Forever & Always: The Ever Trilogy (Book 1) (27 page)

“Talk to me, Cade,” I whispered. “I need to hear your voice. I love the sound of your voice.”

“What do you want me to say?” He punctuated his question with a slow thrust, all the way out, only the tip remaining inside me, and then all the way in, a slow sliding thrust that made me gasp.

“Anything. Whatever you’re thinking. Whatever you’re feeling.” I clutched his shoulders and wrapped one heel around the back of his knee. “Talk dirty to me. I like it when you say nasty things to me.”

“You’re so tight, Ever. Every time I slide into you, I can’t believe how tight you are, how perfectly I fit inside you.” He was finding a rhythm now, thrust, pause, thrust, pause. “Do you know how good your pussy tasted? Do you? Like sugar. So good. I love the sounds you make. I love hearing you moan. I
love hearing you scream.”

“I’ve never been so loud before. I didn’t know I
scream like that.” Both heels around his knees, now, and my hands clawed into his shoulders as he started to drive into me in a steady rhythm. “Oh, yeah, like this. I like this. Don’t stop, Cade. Fuck me like this forever.”

“It’s not fucking, Ever. It’s love. Never just fucking.”

“I know. I know. God, do I know. Love me like this forever, then.” I kissed his shoulder, and then his neck, and let my fingernails scratch down his back. “But…I like talking like that with you. I don’t know why. I’ve never talked, during. And I like it.”

I knew I shouldn’t keep talking about what I’d never done before, but I had no filter, no control over my words.

Caden shifted so his weight was on one forearm and his hand traced across my chest and palmed one of my tits, and began toying with my nipple.

“Yes, Cade. I love it when you play with my tits. Put your mouth on them. Your tongue.”

“I never knew skin could taste so sweet,” he said, lowering his mouth to my left boob, taking my nipple between his lips and worrying it. Then he seized the erect, hypersensitive nub in his teeth and bit gently, and I shrieked, arched my back, and bucked my hips against his. “Your tits are so amazing. So fucking amazing. Just the right size, big and round and heavy, and your nipples, fuck, I love the taste of your nipples. They’re so sensitive—you go crazy when I do this.” He demonstrated by sucking my nipple into his mouth and tugging it, stretching it, and I moaned, crashed my hips against his, driving my pussy up against him, around his cock.

“You know me…it’s like you were made to fuck me.”

“I was,” he breathed. “I was made to fuck you. I was made to love you, to hold you, to kiss you, to fuck you, to make you come and watch you sleep and keep you safe. And I will always,
do all of that.”

His rhythm was faltering, stuttering, and his voice was going husky, his eyes closing. I tilted my hips and wrapped my legs around his hips and set the rhythm for him, my head tipped back and my pussy sliding wet and slick around his thickness, and I was moaning and he was groaning and our bodies synched in rhythm, met in furious passion, and I moved us faster, rocking my body against him. I’d come for him, and now I wanted—
—to feel him come. I needed to know what he looked like when he lost control, what it felt like when his cock unleashed and his body shuddered against mine.

So I drew it from him, refused to let him slow down, refused to let him hold back. I bucked against him, encouraging him with my body to move faster, to give me more.

“Fuck me, Cade. Fuck me harder. Come for me. Right now.” I whispered it in his ear, and he obeyed me, fucked me harder, fucked me like I’d never felt before, and it was still not enough. “Yes, like this…oh, god, baby, oh, god, Cade, you’re gonna make me come again.”

“Do it,” he rasped, “do it for me. Come for me again.”

,” I moved faster, set a frantic, pounding rhythm, whispering in his ear all the while. “Not until you. I can’t, not until I feel your come inside me. I won’t come until you do.”

“I’m close, Ever.”

He planted his fists beside my ear, and I kissed one of his wrists, threaded my fingers in his hair and clawed at his tight, iron-hard, pulsing ass and pulled him to me, jerked with my legs against his madly thrusting hips and let my voice whisper in his ear, saying whatever came out.

“God, I feel you. You’re so close, baby. Don’t hold back. Don’t stop. Never stop. Fuck me, Cade. I love it. I love this so much. Keep fucking me.”

I’d never talked like this before, never even thought this way before. It belonged to Cade. Something about Cade unleashed a beast within me, a frantic sex-demon that took control of me. I didn’t even say the F-word, almost ever, and now it was coming out of my mouth nonstop. But Cade responded to it—it made him crazy, made him grunt and groan and gasp and made his body rock against me, and I was so close to coming, but I couldn’t, like I’d said to him, I couldn’t come again until I felt him explode inside me.

And then…he detonated. His rhythm faltered and his hips jerked, crashed into me. He groaned in my ear and his cock pounded into me, and his mouth pressed helplessly against my breastbone.

I held his head, clutched his face to my flesh and rocked with him, feeling something in my very soul open up and envelop him, tangle and twine with him, felt something inside him unfurl and reach out and enter me, some invisible but tangible and real essence clasping and braiding around my soul.

“Oh, god, Ever…I love you…” he gasped, coming and coming and coming.

I felt the flood hit my inner walls and still he came, tensing and jerking and panting, but still moving, quick desperate thrusts, and I came, too. It was as if the tidal wave of his come reacted with my essence and exploded, a violent reaction that completely subsumed me.

I screamed, screamed, came and came and whimpered and felt him still thrusting inside me, post-orgasmic quakes, tiny thrusts. I met them with my own strokes, milking the hardness of his cock and coming so hard I was blinded and breathless, unable to even continue screaming as wave after wave of raw energy twisted through me.

“I love you…I love you…I love you.” I chanted it as we moved together, ecstasy fading into kiln-hot bliss. “I love you so much, Cade. How can I love you this much, so suddenly? It’s like I just met you, but I love you. How is it possible?”

“I don’t…I don’t know.” He was slowing, slowing, went still, rolled with me so I was pillowed against him, his cock slipping out of me, a loss I felt intensely. “But I feel it, too. Exactly that. I don’t know how it’s possible, how I could love anyone so much. I feel like…maybe this is stupid, but I felt like when we came together just now that our souls…met. Connected, somehow.”

I put my palm to his cheek and turned his face to mine, locked eyes with him. “I felt it, too. It happened. We fused. Our souls fused.”

“That was…it was like nothing I’ve ever felt before.” Cade’s hand smoothed down my side, rested on my hip. “From the very first moment I opened the door and saw you, I had to kiss you. I had to touch you. I didn’t know how you’d feel, and I was terrified, so scared. I don’t even mind admitting it. But I couldn’t
kiss you. And from that moment, when our lips touched, everything has been just so
. So fucking intense. And that…making love…it was…I don’t even know how to put it.”

“Earth-shattering?” I suggested.

“Yeah. Exactly. Earth-shattering. Whatever I’ve felt before just…doesn’t even exist, doesn’t even register.” His hand went into motion again, sliding up my side and down, resting on my hip, then daring over the side to cup my hipbone and slide in farther, his fingertips brushing the trimmed fuzz of my pubic hair.

I wondered idly if he’d want me to shave it. I’d thought about shaving myself before, but never had had the courage to go that far. I touched his chest, let my palm wander down his stomach, felt his tight hard abs and then the similar scratchy stubble of his closely trimmed groin. I toyed with the stubble, running my fingertips over it, my fingernails, down around his flaccid cock and beneath. I wanted to know what every inch of him felt like. I cupped his sac in my palm, ran my thumbs over his balls and then cradled the limp but still-impressive member in my hand.

“God, I love the way you touch me,” he mumbled, post-orgasmic drowsiness in his voice.

“That works out, since I love touching you. You have a beautiful cock.”

“It’s not very impressive right now.”

I giggled. “Yes, it is. It’s beautiful like this. And it’s just glorious when it’s hard.” I rested my cheek against his chest, stared down at him, at the lovely sight of his cock in my pale white hand.

“Keep doing that, and it’ll be glorious all over again.”

“That’s what I’m hoping.” I continued to toy with him, fondle him.

His hand stroked my flesh, as far up as he could reach, as far down. He traced the line of my pussy, and I shivered. He ran his hand up my belly and cupped one of my boobs, and then the other, twiddled my nipple and then the other.

We both fell asleep like that, touching each other.

no need to breathe


I woke up slowly. I felt a weight against my chest, on my side and on my thigh. Warmth, softness, something tickling my nose. What was it? It was unfamiliar. I slept alone, always slept alone. But this felt so good. So good. I didn’t want the comforting weight and intoxicating softness to go away.

Ever. It was Ever. I was in bed with Ever. Relief and amazement and joy rushed through me. And then I felt a surge of panic as I worried that everything had been a dream, had been a fantasy. But then I remembered that it was real, and it had been real. Real, and perfect. Beyond perfect, something I didn’t have a word for.

Love. She loved me, and I loved her. We’d made love, and she’d begged me to never stop fucking her. It hadn’t sounded wrong or dirty when she said it, only erotic and incredible.

I opened one eye to see Ever draped on top of me, her head on my chest, her arm across my stomach, her leg thrown over my thigh. Her hair was splayed across my neck and tickling my nose, and her breath was warm on my skin. I didn’t dare move, didn’t want to disturb her. But I couldn’t help touching her. Her skin was like silk, like sun-warmed satin. Pale and fair and smooth. I touched her shoulder, and she murmured in her sleep, shifted, and her hand slid down my stomach to rest a hair’s breadth from my cock. Oh, holy hell, how I remembered the way she’d fondled me as we’d fallen asleep, the way she’d cradled me in her hand and stroked me so lovingly, not to arouse but to caress.

And now, with the memory, my cock was thickening, going hard and aching with turgid heat as I slid my palm down her arm, down her side to her hip. Her beautiful hip, bell-curved, and her ass, just begging to be touched. I cupped her ass cheek, closed my eyes in bliss, inhaling hard as I palmed the fullness of it and down to the other cheek, back up, to her hip, down her thigh.

She shifted again, and I froze with her hipbone in my hand, on the way to relearning the sumptuous glory of her pussy. She mumbled in her sleep, and I felt a moment of panic as I worried that she’d think she was with
and say his name. But she didn’t. She slid her knee up, her palm down, sliding her hand between my now-hard cock and stomach. She murmured again, and this time I made out her words: “Cade. Caden. Don’t go, please…don’t go…”

“I’m here,” I whispered in her ear. “I’m not going anywhere. Not ever.”

“Need you,” she responded.

“I need you, too.”

“Touch me.” I wasn’t sure if she was awake or asleep or in between. “Touch me, just once, before you go.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” I let my hand slide down low over her belly, down to her pudendum. “I’m here forever now.”

She moaned sleepily, a sound of pleasure. I slid my hand up her stomach and between her breasts, cupped her tits in turn, feeling my cock twitch as I palmed the heavenly softness of her boobs. Her nipples were soft and flat now, but as I ever-so-gently slid my fingertip across one, I felt it lift and thicken. Ever moaned again, and I involuntarily lifted my hips, wanting her to touch me, to grasp me. Her hand was
close, right there beneath it, touching it, but not giving me the kind of pressure I needed.

I played with her tits, cupping and squeezing them, twiddling her nipples, trying to make them hard. She moaned again, and again, and then rocked her hips against my leg, grinding on my thigh.

“Cade…god, Cade.” She was sounding more lucid now. “I don’t want to wake up. I don’t…don’t want it to be a dream.”

I put my lips to her ear. “It’s not.” I traced a line down her body to her core, dipped two fingers between her thighs and slid them up her pussy. “It’s real. I’m here…we’re in bed together. Wake up and touch me.” It was a selfish thing to say, but it was also an attempt to alleviate the pain I heard in her voice as she begged for her dream to be real, thinking I’d go away when she woke up.

She stirred, grinding her hips against my thigh again, and then her head moved, slid off my chest and onto the pillow. I paused with my palm cupping her breast. Her eyes fluttered, opened, slid closed, and then jerked open again.

“You’re real.” She sounded amazed. “I thought…I was so afraid it was a dream, that it had all been a dream.”

“I know,” I said. “I felt the same way. I had to touch you to make sure you were really real. And then once I started touching you, I couldn’t stop. Your skin is addictive.”

Her stunning green eyes, still sleepy, searched my face. A tinge of fear touched them suddenly. “You won’t—you won’t ever lie to me, will you, Caden?”

,” I said, vehement, “not ever.”

“Not about anything? Swear to me you won’t ever lie to me. I couldn’t handle it.”

“I promise you, Ever. I will not ever lie to you. No matter what, not about anything.”

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