First a Dream (Dreams Come True #1) (14 page)

Gabriel opened his eyes and saw her leaning over him. “Deep in thought already I see,” Gabriel joked. “Well, good morning to you anyway.” He tousled her hair affectionately. “There will be no more thinking today, or for the rest of the vacation for that matter. We have too much planned.”

“The kids are young,” she began hesitantly. “I hope you understand they may have trouble keeping up, or they may get grumpy and overtired...”

Gabriel sat up and looked at her. “Don’t you have any faith in me?” He shook his head, as if disappointed. “I think I have this all worked out. If not, we play it by ear. Deal?”

Isabella smiled, still unconvinced. “Deal.” She held out her hand to shake and make it official. Gabriel smiled as they joined hands. “Now let’s talk breakfast.”

“We have a meal plan. We only need to pick a place.” He smiled.

“Once again, you seem to have thought of everything.” She threw her hands in the air and walked over to the luggage to pick an outfit.

The next several days were spent at Disney, riding all the rides they met the height restriction on. They also decided early on to create a special book together for each of the children. It began on their first day in Disney, when Gabriel insisted they wait while he ran into the gift shop.

“I have a surprise for you,” he said enthusiastically upon his return as he handed each of them a gift bag.

Rebecca and Konnor looked at their mother for permission to check out the gift. Isabella nodded and prodded, “What do you say?”

Giggling, both children rushed at Gabriel, throw their arms around his legs and middle, depending on the child, and exclaimed sincerely, “Thank you, Gabriel!”

“You haven’t even opened them yet,” he reminded them, laughing.

They reached into the bags, only to discover a photo album with autograph pages. They looked up quizzically, and so he explained. “We are going to fill them together!”

So all over Disney they would stand in line to meet a character, Isabella would snap pictures while had the character autograph both books, and then they would move on to the next.

They still made time to stop at Animal Kingdom to see some exotic animals before the heat had them hiding under cover. EPCOT, while at times boring for little Konnor, became Rebecca’s favorite part of the trip. Like a sponge, she walked from exhibit to exhibit, soaking in newfound knowledge, reading everything available, and questioning anyone who would listen. Isabella, who was accustomed to this side of her daughter, barely noticed, but Gabriel stood back amazed.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said astonished. “Does she do this often?”

“Every chance she gets,” Isabella replied with unmistakable pride.

Saturday and her party finally arrived. Isabella and Gabriel were wakened by squeals coming from the kids’ room. Isabella flew from the bed, grabbing a bathrobe and cinching it on her way out the door. As she burst in to the room, Isabella only needed a moment to figure out they were squeals of delight. A smile broke across her face. Moments later, strong arms wrapped around her waist and he whispered in her ear.

“Surprise!” Then he laughed quietly before speaking to Rebecca. “Morning, Rebecca!  Happy birthday.” He walked over to her, tiara in hand and placed it on her head. “Or is it Princess Rebecca today?”

“Gabriel!  Look!” She danced around holding the blue gown she’d found on her bed. “This is Cinderella’s gown!  She’s my favorite!”

“I prince!” Konnor wasn’t about to be left out of the discussion, or the dressing up, apparently, since there were clothes for him too.

“Yes, you’re a prince for sure.” Gabriel beamed. “Shall we get you two dressed for the day?  I hear there are some characters who wanted to have breakfast with you. Oh, and then there are some princesses who wanted to have a tea party with the birthday girl.”

“Mommy and Gabriel, thank you!” Rebecca danced around the room filled with excitement.

“You’re welcome, but it was all Gabriel’s idea.” Isabella smiled proudly at him.

That night, while Isabella tucked the kids in and started packing for their journey home, Gabriel ran an errand. He returned with a smile and a single red rose for Isabella who turned several shades of pink when he passed it to her with a kiss.

“What’s the occasion?” She sniffed the rose appreciatively.

He shrugged. “I love you. I was thinking about you. Do you need an occasion?”

“Not at all.” Then she noticed the bag in his hand. “What’s in there?”

“I had the pictures from the trip developed. I thought we might assemble these together tonight to surprise the kids.” Already, he had pulled out the photos and grabbed the autograph books from the table.

Isabella walked over to him, wrapped her arms around him in a warm hug, and smiled. “I think that is a great idea.”

As they worked, Isabella noted Gabriel had maneuvered himself into many of the pictures for each of the kids’ books and commented. “My, aren’t we photogenic?”

His ears turned pink. “I wanted...” He paused, inhaled, and then finished his thought. “I wanted them to be able to look back at these one day and see I was a part of their lives.”

Immediately, Isabella’s mind considered the worst. Maybe he had discovered this was too much for him. She inhaled to calm her nerves. At least she had many beautiful memories. She’d simply focus on the positive.

Though they hadn’t known each other long, everything between them had evolved so seamlessly and naturally, she could barely remember what it was like before Gabriel came into their lives. She hoped never to find out what indelible void his abrupt departure might create.




They returned home ten days before school began, and the reality of the situation hit Isabella. She had to return to the studio tomorrow. She still had school shopping to accomplish and little time to prepare before school started. Worse, Jack had the kids Labor Day Weekend. Rebecca needed school supplies and fall and winter clothing. Konnor, though in a less desperate situation because he was in day care, still required clothes.

When they landed at the airport, Isabella was surprised to find Gabriel’s BMW waited for them. She had imagined the driver would deliver them to the Charmant Estate where she would have an opportunity to thank his father again for Aruba before the drive home. As they drove home, she touched Gabriel’s forearm. “Remind me to send you with a thank you note before you leave.”

“Oh.” Gabriel’s eyebrows arched. “Am I leaving now?  I thought...”

She looked at him for a moment, her brow furrowed. “I assumed you had to go get yourself ready for work. And I guess I thought you might want to see your father, since you haven’t seen him for a while.”

“Well,” he began thoughtfully. “I know that you return to work tomorrow.”

“Don’t you?” She turned in her seat to face him.

“I don’t have any meetings so I can work from anywhere thanks to my laptop.” He grinned. “Anyway…” Gabriel looked at her as thought expecting her to interrupt again. When she didn’t, he completed his thought. “Rebecca starts in a week and a half. I thought it might help if I took them shopping for school clothes.” He seemed to watch her for a reaction. “You can give me a list if you don’t trust me. Or we can go after you get done work. I thought it might help if I  watch the kids so you don’t have to pay for childcare.”

Isabella smiled to herself. He didn’t want to leave. He wanted to stay and help. Their time together wasn’t ending immediately. “I’d like that.” She slouched down in her seat, her heart racing as she imagined more nights of sleeping in his arms.

Once they arrived home and unloaded the vehicle, Isabella sorted through mail while Gabriel ran to the store to buy food for dinner. He was still pulling out of the driveway when her phone rang. She smiled when she saw Jessie’s smiling face appear on the screen.

“Where have you been?” Jessie screamed into the phone before Isabella could even give a proper greeting.

“Oh, we just returned from Florida about ten minutes ago.” Isabella bit her cheek while she waited for her best friend’s reaction.

“I thought you went to Aruba.”

“We did. Then when we returned to Montreal, Gabriel had the kids waiting for us in a limousine and we flew off later that night to go to Orlando.”

“Disney with the kids? That’s wonderful.” Hearing Jessie sound so happy and excited for her made Isabella feel more comfortable with the situation.

“It really was. He even had a princess party for Rebecca’s birthday. So, we’ll see what happens. Everything is great right now, but...”

“He really likes you, Isabella. I mean Aruba and Florida?” Jessie tried valiantly to comfort her friend.

“Yeah, I know.” She spoke quietly, afraid if she said too much, she’d soon be admitting her feelings for him.

Jessie changed the subject and instantly sounded more like her old self. “So, did you sleep with him?”

“Yup. We shared the same bed every night.” Isabella laughed.

“You know what I mean!”

“No. We haven’t had sex.”

“He takes you to Aruba and Florida and you fail to put out?” Jessie’s exasperation was evident. “Have I taught you nothing?”

“You taught me what I deserve. You showed me marriage can be beautiful. I don’t recall any lessons on putting out.” Isabella leaned against the counter. “Thank you for that. I have to go, but I’ll call you soon.” Then the call ended and Isabella worked on unpacking until Gabriel returned.

The next few days were particularly difficult for Isabella. She hated having to leave for work knowing she was missing out on time with Gabriel and the kids. Her happy thoughts every day were knowing he would still be there when she returned, and the kids were being well cared for.

The first afternoon she arrived home to find school supplies and groceries, but no clothes. When she walked in the door, Rebecca was wearing a new backpack. “You did some shopping, I see.” She greeted the kids with hugs and kisses before walking into the kitchen where Gabriel sat working on his laptop. The envelope of money she’d left for him sat unopened on the middle of the table. “And you didn’t use my money,” she grumbled.

“I must have forgotten it at home, beautiful one.” Gabriel chuckled. “How as your day?”

“Good. Oh, before I forget…I wrote this for your father. It’s a thank you, for Aruba and Florida.” She passed him an envelope she’d pulled out of her purse.

For a moment, he looked mildly uncomfortable, then he stuck it in his computer bag. “I’ll pass it along.”

“One more thing.” Isabella sighed while her watched patiently. “My gallery show has been moved. Looks like it will open the last week of January. So, one more thing to freak out about.” She shrugged. “Your turn.”

Gabriel pushed back his chair and walked to the closet to show her the supplies he’d purchased. “Bella, I would have bought clothes, but...” He struggled to find the word he wanted. “All the clothes here were...well, they were ugly.” He turned up his nose for emphasis.

Isabella began to smirk. She had often held the same complaint: not enough good shopping existed for kids in Plattsburgh. “So, what do you recommend?” She laughed and threw her hands up. “The girl needs clothes.”

Gabriel smiled widely. “I think we should take a little,” he held up his fingers to emphasize the word ‘little,’ “
road trip.”

“It’s dinner time,” she objected.

“We’ll eat dinner out. There must be at least one drive thru on the way.” Already he had his keys in his hand.

They piled into the car and drove to Burlington, where Children’s Place and Baby Gap awaited. Isabella spent her allotment on each child then Gabriel added another bag of what he considered necessities.

As they lay in bed that night, Isabella finally exhaled. She hadn’t even realized she’d been holding her breath. She nuzzled into his neck while he circled her shoulder with his forefinger.

“Tomorrow morning I leave for Montreal,” he commented absently.

Instantly, Isabella tensed. “Oh.”

“Father scheduled a meeting for me. A new client is in town and he needs my translation skills.” He shifted so he could look her in the eye while they spoke. “So, I was thinking...”

Isabella waited expectantly. He took so long to complete his thought she wanted to scream ‘Spit it out.’  She leaned forward in rapt attention.

Finally, he took a deep breath and allowed the words to burst forth. “What if from now on, every weekend you have the kids we stay here, and the weekends you don’t we stay in Montreal?  This is only until I close on my new place.”

Isabella paused before responding. “This is what you were agonizing over?” She watched as he nodded. “I would love that.” It never occurred to her to question why the kids wouldn’t be invited to stay at the Charmant Estate.


Chapter Eleven





On Wednesday, Gabriel sent Isabella a text at work. The guys had been giving him a hard time. They were all getting older and some were afraid this might be their last chance to get away together.


Gabriel: My friends want to take a trip over Labor Day Weekend.


He waited for more than half an hour for a response. Sure, she could’ve simply been busy, but more than likely, she was upset. Finally, he sent a second text, hoping to better explain the situation.


Gabriel: Would you like to meet my friends? If so, we’ll go to Cape Cod for the weekend. We picked out a house to rent, right on the beach. Are you working Friday?  They want to leave Thursday night.


This time, he had a response in roughly thirty-seven seconds. She didn’t even text. Bella called him.

“I spoke with Kristofer. The studio is closed Friday and Monday. Looks like I’m free after work.” She sounded so bubbly he couldn’t help but bask in the warmth of her voice.

“Good. My last meeting is at two in the afternoon. I’ll keep it brief and pick you up after. We’ll talk tonight, my love.”

Long after he ended the call, he sat frowning, two fingers rubbing each temple. Not one to succumb to the darkness, he struggled to understand why he felt so out of sorts. If he were to be honest with himself, he already knew. Fear gnawed at him, sucking the joy out the moment, threatening everything he held dear. Gabriel never held anyone dear until Isabella. A smile played at the corner of his lips as he thought about her. Tomorrow night, they’d be together again.




When Gabriel picked her up after work on Thursday, he gave immediately himself away. "What’s wrong?” She rubbed the worry lines across his forehead when he finally released her from his lengthy, tight embrace.

“We’re together, about to go away for the weekend. Whatever could be wrong?” He shrugged and tried to play it off.

“Nice try. Gah. You’re like the kids.” She shook her head and grinned. “So, we can do this your way, where I finally elicit the truth, or my way where you tell me what’s bothering you now.” She raised an eyebrow. “I should warn you. I’m really good.”

Gabriel smirked. “I bet you are.” Glancing at his watch, he worried over the time. “What if we finish this conversation in the car?  We’re supposed to meet the guys for dinner before we go to the airport.”

“Okay, but I’m holding you to it.” Then Isabella trotted out of the house with her bag in hand.

“I could carry that!” He rolled his eyes as he shut the door behind him and walked to his car. “In fact, I will be carrying it the remainder of the trip.”

“Whatevs.” She laughed. As soon as they were both belted into their seats she rolled up her sleeves and apparently adopted a Russian accent. “So, you vant that we should do this the hard way?”

Gabriel took one look at Isabella as she waggled her eyebrows at him and burst out laughing. “How do you do it?” He smiled in wonder. “Fine.” He took a deep breath narrowed his eyes as he considered how to begin. “I’m afraid of losing you.”

Reaching over, Isabella looped her hand around his bicep. “I love you. As long as you don’t cheat on me or lie to me, you’ll never lose me.” She smiled widely. “There. Problem solved. Cheer up.”

Gabriel tried to smile, tried to ignore the fear, but instead of making it better, she’d made it worse because already…he had lied. Swallowing hard, he turned on the radio to dull the silence between them.

Once at the house, they rushed up the stairs to Gabriel’s room. “I suppose I should give you a little background on my friends.” He opened the door and let her walk through. “Sebastian is the one I’m worried about. He thinks you are just a game. He thinks he can turn your head.” Gabriel wrapped his arms around Isabella’s waist as he explained. “You two would actually have much in common. He runs one of the many galleries in Montreal. He’s tall, dark, handsome, and brooding. I guess women find that attractive.” He grimaced.

“Then why is he single?” Isabella asked slyly. “No personality?  Just a player?”

“Hey,” Gabriel responded defensively. “If you had asked anyone about me four months ago, before we were dating, they would have said I was a player.”

“I find that hard to believe. You’re amazing.” She said warmly.

“I’m only amazing because I try so hard to impress you,” he admitted quietly.

“I don’t believe it.” Isabella shook her head assuredly. “What you have comes naturally.”

Minutes later, as Isabella stood before the bathroom mirror moisturizing her face she noticed Gabriel had been picking out clothes and laying them on the bed. “So, will you be dressing me tonight, as usual?” Gabriel walked in with a cougar print thong dangling from his forefinger. “Been shopping again, baby?” Isabella giggled.

“Yes.” He smiled and shrugged. “Should I feel guilty for wanting you to have nice things?” Isabella planted a kiss on his lips and shook her head. “We’ll be leaving for the airport immediately following dinner. It’s a late flight.” While he spoke, Isabella stifled a yawn. “You can take a nap, if you want. It’s a short flight and a limo will meet us there. We’re going to look ridiculous, a party of seven and only one woman.”

“Seven is a very lucky number,” Isabella noted. “Anything could happen this trip.”

“That’s what worries me,” Gabriel mumbled.

Dinner took place at a local pub in Montreal. Isabella and Gabriel were the last of the party to arrive. Part of it was due to his need to make an entrance, and he wanted to keep her to himself for just a few extra minutes. All five of his friends stood to greet her as they approached the table.

Gabriel began to introduce them, but Isabella interrupted. “Let me see if I can guess, based on your descriptions.” He frowned, but nodded in acceptance. They sat and she took his hand in hers, holding it tightly in her lap.

“Oh, here’s one familiar face.” She beamed at Ben who blushed slightly at her attention. Gabriel grinned. He completely understood. She had the same effect on him. “It’s so good to see you again, Ben. Having fun breaking in the new shoes?” She laughed.

Ben lifted his foot to show off his shoes. “Absolutely. Of course it is taking longer than expected now without Gabriel around to initiate dancing every weekend.”

“Maybe we can get him to go this weekend. It’s the least he can do.” Isabella joked with Ben while squeezing Gabriel’s hand.

“If Bella wants to dance, we’ll dance.” Gabriel leaned over and kissed her temple.

“Okay. Next. Tall, blond, strong, you must be Matty.” As she reached out to shake hands, Matty planted a kiss on her knuckles. Gabriel reached up and tugged at his collar. Aware of his mood, Isabella leaned over to him and whispered in his ear. “You have nothing to fear from them, not a one, especially Sebastian.” His look softened, so she sealed her words by brushing her lips across his cheek.

One by one she continued. Eric was rugged and athletic. Ian had glasses and wore a clever look about him. At last she reached Sebastian, whom she realized worriedly had been seated next to her, and been staring at her with a twinkle in his eyes the entire time. He didn’t even slightly resemble the dark brooding man Gabriel described. She prepared to name him, when she realized Gabriel’s hand had tightened almost unbearably on hers.

Leaning over she murmured, “I thought you said he was brooding?”

“He’s up to something,” Gabriel mumbled. “That is the only time he looks like that.”

She returned to her task at hand. “So, by process of elimination, you must be Sebastian,” she said, and offered her hand. He tried to kiss it seductively with everyone looking on, especially Gabriel who watched like a hawk.

Seeing his intentions, Isabella leaned in with one eyebrow arched dangerously and she spoke in a low serious voice. “You wouldn’t be trying to upset your best friend would you?”

“And if I was?” He winked.

“Let’s just say that wouldn’t be wise, nor would it be welcome.” She looked ready to yank her hand back.

Clearly, Sebastian changed his mind, and merely shook her hand. Still, he was brazen enough to leave a parting shot. “We’ll see, Isabella. There may come a time when you would welcome my advances.”

“Not even if you were the last man on earth.” She laughed and turned her attention to Gabriel once more.

While everyone else talked about what they wanted to do during the vacation, Gabriel leaned close and brought her hand to his lips. “You will never understand how much I love you.” Then he closed his eyes and savored the feel of her skin against his lips and the scent of her perfume. She smelled like hope and felt like forever. Somehow, he’d fix everything because he couldn’t imagine a future without her in it.






The amaretto sours she drank at the restaurant must have been stronger than she was used to since she fell asleep shortly after take off. It couldn’t be blamed entirely on the alcohol, however. The real problem was Gabriel. The minute she had a chance to snuggle with him, she felt so relaxed she practically passed out immediately. No wonder they hadn’t had sex yet. As she woke, struggling to open her eyes, she heard the guys talking.

“She’s great,” Ben said appreciatively. “Obviously, I met her before, but this time I like her even more. She’s the kind of woman I can talk to and not feel self-conscious.” His face grew pink at his admission.

“I know,” Matty added, giving Ben a friendly slap on the shoulder. “She seems really intelligent too. You can tell by the way she listens when you’re talking. She doesn’t feel the need to prove herself. Man, Gabriel. You always get so lucky with the women.”

“Well, I know I’m jealous,” Ian admitted. “Gabriel, if you ever let her get away, I will be calling for her number.”

“Oh,” Sebastian said guilefully, “I don’t know if I’d wait that long.”

Everyone went silent. Isabella’s eyes finally opened. Gabriel’s face staring down at her was the first thing she saw. “Hi,” Isabella said bashfully, embarrassed that she fell asleep and utterly unaware her every move was being watched so carefully. “Do you know this is my favorite place to sleep in the whole world?”

“Where?” Gabriel asked jokingly, as he pulled her closer. “On planes?”

“No,” Isabella replied throatily, “in your arms.” She reached up, found the back of his neck, and pulled him down to kiss her, deeply, passionately. Then she let go, sat up, and looked around, only to discover all of Gabriel’s friends were watching. Isabella blushed and stared out the window. Out of the corner of her eye, she couldn’t help but notice how Gabriel’s chest seemed to puff our some. Without even trying, she had boosted his confidence.

When they landed, a limo brought them to a four bedroom place on the beach they could barely label a cottage. Downstairs was a master suite, Gabriel and Isabella claimed, along with the kitchen, living room, and dining area. A huge wraparound deck surrounded it. Upstairs, the guys each had a bedroom and shared a common bathroom.

“You didn’t tell me we were roughing it, Ben.” Sebastian glowered. “Next time I’ll make the reservations.”

“Have at it. Lord knows the only one who can please you…is you.” Ben crossed his arms over his chest as the rest of the group laughed.

“Well, I’m ready for bed,” Gabriel announced as he walked toward the master suite with their luggage.

“If I had a hot chick to go to bed with, I’d be inclined to turn in early too. Of course, I don’t, so I’m not. Who wants to go get a drink?” Sebastian attempted to rally the guys.

Matty shook his head. “Tomorrow. If I do anything tonight, it will be a jog on the beach before bed.”

“Night.” Isabella gave Ben a hug and patted Matty on the shoulder as she walked past them to the doorway where Gabriel stood waiting.

“Let’s get you tucked in.” Gabriel wrapped an arm around her as he shut the door behind them. “We’ll have a wonderful day tomorrow.”

They undressed and climbed under the covers together in the dark. “What do you think of my friends?” Gabriel asked as she settled into his arms.

“Interesting group.” She considered her answer carefully. “It’s early, but I love Ben. He’s so sweet. We bonded that night you were sick and I knew we’d get along.” Isabella laughed as she draped an arm over his chest. “I’m curious. Why didn’t you tell me Matty was gay?  Did you think I wouldn’t accept him?” She shook her head. “Kristofer is gay and I love him.”

“Whoa. Matty isn’t gay.” Gabriel sat up some on the bed. “Why would you say that?”

She bit her lip. “Okay…so he hasn’t come out to you yet. Well, did you see his thumb ring?”

“Yes…” He scratched his head.

“That. He wears it on the right hand. He’s single.” She shrugged. “Kristofer does the same thing. I asked him about it once. That’s all.”

Gabriel was quiet for a moment. “Okay. What about Sebastian?”

Isabella laughed. “He’s so abrasive he makes sandpaper feel soft.” She ran her finger through the light fuzz covering his chest. “He’s hurting. And he’s really great at pushing people away. My guess…he does this so they can’t hurt him or leave him.”

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