Read Fighting For Their Mate Online

Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Paranormal Erotica, #Paranormal Werewolf Romance, #Paranormal Menage (MFM)

Fighting For Their Mate (33 page)

Mac exited the parking lot and laughed. “Shall we say there’s a little adjustment period, but I prefer it that way now. It’s much more intense.”

Bailey probably shouldn’t have asked. A few minutes later, they arrived at a cute establishment, called Darla’s Coffee Shop. Inside, the store smelled of rich coffee and scented flowers. Half the seats were occupied, which implied the place was good. At the counter, they ordered their drinks. Fortunately, Tyson had given her money so she could buy one of the fabulous looking chocolate chip muffins, too.

They took their drinks and food to a table in the corner. “So tell me, Bailey, do you plan to stay in Gulfside?”

Bailey held up a palm. “Stay? I don’t know. I just met Ford and Tyson a few weeks ago.”

Mackenzie lowered her chin. “I can see the love in your eyes, girl. You don’t have to hide it from me. I shared with you.”

Bailey inhaled. Mackenzie was right. “I want to stay with the men, but once the debriefing is over, I’m almost expecting them to put me on a plane home.”

Mackenzie’s eyes widened. “They’re your mates. They’d never do that.”

“That’s what they told me.”

She leaned forward and shook her head, acting as if Bailey was totally clueless. “Tell me this: when they get excited, does their hair grow, their teeth sharpen, and their eyes turn golden?”

“Yes.” She hadn’t known it described all werewolves when they were around a naked woman.

Mackenzie leaned back and smiled. “I can guarantee that your men will never leave you. It’s genetically bred into them to protect you.”

“The protection part I believe. They’ve proved it to me time and again, but I don’t want a man to stay with me because his body makes him do it. I want them to love me.” She’d said
. Bailey might not be ready for two men yet, but she could never choose just one. She loved them both. The question was whether they both loved her. Tyson was her steadying influence. She believed he did love her. But Ford? He left their North Carolina home to go to Canada in part because he didn’t think he was worthy of her love. Did that mean he loved her a ton or not much at all? On second thought, he was willing to sacrifice a life of having a mate just so that she wouldn’t have to be conflicted. What man would do that for a woman?

My man

Wow. He did love her.

“You okay?” Mackenzie placed a hand on her arm.

“Yes. I was thinking about them. To answer your first question, Ford and Tyson live in North Carolina, so I’m not sure why they’d want to live here.”

She nodded. “I know, but they might hold the key to taking down Statler.”

“Because the men are enhanced?”

“Yes. I heard they’ve offered to let our lab do some testing on them, too.”

Her stomach clenched. “And possibly die?” The horror brought her coffee back up.

“No. No. It would be like a skin patch test. The General would never allow them to be harmed.”

Bailey let out a breath. “That’s good.”

Mackenzie sipped her hot drink. “You seem a little unsure about this whole shifter stuff. Is it because they are only part human or because there are two of them?”

She really seemed to understand. “It’s the two part, I think. My father is a Senator. I can’t let anyone know what they are or my dad’s career might be ruined. The press would have a field day.”

“I know all of this can be confusing. Even though I sensed Sam and Brandon were my mates, I had doubts, too. Perhaps if you speak with some of the other women who are in a ménage relationship, you can get a better picture of what you’ll have to deal with. Two of our Pack members are returning from their honeymoon this week, and the woman they married, Liz Wharton, is a human. Perhaps you’d like to speak with her about your concerns.”

Bailey finished downing her delicious muffin. “Is her father a public figure, too?”

“No, but the more input you have about what it’s like to live with two men, especially men who have dangerous life style, the better. The returning couple is having a party at their place this Saturday night. Why don’t you and your men come? Everyone you spoke with today will be there.”

“That sounds wonderful. I would appreciate any suggestions, especially about how to hide the fact Tyson and Ford are really wolves.”

Mackenzie set her cup down. “Great. A word of advice, though?”


“Regardless of what any of the women tell you, always remember that you have the power in the relationship. Your men will do anything for you if you ask.”

That made Bailey laugh. “Most of the time, I let them dictate things, but I know I have the real control.”

Her new friend smiled. “Your men will always have your best interest in mind. That’s more than I can say for most human husbands.”

“Amen.” Too bad the world wasn’t run by good shifters.

After they finished, they returned to the headquarters where she found Tyson and Ford in the lobby chatting away with Jay, the former FBI agent.

Tyson smiled. “There she is. Ready to go back to the hotel room and rest up a bit?”

It was rare they ever rested when a bed was near. “I could use a nap. I’m rather exhausted.”

They said their goodbyes to Jay and escorted her out. “So, what did you and Mackenzie talk about?” Tyson asked.

She smiled. “Just girl talk, but she did invite us to a party this weekend. It’s at the home of the two men who are on their honeymoon. Mackenzie thought we might like to go so I can meet the other women.”

Tyson frowned. “Ford, I’m not sure we should let Bailey confer with the women of other shifters. We might not stand up to the scrutiny.”

She punched his arm. “You guys are enhanced. Of course, you’re better.”
And you’re mine.

He grinned. “Aw, shucks. But just in case you need convincing…”

He let that thought dangle as he walked her to their car. The air was balmy and the breeze refreshing. She could get used to living here. It sure beat cold Canada any day.

When they arrived at the hotel, she collapsed onto the bed, and both men dropped next to her. She thought back to what Mackenzie had said about where she’d be living. Did it matter as long as it was with her men? If they wanted to stay in Florida for a while, she wouldn’t complain. There might not be any mountains to hike, but she bet the wildlife would be great. What was not to like about dolphins, egrets, alligators, and manatees?

All that was missing was for them to tell her that their human part loved her. She would figure out what to tell her parents later and hope they understood.

Tyson stroked her cheek. “Penny for your thoughts?”

She smiled. “I thought you could read my mind.”

“Not sure I even want to. It would make me insecure.”

She laughed. “I doubt that. I only have good thoughts about you two.”

Tyson leaned closer. “Oh, yeah? How good?” He ran his hand down her leg then squeezing her thigh, sending her pussy into spasms.


Ford rolled her over to face him. “You want to show us?”

She sat up. “Are you boys asking me to have sex with you?”

Tyson jerked up. “No, honey. We want to show you how much we love you.” He stilled as if he hadn’t meant to let that blurt out.

“You really love me?”

Chapter Thirty-Two

y was hurt that Bailey would ask that question. “You doubt that I love you?”

She shrugged and didn’t make eye contact. “You never say it.”

Tyson lifted up onto his elbow and tilted her face toward him, wanting to see into her eyes. “Haven’t we shown you that we do? Words are just words, but actions are what’s important.”

She worked her mouth as if she was trying to decide what to say. “I know.”

Ford rolled onto his side and rubbed her breast. “I never said I loved you because I didn’t want to feel bad if you didn’t return the feeling.”

Her pert little mouth opened. “I love you both.”

Ty had never heard sweeter words. “Are you sure? We did save you. Twice, in fact. Are you positive this isn’t some kind of Stockholm syndrome where you fall in love with your savior?”

She laughed. “Silly. Women with that syndrome fall in love with their captors, not their saviors.”

He inched his hand closer to her pussy and his bones started to crack. “Same thing.”

She smiled. “Then I guess I have to show you that I love you both for who are you inside.”

“How you going to do that?” he asked.

Bailey scooted off the bed. “Don’t move.”

What’s she up to?
Ty asked his brother.

Beats me

“I think a relationship requires control and compromise,” she said, her delicate chin lifting.

Because Bailey appeared serious, Ty worked to keep the smile off his face. “I agree. What do you have in mind?”

“First, I’ll get naked, and then I’ll undress you two. But you can’t touch me.”

Ford laughed. “Where’s the fun in that?”

Ty didn’t get it either. “How does that show you love us?”

She rolled her eyes. “You guys are just plain dumb.”

They glanced at each other. Ford didn’t seem to have a clue either. “I give,” Ty said.

Bailey blew out a long breath. “I want to do a strip tease for you.”

He got that part. “And then you want to get us naked. I’m good with that, but why should we agree to the no touching part? That will be pure torture.”

“That’s the point, don’t you see?”

“No,” they answered in unison.

“If you love me, you’ll let me do this my way. I want to make love with both of you. At the same time.”

Ford’s talons extended.
Ty telepathed.

His brother glanced down and sat on his hands. “I’m up for you taking off your clothes. If that proves you love us, go for it.”

“I love you enough to strip for you. You get it now?”

“Oh, yes,” Ty intoned, hoping she didn’t see through his lie. “Go ahead, baby. We’ll be good.”
If we live through this.
He wondered what she’d do if they shifted on her. A man could only be pushed so far—or rather, a wolf had his limits.

She toed off her shoes. “I wish I had music.”

“Do you want us to sing?” He sucked but Ford could carry a tune.

“Not yet. Just so you know, I’ve never done anything like this before.”

His heart sang. Bailey was young, beautiful, and deliciously innocent. “We love you all the more for it.”

She unzipped her jeans and stepped out of them with little fanfare. Poor thing did appear scared. “Would you rather take our clothes off first? Maybe that will put you more at ease.”

Bailey bit down on her lip. “Okay. I’ll start with Ford.”

Thanks, bro. I’m dying here already
. Ford got off the bed and stepped up to Bailey.

Ty smiled, and then leaned back on his elbows, waiting for the show to begin. He gave Ford a fifty-fifty chance of getting through this without shifting or touching her. She started with his shirt, lifting it slowly over his head. Ford let her remove it but when he lowered his arms, his hands were clenched. He wouldn’t last.

“Can I put money on the outcome?” Ty couldn’t help but challenge his brother.

“Fuck you. I’m in control.”

Bailey sent him the evil eye. “Shh. I’m trying to concentrate.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

She stood on her tiptoes and whispered into Ford’s ear. A second later, his shoes and socks were gone. When her fingers fumbled with the button on Ford’s jeans, Ty began to feel sorry for his brother. Ty’s cock pressed against his fly as he pictured Bailey undressing him.

The hair on Ford’s face darkened as he let out a groan. It was fun when it was someone else Bailey was tormenting, but Ty imagined he’d be as weak when it was his turn. With any other woman, he’d be able to control himself, but not with his mate.

When Ford’s pants landed at his ankles, he stepped out of them. Bailey peeled the briefs over Ford’s cock then dropped to her knees. The look on his brother’s face was priceless—that of sheer determination not to break. Bailey grabbed Ford’s cock and drew his length into her mouth. What he wouldn’t give for a camera now. If he grabbed his phone, they’d both be upset.

“Enough,” Ford said between gritted teeth after only a minute. “I’m not strong. Ty, come here and help me.”

“I’m not done,” she said, her lips in a delicious pout.

Ford tapped her nose. “You are done when I tell you that you’re done. This is inhumane behavior. No man could withstand your torture.”

Ty levered himself off the bed, ditched the socks and shoes, and tossed off his shirt. The faster they were all naked, the sooner they could love their mate. They’d fought hard to have her, and damn it if they weren’t going to make sure she was satisfied.

*     *     *

Secretly, Bailey was thrilled she broke them. “Fine.”

She pranced over to the bed and lay face down. If they wanted her naked, she wasn’t going to help them.

“Let’s turn her over, Ty.”

She was suddenly face up. Tyson dragged her panties down, never taking his gaze off her face. His eyes were swirls of golds and greens.

Sharp fangs protruded. “You’re mine. All mine. When I delve into your pussy you won’t know how to react, the sensation will be that intense.”

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