Read Fighting For Their Mate Online

Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Paranormal Erotica, #Paranormal Werewolf Romance, #Paranormal Menage (MFM)

Fighting For Their Mate (34 page)

“Promises, promises.”

Tyson looked over her head to his brother. “You hear that sass? Should we throw her back?”

They couldn’t. If what they’d said was true, her scent was hardwired into their bodies.

“Let’s try her out first, bro. See if she’s as good as she looks.”

Bailey laughed. “I knew you couldn’t resist me.”

“No, little one. That I cannot.”

Ford lifted her shirt over her head and unceremoniously took off her sports bra.

“That wasn’t very romantic.” Not that her jean removal oozed sex appeal.

Ford growled. “If you wanted romance, you shouldn’t have called on our inner wolf. We can’t help ourselves when it gets loose.”

He walked over to his suitcase and returned a minute later with a condom and lube.

“Ignore Ford, honey. He’s just a big ole bully. I’ll show you what good loving is.” Ty’s voice was smoother than warmed brandy. He slid next to her and his cock pressed against her thigh.

When he leaned over and licked her nipple, need exploded. The long drive down from Canada had cut into their loving time. If she judged time by her need, it felt as if they hadn’t made love in months.

Ford slid between her calves, clamped down hard on her ankles, and widened her legs. Cool air tickled her pussy and anticipation ratcheted her desire. With the lightest touch, he dragged a palm up her thigh and then at the top, gripped it tightly. His other hand meandered to her belly. Instead of giving her the satisfaction of licking her pussy, he nibbled on her inner thighs. Heat seared her skin. She pushed aside every reason why it wasn’t right to be with two men and instead focused on enjoying their every touch.

Tyson tugged hard on her nipple, making her body soar. She clutched the sheets, balling them into a wad, and arched her back, offering him her body.

“You are so sweet, honey.” Tyson cupped her other breast and kneaded it while sucking hard on the nipple again. The quick burst of pain subsided, transforming it into spiking pleasure.

Wanting to touch him, to feel the power emanating off him, she gripped Tyson’s corded shoulder muscles. Even though her nails dug into his skin, he didn’t flinch. Ford had finally made his way to the apex of her thighs. When she bent her knees a bit to move closer to his mouth, he dragged a hand from her thigh to her butt.

He squeezed one cheek. “Mine.”

She smiled, but that was all she could do. Her breaths were coming out too fast to speak.

Tyson lifted up and pressed his mouth to her ear. “Ford likes it when you hold open your pussy lips.”

Oh, my God. That seemed so wanton. “You sure?” she managed to huff out.

“I’m sure.”

She lowered her hands to between her legs and did as Tyson suggested. The action made her feel vulnerable, but sexier at the same time.

“You are so beautiful.” Ford rewarded her by sliding a finger into her hole, causing streaks of lust to radiate outward. She moaned. When she tried to lift her hips, Tyson planted a palm on her thigh to hold her down.


Easy? She couldn’t help but meet Ford’s finger, fucking her. Remaining still wasn’t in her nature—at least it wasn’t anymore. Not since she’d met these two amazing men. Mackenzie was right—two were better than one.

“Ford,” Tyson said, “I need her soon. I don’t think Bailey would appreciate having a wolf suck on her tits.”

She wasn’t ready for that.

Ford flipped her over, and then lifted her onto her elbows and knees. Excitement skittered across her skin. This time, she knew what to expect—Ford’s huge cock in her ass, seesawing in and out, setting her rear on fire. What she couldn’t figure out was how Tyson would fit.

Lube scented the air and she automatically clenched her butt. The slap came unexpectedly and caused her to gulp in air. Ford had never hit her before. It didn’t matter that it didn’t hurt. “What did you do that for?”

“Wanted to get your attention. Now relax your perfect ass.”

. “Since you asked nicely, I’ll try.”

Tyson knelt in front of her with his cock an inch from her face, totally distracting her. With her focus redirected, her rear slackened. She grabbed his erect shaft and licked him from balls to tip. He growled and pressed his hands on her head. His sharp nails dug into her scalp, but the slight pain intensified her senses and made her pussy convulse with need. It was as if it understood how incredible his cock would feel when he fucked her.

Ford slathered her back hole with orange scented lube. When he was done, he rubbed her tight ring with his thumb until her body let go of the tension gripping it. Tyson helped by reaching under her and massaging her breasts.

“That’s so nice,” she said, drawn back to Tyson’s loving ways.

Her senses were doing a Ping-Pong dance, alternating her attention from one to the other. With each pass, her body heated, pushing her closer to her climax. When Ford rubbed her clit with his free hand, she yelped in surprise.

“It’s too much,” she panted. Between Tyson’s fabulous tasting cock, the pinching and twirling of her nipples, her tight muscled ring being massaged, and her clit being stimulated beyond belief, Bailey was about to lose it.

“Hurry, bro,” Tyson said with a strained voice. He grabbed her wrist, stopping her from pumping his cock. “I don’t want to blow before I fuck your sweet pussy.”

His dirty words excited her. She didn’t want that either. This was going to be their coming together—their culmination as one.

“I haven’t sucked on him yet.” She’d only licked him.

“I’ll give you a few seconds, since I’m barely holding it together.” Hair had sprouted on his hands. Whoops. He wasn’t lying.

Ford spread her ass cheeks, and his nails pinched her skin. When his cock nudged open her hole, her breath caught. She remembered the joy he’d brought her before and she exhaled, opening wide.

“You are amazing,” Ford whispered as he leaned over her back and slid his hands higher on her waist.

Just as she leaned away from Tyson’s cock to say thank you, Ford tunneled his way in.
. The burn took a moment to get used to. Then Tyson pinched both her nipples, as if he wanted to draw her attention away from his brother’s invasion. It helped. In anticipation of what was to come, her pussy slickened with her juices.

“Tyson, I need your cock, too.”

“Don’t you worry, honey. I’ll fuck you so long and hard, you’ll be begging me to stop.”

The smile in his voice made her chuckle. “I dare you.”

“Smart ass.”

Ford nudged his dick to the end of her channel then picked her up until her knees came off the bed. “Stretch out your legs, little one. Ty help her.”

Before she could figure out what he wanted, Tyson leaned back on his haunches, grabbed hold of her ankles, and then placed her feet on the mattress. When Tyson let go, Ford’s hard shaft banged inside her so hard, she looked down to make sure it hadn’t poked through her stomach. Pulses radiated across her belly. This was nothing like that night in their house. This angle was so much more penetrating.

His size had her breathing hard. She panicked a bit until Ford wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed her back against his hard chest. “Easy now. Let us love you right.”

His words soothed her racing heart. When he lifted the hair off her neck and kissed her tenderly, she dropped back her head and sighed.

“You like that?”


His teeth sharpened and scraped her skin as he dragged his mouth across her nape. She wasn’t afraid, though. These men wouldn’t do anything to harm her.

Tyson sprawled out in front of her and elbowed his way between her legs. “How about opening those pink lips again for me? It’ll free my hands.”

Bailey was still a bit embarrassed about doing that, but if she showed Ford, she might as well do the same for Tyson. He rubbed his thumb across her swollen nub, sending spikes of joy straight through her. Ford held still as Tyson tried to drive her crazy with lust.

He swiped his tongue across her slit then dipped inside. She let go of her pussy and gripped his shoulders to prevent her climax from taking hold too soon. He then had the nerve to pinch her clit and tongue-fuck her fast and furiously.

She lost it. Waves of passionate bliss swamped her, and her orgasm rushed through her. Her head lolled right then left and her mouth gaped open for air while her pussy kept spasming in need of a dick.

Tyson leaned back and smiled. “You ready for round two?” She nodded. “And round three?”

She had no idea what round three might be, but she nodded anyway.

Chapter Thirty-Three

ord lifted his arm from around Bailey’s waist and cupped her breasts. “They are the perfect size.”

“Thanks. You’re the perfect size, too.” She wiggled her butt in response. Her ass was still throbbing from his big cock, but it wasn’t stinging anymore.

Tyson lifted onto one knee and planted his other foot on the bed. “I want to fuck you until you scream.” He grinned and her heart pinged.

“Okay.” Other coherent words were lost somewhere in the back of her mind.

Holding his cock, he guided it straight into her pussy. The first press against her opening had lust swamping her, and her juices flowing. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close so that she could run her tongue along the seam of his lips to beg for admittance.

Tyson obliged. His kiss came out raw and possessive, full of pure passion. She thrust her tongue into his mouth and explored his delicious cavern. His cock edged in farther, her pussy stretching to the max. Her pulse raced.

She broke the kiss. “It won’t fit.” Near panic grabbed her. What if she was wasn’t built to do this?

Ford nibbled on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. Remember, we love you.”

Those three words dispelled the tension from her body, allowing Tyson to ease down her tight channel, but the friction nearly sent her over the edge again. Nipping the bottom of her ear, Tyson withdrew and inched in again. This time, her desire and need had slickened her pussy to the point that he was able to glide in smoothly. With Ford holding still, Bailey was able to keep it together.

Just as she was feeling more confident, Ford twirled her nipples, adding to her building climax. He then lowered his hands to her hips and lifted her. His cock slid out partway, but he quickly drove right back in. Oh. My. God. With two cocks in her, she was certain she’d be ripped apart.

As if they’d communicated, Ford slipped out again as did Tyson. Ford leaned close. “We want to mate with you.”

She wasn’t sure what the meant, but it sounded good. They drove their cocks into her at the same time and bolts of electricity lit her up. Tyson leaned over her right shoulder and Ford nabbed her neck on the left. Both bit into the skin at the same time. There wasn’t any pain—just a sense of euphoria. She was theirs, and that made her smile.

But Bailey yearned for more. She tried to buck her hips, but Ford held her firm. Both men slipped out, and then returned. Their rhythm was magical, building her orgasm to a fevered pitch. She clutched Tyson’s shoulders and leaned her head against Ford’s chest. She probably wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow, but this sensational loving was worth it.

Tyson pumped hard and faster, taking her closer to the point of no return.

“Your ass is made for fucking and can’t get enough.” Ford’s words came out hard and territorial. She loved it.

Tyson thrust in her again and kissed her even harder. She might have been able to stem her climax a little longer had he not reached between them and rubbed her clit—or should she call it her
button? One touch and waves of ecstasy swooped down. She opened her mouth and yelled their names.

Hot cum shot out of both men as if they were one. Her eyes widened. With their cocks expanding with each pump, she was unsure if she could take any more stretching. Bailey held her breath, relishing the orgasm that kept going and going and matched their releases. Stars burst on the back of her lids as she gulped in air. The rest of the world ceased to exist. It was just the three of them. Alone. Together. One.

Even after the throbbing stopped, neither of them moved. Finally, when her body gave way, Ford withdrew and gently placed her on the bed.

“Be right back,” he said.

Tyson kissed her and slipped out. “You are more than anything I could have imagined in my dreams.”


Ford returned with a warm cloth and cleaned her. “You up for some dinner?”

Bailey smiled. “I could eat a horse. But give me a minute. Or an hour.” Her muscles needed time to recoup. With that, she closed her eyes and dozed.

*     *     *

Bailey wasn’t so sure about going to a party that had an eye scanner at the entrance. Ford claimed it was for the owners, but still. What kind of town did they live in? “This reminds me of Statler’s lab.”

Ford placed a comforting hand on her back. “From what Jay told me, Trax and Dante Field are the security gurus. They have an electronics store in front on their place. At least you know you’ll be safe inside.”

“That’s true.”

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