Read Fragile Destiny (The Aether Chronicles) Online

Authors: Suzanne Lazear

Tags: #young adult, #ya, #steampunk, #fiction, #fantasy, #fairy

Fragile Destiny (The Aether Chronicles) (13 page)

“I forgive you. Be good to Stiofán. He loves you.” Dinessa’s eyes closed and she slumped over.

Noli sniffed. Brogan lurched toward her, knife in hand. More people entered the room, but she didn’t pay them any heed.

“This is for you, V. This is for you, and your family, and your father.” Taking the sword in both hands, Noli brought it down across Brogan’s neck with all her might, sawing through the meaty flesh and severing his head.

Here goes nothing
. She sliced open her left palm.
As she shook her hand, drops hit the lush carpets on the wooden floor. With her right hand, Noli plunged the sword right through the carpet, into the floor, her left palm smarting as she wrapped it in her skirts. Her right hand still rested on the hilt of the sword. What did she do now?

I’ll tell you what to say. After all, you were stealing the pieces for me.
It wasn’t the sprite, but the voice.
Say, “By the land, the Bright Lady, and all that is good, I, Magnolia Montgomery Braddock, claim this as mine for my eternity or until the magic itself no longer makes it so. And this I swear.”

Should she? But it sounded right. Noli took a deep breath. Here went nothing.

“By the land, the Bright Lady, and all that is good, I, Magnolia Montgomery Braddock, claim this as mine for my eternity or until the magic itself no longer makes it so. And this I swear.” She put her left hand on the hilt, still bleeding, and fisted her right hand over her heart, because it felt correct.

“What is going on?” a voice demanded.

“Interfere at your own peril.” Someone else’s voice es-caped from her own lips.

Tingles enveloped Noli’s body, turning into a million pin pricks.

Hold on. You’re strong. I know you are,
the voice told her.
This isn’t what I had planned for you. But it will be better this way. You can assemble the staff and raise the girl who will wield it with grace, not anger. You can be my body and fight those who rebel … like Her … She will fight, but I will be still no longer.

Noli’s body felt as if it were burning on a pyre.
Who are you? Are you the Bright Lady?

No, silly,
the voice laughed, but it was gentle, not taunting.
I am everything … and nothing. I am greater than Her, yet weaker. I am tired of being kept hungry because you fae can’t keep your leaders in check.

If she wasn’t the Bright Lady …
Are you the magic? The land?

Magic. Land. Aether. I am whatever you wish to call me. And I have chosen you.

What? Why her?
I can’t do that. I’m no chosen anything.

In time you will be.

Why me?
Her mind spun like an out-of-control carousel.

From the moment the queen made you, I felt you. You were interesting to watch. Then when you were in the tree and so kind. Hmmm …

Insecurity crept through the pain.

No, no. This won’t do. But I’ll grant you a favor to demonstrate my good will.

Her body felt like a living Tesla coil.
What’s happening?

Be kind to her. You have a good heart, Magnolia Montgomery Braddock who tells stories. Take care not to lose it, lest I be forced to turn my wrath upon you. Your love will help you. He has a good heart, too.

The voice faded as did the sizzle. Her eyes flickered open and she sank to her knees, spent, hand still on the sword as she looked around her at Brogan and Dinessa’s headless bodies. Blood seeped from her hand and covered her skirt.

Guards stared at her, unmoving, swords drawn. V and James stood there, jaws open.

“Noli, what did you do?” V took a step forward, but didn’t touch her. He looked pale, like he’d been punched in the stomach.

“Um, V.” James came up beside him, taking in the situation with big green eyes. “I think Noli just took the earth court.”


Long Live the Queen

“What?” Steven hissed, trying to wrap his mind around the gruesome sight. Something
happened with the magic, and his chest ached from the backlash.

Before him was chaos. Blood. Bodies—two headless, one naked. Who was the unclothed girl with hair like honey? Noli remained on her knees, a golden sword in the ground, blood everywhere, a stunned expression on her face.

There were more shouts as people poured into the room. Everyone just stood there, gazing at the young woman covered in blood in the king’s bedchamber. The air was so thick with magic even the guards dared not move any closer.

James stepped forward and bowed to Noli. “I, Séamus of the House of Oak, second son of first son Domhnall, acknowledge that Magnolia, first daughter of the House of … Tree, has rightfully and legally taken the earth court.” He got down on one knee and put his fist over his heart. “Long live the queen.”

Steven’s knees buckled as the gravity of the situation hit him with the force of a speeding train. James gave him a wild look.

“I … I, Stiofán of the House of Oak, first son of first son Domhnall, acknowledge that Magnolia has rightfully and legally taken the earth court.” He got down on one knee, mimicking James’ gestures, too shocked to do anything else. “Long live the queen.” The words came out shaky as he tried to process what had happened. Noli had

Yet something had happened with the magic, something

“What?” Noli’s face was a mask of terror.

James put a finger to his lips. “Accept,” he hissed.

“I … I accept.” Her whispered words rang through the room with the clarity of bells.

The magic shifted again, swirling and changing so fast and forcefully that if Steven hadn’t eaten so long ago it would have come back up.

James stood and gazed at him expectantly. “Aren’t you going to do anything?”

Steven stood there, his gut still reeling from the violent shifts in the magic as he replayed what had happened in his head.

“Fine,” James huffed. He held out his hand to Noli. “Your Grace?” James helped her stand, then turned to address those gathered in the room. “Her Grace would like someone to take care of this. Aunt Dinessa will be buried at the House of Oak. Uncle Brogan … ” The look James shot Steven pleaded for him to interject.

All Steven could do was gaze at Noli, the pooled blood soaking into the carpets and the wooden floor.

“We’ll deal with that later,” James finally said, with a disappointed shake of his head. “I’m sure there’s much to take care of. We’ll attend to Her Grace and she’ll see visitors later.” No one moved and he shot them a pointed look. “That
an order.”

People began to move.
Her Grace
. Noli had killed Brogan and taken the kingdom. Steven’s belly lurched as he stumbled to his feet.

“V?” Noli shook as her gaze shifted to him. The naked
girl stood beside her, taking everything in with giant
honey-colored eyes.

“I … ” His heart pounded. Noli had taken the earth court by force from Brogan, a kingdom that was supposed to be
. Spinning on his boots, he ran out of the room. He ran until his chest heaved. Leaning over a railing, he tried to gather his wits.

He stuffed a knuckle in his mouth. How could she have done this to him? She knew that taking back the earth court was his dream … and she’d yanked it out from under him.

Here he thought she loved him. Steven punched the rail.

“All right, idiot, what’s your problem now?” James stalked over to him.

“I can’t believe she’d betray me like that.” He felt like he’d been stabbed.

“Do I need to hit you? The last thing she’d ever do is betray you. Now, I have
no idea
what happened back there, but knowing Noli, it was probably an accident,” James replied. “However, we do need to discover what happened and create an official story
everyone comes—and you know they’re going to come.”

Steven recoiled at his brother’s words. “Why should we help
? She just took our kingdom from us.”

James’ expression soured. “You’re a moron. Noli has no idea what just happened. She’s in shock and needs us. Tiana will be here shortly and Noli
to have it together before she arrives.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “The kingdom was supposed to be mine.”

“Um, it
yours. Noli just took it for you.” James shook his head. “You two do everything together. Certainly that’s not going to stop now.”

“Noli has
no idea
how to run a kingdom,” Steven ranted, fingers raking through his hair. “I’ve spent my
entire life
planning for this—either being trained by father, or plotting what I’d do once I got the kingdom back.” He had notebooks
of carefully detailed plans.

James rolled his eyes. “I
She can’t do this alone. Your dreams have just come true. The kingdom is now yours. She’ll probably even let you use all your plans.”

“What are you talking about? It’s not mine,” he snapped, anger and confusion whirling inside him. “My best friend, the girl who I thought loved me, just
my dream. She didn’t even
” His hands fisted. “She
what this meant to me, she knew I wanted this.”

James stared at him with sheer and utter disbelief. “Fine.” He shoved his sword in Steven’s hands. “Go kill her and take the kingdom. Not only can she not defend herself, but she has no idea what happened. She’s waiting for you to come and explain all this to her and make it right, like you always do.”

Steven stared at the sword in his hands. James’ sword. “What?”

“You can be king in one of two ways. Either kill Noli and take it from her, or stop being stupid, tell her you love her, and go be her king.” James’ face flushed with passion and rage.

“I … ” He shook his head. “I can’t be her king.”

James’ voice hushed as pain flashed in his eyes. “I thought you loved her.”

“I … I do. But
took the kingdom, a girl. One that knows nothing. She can’t even use a sword and magic. How will that make me look?”

James smacked him upside the head. “Will you swallow your pride? They’re going to eat her alive without your help. You’re right, she knows nothing. But with you, she can do it. You know why? Because you can do damn near anything together. If you don’t help her, someone’s going to kill her and take the kingdom in days, and they’re not going to be nearly as easy to defeat. Not to mention the first thing they’ll do is exile us … if they don’t kill us outright.”

“Ow.” Steven rubbed his head. “Will you stop hitting me and calling me names?”

“Start acting like a prince … or a king,” James snapped. “Do you remember those lectures father gave us? The ones about how our actions define us?”

“I remember.” It was difficult not to roll his eyes. Their father used to give them
a lot
of lectures.

“This is a defining moment. It’s time to take our kingdom back. Are you going to kill her or marry her?” James got very close to him, eyes daring. “She’s our
I never pegged you for a prideful coward. I’m beginning to think Jeff is right and Noli
too good for you.” He marched off, leaving Steven with the sword in his hands.

Unfortunately, James was right. Pride was getting in the way of thinking logically.

When Noli lopped off Brogan’s head, it was for him. She’d said so. Yes, he’d dreamed of that moment for years … so many years … but at the same time, he’d always hoped there’d be another way. He was a man of words, not swords. Darling Noli had given him a gift.

Now he should give one to her.

“Prince V?” A sprite with a mass of honey-colored hair he could only call a
mane looked up at him with big, honey eyes. Her … décolletage … threatened to spill out of her green dress. Ah, the naked girl. Someone must have dressed her. He still didn’t know who she was—or why she’d been naked. Something about her seemed familiar.

He eyed her. “Yes?”

She twirled. “Am I pretty?”

He blinked, not knowing what to say. “Yes, you are.”

The girl’s lips broke into a wide smile. “I’m so glad. I wanted a pretty body. I’m going to call myself Miri. Isn’t that a good name?”

“Yes, it is.” What was going on here? Who was she? Obviously, she knew him.

“Noli is very sad and scared. Will you come give her a kiss and make her feel better?” Miri batted her eyes at him. “I suppose the sad thing about having my own body is that I’ll never get to kiss you again. It would hurt her if I kissed you.” She perked up. “But there are
of other boys to kiss and dance with. I’m going to have so much fun.” She tugged on his wrist. “Come.”

Her words penetrated his head, bouncing around until they made sense.

“Are you the sprite?” he asked. There was no other explanation.

Miri’s head bobbed. “Now I have a body of my very own so I can be fun and Noli can think a lot and be boring. That’s why I need a name.”

“How did
happen?” If the sprite had her own body, what had happened to Noli?

And how?

She shrugged. “Noli hurt the bad king, then
, the lady, the one that talks to us, came and talked to Noli and said things and said she’d give Noli a present. And I hurt.” Her eyes widened. “So, so much, then … ” Miri clapped her hands. “I woke on the floor looking at Noli, who was her, but different, and I was now me.” She jumped up and down, then tugged on his wrist again. “Now, come.”

“Noli’s herself again?” Steven’s heart leapt. “Take me to her.”

Half-running, the sprite pulled him into Dinessa’s room. The scene before him made his heart break.

“I don’t understand,” Noli sobbed into James’ shoulder. “Brogan was about to stab me and it just … happened. Dinessa’s the one who told me to put the sword in the ground. I didn’t mean to hurt her,” she hiccupped. “Why did she die, too? I don’t understand. I didn’t even mean to kill Brogan. I just wanted to get the pieces.”

“I know.” James patted her back. “I know. Accidents happen. Dinessa and Brogan are twins, if you hurt one, you hurt the other as well.”

“Oh.” Noli looked crushed. “I had no idea.”

Miri looked at Steven expectantly. “She’s sad.”

“Do you want to be helpful?” he asked Miri, keeping one eye on Noli.

She nodded so hard he thought her head might fall off.

“First, you’re now one of Noli’s, I mean, Her Grace’s, handmaidens. Your job is to help her,” he told her. “Can you do that?” Sprites liked to be helpful. They also liked to gossip.

“Oh yes. Noli’s boring, but I love her. We’re sisters.” She clasped her hands to her overly large bosom and bounced.

“Good. First, go down to the kitchens, find the chatelaine. Tell her you’re one of Her Grace’s handmaidens and someone needs to get the old king and queen’s suite ready for her. Then, tell her that Her Grace wants you to prepare
for her to hold an audience with her subjects. Finally, I know you love Noli, so part of your job, not just today, but for always, is to help others love her. Can do you that?” He’d probably given her too many tasks.

She looked at Noli, who still cried into James’ arms. “I can. It will make her happy?”

“It will be helpful.”

“I like to help.” She smiled, then left.

“Here.” Steven walked over to James and Noli and shoved James’ sword into his hands. “I don’t need this.” His fingers stroked Noli’s unbound hair. “Don’t cry, Noli. Please?”

Noli peered up at him with teary eyes. “V? I’m so sorry.”

“Oh, darling.” All his anger, all his pride, faded away. “I … I’m not angry.” He looked at James. “May Noli and I talk? We have a lot to do in a short amount of time.”

James nodded. “Plan C?”

“You remember?” He actually had several detailed plans on what would happen once he took the kingdom. Plan C would be best for this particular situation.

James grinned, attaching his sword to his belt. “Of course. As much as I made fun of those, they actually make sense.”

“I don’t have my notebooks,” Steven added. They were at the big house with other things he’d taken from Los Angeles.

“Let’s get this started before Tiana comes; then we’ll get the notebooks.” James left, closing the door behind them.

“Come here.” He bundled Noli into his arms and held her to him as her body shuddered under his fingers. Someone had given her a clean dress and wiped the blood off her. “Now, what happened?”

She told him about stealing the pieces and the resulting encounter with Brogan. “I didn’t mean to, it was an accident,” she whispered over and over.

He held her at arm’s length and gazed into her beautiful eyes. “It wasn’t an accident. We can’t have an accidental queen. We can’t mention the artifact. No. You avenged Brogan for me … as an act of love and devotion.” Steven’s cheeks burned. “I mean … if you still want me.”

“Of course I do, you fussy old bodger. I
you. Even when you’re being idiotic. But … ” Her face fell. “I didn’t mean to take killing your uncle away from you. It all happened so fast.”

“I know.” They sat on the edge of Dinessa’s bed and he pulled her into him. “You know I’d rather fight with words.” He ran his finger down her tear-streaked cheek. “I’m going to be a man and take this as the gift it is.”

“What do you mean,
And why is everyone calling me
Your Grace?
” She made one of her adorable confused faces.

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