Fever-epub (5 page)

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Authors: Cathryn Fox

Her eyes sprung open.  Her body trembled.  “That’s cold,” she whimpered. 

In his most serious, professional voice he said, “It’s the only way to take down the fever, Sara.” 

Mitch dipped his head and watched the droplets slide off her nipples and pool in the valley between her mounds.  He gulped air as his throbbing cock jutted forward and brushed against her drenched pussy. 

She gyrated until the tip of his shaft breached her opening.  Mitch inched back, spread her pussy wide, and poured cold water over her hot center. 

“Oooh, that feels so good,” she murmured. 

His thumb went to her clit.  He circled her hard bud slowly and bent forward to lap at the water pooling on her chest. 

She began panting, her breath coming in labored bursts.  Long fingers tunneled through his hair and he could feel her heart pound inside her chest.  Mitch eased a finger inside her pussy, offering her only a little at a time.  She was so goddamn tight he wondered how she’d handle his cock. 

“More,” she cried out, writhing beneath him. 

Deciding it was well past time to alleviate the pull in her body, he changed the tempo, giving her exactly what she needed to bring her to climax.  Increasing the pressure on her clit, he tongued her tight nipples, nipping, nibbling, and sucking until the soft quakes at her core became stronger and stronger. 


“I know, babe, I know.”  He took a quick drink of water, and held it in his mouth.  Sliding down her body, he slipped another finger inside her.  His mouth moved to her pussy, where he released the water.  The second the cold liquid hit her hot clit, she tumbled into an orgasm. 

“Yes,” she cried out, fisting his hair, her sex muscles spasming and clenching.  Her face lit in euphoria.  Mitch worked his tongue over her throbbing clit, lavishing her pussy with his undivided attention, prolonging the pleasure as she rode out every last delicious quake. 

He held her for a long time, until she stopped quivering.  After a comfortable moment Mitch slid up her body, leaned over her, and said, “I believe your kitty is purring again, Sara.”

Her hand slid over his chest, slowly, seductively.  “Really?  I don’t hear a thing,” she said, eyes wide and innocent as her hand traveled lower, until she gripped his cock.  “I believe there really is only one
that will do the trick.” 

He grinned.  “You’re a wild woman, Sara Jack.” 

“Wild and
woman,” she corrected, stroking his shaft until he just about exploded.  “I think it’s time to plug that
in, Mitch.”

“Keep that up and my
will run out of power before I get started.  And I don’t think your kitty wants to wait while I have to recharge.”

Sara laughed out loud and gave him a light and easy kiss on the mouth.  It rocked his world. 

He pushed one finger inside her heat.  Her eyes lit with pleasure and she shifted beneath him.  “It’s pretty hot in there, Sara.  I guess I’d better gear up properly.”  He reached behind him, grabbed a condom from his jacket, and quickly sheathed himself. 

When he turned back to face her, her eyes were wide, and anticipatory, her smile was soft and perfect, and her gorgeous body was wide-open and welcoming.  When she reached her hand out to him, myriad emotions rushed through him.  Shit…

“Come here, baby,” she said, in the sweetest, nicest, girl-next-door voice.

The sudden need to lose himself in her became so intense, it was almost painful.  He began trembling from head to toe. 

“My pleasure,” he whispered, his voice barely recognizable to himself.  He pressed his lips to her quivering flesh and kissed a path to her mouth, taking time to indulge in her belly button, her breasts, and the deep hollow of her throat before his lips climbed higher to close over hers. 

“Mmmm…” she moaned and drew his tongue into her mouth, tasting and savoring him like she couldn’t get enough.  He knew that feeling all too well. 

His cock probed her opening and no longer could he play their seductive little game or fight down his carnal cravings.  He needed her.  Now.  Hard and fast. 

When her hips bucked forward, his composure completely vanished.  His voice came out rough, edgy.  “I need to fuck you, Sara.”

“Yes, fuck me, Mitch.  I want your cock inside me,” she murmured, making him forget all rational thought. 

Her tight pussy lips closed around his engorged tip and prompted him into action.  He balanced his arms beside her head and in one swift movement slammed into her, hard and fast.  With that first sweet contact, an intoxicating mix of heat and fire curled around him. 

He threw his head back and growled.  “Jesus,” he cried out as her sheath scorched him.  Sara began rocking and her legs slipped around his back, tightening over his ass, taking every inch of his girth inside her.

He matched her movements, driving harder and harder, going deeper and deeper yet never getting deep enough.  Her hands clawed at his back, her teeth biting into his flesh.  Mitch drew a quick, sharp breath but was unable to fill his lungs.  As he pumped harder and deeper, his skin grew tight, his balls constricted and he could feel pressure brewing deep inside him. 

“I’m not going to last, babe,” he said on a moan. 

He inched back and glanced into her eyes to gauge her reactions.  The desire reflecting there became his undoing.  His cock began to pulse and throb, and he knew release was only a push away. 

Her legs tightened around him, her fingers burrowed through his hair.  “I’m…” she said, her words falling off as her muscles bunched and her liquid desire seared his shaft. 

He felt her muscles tighten around his cock.  Flames surged through him and his senses exploded.  He bucked forward, driving his cock impossibly deeper.  As her juices dripped over him, fire pitched through his blood.

When she came apart in his arms, Mitch gave himself over to his own orgasm.  He threw his head back and came on a growl, enjoying and savoring every delicious pulse.  A moment later he collapsed into a heap beside her and angled his body to pull her in close.  She turned to face him, her hand going to his cheek, a contented sigh cutting through the silence. 

After their breathing regulated and their tremors subsided, she whispered into his mouth, “I believe
my kitty is purring.” The satisfaction written all over her face filled him with male pride. 

He chuckled, slipped his hand between their bodies, and dipped a finger inside her.  “I believe it might actually be singing a show tune.”

Sara laughed out loud and swatted him. 

“Hey,” he said, loving her playful side, “play nice or I just might have to tie you up and spank you.”

Her eyes went wide with anticipation, with excitement.  “Really?  Is that something you’d like to do, Mitch?  One of your own fantasies perhaps?”

Before he had time to answer, a noise outside the pool house gained their attention.

Body tense, Mitch pressed his fingers to his lips.  Sara nodded in understanding.  A moment later he heard Nick’s and Cassie’s whispered words, then a splash in the pool. 

Mitch quickly removed his condom and went looking for something to clean them up.

“In my housecoat,” Sara whispered.  Mitch pulled out a couple of tissues, and after wetting them with his ice water, washed himself.

“Christ, that’s cold,” he whispered.

Sara grinned.  “No kidding.”

“Don’t worry.  You’re next,” he said.  After he washed himself, he slipped between her legs and wiped her down.  She shivered but he suspected it wasn’t from the icy water. 

Once that was completed, he climbed back in beside her.  Sara pitched her voice low.  “Looks like we’re going to be stuck here for a while.”  She touched her finger to his lips, her eyes dark, seductive.  “What should we do now?” she asked, arching into him, her body giving a little shiver. 

Noticing that the temperature around them had dropped a few degrees, Mitch wrapped his arms around her body, offering his warmth.  “I guess we wait,” he said.

Sara got quiet for a moment, as though deep in thought.  A moment later she crinkled her brow and asked, “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”

She didn’t come right out and say it, but her words implied that he might have other calls to take, other women to satisfy. 

He shrugged easily and lowered his voice to match hers.  “I’m covered at the station and I have my phone for emergencies.  I don’t have anywhere to go if you don’t,” he assured her, knowing that if he spent any more time in her arms, it’d be emotional suicide at best. 

Sara was merely in it for the fantasy, and he wasn’t naive enough to believe otherwise. 

She curled her body against him and marched her fingers over his chest.  He grinned, his cock stirring to life as her body molded to his.  “Well, since my
needs time to recharge, maybe we can sleep…or talk,” he added as an afterthought, eager to learn more about Sara, who she was and what made her tick. 

“Okay,” she agreed readily, bright eyed and bursting with questions.  “Tell me, have you always wanted to be a firefighter?”

He nodded.  “I think all boys want to grow up to be a fireman.”

“But not all do.  What kept you on that path?”

“My dad.  He’s a firefighter, retired now, though.  I spent more time at the station than I did at home.” 

“And your mom.”  Sara trailed her fingers over his chest and abdomen. 

“She worked part-time as a baker and was more than happy for me to hang out at the station.”  He rolled his eyes.  “Apparently I was a bit of a handful.  Always getting into trouble.  The guys at the station put me to work, keeping my hands busy and out of mischief.”

Sara’s soft chuckle morphed into a moan when his fingers went to her nipples.  He stroked her there, slowly and sinuously, as though it was the most natural thing in the world for him to do. 

She cleared her throat.  “Ah, yeah, I can see how those hands of yours have gotten you into trouble a time or two.”

Mitch gave her a wicked grin and continued right on with his slow seduction. 

“So you grew up in Chicago then?”

“Born and bred.”  He inched closer, still unable to get close enough.  “What about you?  Born and bred in Iowa?”

She let out a sign.  “Yeah.”

“What?  You don’t like it there?”

“Not always.  My mom, dad, sister, and two brothers are still there, but sometimes the small town feels suffocating.”

He nodded in understanding and then asked, “Do you like writing for the
Trenton Gazette

She raised a curious brow.  “How do you know I write for the

He smiled.  “If I told you, then I’d have to kill you.”

Sara chuckled.  “That might be a blessing, because if I have to write another cow-tipping story I’m going to hang myself.”

Mitch threw his head back and forgetting himself laughed out loud.

“Shh…” Sara warned, stifling her own laugh.  “Cassie and Nick will hear us.”

“Right,” Mitch said, remembering that Nick had warned him to stay away from Sara because she was a small town girl who could get hurt. 

She turned the conversation back around to him.  “Was there anything else you ever wanted to do?”

He grinned, humor edging his voice.  “Why would I?”  He gestured with a nod.  “When I put on that suit, I’m a chick magnet.  Who wouldn’t want that?” 

She whacked him again.  Hard. 

Smiling with her, he continued, “Honestly, I never really gave it much thought.  It was just natural for me to follow in my dad’s footsteps.  My two brothers did, too.” 

They grew quiet for a moment, both lost in their own thoughts.  A short time later, Sara’s voice broke the comfortable quiet. 

“Why don’t you tell me a secret?”

He chuckled and pulled her in tighter.  “If I tell you, then it won’t be a secret anymore, now, will it?” 

Sara’s warm finger touched his chin and gently traced the tiny scar near his earlobe.  Her intimate caress went right through him.  He shivered, his cock stretching after its short nap, poking its head out in search of a little mischief. 

“Tell me how you got this?”

“If you guess, I’ll give you a surprise.”

Sara leaned in for a closer inspection, her breasts sliding over his chest with innocent sensuality
.  Jesus. 

She narrowed her eyes.  “So you said you had brothers.”

He nodded, his fingers going to her hair, smoothing it from her flushed cheeks. 

She arched a brow.  “Older?”

He nodded again, unable to contain his smile as he watched her.  Her dark eyes were narrowed, deep in concentration.  Her sensuous lips puckered as she pieced the clues together. 

She threw one hand up in the air, palm out.  “That explains everything then.”

He furrowed his brow and shot her a glance.  “You want to enlighten me?”

She rolled her eyes like it was so obvious.  “Well I have two older brothers, both Packers fans, both with similar scars.  Let me guess.”  She tapped her finger to her chin.  “Chicago Bears fan.  Rough housing on the lawn with the big boys.  Going for the winning touchdown.” 

Dammit, she was right.  But what really surprised him was that she didn’t go for the obvious.  That he’d been injured in the line of duty. 

Was it possible that she saw the man beneath the uniform? 

He brushed her hair from her face, unable to stop touching her, needing the intimate contact to continue.  “Now it’s your turn to tell me a secret.”

She tossed him a mischievous look.  “Maybe later.  Right now I want my surprise.”

With his cock up, fully showered, and rearing to go, he bumped groins with her, feeling very playful.  “Are you sure you’re ready for it?”

Her lips thinned provocatively.  “Oh yeah.”

He took her hand and placed it over his rock-hard erection.  “I’m fully recharged.”

With a haughty huff, she glared at him, but she couldn’t keep the humor from her voice.  “What’s up with this?  I was right about the scar and now you’re trying to pass off some consolation prize.  Sheesh.”

Mitch rolled on top of her, his cock slipping between her legs.  A strange sense of belonging rolled over him as her body molded to his.  “Why, you little…”

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