Read Fly with Me Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #love, #friends, #cats, #laughter, #loyalty, #fire fighter, #small town romance, #bbw romance, #australian romance, #sexual intimacy

Fly with Me (40 page)


“Thank you. I
mean it.”

“You give so
much of yourself to everyone else, Simon, it’s about time someone
gave back to you.”

“I’m used to
doing this on my own.”

That had her
tilting her head back so she could look soberly into his eyes. “You
don’t have to do it on your own, Simon. I’m here for you anywhere,

They looked at
each other for several seconds before he said quietly, “A kid died

“I heard.”
Compassion filled her eyes.

“It was

She didn’t try
to give words of comfort, didn’t ask questions, just waited.

“Your being
here made it easier.”

She gave a
little nod.

“I don’t talk
much about these things.”


“I know what
happened. I’m not the kind of man who can just talk about it.”

She nodded


“I don’t doubt

“It’s probably
all I’ll ever say about it.”


She didn’t
press further, just looked at him with calm acceptance.

Truthfully, he
wasn’t the kind of man to talk about it, he’d think about the kid,
the circumstances, go for a ride on the motorbike tomorrow, blow
out some mental cobwebs, come back all good. It was his way. He was
just so damned grateful that she wasn’t offended. “But never doubt
I need you. I needed you tonight. I’ll need you again when
something like this happens, when something goes bad. I just might
not verbalise it all the time.”



“I’m here
anyhow you need me. If that’s silent support, I’m here. If you want
to talk, I’m here. If you want to forget everything for awhile,
I’ll make it happen.” Stretching upward, she brushed his lips with
hers, looked deeply into his eyes. “Anyhow, anytime, anywhere.”
Then she simply lay back down, snuggled her head beneath his chin,
wrapped her arm around him and settled down.

So damned
happy he could have purred as loudly as Arthur on the other side of
the bed, Simon closed his eyes, held onto his angel and went to


During the
night he woke with her wrapped in his arms, their legs entangled.
Her scent filled him, her warmth penetrated deep, and his
ever-present desire for her surged. He woke her with soft kisses,
tender words, rolled her onto her back in the big bed, slid between
her welcoming thighs as she linked her arms around his neck, her
lush lips opening for him, the moistness within as sweet as the
cream that coated her entrance for him, allowing him to slide into
her as easily as he took her mouth.

He made love
to her slowly, tenderly, telling her without words how much she
meant to him, how much he worshipped her body, riding her with a
persistent, deep pumping that pushed them both up the slope,
thrusting them over a pinnacle that while just as erotic, was so
sweet, so heartfelt that they knew each other, were aware of each
other, clinging to each other as the world shattered around them in
a soft cascade.


agreed that the bride was beautiful, the groom was handsome, the
best man was on his best behaviour, and the matron of honour was

privately thought the matron of honour was stunning. He couldn’t
wait to get her out of that lilac dress that hugged all those
mouth-watering curves. So sue him, he was a man after all. A man in

In love
actually, but he wasn’t going to freak Elissa out by telling her
that too soon.

Watching her
being swung around the floor by a laughing Scott who, it had to be
admitted, did dance well, Simon drained the last of the champagne
from the glass and deposited it on a nearby table. Yep, he loved
Elissa Baylon. Only known her a couple of weeks but he was so deep
in love it was a wonder he wasn’t shouting it from the rooftops.
But no, she was finding her feet, enjoying freedom, loving life, so
he’d bide his time.

Didn’t matter.
She belonged to him. She was going to be his wife one day. Every
man in town knew it.

Every man
except the huge behemoth dancing with Ash, holding her with care in
his massive arms. The man was a mountain. Simon looked at him. Holy
shit, he thought he, Ryder, Scott and Kirk were big, but Elissa’s
brother was built like a brick shithouse.

“Jesus,” Ryder
said from beside him. “Elissa’s brother looks like an experiment
gone wrong.”


Kirk drew up
on Simon’s other side. “He is big.”

“Big?” Ryder
snorted. “He looks like a giant ape on steroids.”

“I dare you to
tell him to cut that ponytail off.”

“I’m not that
insane. I’ll wait until he’s pulled Simon’s arsehole over his head
before I try that, let him work out some rage issues first.”

“Huh?” Simon
looked at him.

Ryder jerked
his thumb in Moz’s direction. “Once he finds out you’re shagging
his sister, he’s going to pull your arms and legs off like you were
a fly and beat the shit out of you with them.”

Kirk took a
sip of apple juice.

“I’ve met him,
said hello. He seems okay. He said he wanted to chat to me later.”
Simon shrugged. “No worries.”

“If he reams
you a new one it’ll be massive. Look at those hands, we’ll be able
to park a truck up your arse and still have room for the

“Stop trying
to comfort me.”

“Hey, man, I’m
just sayin’.”

“Lucky he
arrived with only an hour to spare before the wedding or you might
not have made it alive,” Kirk drawled.

Simon raised
his eyebrows. “You too?”

“What can I
say? Steroids do weird things to people.” Kirk nodded in Moz’s
direction. “Experiments gone wrong are also unpredictable.”

“He knows Lis
and I are seeing each other.”

“He’s at a
wedding,” Ryder pointed out. “He’s not going to kill you here.”

The music died
away and Simon’s attention was diverted by Scott walking Elissa
over to him, doing a fancy twirl with her that deposited her right
into Simon’s arms.

Scott was a
bloody good bloke.

“Mmm.” Simon
kissed her laughing mouth. “Sweet.”

“Come on.”
Bright-eyed, she clung to his shoulders. “Dance with me.”

I’ll do anything to you.” He grinned at her blush. “I mean with

A huge figure
loomed up behind her and the blokes all looked up at Moz, who was
watching Simon with a bland expression.

Jesus, he had
to stand nearly seven foot tall. Shoulders on him like an
over-beefed bodybuilder. What the hell?

“Nice knowing
you, Simon” Ryder said.


Kirk studied

Moz nodded at
them all. “Hey.”

That gravely
voice just came from deep down. Probably the depths of hell.

Simon couldn’t
help but notice the admiring looks Moz was getting from the women.
He guessed the bloke was all right in the looks department. Hair in
a ponytail was a bit much, but then it was teamed with arms and a
chest that threatened to burst clean out of the pristine white
shirt. One flex of those muscles and he’d rip a seam. Probably make
the women swoon.

Some of the
men would just shit themselves.

Grinning at
the thought, he nodded at Moz. “Enjoying yourself?”

Moz’s gaze was
steady. “Yep.”

“He’s a great
dancer.” Elissa had one arm hugging Simon’s, the other hugging her

Ryder’s voice was sceptical.

Moz just
looked at him.

His dumb arse
friend was going to get himself killed.

Kirk just
smiled a little, took another mouthful of juice.

Ernie walked
up to Elissa, eyed Moz curiously before asking her, “Ready?”

She smiled.
“Yep.” Turning to Simon, she hugged him, gave him a quick kiss and
hurried off behind Ernie.

Watching the
sway of those delicious hips beneath the pretty dress, Simon
grinned. Scott had no idea what his new wife had planned. Ash was a
romantic. And Simon couldn’t wait to see their faces. Everyone’s
face, actually, because he was the only one who knew what was

His gaze
switched to find Moz looking right at him.

“You, me,
later,” Moz growled, and walked off.

“We can put
that on your headstone,” Ryder offered.

“He’s not
going to kill me.” Simon took a seat at the table, his friends
following his example.

“Yet. Wait
until he finds out you’re boffing his sister.”

Simon rolled
his eyes.

“I suggest you
put your glasses on,” Ryder said.

“So he can see
the fist coming?” Kirk drawled.

“No. Isn’t
there something about not hitting someone wearing glasses?”

“I’m not sure.
Anyway, Simon, give it a try. We can test Ryder’s theory.”

Simon eyed Kirk. “How much have you had to drink tonight?”

“This is my
fourth juice.”

“Maybe you
better switch to orange juice.”

Ryder nudged
Simon. “Hey, what’s going on there with your girlfriend and

Across the
room Elissa was up on the small stage with Ernie and a couple of
his friends from the town band. They usually got together to play
for fun, a couple of times at the pub, a few times at weddings and
parties. Tonight was special.

Ernie picked
up the guitar and the microphone, while Justin took a seat behind
the drums, Kelly picked up her violin and Cheryl sat at the

everyone,” Ernie called.

His voice cut
through the chatter and everyone turned to look at him, curiosity
and surprise on their faces. Ash was smiling widely, her eyes
dancing as she glanced up at Scott who was looking at Ernie with as
much curiosity as the wedding guests.

“I’m not one
for speeches,” Ernie said. “But Scott and Ash, congratulations on
your marriage. I know it’s going to be long and happy.”

cheered and raised their glasses.

As soon as
they’d lowered them, Ernie said simply, “Now the maid of honour has
something to say.” Ernie winked at Elissa as he handed her the
microphone. “All yours.”

Taking it from
him, she said softly, “Thanks.”

God, she
looked so beautiful. Hands in his pockets, Simon waited, drinking
in the vision of her, unable to help but wonder what colour bra and
panties she wore under that demure dress. He knew for sure she
favoured lacy underwear.

He’d find out
tonight. Oh boy, would he ever.

But right now
he was in for another treat. So was everyone else, and he couldn’t
be prouder.

Elissa looked
out over the crowd with quiet confidence, raising the microphone to
her mouth as she looked to where Ash and Scott stood, her smile
genuinely warm. “Ash, you’re my best friend. You’ve been there for
me though everything, and to see you happily settled with the man
of your dreams is everything I’d ever hoped for you.”

The band
started playing softly.

Ash leaned her
head against Scott’s arm, her eyes sparkling.

Scott leaned
down to press a soft kiss to the top of her head.

No sooner had
Ash tilted her head back to smile up at him, than Elissa added,
“Love sometimes can’t be expressed in words, not true feelings, so
Scott, this is from Ash to you with all her love.”

The music
picked up tempo, still sweet but definite, and Elissa started

The silence of
the crowd went to an expectant hush, surprise on several faces
followed by delight as her voice rose to fill the room, tone
dulcet, clear, yet soaring as the first lines of the song went into
the chorus.

It was one
that had been playing on the radio quite a lot recently, and he
recognised it, it was kind of hard not to with all the publicity
the upcoming film was getting, it was one of the most popular love
songs currently on the radio.

Elissa sang it
with heart, the music swelling out from the band, her voice
soaring, touching every person who watched.

“Well, well,”
Kirk murmured.

Scott was
looking down at Ash with so much love, so much pride, and she
smiled up at him with equal love. It was a touching moment and one
that no one missed.

Suddenly Scott
moved, his arm sliding around her waist, his other hand capturing
her free hand, and he swung her out onto the floor.

One thing
about Scott, the man could dance, and he swept Ash along with him,
cradling her top half close to him, her long, white bridal gown
flaring out around their legs as he swung her around.

It was a
magical time, the lights dimming to a soft glow so that Elissa’s
voice came from the gloom while all attention was focussed on the
couple dancing so perfectly in sync with both each other and the
music, slowing when the music slowed, fastening when the music

Not one person
spoke as the newly married couple danced, so lost in their own
world, the music surrounding them, their gazes on each other. Such
a perfect match.

A movement at
the table had Simon glancing around to see that Molly had slipped
into a chair beside Kirk and was leaning her head against him.
Kirk’s arm was around her shoulders, his thumb rubbing slowly and
lightly against her arm, then he bent his head forward at the same
time she looked up at him, their lips meeting for a slow, deep
kiss. His free hand rested on Molly’s rounded belly where their
unborn babe rested safely.

Definitely a
couple’s moment.

attention returned to where Elissa sang. Even in the dimmer light
he could see the life sparkling around her, her body swaying to the
music, her free hand gesturing out in time to the music. The beat
of the drums was echoed in the sway of her hips, the tap of her
satin pump on the floor beneath her gown. It was as though the
music was a part of her. The emotion of the song was on her face,
in her movements, in her very being.

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