Read Flanked Online

Authors: Cat Johnson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western

Flanked (18 page)

Then they were free to go. Go where? That was the question. It wasn’t like they’d be able to have a wedding night with Aaron around. Or even a reception since there was only one person in the world close to them who knew they were married.

“Smile.” Aaron’s voice brought her head around as they stood in the lobby of the building.

She frowned as he aimed his phone at her and Garret. “What are you doing?”

“Taking your picture.” Aaron cocked his brow at her. “People are going to expect a wedding photo. That’s what people who get married do.”

Garret took a step closer and wrapped his arm around her. He dipped his head low. “Just smile and let him take it. Then we can go get a drink.”

He needed a drink too. Garret must be as shaken by all this as she was. Good to know. They were pretty compatible in more ways than in bed.

Silver, for once, did as told. She leaned into Garret and smiled. The happy couple—that was them. When they finally got rid of Aaron and she got to jump Garret in her bed, then she really would be happy. Him too, she assumed.

Aaron snapped the picture. “Good. Now one more.”

Might as well make it a good one. She turned, planning to plant a kiss on Garret’s cheek. He turned his head just at the same moment she leaned in and she connected directly with his lips.

“Good one. “ The camera in Aaron’s phone clicked. “That’ll convince them.”

Silver pulled back just a bit. Garret’s gaze stayed focused on hers. Oh, yeah. They needed to get alone. And this time, her need had nothing to do with the pressure of her piercing on her clit. This need seemed to originate from deeper inside. Silver swallowed and took a step backward.

She glanced at Aaron, then back to Garret. “Shall we go celebrate?”

“Oh yeah.” Garret’s voice sounded breathy.

As they cleared the door of the courthouse and reached the parking lot, pure desperation took over. Silver needed time with Garret. She wouldn’t be able to wrangle time alone with him tonight, unless they somehow got Aaron drunk enough to pass out so he wouldn’t notice Garret sneaking out of his apartment.

But Silver had another idea. “So I figured I’d take the morning off tomorrow and Garret and I can handle the insurance stuff. They may want us to come to the office in person so I think we should probably go alone. You know, so it looks authentic and all.”

It was all a lie. She’d already called the health benefits representative and they’d told her all she had to do was call to add Garret to the policy, but Aaron didn’t know that.

“Okay. Makes sense.” Aaron nodded. “Can you get off work?”

“Sure, I just have to let them know. And most of my classes are in the afternoon anyway.” She glanced at Garret. “Sound okay to you? Can you be at my apartment first thing in the morning so we can get an early start?”

“Oh, yeah. Sure. The earlier the better, I guess…so you can get to work as soon as possible.” Garret smiled.

He was so in tune with her. Even though they’d only known each other a short time, the look in his eyes told Silver he knew exactly what she was planning. Oh, they’d get to the insurance stuff, eventually, but first, they’d get to her bed.



The knock on the door came bright and early. Her husband was good at taking direction.
Her husband.
The word sent a tingle straight through her. She opened the door, but that was the last thing she did under her own power. Garret pushed through with the same look of determination she’d seen on his face when he was on top of a bucking bull. He kicked the door shut with one boot while lifting her with both of his hands.

His mouth covered hers as her feet left the ground. Striding past the open kitchen and living room, he carried her toward the only other room in the apartment, the bedroom.

He slid his tongue between her lips. She tasted the minty flavor of his toothpaste. He must have woken up with the sun, brushed his teeth and headed right over to her place.

He had to release her mouth as he dropped her onto the mattress. She took the opportunity to do her first wifely nagging. “Garret, be careful of your shoulder.”

“To hell with my shoulder. Last night was the longest night of my life. I hardly slept at all knowing I’d be here this morning with you. Doing this.” His focus never left her, even as he toed off his boots and started stripping.

Silver smiled. “I know. I’ve been going crazy too.”

His eyes were nearly slits as he stared at her while pushing his pants down his muscular thighs. “I want you naked. All the times we’ve been together, we’ve never even seen each other completely undressed.”

Garret pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor. He kneeled on the edge of the bed wearing only boxer shorts that did nothing to hide his excitement. She’d have those off him soon enough.

“That’s why I didn’t bother getting dressed this morning.” In fact, the only thing she had on was an oversized T-shirt and a pair of panties. She pulled the shirt off and watched the appreciation in Garret’s expression.

His gaze dropped, taking her all in. “Belly ring. Nice. I’ve seen the hood piercing and the thigh tatt. What else have your clothes been hiding from me? I’m your husband now. You have to show me.” He grinned.

She rolled over onto her stomach. “Just this.”

Behind her, Garret groaned. She felt his fingers trace the G-clef tattooed at the base of her spine. “Nice. Different. I like it.”

Silver glanced at him over her shoulder. “I couldn’t have just a typical tramp stamp, now could I?”

“Nothing about you is typical.” He knee-walked closer. With a hand on each of her hips, he yanked her panties down. He traced her butt cheeks with his palms. “And this is very nice too. God, I love your ass.”

She enjoyed the feel of his big, rough hands on her bare skin. “Then I’m surprised you haven’t tried doing anything with it when we’ve been together.”

His hands stilled. “I didn’t realize that was an option.”

“Sure it is. For both of us.”

There was motion behind her, then an empty condom wrapper dropped to the mattress in her sightline and Garret’s length was nestled between her thighs.

“Oh, really.” His back covered hers and his mouth pressed close to her ear. “For both of us?”

“Mmm  hmm.” Silver nearly lost track of what she was saying as Garret ran his tongue along the outside of her ear. “Wouldn’t you enjoy a little role reversal? You might like a little ass play. I know I would. I’ve always been fascinated by those big strap-ons in the sex shops.”

“Jeez, woman.” His laugh rumbled against her back. “Sometimes you scare the hell out of me.”

“Good. Then my plan to keep you on your toes is working.” Rolling over beneath him, she smiled and grabbed his ass, now bare. “Don’t want you getting bored.”

“It’s working just fine. Definitely not bored.” Garret drew one of her nipples into his mouth.

“This is the first time I’m seeing all of you too, you know.” Silver took the opportunity to take in her new husband’s body as well. She traced the tip of her finger over the barbed wire tattoo ringing his bicep. “What else are you hiding from me?”

He lifted his head and she felt the cold air pucker her wet nipple. “No piercings, I can tell you that.”

“Too bad. I always wanted to be with a guy with a nipple ring.” She grinned.

“Sorry to disappoint you.” Garret slid down her body, kissing a path as he went.

“Any other tatts? No tramp stamp?” She grinned.

His green eyes focused on her face even as he crept lower. “Sorry, no tramp stamp for me, but I have been deciding what to get next. Maybe bull’s horns like Luke’s got.”

She was going to respond that he should try to come up with something different than what another rider had, but she never got it out because Garret had spread her legs wide and was currently fingering her hood ring. Then he sucked it into his mouth and tongued her clit and she couldn’t have cared less what ink he had or would get, as long as he kept doing what he was doing to her now.

Her hips rose off the bed as he brought her closer to orgasm. Their first time together as a married couple was as good as their premarital sex had been. Why she’d thought it would be different, she wasn’t sure. Something about the institution had led her to believe that it changed things, at least that’s what she’d heard.

Actually, there was one change in their sex this time, but it wasn’t a bad thing, and she’d brought it about herself. As Garret slid his cock into her, he wet his fingertip, reached beneath her and pressed just the tip inside her ass. She certainly didn’t mind the change. She lifted higher, rising to meet him thrust for thrust as her body clenched around his. He kept her in his emerald gaze, his attention never leaving her face as he set a slow, lazy pace.

Morning sex with him was nice. There was no rushing today. No worries Aaron or Skeeter would walk in and interrupt them. No fear parking-lot security would catch them in the dark. It was just the two of them with no clothes and no worries in between.

Garret lifted her hips higher and plunged deeper, his eyes finally drifting closed as his mouth opened on a breath. Her muscles tightened, coiling for release. His breathing quickened along with her own. She was so close that when he pressed his finger deeper inside her, the orgasm hit hard. With her eyes slammed shut, she heard Garret’s cries echo her own as he came with her.

He was still throbbing and hard inside her when he opened his eyes and looked down. “Once is never enough with you.”

She was pretty breathless, but it didn’t stop her from appreciating what she considered a compliment. “I know. For me either.”

“We’d have to buy condoms by the case if we actually did move in together.” Garret braced himself above her on two slightly shaky arms.

“Or I could go on the pill.” His wide-eyed expression of hope and glee—like a kid with his nose pressed to a toy store window—told Silver he liked that idea. A lot. “Maybe I should do that even if we don’t live together.”

“Oh, God. I’d never last. Sliding into you and feeling just you. No rubber.” He shook his head. “I’d be done before I started.”

“I’d have to keep you liquored up, I guess. Or, there’s a Chinese herb that would help.”

“A Chinese herb, huh?” He shook his head. “How do you know this stuff?”

“I do my research.”

“Sex research. I like it.” He laughed. “You’re pretty amazing.”

“So are you.” She smiled. “So I’ll pick up some pau yuen tong balm next time I’m at the sex shop?”

Garret’s gaze narrowed. “Exactly how often are you at these sex shops?”

“Once in a while.” She shrugged. “You can come with me. Wouldn’t that be fun? We can go together and look at those strap-ons.”

Garret’s mouth opened but no sound came out. He closed it again as Silver laughed.

“I love that you’re so easy to shock.”

“I love…being shocked by you.” He cleared his throat and broke eye contact for a few seconds. “I guess we’re a good match.”

This was beginning to feel very serious, very fast. Silver swallowed. “Good. Then we’ll make the perfect fake married couple.”

His brows rose. “Not exactly fake. It’s all legal now.” He glanced down to where he was still buried inside her. “Consummated and all.”

She’d felt him start to soften during their conversation, but now he was growing to full size again. The sensation of him growing while inside her sent tingles up her spine. “Maybe we should do it again, just to make doubly sure the consummation took the first time. For legalities and all.”

“You’re right.” Garret’s touch traveled up her sides. His gaze followed his hands before landing on her face. “We wouldn’t want to take any chances. Oh crap. Don’t we have to go do the insurance?”

“Done. I called the benefits department yesterday and asked what I needed to do and took care of it already. I’ll get the official insurance card with your name on it mailed here, then I’ll give it to you. We’re all set.”

“Really? Wow. Thank you.”

“Oh, I know how you can thank me.” She wiggled her hips, reminding him there was still some unfinished business happening down in that region.

“No, I’m serious, Silver. Thank you for everything you’ve done.”

She knew he was serious. Silver didn’t need any more seriousness right now. She needed the single-minded man who’d carried her to the bedroom for sex to return. “You’re welcome, and I’m serious too. Go get another condom.”

Garret laughed and reached for his pants on the floor. “I think I really like being married to you.”

“Good. Because I like being married to you too. Oh, and by the way, the drawer in the nightstand to your right, that’s my toy drawer. Feel free to use anything in there you might find interesting.”

His eyes opened wide. So did his mouth, before he closed it again. His gaze cut to the table and he swallowed hard.

God, how she loved teasing this man. This was going to be a fun six months.

Chapter Fifteen

“So you’re competing this weekend in Connecticut, then driving home to Ohio?”

“That’s the plan.”

Silver cradled the phone close to her ear, enjoying the sound of Garret’s voice. “Will you drive from there to the finals in Vegas?”

The call was a pleasant break in the middle of a long school day. Luckily, he’d called during her lunch break and not during a class. But maybe that wasn’t luck at all. Garret probably timed it that way. He was so sweet. She couldn’t have picked a better temporary husband.

“Nah, I’m gonna fly. It’ll cost almost as much in gas and take too damn long. You sure you can’t make it out there?”

She loved that he wanted her to be there. “I wish, but I can’t take that much time off from school and to fly out just for the weekend doesn’t make sense.”

“No, you’re right.”

Silver heard the regret in his voice. She felt the same. They’d gotten used to seeing each other for the short time he’d been in town staying at her brother’s, even if most of the time was with Aaron around and they had to pretend there was nothing more going on than a friendship and a sham marriage of convenience. “Your shoulder feeling okay after riding in that event last weekend?”

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