Finding Her Rhythm (Backstage Pass Series) (17 page)

Fingers crossed the police were on their way, but he couldn't
risk them writing the call off as a prank and take their time getting here. They'd probably question the staff first rather than searching the grounds. Any number of things could happen.

He wouldn't let Taylor be hurt any more.

He studied the situation for long moments, noting Bradley's shaking hand, high emotions, and the rest of the cord hanging out of his back pocket. Perfect. Turning his back, he searched the ground around him, gathered what he needed as quietly as he could, then turned back.

He winced as Bradley jerked on Taylor's hair extra hard, then
did something to her side that made her whimper and squirm away.

Stop whining, bitch. You know you like it,” Bradley said, causing Michael to see red.

He breathed a few times to calm himself before he put his plan into action. He tossed a couple of pine cones in a direct line back from him, rustling up the forest floor. The talking behind him stoppe
d for a moment. Bradley had heard the sound.

Michael threw another, and another, each one a little closer to him. Then he started to whistle very softly.

e heard Bradley's lowered voice from behind him. “Damn it—I bet some old fart has wondered off from the loony bin. Guess I'll have to take care of him.”

Protesting noises erupted from Taylor’s throat, but then Michael heard a dull thud.

“You just keep quiet like a good girl, or there'll be more where that came from.”

Michael struggled to
maintain a steady whistle, as if he'd heard nothing. He had to focus, for Taylor's sake.

He lowered the whistle, then stopped as Bradley approached. The big oaf walked right past him, not expecting someone to come along to save his victim. Bradley certainly didn't expect someone like Michael.

Without warning Michael swung the heavy branch he'd picked up, aiming straight for Bradley’s knee. There was a grunt when it connected, but it didn't cover up the crack of bone. Michael didn't know if he broke it or simply dislocated it—and didn't care.

fell like the Giant did for Jack, giving Michael the chance to drop his knee—right in the middle of Bradley's back. Snatching Bradley's own rope, he had the bastard hog-tied in less than fifteen seconds.

Working on that pig farm as a teenager had finally been worth something.

Rushing over to Taylor, he brushed her hair back and gently worked the bandanna out of her mouth. “It’s okay, Taylor. I'm here.”

I'm so sorry, Michael,” she said, tears spilling down her cheeks. “I just didn't know what to do.”

I realize that. You should have called me. First. Always. Got it?”

She nodded, though her eyes looked a little dazed. Bruises were already forming along one cheekbone.

“Everything is going to be all right,” he said, aching to brush the pain away. “I promise.”

he melted into him within seconds. But everything he’d witnessed warned him he had his work cut out for him to keep her there.





Chapter Fifteen


Taylor waited until the house was empty before she made her effort to repair things with Michael.

She'd been home for a week. At least, what she considered home. Hanging out with the kids, helping them get ready for school. It had been both heaven and hell.

Michael hadn't touched her. Not even casually. He didn't talk about what had happened either. He'd simply driven her home after the doctor had released her from the emergency room with some medicine for the cuts and bruises, but none of them had required stitches. Even the lacerations on her knees from being dragged along the forest floor. Her arm had needed an X-ray, but there weren't any fractures. It had turned a brilliant purple the next day, though.

Still Michael hadn't touched her.

Having him visit her bed had been too much to ask, she guessed. Still the ache in her chest kept her restless at night. His rejection hurt more than the wounds Bradley had inflicted. Loneliness and darkness—that wasn't what she wanted. She thought she'd caught a glimpse of desire in his eyes a time or two. Her own need made her yearn for it to be true…but what if it was just that? A reflection of what
wanted to see there, not what actually was?

'd argued with herself all week but, this afternoon, had finally made a decision. She had to risk it. Had to. Even if it meant giving up the kids. Giving up the chance to see Michael at all. She couldn't go back to living as his nanny now that she'd learned what it was to be family, what it was like to be loved by him.

Knowing the kids would be gone to friends’ houses until lunchtime tomorrow gave her courage. She moved through the empty house, conscious of the drizzling rain that echoed her tears. It wouldn't stop her.

In her room she stripped and showered, then dressed in nothing but a thong and black lace stockings. She waited until she was in Michael's bedroom, the door closed enough to only leave a slight glimpse of her, before tackling the soft handcuffs. Using a fluffy pillow to cushion the still healing bruises on her knees, Taylor knelt beside the bed and waited.

A little while
later, she heard the distinct sound of Michael’s truck coming up the drive. Relief flowed through her like a calming river. She had worried he might avoid coming home, since he knew she would be alone.

She heard nothing more until his footsteps
thumped on the stairs. Leaning forward, she let the soft, loose waves of her hair fall to cover her face. The veiling effect protected her pride just a little. She was having a hard enough time facing him. If he rejected her outright—

She wouldn't think that way. Couldn't.

The door squeaked softly as it opened.
Well, at least he didn't turn away at first glance.
His quick, indrawn breath. His approach across the floor.

Please don't reject me.

Then he bent to one knee on the floor next to her. “No, Taylor,” he whispered, his voice soft and heartbreaking. “You don't have to do this. Never will I ask you to do this for me again.”

Her breath stilled. She pushed the fear aside to ask,

I just can't ask you for this after—I don't want to see you that vulnerable again.”

But I want to.” She peeked at him through her hair.

Reaching out, he brushed one side of the waves bac
k. Just like he used to. “You do?”

I do want it,” she said, bowing her head again, with embarrassment this time. “But only with you, Michael. I love you.”

He stood tall, his weight shifting for a moment before he settled at her side. His knuckles soothed over her bare shoulder and down her back.
“Please don't say it out of obligation, Taylor. I couldn't handle that.”

That brought her head around quick.
“Is that what you thought? That I would only come to you because I was grateful?”

I was afraid of it. Yes. I never want you coerced into doing something that hurts you, shames you, or makes you afraid. You deserve to be happy.”

Loving you makes me the happiest I've ever been.”

I will make you even happier. For a lifetime, baby.”

And what about you?” she asked as she watched his eyes drift to the soft mounds of her breasts. Her nipples tightened, bare before his searching gaze. “What makes you happy?”

My kids. My music.” Finally his eyes rose to hers. “But you are what makes it all complete, Taylor. I love you.”

She gifted him with her beautiful smile.
“Then show me.”

He did…and it was the performance of a lifetime.





Also Available From Dani Wade




The last thing Damon West wants is a trip to his bookish neighbor’s house in the midst of the worst snowstorm Cadence, TN, has seen in a decade. Still, his military instincts warn him that Miss Priss could use a little help. His arrival is met with an attack by an unknown assailant and the sight of Miss Priss in a sexy wisp of nothing-much, confidently wielding a double-barreled shotgun.


Tori Anderson carefully portrays herself as a responsible bookstore owner and capable young woman to anyone willing to look twice. But two men grappling in her backyard called for speed more than decorum. That’s how the guy she’d been secretly lusting after since he’d bought the house next door sees her in a silky robe and panties—with nothing in between. Damon’s sudden interest thrills her, but she can’t help worrying about the unknown threat scared off by her shotgun blast.


Trapped in her house, snow blocking the roads and no way to reach the outside world, Tori finally has the chance to indulge her wildest fantasies. But she isn’t sure which is more daunting—the abusive boyfriend back to punish her for helping convict him of murder or her desire to have more than one night with the town’s most unavailable bachelor.


Snow Bound





About the Author


Author Dani Wade started her writing journey in a childhood spent in the rural south where her favorite form of entertainment was imagining herself in the roles of romantic heroines. She now juggles her writing obsession with a patient hubby, two lively kids, and a day job. Life is crazy, but she attempts to navigate the potholes with her trusty To Do List and half a brain.

Dani Wade loves to hear from her readers!
She can be contacted via email (readdaniwade @
) or through her website 
For more information about her books, check out her website at
. She also enjoys blogging weekly at

She can be found on Facebook
and Twitter as @daniwade1.



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