am guessing is Fragarach and that Dagda has a few questions for me.

Who are you?” Dagda asks with his familiar Irish accent.

Cole Treyfair.” I reply.

Fragarach is a magical sword in Irish mythology that makes it impossible for one to tell a lie when the blade is held to their throat, or it may just be a magical lie detector; either way, it is no cause for worry to me.

Are you being controlled by anyone?” Dagda inquires.

No.” I answer.

When I approached you at Lila’s birthday party and told you that your ‘public opinion campaign’ probably wasn’t going to work, what was your response?” Brighid asks.

That it was better than doing nothing at all.” I respond. Brighid nods and Manannan mac Lir lifts Fragarach from my throat.

Welcome back Cole!” Brighid exclaims and gives me a brief hug.

Welcome back boyo, but how are you back?” Dagda asks.

I’m sure Aine wants to know too, so let’s go to her dining room where we can sit while I recant my tale.” I suggest.

Dagda nods and disappears with Brighid and Manannan mac Lir close behind him. I port to Aine’s foyer and walk to the dining room. We all sit down and Aine calls for a maid to bring refreshments. I spend the next hour recanting my experience, starting with my amnesia and ending with my adoption of Addie and the investigation into the supernatural enhancements.

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