Read Fragile Destiny (The Aether Chronicles) Online

Authors: Suzanne Lazear

Tags: #young adult, #ya, #steampunk, #fiction, #fantasy, #fairy

Fragile Destiny (The Aether Chronicles) (17 page)

“I miss my father,” Aodhan sighed.

“I miss my father too, and Quinn. He takes care of me and teaches me things.” She looked up at the darkening sky, going from pink to a dusky purple. “I hope they come soon.”

He put his head on her shoulder. “Perhaps you should return to the house and get help.”

“I don’t want to leave you—they’ll come.” They had to.

They sat in silence for a long time with only the little faeries for company. The green faery, the one she’d sent for help, came barreling toward them, chattering so fast she couldn’t understand.

“Elise,” James called in the distance. “Elise, where are you?”

“James, James, over here,” she yelled. Hope swelled inside her.

Her brother stood over them, a rucksack over his shoulders. His eyebrows rose. “You can get out of

“But Aodhan can’t. I … I didn’t want to leave him.” She pulled him closer. “He’s hurt.”

“Oh, hello there.” James peered at them through the darkness and waved. “All right, let’s get you out.” He set down the rucksack.

Elise scrambled out and helped James hoist Aodhan out of the hole.

“Can you walk?” James asked as he helped him stand, arm around his waist.

Gritting his teeth, Aodhan took a tentative step, winced, and shook his head.

“Hold this.” James handed Elise his rucksack.

Its weight made her sink as she slung it over her shoulder. “What’s in it? Rocks?”

“Steven’s books.” He rolled his eyes. “Up you go.” James put Aodhan on his back and took Elise’s hand.

Elise looked up at her brother. He looked … different, but she couldn’t quite place it. “I appreciate you coming for us.”

“I’m glad Steven sent me back to get his dumb books. Otherwise we might not return for days.” He squeezed her hand.

She looked at the holes in the ground. “What are those for?”

His shoulders sank a little. “Do you remember Aunt Dinessa?”

Elise shook her head. “No.”

“Well … she … ” He inhaled and exhaled. “She died this morning.”

Elise put a hand to her mouth. “That’s horrible. What happened?”

Even though she couldn’t remember, it was still a dreadful thing.

“It … it was an accident.” James’ face crumpled a little as he gave it a long glance. “I always liked Aunt Dinessa. She was fun.”

“It’s a
?” Even though her mother had died, she didn’t remember any of it.

He nodded and gulped as they walked.

“What about the other empty one?” She looked back at it.

“That one … I … I’m sorry Elise.” He squeezed her hand. “That one’s for Quinn.”

“Quinn?” She put a hand to her chest as if it could keep her heart from breaking. “But … but I was just with him. He … he told me to run. Oh.” Her shoulders slumped. “The men who were chasing after us … they got him, didn’t they?” Tears streamed down her face.

James pulled her close as they made their way through the maze. “Quinn died protecting you.”

All she could do was cry. Quinn was gone. Who would love her and take care of her now?

“Don’t cry.” Aodhan’s hand stroked her golden curls. “It’ll be all right.”

“What will I do without him?” she hiccupped. He taught her, cared for her, played with her. While everyone else went about their lives, she knew that he’d always be there.

James shook his head. “We’ll manage.”

“The filled-in one … is that Mother’s?” She gave it a wary glance.

“Nooo.” James made one of those faces that meant he was hiding something. “We … we’ll talk about it later.”

Later usually meant
“But I want to know,” she pouted.

“Later. Right now we have to help your friend here. Who is he?”

“I’m Aodhan,” Aodhan replied. “My father runs a tavern—
the Thirsty Pooka in the Blackwoods.”

“His uncle is Noli’s friend, the one with the tree house. Kevighn,” Elise added.

“Is he now? It’s nice to meet you,” James replied.

They emerged from the maze and walked in a direction different from where Elise and Aodhan had come from.

“Where are we going?” Elise asked.

“To V and Noli. We’ll fix Aodhan there. I’m not much of a healer,” James replied. “Aodhan are you in a lot of pain? Should I do something about it?”

Aodhan shook his head. “I’m fine.”

Elise knew he wasn’t. She also knew, growing up with Steven and James, that this was a boy game, pretending it didn’t hurt when it actually did.

They walked and walked, then took a portal. Then they walked some more. They came to an area filled with giant trees. Men in green and gold watched them. James pulled out his sigil so it showed and they didn’t bother them.

“James, we’re supposed to keep them hidden,” Elise whispered.

“In Los Angeles, but not here. I … ” He looked at her. “Someone will explain everything.”

Her jaw jutted out. “You
say that and no one ever does.”

“This time someone will, promise.” James smiled and squeezed her hand. “I’ll need you to tell me everything, too, but not now … later.”

“An exchange?” Something was going on and for once she wanted to know what it was.


“Look at this, Elise,” Aodhan breathed.

Before them was an enormous tree, as big … no bigger …
than a mansion. In it was a house … no … a castle—made
of trees. A grand tree castle, with turrets and a moat.

“Where are we, James?” It looked a little … familiar.

James patted her shoulder. “This is the earth court palace.”


A Step Behind

Kevighn frowned as he followed Ciarán’s sigil dangerously close to the earth court palace. This wasn’t good. The only thing worse would be if Aodhan and Elise were at the high palace itself. He’d spent the day on a wild goose chase, one step behind the children. He’d finally tracked them to the House of Oak, only to be redirected

Ever since he’d left Magnolia in San Francisco, he was always a shade too late. Too late to properly kill Quinn. Too late for the gem. Too late to find her. Too late to get the children.

A heavy sigh slipped from his lips. How much closer dare he creep? The palace came into view through the tall trees. There seemed to be something happening, people coming and going from the giant tree-palace. Their demeanor seemed too somber for it to be a party.

“Halt. State your business.” The point of a sword pricked Kevighn’s back.

Earth court guards always were sneaky buggers, not to mention he
creeping through a forest.

Kevighn held up his hands and turned around. “I’m Kevighn, emissary for the dark king.”

“And you’re here because?” The sword didn’t waver.

“Same as everyone else.” He gestured to the palace, trying to bluff his way in.

“Nice try. Come back in two days.” The guard poked him with his sword. Bushes rustled and Kevighn had a feeling more guards had joined him.

“Ah, but you see, the dark king insists.” What
going on? Perhaps someone there knew what had happened with the magic earlier.

One of the others emerged from the growth and grabbed his wrists. “Earth court only. Come back in two days.”

The guards frog-marched him to the palace borders.

The one with the sword gave him a shove. “If I see you again we won’t be so nice.”

Defeat echoed in every step as he slunk toward the nearest public portal. There was nothing left to do besides tell Ciarán.
Two days
. He’d return and steal the children back then.

What if they hurt Aodhan? The urge to tear into the palace and take his nephew by force surged through him.

It all depended on who had the children and that required information. Hopefully if Ciarán didn’t already have it, he could obtain it—quickly.

Also, what
happening in two days and what had occurred with the magic? Was it connected? It felt a bit like when Tiana had become queen. It would be nice if Tiana was dead, though that probably hadn’t happened.

The Thirsty Pooka teemed with young women. Ciarán sat at the bar speaking with them one at a time. Kevighn watched as some were sent away and others were told to wait at a table. Curious.

“Is it ladies’ night, old friend?” Kevighn braced for the backlash that would happen when he told the dark king that his son was being held by the earth court.

“As qualified as you are, I specified earth court or someone who can pass.” Ciarán waved on a girl with blue-white hair. “A moment if you please,” he told the waiting ladies. He and Kevighn walked to a corner of the bustling tavern. “I’m interviewing handmaidens.”

“Why?” Kevighn eyed the girls, some of them very comely.

“A gift for the queen. Now … please tell me you found them.” His eyes gleamed, not with anger … but worry. Aodhan brought out the dark king’s softer side.

“I found them, but I didn’t bring them back.” Kevighn braced himself. “I … I’m afraid they’re in the earth court palace.”

Ciarán’s eyes flashed. “Of course they are.”

“There’s something happening in two days, something you’re invited to. I would say that would be the time to retrieve them, but I can’t help but worry about how they’re being treated. Especially Aodhan.” The boy was all he had left of his sister, his family.

Ciarán shook his head. “You told me that she was uncommon, but I thought you were being a romantic fool. When I met with her I didn’t appreciate her craftiness even though she has the stone. Somehow she’s managed to acquire both children and probably whatever pieces of the artifact Brogan already possessed. I truly hope you mean it when you say she’ll be our ally, because I’d hate to be foes with someone so cunning and canny. And with her connections to the high queen—”

“Who and what are you talking about? None of this makes sense.” What did it have to do with all these young girls? Kevighn’s neck practically snapped as a redhead walked by.

“Stop looking at them. They’re not for you.” Ciarán moved in front of him, blocking his view. “I was speaking of Magnolia. I had no idea she was that clever.”

“What about Magnolia?” He craned his neck. So many lovelies.

“Remember when you felt something amiss with the magic?”

Kevighn rubbed his gut in remembrance. “What of it?”

“Today Magnolia
the earth court. I knew she kept company with earth court princes who sought the throne, but never would I have seen this coming.” His hooded face filled with awe. “I know taking one of the elemental courts is different from when you helped me take the dark court, but still. She’s a girl. A young girl. I know enough about elemental court politics to know she at least had to kill Brogan with a sword. Brogan’s an excellent swordsman.”

“Well, that prat was in charge of the king’s guard before he took the throne,” Kevighn replied. Stupid earth court princes and their stupid swords. “Wait. Did you just say
took the throne? Not that whelp of an earth court prince, but
?” His little blossom had
the court? “But that means … ”

“It means she’s officially out of your league.” The dark king’s look dared.

“What if I act as intelligence? I could spy on the court for you … ” Could he bring himself to spy on her?

Ciarán gestured to the waiting girls. “I have people in court, but I want to get someone close to her. Hence, trying to find someone who could pass as a lady’s maid.”

“Don’t bother; she has no patience for silly girls.” Kevighn shook his head, mind reeling. “She’s
In her own right?”

She was smart, clever, strong, oh, she was strong. But to
a kingdom?

“Yes. She’s holding court with her subjects right now. The coronation’s in two days.”

Kevighn blinked. “I never did understand the custom of throwing a party after you take a kingdom. It seems like part taunting, part allowing your enemies to observe you closely.” He couldn’t stop his mind from racing. Magnolia was queen. It would be difficult but maybe …

“Kevighn, it’s
” Ciarán put his hands on Kevighn’s shoulders. “She’s marrying that prince. She never was for the likes of you anyway. You
this. You’ve
known this.”

He took a step backward, something in him crumbling. There was truth to his old friend’s words. Part of it was the hunt, infatuation. Still, he didn’t like to lose.

“He’s going to end up killing her just like Quinn killed Creideamh,” Kevighn protested.

Creideamh.” Ciarán shook him so hard his head rattled. “What do I have to do to convince you? Stop living in the past. Embrace what you have.” He sighed. “I don’t have time for this. Do you think Magnolia will hurt Aodhan?”

That question caused him to pause. “No. I don’t think she’ll hurt anyone.”

Ciarán shrugged. “She killed Brogan.”

“He deserved it.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “If she’s queen, hurting Aodhan will start a war. That’s probably not how she wishes to begin her reign. Couldn’t you send a missive monarch to monarch and work something out?”

“She’s not going to
me Aodhan. Even if she will, I’m sure the prince or someone else won’t allow it. Aodhan’s too valuable.” Ciarán shook his head. “She has the jewel, she’s the queen, she has Elise, what could I give her? I’m not ready or willing to give her the pieces of the staff I’ve acquired.”

Kevighn thought about what he knew of Noli. “The queen did turn her into a sprite … ”

He waved his hand. “My reports show she’s a sprite no longer. Something happened—something big, though what I’m not sure. Also, would the Bright Lady truly permit a sprite to be queen?”

“True.” How
she managed that? “Ah! Magnolia’s father got lost in the Otherworld. If you could find him or anything regarding him … ”

“He’s probably dead. We should just steal Aodhan back in two days. But we’ll send someone on it anyway, who knows when the information might prove useful.”

“It would make her happy.” Kevighn knew she wanted him back …

Ciarán smacked him. “Snap out of it.”

“Ow.” He stepped closer to Ciarán. “Why do you care so much?”

“Why do you think?”

Kevighn’s heart caught in his throat; this was all too much. He turned, every part of his body screaming for him to flee.

A hand grabbed his wrist, but it wasn’t rough. “Don’t run. By the Bright Lady, don’t run again.” Ciarán’s voice went raw, and so many things Kevighn wasn’t ready to see lurked in his amber eyes.

Ciarán sighed, still holding onto his wrist. “Look, why don’t you help me choose a girl to send to her, then we’ll have a few drinks and figure out how to get Aodhan back.”

Kevighn closed his eyes and opened them again. That look remained on Ciarán’s face. He still wasn’t quite ready to deal with these old feelings. They weren’t unwelcome, but acknowledging them meant putting this life aside. For good.

Instead, he nodded. “Yes. Let’s go look at pretty girls and then get very, very drunk.”

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