First a Dream (Dreams Come True #1) (13 page)

“Why do you say that?” Isabella asked intrigued.

“Well,” he began too slowly, “Mr. Gabriel has never brought a woman here.” He paused and Isabella tried not to show her shock. “I used to ask him about that, why he doesn’t bring some lucky lady to spend time with him here. He always said she’d have to be more than lucky. She’d have to be amazing and incredibly special too. So, see, that’s why I say you must be special.”

Isabella smiled, then looked out to study the landscape while she mulled over what she had learned.

To her surprise, when the Jeep stopped they were in front of Cosmos Spa. She walked in, gave her name to the receptionist, and immediately found herself being treated like royalty. She strolled to her changing room to undress and put on a robe and slippers. For her first treatment, she received a manicure and pedicure. The French nails looked wonderful with her tan. Already she felt better. Next, she found herself in a hydrotherapy room, then being exfoliated from head to toe, and left to feel softer than the day she was born. A steam treatment followed, opening the pores of her face, and signaling the beginning of her European facial. The stylist shampooed her hair, gave her a deep conditioning treatment, and cut.

“We’ll leave the actual hair style and makeup for last,” the woman explained, putting her hair into a turban, “Mr. Charmant has a special treat for you.”

“Another one?” Isabella asked in awe. She barely recognized herself. What more could she need done?

They reached a room labeled ‘massage’. As she entered, she found Gabriel lying on a table waiting for her. She rushed over to him, squatted in front of him, and murmured, “Thank you.” She punctuated her words with a soft kiss on the lips.

He smiled and motioned for her to lay down on the table parallel to his. As soon as she was settled under the sheet, Gabriel reached over and squeezed her hand. The candles lent a soft glow and with the scented oils being rubbed into their body, the experience stimulated in every sense. “Relax and enjoy, Bella. We have dinner reservations when we’re through.”

An hour and a half later, the massage had ended and Isabella wondered how she’d move. She felt completely boneless. “I’ll never move again.” She sighed happily.

“Well, I know how important food is to you. We can’t have that.” Gabriel emerged from his sheet and walked over to her side, completely naked. Pulling back her sheet, he scooped her up and helped steady her on her feet. “There.”

“Ah, better.”

Leaning down, he gave her a kiss before grabbing his robe. “I’ll meet you in the reception area. There’s something waiting for you in your dressing room.

Despite his warning, she still thought she had the wrong room at first, as she didn’t recognize any of the clothes or jewelry. Then she glanced at a card lying on top of the jewelry. “Bella.” She opened the card, one of those blank ones with a beautiful beach scene on the front. Inside he wrote:



I just wanted us to have a wonderful last night together in Aruba. This trip has been amazing. I only hope you’ll give me the chance to make you as happy as you’ve made me.




Isabella stood momentarily stunned, but dressed quickly. The sea green sundress fit perfectly. It looked even better upon being accented by the black strappy heels, and matching onyx necklace, earrings, anklet, and bracelet he had chosen. She felt like a princess. Shyly, she walked from the room to meet Gabriel at the front desk. They were the last clients in the place, and Isabella realized the day spa had stayed open late, just for them.

“Thank you so much,” she gushed to the receptionist. “You were all amazing.” Then she turned toward Gabriel. He stared at her with a look of pure adoration on his face, which she found to be intoxicating. Isabella stepped toward him. She offered him her hands and waited, a soft smile playing on her lips. When he took them, she murmured, “Thank you most of all.”

“You look incredible, Bella.” He kissed her temple. “I’m not going to mar the makeup.”

Isabella laughed then pulled his head toward her and whispered into his ear, “I’m yours, too, you know?”

He pulled away, nodding, eyes sparkling. From there, they exited the spa and drove to the restaurant where he’d made reservations. At Papiamente Restaurant, where their meals were cooked on stones before them. As the meal wound down, Gabriel wondered about the rest of their night. “Would you like to go dancing?”

“No.” She smiled.

“A boat ride then?” He seemed determined to make their last night memorable.

Smiling shyly, she shook her head again.

“Go for a drive?” He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes as if he were trying to read her mind.

Shaking her head again, Isabella revealed her heart‘s desire. “I want a quiet night, just the two of us, since goodness knows when we’ll have one of those again.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” He set his napkin on the table and signaled for the check. Once he’d paid, he offered her a hand and then walked her out of the restaurant.

They were quiet on the drive back to the house. Isabella couldn’t stop thinking about how much had changed between them over the past twenty-four hours. She never would’ve imagined it, but she was pleased with the direction their relationship had taken.





As they wandered around to the back of the house, Isabella turned toward the beach. “Bella, were you hoping for a midnight swim or a walk?”

“Sounds perfect.” Her voice had gone all breathy again. Every time she did that, he could feel all the blood rushing to his cock. If she only knew the power she held over him.

Gabriel walked towards the verandah to go inside and get changed. He reached the door first to open it for her, but when he turned back he discovered he was alone. “Bella?”

At first he didn’t see her. The moon was dim and there were no outside lights on by design. Then he walked back toward the beach and saw her. Isabella stood amid a pile of clothing with her too small hands working desperately to cover her ample breasts. Gabriel’s jaw dropped. Then he, too, rushed to undress and join her. While he yanked his shirt over his head, he considered how little surprised him anymore. Then along came Bella, who had been one surprise after another. She had shaken up his life, inspired him to work harder, made him a better man.

Wading out into the calm water, with waves barely whispering against the shore, Gabriel reached out to her, longing to touch her silky skin, but she slipped beneath the water and glided away. Still, his hand grazed her side, then her back, then flowed over her buttocks, and on down her thigh. He shivered at the contact. He could have stopped her. He could have reached out with both hands and grabbed a wrist, or foot, or something. But instead, his hand had slid down her slick, wet body, just like he had been swimming with a dolphin. No, he hadn’t captured her,  but somehow, without even trying, without games or trickery or a hint of the usual female deception, his Bella had captured his heart.

After playing in the water, they rinsed off in the outdoor shower and wrapped up in some of the beach towels stored in the pool house. They rushed up to the bedroom. “Would you like to try out the Jacuzzi tub tonight?  Last chance.”

Isabella shook her head. “I’m going to go get ready for bed.” Then she disappeared into the bedroom. In her absence, Gabriel pulled out the laptop and started studying some of the images she had downloaded from their trip. It had been a magical few days. When he looked at it through her eyes, the photos made it seem even more so. Life with her was beautiful. Finally, the bathroom door opened. By the time he looked up, she was standing before him at the end of the bed wearing the robe from last night.

Gabriel closed the laptop and set it on the nightstand then he folded his hands on his lap and waited. Apparently, Isabella understood she now had his full attention. With a slight smile, she untied the robe, letting it fall open, slide down her shoulders, and slip noiselessly to the floor in a silky heap. He inhaled sharply. The light from the candles he’d lit earlier flickered across her body seductively.

“I don’t want to give you the wrong idea,” she murmured, crossing the floor to sit against his side on the bed.

Gabriel moved over hurriedly to make room without taking his eyes off her face. His mouth opened slightly as he tried to think of something to say.

Ignoring him, she pulled the sheets back, so she could climb in. She laid parallel to him, shielding her breasts with an arm. “I’m not ready yet, but I want to get closer. I want tonight to be special.” She bent her head slightly while she awaited his response.

“Silly Bella,” he whispered as he lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes. “Don’t you know?  Every moment between us is special.” Then he closed his eyes, leaning near as his lips closed the gap to hers. Again they kissed, softly, then more passionately. He opened his arms to welcome her, and they lay there skin to skin. The fan whirred over their heads. The ocean crashed against the sand outside the balcony doors. For the first time in a long time, all was right in Gabriel’s world. It felt like Isabella might be feeling the same. He felt her relax, her breathing grew more rhythmic, and her body slowly became limp. In that moment, without a care in the world, he easily drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Ten




For the first time since they’d been sharing a bed, Isabella awakened alone. She wasn’t at all worried. In fact, the moment she glanced around and found the trail of white rose petals leading out of the bedroom, she bounded out of bed in anticipation.

Today they were returning home, and Isabella had mixed feelings about it. She loved her time in Aruba, time spent with Gabriel. She’d never felt so free, so alive. Yet at the same time, she’d missed her kids so much she could hardly express it.

Usually, little Konnor would ask when she was coming home, and didn’t she miss them?  Rebecca, on the other hand, was quick to criticize Jack. She seemed to tally a list of his wrong doings. “Daddy doesn’t give us a bath every night like you do, Mommy.” Or, “He let us watch a scary movie.” It was in moments such as these Isabella felt she couldn’t get home quickly enough.

It was now a few short hours from departure and she bounded out of bed to follow an endless trail of white rose petals to goodness knows where, and found herself giggling like a school girl. Isabella rushed to the end of the bed, where the silk robe she’d so hastily discarded on the floor the previous night remained untouched. She paused for a moment to pull her mass of shoulder length honey brown hair into a messy bun. Then, she meandered down the stairs, following the fragrant petals out to the verandah where Gabriel, wearing his own robe, patiently waited.

As he saw her glide through the French doors, he lifted the lid of the silver platter to reveal her breakfast, which consisted of chocolate filled croissants and Eggs Benedict. Behind the plate, propped up against a long stemmed white rose sat a black velvet box. Isabella froze in her place and put a hand to her chest as she inhaled sharply. She had never had much luck with velvet boxes and this one had come way too quickly. She paused, unsure of what to do first.

Gabriel walked over to her, and led her to the table. “Don’t be afraid, my Bella,” Gabriel urged. “Open it. I just wanted you to have a memento of our trip.”

“I have mementos,” Isabella argued. “You have more than doubled my pajama wardrobe, bought me dresses and the jewelry I wore last night...” She threw her hands up, unable to say more.

“I know,” Gabriel said gently. “I wanted you to have those things, just as I now want you to have this.” He passed her the velvet box.

She felt the weight of it in her hand for a moment as she struggled to find the courage to open it. Isabella glanced up to see Gabriel merely stood there patiently, waiting for her to reveal his gift. Gradually, she pushed the lid back until it popped completely open, gift exposed.

To her relief, the box contained a beautiful silver heart pendant necklace with chains looped through either side of the heart. Gabriel took the necklace from the box, and carefully worked the clasp to secure it around her neck, sealing the act with a kiss on her exposed shoulder. Isabella turned around, locked her arms behind his head, and kissed him appreciatively.

“I’m sorry I was so scared.” She looked down for a moment to cover her embarrassment, then back up at his adoring face. “It’s just...well, I just want you to know I love this. It’s perfect. Just like you.” She kept her arms around his neck and freely offered him more kisses.

“Whew,” he exclaimed laughing, “Had I known you would respond like this, I would have bought you fancy jewelry sooner.”

Isabella scrunched up her face. “It’s not about that…” She felt incapable of explaining.

“It’s okay,” Gabriel said tenderly. “I know. You don’t have to say anything. I already know.”

She looked into his eyes and knew he meant it, knew it was true. Isabella buried her head in his chest, listening to his heart for a few moments before she looked up at him and challenged, “Race you to the beach.”

She won, probably because he wanted to watch her robe fall to the sand. She let it loose at the last possible moment, not feeling as daring as she had in the safety of the dark night sky. The clear blue-green water washed over them, and they clung together with the waves rushing around them until the time arrived for them to prepare for the journey home.

The flight home stretched on intolerably. At least it seemed that way to Isabella. She always loved to travel, but when the time arrived for her departure, she always found herself more than ready for home and wanted to be there instantly. The same held true on this occasion, even though she had Gabriel beside her. She shifted impatiently in her seat. She couldn’t seem to settle in. She twitched and turned, expecting she annoyed him terribly, yet Gabriel sat patiently, watching her. At one point, in an effort to settle her, he grasped her hand, although he seemed to be smirking as he did so.

“I think you are laughing at me,” Isabella accused.

“Moi?” Gabriel questioned innocently. “Never.” Still, he emitted a laugh as Isabella pretended to glare at him. “Why are you so restless, my love?” His eyes sparkled as he spoke.

She felt silly. Looking up at his shyly, she sighed. “I miss the kids. And when we left, all my responsibilities were forgotten. Now, they’re hitting me hard. I’m stressing.”

“What are you stressed about?” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles while staring into her eyes.

“Oh, Rebecca’s birthday is Saturday. I haven’t so much as ordered a cake. I’m the worst mom ever.”

“Consider it fixed. Next.” He smiled.

“How is it fixed?” She felt exasperated, like he wasn’t taking her concerns seriously.

“Rebecca’s going back to school after Labor Day and I’ve done no shopping. I only have weekends.” She frowned. Life seemed completely overwhelming at the moment.

“We’ll go shopping. No worries. Problem solved.” He shrugged.

She shook her head. “I don’t think you get it.” This was one of the many times she was acutely aware of their differences.

“I do. You’ll see.” He beamed at her and pulled her into his arms on the jet’s leather couch.

After what seemed like forever, they landed. Gabriel took Isabella’s hand and they walked toward the waiting limo.

“Wait!  Our bags!” Isabella tried to tug him back toward the plane.

“It’s okay, my Bella. Trust me.” He squeezed her hand reassuringly. Must be the driver would gather her luggage.

Instead, when they reached the limo, the driver was removing more bags from the trunk. Finally, he moved to open the door for Isabella. As the door to the back seat opened, everything became clear to her. Rebecca and Konnor were inside, bouncing around with the same restless energy that had consumed their mother during the plane ride. Instantly, Isabella and her children were a tangle of hugs and kisses. Gabriel had worked his magic once again. She turned to him and pulled him into the huddle. “Thank you, Gabriel. You’re wonderful.”

“My surprise isn’t over yet, my darling,” he said smiling broadly, eyes twinkling. “I thought Rebecca and Konnor needed a
vacation before going back to school.” He looked down at her children warmly. “Kindergarten can be tough. Right, Rebecca?” In response, Rebecca nodded vigorously. Then he turned to Konnor. “And Konnor might like a break before his return to day care. Don’t you agree, Konnor?” With a little coaching from Rebecca, he too, nodded enthusiastically.

“Where are you going with this?” Isabella stood and eyed him suspiciously. It hadn’t taken her long to pick up on when Gabriel had some surprise planned.

“Tonight,” he began slowly, but with much ardor, “We leave for Disney!”

As the four of them toured Montreal while the plane was readied for departure, they seemed like a family. A really good-looking family, apparently, as numerous people turned or stopped to admire them. Smiling to herself, Isabella realized in this moment she had what she had always wanted: a man to spend time with her and her children. The day passed too swiftly, and the time to return to the airport arrived.

Their flight landed in Orlando past the kids’ bedtime, but they were pleasant and well-mannered despite their exhaustion. A man holding a sign for ‘The Charmant Family’ gave Isabella a start. It did have a nice sound to it. She looked up at Gabriel questioningly.

“I hope you don’t mind,” he explained, “I told them to put that on the sign.” Isabella looked surprised. “That is how I think of us, you know?” He drew her close to his side as they watched their luggage being loaded.

A million thoughts assaulted Isabella.
Who was this man?  Wasn’t it entirely too soon for him to begin claiming them as his own?  And why am I fighting it? 

The car pulled up to Disney’s Grand Floridian. “I thought it might be nice to stay on site. We only need to take a bus or the monorail around,” Gabriel began as they entered their two-bedroom villa. “I stayed here once with my father and loved the place so much I vowed to come back with my own family one day.”

At his last remark, Isabella looked at him out of the corner of her eye. He certainly had a way of keeping her unhinged.

After putting the kids to sleep in their room, Isabella met Gabriel out on the terrace. “I hope you don’t mind,” Gabriel said, reaching for her hand. “I wanted one with a water view.” He pulled her onto his lap. “So, how do you like our room?”

“It’s amazing,” Isabella said sincerely.

She had taken a walk through the villa before joining him on the patio off of the living room. Tasteful and elegant decor greeted her in every room. There were patios off the bedrooms overlooking the lake. Each bedroom had its own bathroom. The bathtub in their room was incredibly inviting. They also had a kitchen, dining room, and laundry facilities. The conveniences this villa provided were tremendous. Gabriel had obviously thought this through.

She had read the brochure on the nightstand describing all the amenities. Isabella grew exhausted thinking about it, and wondered for a moment how the kids would hold up, and how Gabriel would respond to their needs. She already knew how he responded to hers.

“Would you mind if I turn in early?” Isabella asked Gabriel as she stretched and moved from her chair. “I’m exhausted from all the traveling.”

“I’ll join you.” Gabriel stood and walked toward her. “I can make us a bath before we crash.”


“Yes, us. Don’t worry. I’m well aware we could be set upon by two little ones at any minute.” He winked at her as he locked the door and turned on the tub faucet.

Unable to resist his charm, Isabella unzipped her shorts and stepped out of them. Following her lead, Gabriel lifted his shirt up over his head. Watching him do it, she froze.
He looks like a Greek god. He’s chivalrous as a knight. And for some reason, he loves me.

“What’s wrong, love?” He rushed over to her and pulled her into his arms.

Shaking her head, she swallowed hard. A lump had formed in her throat. “You make me feel really lucky.” Isabella looked down at the tile floor a moment before speaking again. “I know I don’t say it enough, but I really do treasure you.” She wanted to say those three little words, but it made her feel more vulnerable than she was comfortable with at the moment.

Gabriel leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers. “I know I don’t say it enough, but I love you, Bella. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.” Then his hands found her waist and he helped her remove her tank top. With one hand, he unhooked her bra, before kneeling in front of her.

There were goose bumps all over her skin and her stomach was already quivering by the time his fingers hooked her panties and tugged them down. As soon as he’d exposed her most sensitive parts, he leaned in and planted a lingering kiss. Though she would’ve loved to see where it went from there, she hesitated, knowing the kids were so close.

It was as if he read her mind or sensed her apprehension. “Don’t worry, Bella. I’m stopping. For now.” Gabriel smiled lazily at her. Standing, he removed his shorts and boxer briefs then held out a hand and they climbed into the tub together.

“We’re only here until Sunday, then it’s back to work,” Gabriel murmured, as he scrubbed her back with a loofah.


“What is wrong, my Bella?” He sounded genuinely concerned.

With a sigh, Isabella shifted in the tub so she was facing him. “You’re going to think I’m silly, or ungrateful, or I don’t even know.” She frowned then continued. “I still didn’t order a cake or anything for Rebecca. I mean, I guess I can do it when we get back on Sunday.” She started feeling better as she talked it through. “Maybe you could come. I already have her present wrapped in my closet. I can just pick up a ready made cake at the grocery store.” With a smile, she shrugged. “Never mind. We’re good. I’m just tired. Sorry.”

“Oh. So…you don’t want to do the princess party at Disney?” Gabriel chuckled. “I may have planned it. It’s in the magic castle. It’s kind of a birthday tea party. I didn’t know who her favorite princesses were so I hired all of them. Hope you don’t mind.”

“I don’t even know what to say.” Her heart felt as though it might burst and her eyes prickled from happy tears she refused to shed. Rising out of the water, she threw her arms around him. “I love you so much, it actually hurts.” Then because she was too afraid to let him see her face, she stayed wrapped around him until he lifted them both out of the tub and carried her to bed.

The next morning, Isabella awakened, greeted by the sound of her children shushing each other in the living room. Smiling to herself, she rolled over. Gabriel lay there, still sleeping. This time, Isabella had the opportunity to study him. His face looked so peaceful she found herself almost afraid to touch him.

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