Fever-epub (3 page)

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Authors: Cathryn Fox

Without giving him time to knock, she swung the door wide- open.  The second she set eyes on him, her heart lurched and lust sang through her veins.  His primal essence completely overwhelmed her.  Light headedness overcame her as she took in the erotic vision standing before her.  Grin reckless, stance casual, Mitch leaned against the doorjamb, looking like a knight in shining armor or, rather, a knight in firefighter gear.  When she met his smoldering baby blues, she knew all she needed to know. 

Mitch Adams was there to…”
rescue her kitty

Hot damn!

As she stole a glance at his attire, her knees liquefied, and her breath hitched.  She clenched her jaw to stop it from dropping.  Dressed in his work wear, Mitch was the epitome of sex, sin, and seduction.  A real live walking fantasy.  Her pussy creamed, gearing up for the ride of her life. 

She nearly faltered backward when his richly seductive gaze raked over her body.  She gripped the knob tighter in an effort to balance herself. 

His helmet was tucked under his arm, and his dark hair looked mussed, as though he’d been running his fingers through it.  The air around them sizzled as she clenched and unclenched her fingers, itching to do the same. 

He didn’t speak.  He just stood there, looking at her, his hungry gaze appraising her.  The fire in his eyes licked over her skin and burned hotter than molten lava.  His jaw tightened and his nostrils flared.  With two measured steps, he invaded her personal space.  He looked edgy, dangerous, carnal.  And so damn sexy.  Sara bit back a heated moan and rolled her tongue around her dry mouth. 

As silence stretched between them, his eyes fixated on her robe, on her knotted belt to be precise.  Setting his helmet down, he gripped her hips and backed her up, matching her step for step.  With his mouth parted slightly, his tongue made a slow pass over his lips, as though preparing them for a kiss. 

Head spinning, she became delirious with pleasure and began to tremble when his rich, spicy scent singed her senses.  The feverish attraction between them was undisputable.

With single-minded determination, he nailed her to the wall and pressed his body to hers, his arms going on either side of her head, pinning her in place.  He gave her a look that conveyed his hunger, his need for her. 

Warm wetness dripped down her thighs when she felt his huge cock through his suit.  Arousal flamed inside her stomach.  Heat spread like wildfire through her body. 

Eyes burning, he stared at her for another endless moment.  She could feel the passion, the desire, and the untamed lust rising in him. 

Her skin grew tight, her libido restless.  She parted her mouth in invitation.  When his kisses didn’t come she started to speak, to protest, but his lips crashed down on hers, silencing her objection.  The soft blade of his tongue pushed inside her mouth in a mad frenzy, claiming her, branding her with his heat.  Raw desire seared her insides.  Her hands went to his coat, attempting to rip it from his shoulders so she could touch his gorgeous, athletic body all over. 

Mitch gave a lusty groan.  His breath washed over her face, causing her flesh to quiver in erotic delight.  Without warning he was all over her, his hands pulling, pushing, taking, and giving.  Desire slammed through her.  Her heart raced like she’d just conquered Everest. 

Large palms kneaded her aching breasts through her cotton housecoat, lifting them high as his thumbs circled her pebbled nipples with precision.  His pelvis thrust forward, pressing his arousal harder against her pussy, letting her know in no uncertain terms he was more than capable of fulfilling her every fantasy.  Her fingers moved onward and upward, to tangle in his thick midnight hair. 

Mitch’s mouth moved to her neck for a long, thorough taste of her skin.  The sexual tension between them was so palpable, surely even the neighbors could feel the electricity crackling in the air. 

He pressed his lips to her ear and spoke in whispered words.  “Where is everyone?”  She heard the raging lust in his voice and sensed the effort it took for him to leash his control.

Still shaken from that incredible, mind-numbing kiss, she could barely breathe, let alone speak.  With effort, she found her voice, but the two simple words came out broken, fractured.  “In…bed.”

He slipped his big hands around her waist so that his large fingers splayed over the small of her back, one finger slipping lower to caress the crest of her buttocks.  He put his mouth close to her ear.  “Come with me.” 

Sara obliged without hesitation and followed him outside.  She glanced around, curious yet excited, her mind racing a hundred miles an hour, wondering where he was taking her.  Truth be told, as long as it was somewhere they could be alone, quickly, it didn’t matter.

A few minutes later, after padding barefoot across the cool damp grass, she found herself standing outside the pool house at the edge of the property.  While Mitch lifted the mat in search of the key, her gaze went to the kidney-shaped pool.  With her body burning from the inside out, the water looked damn refreshing, but she suspected jumping in wouldn’t even begin to extinguish the fire inside her.  She suspected there was only one way and only one man capable of putting out those flames. 

When she stole a sideways glance at Mitch, her heart raced, and her lips tingled.  Eyes locked in concentration, he stood to his full six feet, key in hand.  She couldn’t believe how much she wanted him.  In fact, she couldn’t recall ever wanting anyone as badly.  It amazed her how much his rough edges and bad boy attitude affected her. 

Considering his rugged good looks and raw sexuality, she knew she wasn’t alone in that attraction.  No doubt other women had fought for his attention or had called the Hot Line in search of his services.  She felt a weird pang of jealousy in her gut.  Good Lord, she might be a small-town girl who didn’t delve into wild affairs, but surely she could handle this.  She wasn’t going to go all mushy inside thinking tonight was about more than research and fantasies.  Because it wasn’t. 

When he caught her watching him, she turned back to the pool, not wanting to appear too anxious, too needy. 

Too emotional. 

Honestly, she was shocked at how easily she could fall for him.  But this was just about sex, she reminded herself.  Sex and seduction and nothing more.  Except maybe a little resuscitation, she hoped. 

“Do you want to swim?”  He stepped up behind her, his chest pressed to her back, his voice at her ear, his mouth barely making contact. 

Not only did his nearness make her breathless, but his deep, sensual tone did the most weird and wonderful things to her insides.  “I don’t have a suit.” 

He breathed the words over her neck as his hot, silky lips lightly brushed her flesh.  “You don’t need one, babe.”  Slipping strong hands around her waist, he loosened the belt on her robe. 

The way his rough voice played down her spine filled her with need.  Her gaze darted around the quiet neighborhood.  “You don’t think?” she asked, shocked that she had actually managed to form a coherent sentence. 

He murmured in her ear.  “Look around, Sara.  The world is asleep.” 

She felt him ease away.  Her tortured body shivered, immediately missing his warmth.  She turned on the ball of her foot to face him, to watch him.  He slipped the key into the lock and opened the door.  With a wave of his hand, he shifted his stance sideways and gestured for her to enter.  Before she had a chance to slip past him, he blocked the path for a moment, hooked her elbow, and drew her to him.  “We’ll swim, Sara, but not just yet.  There’s something I need to do first.” 

Her skin came alive at his suggestive words.  Please let that “something” have everything to do with putting the purr back into her kitty. 

Anxious to see what he had in mind, she stepped farther into the small room and clicked on a corner lamp.  The soft light bathed the room in a seductive glow and created an instant intimacy.  She took a moment to survey her surroundings, taking note of the hose, pool toys, and small changing area, but what really caught her eye was the blow-up lounge chair, a cushiony floatation device specially designed for two. 

The sound of the lock clicking in place gained her attention.  Sara listened to his footsteps as Mitch advanced purposefully toward her.  A second later she felt his hands on her waist.  He spun her around to face him.  When their bodies collided, passion consumed them both.  Mitch pulled her closer, the bulge in his pants indicating his needs, his desires.  She tipped her head and nearly burst into flames when she met with deep blue eyes that glimmered with dark sensuality. 

Mitch cocked his head and ran the pad of his thumb over her lips.  He pitched his voice low.  “You mentioned something about needing resuscitation?” 

Her pussy quivered as she mentally visualized him breathing life into her kitty and easing the tension inside her.  Her knees buckled and she forced them to straighten.  Unable to find her voice she gave a quick, tight nod.

He flashed her a bad-boy grin, and in a low, barely controlled voice, he said, “I believe a little mouth to mouth is in order.”  Mitch’s hand slipped between their bodies and cupped her passion-drenched sex.  Pleasure engulfed her and she nearly orgasmed right there, on the spot, all over his hand.  She clamped her thighs together and leaned into him, her nipples crushed into his chest and tightening to the point of pain.  She made a sexy noise and shifted. 

He sank to his knees, and shot her a glance, all traces of humor gone from his eyes.  “Or, rather, a little mouth to kitty.” 




Chapter Three


The wild, wanton look in Sara’s dark eyes took Mitch’s breath away and made him ache with the need to fuck her.  Her wholesome pink cheeks had taken on a ruddy hue when he reached around and cradled her lush ass in his hands.  The lethal combination of sweet and sexy nearly shut down his brain and had his cock swishing out of control like a loose fire truck hose. 

After he’d spent a long moment just holding her, lips pressed to her navel, breathing in her delectable scent, his hands came back around to the front, to her belt.  He untied the knot and peeled open her white cotton housecoat. 


Needing to touch her, he slid his hands over smooth silken skin.  As he reveled in the texture, some inner voice reminded him that she was a small-town girl who didn’t delve into brief affairs.  But the fact that she made that call to the Hot Line and had asked for him told him how much she wanted this, how much she wanted

Suddenly, giving this sweet, sexy girl a fantasy night to remember became more important to him than his next breath. 

He curled his fingers around the thin elastic band on her lacy white panties and tugged.  Her gorgeous body trembled in response to his touch.  Knowing he had that kind of effect on her brought a smile to his face and urged him on. 

Slowly, he began to ease the silky scrap of material lower and lower, until he glimpsed a few soft, silky sprigs of auburn hair.  She arched her back, moving her pussy closer to his mouth, demanding he answer the pull in her body.  Of course he’d be more than happy to accommodate those demands.  All in good time, of course. 

Mitch glanced up at her, his gaze moving over her passion-imbued face.  The sight of her dark eyes flashing with desire had his blood pressure skyrocketing and did the strangest things to his insides.  He gulped air, fought back the raging lust, and worked overtime to level his voice.  He needed to gain some measure of control over himself if he wanted to make this fantasy great. 

For her. 

Kneeling before her, he transferred his thoughts back to the apex between her legs and tugged her panties down lower.  As he exposed her pussy, a burst of heat bombarded his whole body.  Taking a moment of reprieve, he drew in air and swiped away the moisture pebbling his forehead.

Inclining his head once again, he lifted one of her ankles and slipped her panties off.  Sara adjusted her footing and kicked the flimsy scrap of material away. 

He slid his hands up her long, creamy thighs until his fingers were merely a hairbreadth away from her moist opening.  “Open your legs, babe.”

She did as he instructed, which pleased him immensely.  His gaze surfed over her, taking a moment to pan the gorgeous specimen before him.  Body quivering, Sara stood there in nothing but a housecoat, a bra, and a come-hither smile.  Body language telltale, her dark, sensuous eyes dimmed with desire, begging him to take her.  As his gaze skated over her, it occurred to him that even though she was half naked, she was still completely overdressed. 

“Take off your housecoat, and spread your legs wider,” he demanded, positioning his mouth directly in front of her pretty pussy. 

When she widened her legs, the soft lamplight fell over her twin lips, catching the light.  He swallowed at the way they glistened with damp arousal.  He couldn’t believe how much his body ached to join with hers, how much he wanted to slide into her pussy and lose himself in the heat between her legs. 

The tangy, intoxicating scent of her heady aroma saturated the small room.  He inhaled, deeply, letting it curl through his blood, letting it awaken all his senses.  As her sweet scent seeped under his skin, he gave a low, primal growl, his groin aching with a primitive need to ravage her.  Until sun up.  The day after tomorrow. 

“Mitch…” The lust in her voice fragmented his thoughts and made his whole body shake.  The intensity of his hunger for her really threw him off guard. 

Using his thumb and index finger, he pulled open her drenched pink lips for a better look.  His knuckle purposely brushed her clit, hoping to make her as crazy as she was making him.  Her nub swelled and poked out from its fleshy hood.  Mitch closed his eyes against the flood of heat gravitating south and drew a rejuvenating breath. 

He pitched his voice low and breathed the words over her pussy, knowing the heat from his mouth would stir her juices.  When his hot breath bristled her damp hairs, her body responded in kind.  He put his lips near her belly button, his mouth absorbing her tremor. 

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