From This Moment (30 page)

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Authors: Alison Chaffin Higson


“Oh, I can’t wait.... can we walk around naked and make out anywhere without being walked in on?”


“I wish you would stop talking about being naked, and inside the accommodation we can wear whatever we want, including our birthday suits.
 I’m also pretty sure we’ll be able to find somewhere outside to make out in private too,” he finishes, laughing when he sees the excitement on my face.


“Lots of possibilities then!”


Groaning, he leans towards me, “Eat, your mouth needs filling.”  Seeing me about to retort, “Don’t say a word.”


Sitting down at the table, we start to eat in silence.
  In fact, I’m partly afraid to open my mouth in case he drags me over the table and has his wicked way with me.  Not tha&nb leant I’d have complained, but I’m not an exhibitionist and the thought of Jake and Elise walking in on us kind of puts a dampener to those thoughts.


We’ve just finished loading the dishwasher and tidying around when we hear the door bell.
  I look at Cade, “I think it may be Anna and Beth, they did say they would come over in the afternoon to see us, before we left.”


I follow behind Cade; he gets to the door and as soon as it’s opened both Anna and Beth practically
attack him, hugging him and congratulating us both.  They both come over, giving me a hug, dragging my left hand up to look at my ring.


  That is some ring.”


that’s because it’s the only engagement ring, I ever intend to buy.”


“Congratulations Rona.... and thank you for making our Dad so happy.”
  Anna gives me a hug.


I can feel myself starting to get emotional.
  Although Cade has told me that they accept me as the woman he wants to marry, actually hearing it from Anna makes me all choked.  Deep down I still have the worry that because of our age difference they might not be as agreeable as they make out.  But this seems real.


“Welcome to the family Rona.... I hope you aren’t angry at Dad for asking our permission.
  The fact is we can see how good you are for him so saying no wasn’t an option.  In fact, I think if we had said no, he would have married you anyway, and just so you don’t misunderstand what I’m saying, I’m saying that I really am glad you are marrying our Dad.  He’s probably the happiest guy alive right now.... well except maybe for Mack,” Beth adds.


amn it, Beth.”


With us all laughing now, except Cade who looks a bit pale, I go over and put my arm around him; he pulls me in close.


“Dad get real, I have two kids.  How do you think I got them?”  Beth smirks.


“A stork delivered them!”


Taking Cade by the hand, I lead him towards the lounge, “I think you need to sit down honey before you start with anymore fairy tales.” Looking towards his daughters, I ask, “Does anyone want some coffee?”


“Please Rona,” they both say in tandem.


“Where’s Jake?  His truck is still outside.”


“Beth, I think he’s getting as ‘happy’ as Mack!” I say stunning everyone into silence for a split second.


~~ Cade ~~


After Beth and Anna leave, Rona heads upstairs to pack.
  That was an hour ago.  Deciding to go see what she’s up to, I head up to our room expecting to find clothes everywhere.  Our room, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of thinking that.


Pushing the door open I’m surprised to find Rona’s suitcase, obviously packed, open on the floor with the top part resting against the wall.
  Her purse is on the dresser with her passport on top and she’s curled up on the bed asleep, facing towards the window.


Going over to the opposite side of the bed, I lie down next to her gently so as not to wake her.
  Lying on my side, I just look at her.  She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and soon she will be mine forever.  Taking her hand, I can’t help but stroke her finger where my ring sits.  It’s perfect.  I have bought her the matching wedding band as well.  I hadn’t even given thought to a wedding band for myself, but I will rectify that in Dubai, during our overnight stay.


Noticing Rona waking up, I lean closer and kiss her on the lips, “Hi, Sleeping Beauty.”


With a sleepy smile, “Hi, Prince Charming.”


“You look as though you’re all packed.”


“I am.  Just a few things to go in later.”


I pull her more into my arms with her head resting against my chest, “Do you remember when you first arrived here, how you said you wanted to go to the Maldives?”


Rona goes very still; she lifts her eyes to look at me and nods.  I smile down at her, “Well, I’ve booked us into a Grand Water Villa for two weeks.”


She starts to cry placing her lips to mine for a tender kiss, “Thank you, I love you so much.
  I’m not sure I can take any more surprises.  I’m ready to burst.”  She just about manages to say, before I pull her back against me, running my hand up and down her back to sooth her.


Love, there is just one more surprise.”


Taking hold of her head, I smoot
h my thumbs under her eyes to catch her tears, “I would be honored if you would marry me while we’re in the Maldives?”


Really crying now, she just buries her face into my chest, shaking with tears. 


Coming up for air, I mop her face up with tissues.
  “Here, I wasn’t expecting all the tears,” I say, rather shakily.


“Yes, yes I will marry you
in the Maldives.”  Her face is filled with a mixture of tears and laughter.  “I’m sorry.... just being with you makes me so happy, but everything you have done for me is so perfect.  I feel overwhelmed.  I’m afraid you might have to put up with me crying all over you a few more times yet.”


“Cry on me anytime you want love.
  I’ll always hold you and mop up afterwards.”  I hope to get a smile out of her – which I do.

Chapter 22

~~ Rona ~~


Dressing this evening with Elise is fun and exciting.
  I can’t stop looking at my ring which sparkles every time I move my hand, much to Elise’s amusement.


I’ve just shoved her into the bathroom with her dress telling her to stop putting off wearing it and to get it on.


I have my red dress on again, with the matching heels and although I’d told Elise to go commando, I have a red lacy thong on as I wasn’t sure I could go out there totally bare with Jake being present.  I had picked a blue one up for Elise, which I gave her along with the dress, much to her relief, if the sigh she let out was anything to go by.


Elise finally appears in the bathroom doorway.
  She looks stunning, “Wow, Elise.  Jake is going to pass out on the spot when he sees you or if he doesn’t, I bet he’ll have an instant erection.”


“Oh my god, I can’t believe you said that.”
  Elise laughs and looks in shock with how outspoken I am.


“Why not?
  It’s true.  Although he might carry you off to his cave before the meal, in which case I’ll put both your dinner’s in the oven to keep warm.”


I laugh at Elise who doesn’t seem too confident in her dress, “Elise chill, it’s only Jake, the guy you’re going to marry, I’m sure he’s seen you naked before, so don’t panic.
  You look amazing, you really do.”


“Thanks Rona, you look really hot as well.
  In fact, I can’t wait to see how Cade reacts to you dressed like that.”


“Then I suggest we get this show on the road.”
  Thinking it might be better to let them have a few minutes alone first, “Elise go and wait in the spare room and I’ll get Cade up here.  When he enters our bedroom you sneak out and go downstairs.  Make sure you have Jake’s attention before walking down.  Cade and I will follow in about five minutes.”


I might be able to pull this off if Cade isn’t watching as well.”
fonhere room


After Elise goes into the other bedroom, I shout Cade to come help me upstairs.
  Deciding to get his blood going early on, I sit on the edge of the bed with my legs crossed.  My dress rides up my thighs practically to the top.  Leaning back slightly on my elbows, I decide it’s enough.  My nipples are already outlined against the front of my dress and I’m so turned on I’m not sure I won’t jump him the minute he walks through the door.


“You called love?”
  Walking through the door, he stops in his tracks.  Speechless.


“You like, honey?”
  Shutting the door without answering, he walks towards me –  never taking his eyes from me.  Standing directly in front of me he goes down to his knees and opening my thighs, settles between them.


He smoothes his hands up my legs from my ankles, sliding them higher by the second.
  Reaching the apex of my thighs, he spreads his fingers over the top of them and brushes his thumbs over my mound and between my legs.  I moan.  Moving my thong aside he rubs one of his thumbs around my clit. 


“God, you’re so wet for me.
  Seeing you like this has me so worked up I’m seconds away.  If I don’t stop, I’m going to come in my pants.... again.”


“Don’t you dare
stop.”  I sit up on the bed, and lean over unzipping his pants, releasing his erection which is throbbing and wet on the tip.  Taking a tight hold of him has Cade panting with me.  Moving my thong to the side, I slide off the bed, impaling myself on his penis.  I plunder and lick in and out of his mouth, imitating what I want him to do to me with his penis, which is twitching inside me.


Leaning slightly back, I spread my arms out and with Cade holding my butt it’s easy to move up and down on him, squeezing my inner muscles.


Our breathing starts to get more erratic, “I can’t hold on love.”  Cade manages to gasp.


“I’m so close.” I manage to say, just as Cade reaches down and appli
es pressure to my clit; I writhe on top of his penis in ecstasy.  We come together in an explosive orgasm, that doesn’t want to stop.


Cade gathers me into his arms and just holds me while our breathing starts to even out.
  Still impaled on his growing shaft, I can’t help but start to squeeze him with my muscles.  He feels so damn good.


“Love, you have to stop.... I don’t want you to, but have you forgotten Jake and Elise are waiting for us?”


He brings me back to the present.  I’d actually forgotten about Jake and Elise.




“Oh no, how long have we been up here?”


He laughs at me now.
  I start standing up, which again drags a groan out of us both.  He feels so good sliding out of me, “Not long.”


Looking down at Cade, who’s on his knees with his penis still hard, sticking up in front of him, glistening with our joint juices has me bringing my legs together to try and stop the surge of lust I feel at the sight.


Climbing to his feet on what appears to be shaky legs, he holds his pants up with one hand and brings me in close with his other hand.  He places a quick kiss to my lips, “Go get cleaned up.  Then it’s my turn, before we head down and pray Jake doesn’t have Elise on the table, like I did you.”

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