For Luca (Chicago Syndicate Book 2) (36 page)

“Oh my, there are new books?” Her huge eyes twinkle with joy.

I peck her on the cheek. “I had to fill it up to the ceiling, so Amazon made a huge delivery today. And not only books.” Stepping to the letter bookcases on the other wall, I stop before the ‘d’ and make sure she sees what’s in it.

You’re amazing.”

“All the seasons are there. Now you can watch it as often as you like.” I chuckle when she throws her arms tightly around me and presses her lips to my neck, inching higher until our mouths meet. Before I rip off her clothes, I need to give her my other – more important – surprise because I’m not done yet. “Wait.” I pull back and let her drop to her feet, and I adjust my pants as she grins at me. I get the envelope from the bookcase and hand it over.

She rips it open enthusiastically. “Yes! We’re going to Italy?” she screams with excitement.

“We’re going to Venice, and you’re going to meet
Joseph, the man who raised me after my parents died.”

In Venice is my other surprise.




After a comfortable flight in first class, we arrive in Venice, Italy.

“Ragazzo mio.”
My boy.
Joseph kisses me on my cheek. His hair has become even whiter, and he’s lost some weight, but he looks healthy.

I greet, equally overjoyed to see him again, but I’m pushed aside quickly when he spots Fallon behind me. I turn and grin when he wraps her in a tight embrace.

She laughs back at me over
shoulder. “Hey,

“Sei bellissima, mia cara. Benvenuti a Venezia.”
You’re beautiful, my dear. Welcome to Venice.

Thank you.

Since I have a tight schedule, I ask, “
, back to the castle?”

, come, children. I’m so happy you finally brought your woman, Luca.” He hooks his arm around Fallon, and I take our luggage.

The warm Italian wind blows against my face as we make our way outside. Then we head to a Renaissance Castle where Fallon thinks I rented us a room, but in actuality, I’ve rented the entire castle.




Once we’re in our suite, Fallon heads directly to the balcony and watches the sun setting behind the scenery of the Italian landscape and vineyards. “This place is unreal.” And then she quietly roams through the other rooms. The sixteenth century castle, decorated in Michelangelesque style, is definitely enough to impress her.

“Let’s take a bath, and then we’ll have dinner downstairs.” Lifting her up, I stroll to the magnificent bathroom which has a huge, black marble bathtub in the center and a ceiling covered with painted frescoes displaying narratives of the Old Testament.

“Wow! It’s gorgeous.” She strips her dress and panties as I fill the bath with water and bubbles, and the smell wafts around us as we step into the warm water.

After we’re seated with her back to my front, I lather her with soap, and then I cup her between her thighs.

“Hmm.” She pushes her ass against me.

Her arms come around my neck as I skim my hands up the inside of her thighs, spreading her wider while her fingers sift through my hair.

I cup her between her legs and tighten my grip, making her gasp. “I’m going to fuck you hard and quick.” Thrusting my finger in, I knead her breast while showering her with kisses as my erection presses against her ass. She starts to ride my finger, and I grind against her as water sloshes over the edge of the tub.

“Turn,” I order in a soft voice, grazing my teeth over her earlobe.

She straddles my lap, hands gripping the rim of the tub, while I grasp her hips and drive into her. Fallon meets my thrusts, rounding her hips. I push up and as deep into her as I can. Her head falls back, and I lean forward while she rides me, our slick bodies moving together as one, causing water to fall everywhere on the floor beside the tub. Taking her nipple in my mouth, I suck and bite, elongating her pink tip.


One hand massages the wet skin of her ass as the other cradles her head, and I kiss my way up her throat. “Look at me.” I’m panting from holding in my release until after she comes.

As our eyes lock, hers are filled with abiding passion. I can tell she’s climbing to release because her hips are moving faster and faster, so I let go at the same time she does, coming in violent spurts, growling while holding her eyes. Her loud screams resonate off the painted walls, and she grips my shoulders, nails digging roughly into my skin. With shallow breaths, we lean back against the tub.

“Fuck, that was good, I feel like I’m still coming.”

“It’s always amazing with you,” she mumbles against my throat.

“I have another surprise for you.”

She sits back instantly, and I pinch her nipple. “Ahh…stop! It’s too sensitive right now.” She slaps my hand away steps out. “More surprises? I can’t wait!”

Leaving the bathroom in a cotton bathrobe, I open my suitcase by the foot of the bed and take out the pristine white, floor-length satin gown with a plunging, yet elegant, neckline.

“It’s beautiful.” She lets the soft material flow through her fingers and looks at me expectantly, but I don’t elaborate.

“Dress; do your thing and take however long you need. A stylist is coming to do your makeup and hair. I’m suiting up and going to keep
company in his room. Call me when you’re ready, and I’ll come get you.”

A knock at the door announces the makeup artist has arrived.

“Okay…” she says hesitantly with a grin from ear to ear, and I give her a lingering kiss on the mouth before exiting.

As I join
in the room across from ours, he’s already looking handsome in his tux, and mine is perfectly pressed and waiting for me on the bed.

While putting on the tux, I ask,
“È tutto pronto?”
Is everything ready?

In an excited and gentle voice, he answers,
“Tutto pronto, figlio mio.”
All ready, my son.




After an hour, Fallon’s ready, and I head back to our room in my black tux, white dress shirt, and black bow tie. She turns away from the mirror, and I’m stunned into silence. My gaze moves from the silver strappy sandals on her feet to the white gown that hugs her curvaceous body perfectly up to a graceful neckline. Her hair is pulled up loosely with strands of auburn curls framing her lovely face, and as always, she isn’t wearing a lot of makeup. Just the way I find her irresistibly attractive: natural. Our eyes meet, and we gawk at each other without speaking a word for several minutes.

“Sei una delizia.”
You’re exquisite.

I need to touch her, so I stride toward Fallon and trail a path up her hip.

“You’re looking dashing yourself.” Her lips curve into a smile that melts my heart, and she traces a knuckle down my cheek, making the hairs on my neck stand on end. “You trimmed your beard.”

She smiles in amusement, and I think she’s on to me, so I proceed as planned quickly. “Let’s go.”

She dutifully follows me out, downstairs to the ballroom. Before I open the heavy wooden doors, I take an encouraging breath and look at her beside me.

“This is all for you.” I turn the gold knobs.

She takes in the huge ballroom, which is decorated with golden framed paintings, golden and burgundy draperies, and painted angels flying on the ceiling. To the left and right are two long tables with warm and cold Italian delicacies
our guests, who she’s starting to recognize as the band on the elevated podium at the end of the room starts to play.

She leans into my side and looks up through her lashes. “How did you pull this off?”

I link our fingers and walk her down the aisle as she greets people left and right. I’m deliberately walking her down the aisle myself, so she won’t miss her father too much later on.

“Teagan! Jason!”

They both circle their arms around her as she continues to hold onto my hand. Teagan took care of the guest list on Fallon’s side. I recognize an uncle and some cousins who were at her parents’ funeral.

“Wade! Oh my god, you all came to Venice for me?!” She sees him next, and he places a kiss on her cheek, so she rubs her thumb gently over my knuckles, knowing my jealous side must be acting up.

Wade greets me with a firm handshake, which I return, and speaks to Fallon. “I’ll always be there for you, kid.”

After I guide her to the front, she steps aside to hug my best friend. “Adriano! I can’t believe you guys are all here.”

He presses a soft kiss on her cheek too and winks at me. “Anything for you, Fallon.”

I’m pleased that she and Adriano have bonded.

“Salvatore, James,” she greets them with a kiss too.

They each introduce Fallon to their other halves after giving her a tender embrace that astounds me.

When I give the signal, the band ceases playing, everyone returns to their seat, and the room goes silent as I go down on one knee just as she turns to me, and the first thing she does is graze her fingers over my beard, instantly reassuring me.

I open the light blue box, and the platinum princess cut diamond engagement ring sparkles in the light. “
Mi vuoi sposare?
Will you marry me?”

Her hand flies to her mouth as the other palms my jaw. “Yes! In a heartbeat.”

I smile as exhilaration settles in my veins, and I place the ring on her finger. Rising, I pick her up by her waist and kiss her as cheers and applause erupt from our guests. “Did you know?” I whisper in her ear.

“I had a feeling you were planning something when you gave me the gown, but before that, no. You’ve made me the happiest girl in the world.
Ti amo.
” I love you.

“And I’m the luckiest guy.
Ti amo così tanto.

I love you so much.

“So this is our engagement party?”

I place her back on her feet, but she keeps her arms hooked around my neck. And it’s as if we’re alone in the room because we only have eyes for each other, so I unabashedly caress her sides because I can’t stop touching at least some part of her. “Well, that’s your choice. It can be our engagement party
our wedding. If you’d rather go back to the States and plan an entire wedding, that’s fine by me, but if you want to get married here in Venice, right now, that’s also possible.” I rest my forehead against hers as Fallon’s eyes widen.

“I would love to get married here.” Her nose scrunches up slightly. “I don’t really want to plan a wedding, and with my parents gone, it would cast a dark shadow over it anyway. But now, now I feel good, and everyone’s already here.” Her tone rises with joy.

Do I know my girl or what? I knew she wouldn’t want to be bothered with the hassle of planning a wedding.

, we’re getting married now,” I announce and hold up our entwined fingers while our guests rise and toast.

Bless you!

The priest steps onto the podium right in front of us and starts the ceremony, and of course, I have platinum wedding bands in my pocket with our names and the date we met engraved on them. We haven’t disentangled our hands and stand opposite one another, neither of us looking at the priest, but only at each other. How this woman could’ve captured my heart and soul so completely, I will never understand, but every day I’m grateful that I found her.

When it’s time to say our vows, I take out the wedding band and slide it onto her ring finger. “
you’re the one person who’s given my restless soul a home. You’ve given me something I never knew I was searching for, you’ve given me solace, and you’re the only person with whom I can just
. When your eyes cry, my heart hurts. When your soul is happy, mine is content. There is an invisible tie that has bonded us together since the day we met. You are my life, and I promise to love you for the rest of our lives and beyond.” I almost go ahead and kiss her but stop my movement when I realize she has to say her vows. As I hand over the ring, a small tear leaks from her eye, and I thumb it away tenderly.

She places the ring on my finger and inhales deeply. “Luca, you are the one I’ve been looking for. You have been there for me at my worst and at my best, and your love has put me back together. Your love has healed me. I love the way you love me. I live for the way you love me, and I promise to love you for the rest of our lives and beyond.” Her amber irises fill with expectation of the wonderful new journey we’re embarking on.

Neither of us is afraid of our all-consuming love anymore. We embrace it wholeheartedly.

“You may now kiss the bride.”

We both smile, and I grab her waist and crush her to me as her fingers weave through my hair. She angles her head, and I press my lips to hers several times, tipping her back while I whisper, “Mrs. DeMiliano,
onorerò quel nome per sempre.
” I will honor that name forever.

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