Finding Her Rhythm (Backstage Pass Series) (9 page)

The signal came naturally then. Holding his gaze, she nestled closer, letting her hands find his hips through the wet swim trunks he wore.

Even if the piercing look in his eyes hadn’t clued her in, the hard erection pressed against her belly would have. She had a feeling Michael’s days of waiting had just come to an end.

* * *


Michael stalked back into the house after waving t
he last guest off into the inky-black night. Seeing everyone outside of work had been fun, but now he needed one thing, one thing only. He just had to find the woman who would meet his needs head-on.

He would make
sure of it.

As he tracked back through the kitchen, he felt lik
e a lion hunting his prey. Desire roared through his consciousness with single-minded intent. Need pounded in his brain. Now he would have her.

No Taylor to be seen as he did a final walk through the downstairs, turning off lights and locking doors. The security system was alert and secure. The kids had hung out with the adults long after the last teenager left
, and had finally wandered off to their rooms around midnight. He hoped they were exhausted. Tomorrow they left for his former mother-in-law’s house for the annual two week visit before school started back. He’d spend a few days there with them, then return home.

Where he’d have Taylor all to himself.

Checking over the family room, he shut down the gas logs in the fireplace and made the rounds to turn off all the lamps. The guitars they’d been playing went back into their cases. He’d move them out to the studio in the morning.

Where was that woman? Had she scuttled back to her bedroom, her courage waning? Had she thought he would forget? Not a chance. He’d made his intentions pretty clear today, and he would keep every unspoken promise.

After he’d bound her to him, body and mind, then he’d learn all her secrets. The way he felt right now, there wouldn’t be a single place to hide.

Just as he reached for the last lamp, he heard a rustle on the balcony above. A slight smile curved his lips.
There she was.

Clicking the light off, he waited for his eyes to adjust to the moonlight streaming in from the windows, then mounted the stairs. She hovered in
the far shadows, inching toward the doorway as if she’d suddenly changed her mind. Thigh-length, silky material flirted over her skin, enticing him forward.


he froze. He prowled forward, crowding her against the wall, surrounding her with his heat. Her long, slow inhale urged him even closer, back to where they’d left off.

One more time—only this time, it would end the way

Her hands reache
d for his biceps, then curled in retreat. Escape wasn’t an option tonight. Of their own volition, his hands buried themselves into the thick mass of her hair, soft and springy against his fingers. One touch and the pain, the loneliness that sat like a stone in his gut melted away.

He ste
ered her gaze up to his. Gentle but firm. She wouldn’t hide from him tonight.

I want you, Taylor.”

Those long, thick lashes dropped. Her last chance to shield herself.
“We shouldn’t do this,” she whispered.

His grip tightened, massaging against her scalp in a motion that drained the tension from her body.
“No more shoulds,” he said. His palms slid down to cup the smooth skin of her cheeks. “Tell me you want this.”

For several seconds she remained silent, the only sound in the room the quickening of her breath. Then those incredible green eyes met his and she swayed toward him.
“Yes,” she whimpered, “oh yes.”

It was everything he wanted to hear.

Despite the urgency pounding through his body, he slowly leaned forward to take her lips. Soft, smooth skin eased his ache while ramping up his arousal. Like candy, her taste urged him to lick, suck, and nibble in order to consume. Holding the rest of his body under strict control, he joined them at the mouth, compelling her lips to part, her tongue to play with his. The moist slide of sensation was like coming home after a long stretch on the road. He groaned as her fingers dug into his arms, her body arching toward his as she gave free rein to her own need.

Retreating inch by reluctant inch, he spoke into the darkness.
“No more waiting, Taylor.”

The loosening of her muscles
told him her resistance was melting away. Oh, he knew her rhythm, knew what she needed, and he intended to play every note. Bending, he lifted her high against his chest. Her whimper of distress made him smile. Eventually, he’d wash every last worry about her weight from her mind—at least, when it came to him and what he wanted.

Every last, curvy inch.

The hallway to his room had never seemed longer, but finally the door was closed and they were alone. He lowered her feet to the floor, giving her a minute to find her balance. Then he clicked the lock into place, holding her gaze with a deliberation that spoke volumes about his intent. She didn’t quail. Her eyes widened, the bright color absorbing every ounce of dim light until he couldn’t look away.

His body urged him to hu
rry, which made his self-control much more powerful.
The first time

Two fingers. That’s all he touched her with. They hooked under the thin strap of her nightgown, rubbing back and forth as he eased it slowly over the curve of her shoulder to fall against her arm. Just the barest brush of skin against skin had the blood pounding through his veins, centering in his cock until he thought he would explode.

The other strap received the same treatment, causing gooseflesh to pebble along her skin. Her excitement shot a thrill through him, the adrenaline akin to the rush of a live performance.

Despite the lack of support, the material remained stretched across those magnificent breasts. His mouth had been watering all day, with every glimpse of th
em cupped so tightly in her new swimsuit. The only part she hadn’t seemed self-conscious exposing.

His body had been embarrassingly grateful.

But before he could dive into that heavenly gift, they had to get one thing straight. “Taylor?”

Hmmm?” Her murmur was distracted, as if she didn’t quite process the language.

He tipped her chin up so he could see those gorgeous green eyes.
Even in the rush of desire, he couldn’t ignore the past. Someone had made her very afraid. Fear would never be a part of what they had together. “Taylor, promise me.”

That caught her attention. “What?

Promise me, no matter what we do together, that you’ll tell me if I ever hurt you.”

Those eyes widened, something achingly hopeful moving through them.
“Yes, Michael. I promise.”

With a grin, he proceeded to give her everything he had. Not as a rock star, but as a man.

Slow deliberation revealed everything he’d been fantasizing about since the moment he’d seen her spandex-covered ass in his gym. Firm, full breasts topped with dusky-pink nipples tightened with anticipation. A sculpted Rubenesque body with a defined waist, a satisfying flare to her hips, and dark blonde curls between firm thighs. She shivered under his scrutiny.

She might worry about her size, but he’d know she worked out even if he hadn’t seen it. All that muscle m
ade him imagine those legs contracting as she rode him, hard. His hands guiding her hips in a steady rhythm. All the—

But not tonight.

Leaning forward, he whispered, “Hold still.”

Starting at the top, he brushed the backs of his fingers along the picturesque landscape, returning to tantalize her nipples until she whimpered. His control cracked, urging him to give in. Stepping
away, he met her gaze. “Undress me.”

Excitement flared in her eyes at his command
. He would enjoy teaching her everything she needed to know to please him. But first he’d teach her just how much he could please her.

Her hands shook as she guided the hem of his
T-shirt up over his abs and shoulders. No sooner had his head cleared than the garment disappeared to the darkened floor. The button of his cargo shorts resisted her fumbling for an extra second of torture before slipping free and showcasing just how naked he was underneath.

Her breath stopped for long seconds, along with her movements. His cock gave a jer
k of approval, as if to scream
oh yeah, look at me
. Fire settled at the base of his spine.

Without urging
, she pulled the shorts down, sinking to her knees to let him step out of them. Staring down at that blonde head gave him all kinds of ideas.

Next time.

With a firm hand, he guided her to the bed. Not trusting himself once he got inside her, he addressed the first order of business. Commit every inch of her delectable curves to his memory, so he could carry the scent of her, the feel of her with him when he left.

The firm muscles of her shoulders and arms. The ribs guarding panting lungs. The gentle slope of her stomach. The more rounded pitch of her hips. Pressing his thumbs right above her pubic bone, he smiled to hear the moan coming from those parted lips.
The best kind of music.
She lifted against him, then stiffened as if she’d done something wrong.

Don’t stop, baby,” he murmured in the hushed intimacy of the room. “I like to see what you want. What you enjoy.”

She remained taut for long mo
ments more, then whimpered. “What if it’s not—”

Never, sweetheart.” He leaned forward to press a kiss right above his thumbs. She quivered under his lips, urging him to return. “I’m gonna like it. I’m gonna want it too.”

Again that lift of her hips, bringing attention to a place he couldn’t wait to visit.
He let his breath warm her skin. Another tilt. This time he used his palms to press down, trapping her between him and the bed.

A mewl escaped her throat. Her body struggled in his grip. Still his breath teased her. Her legs fell open—
now that’s what he wanted
. Taylor, so aroused, so excited, that nothing mattered. Not her weight. Not her past. Only him and what he made her feel. So desperate for him that she couldn’t hide.

Circling his thumbs,
he traveled lower, rewarding her surrender. Soft curls invited him in. Her own unique smell was stronger here, making his mouth water and his cock ache.

As he
slipped lower, her thighs jerked, then clamped tightly closed. He raised his head to find her hands now closed over her breasts, her body protecting herself from his invasion. Her face turned toward the door.

What had spooked her?

Standing tall, he abandoned the siren playground for a moment, intent on setting their tone. His movement caught her attention. Turned her focus back to him. Reaching forward, he clasped each wrist like he had that first time he’d touched her and squeezed. Her back arched as she moaned. A betrayal of her need. Despite resistance, he drew the flesh covering flesh away from her body until she lay in unabashed glory against his navy bedspread.

He pressed her hands firmly against the bed.
“Stay.” Her fists dug into the comforter, but as soon as his hands returned to her thighs she twitched as if to cover herself again.

Don’t make me tie you down,” he warned.

The shift of fear on a face illuminated by moonlight had his gaze narrowing, but her hands returned to the position he’d shown her. Her body’s ambivalence was plainly written in the stiffness of her shoulders and arms, but her tits quivered, as did her thighs.
She wanted it, but didn’t want to want it?

With a hand under each knee, he used his standing position to his advantage, lifting up and out to expose her completely. She whimpered, but the glistening flesh between her thighs spoke of deep hunger.

How could he not dive right in? He’d waited too long for this particular fantasy. A steady, forceful slide of his thumb over her hard clit and wet lips prompted the first moaning cry. Her juicy flesh had him breathing deep, subduing the urge to drive himself home. By the time he’d explored virgin territory and returned to torture the hard nub, she was practically screaming behind the hand she’d moved to hold her mouth closed.

He couldn’t let that slide, now could he? Crawling back over the top of her, he buried his face near her ear. “Taylor, did I tell you to move your hand?”

As if she’d just realized what she’d done, she jerked her hand back into position. Shuttering breaths disrupted her words. “No…no, Michael.”

“You stole something from me.”

She yanked her head up. “What?”

He growled, c
rowding closer to force her down. “You stole from me.” He brushed his lips across hers. “I want every moan, every cry. They’re mine.” He pulled back. “And you will give them to me. Understand?”

Without waiting for an answer, he proceeded to show her.

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