Fulfillment (Book 3 in The Temptation Series) (19 page)

Read Fulfillment (Book 3 in The Temptation Series) Online

Authors: K.M. Golland

Tags: #romance, #sex, #true love, #humour, #love triangle, #australian, #alpha male

Bryce had been
in the man-cave for most of the afternoon, and I assumed he was
working on some songs. I could hear a faint beat sounding through
the walls but couldn’t make out what it was. It sounded very
different from the style the band usually played. I was tempted to
go and watch him, possibly even stalk and annoy him like he had me,
but I figured he was working on something important, so I left him
to it.

Instead, I
picked up my book and immersed myself into the fiction world. I was
about ninety percent finished with my book, where the two lead
characters narrowly cheated death in a school fire. I was
thoroughly engrossed and hoped to God that this second chance would
lead to them getting their shit together, when Bryce took my book
from my hands and placed it down on the coffee table. I watched it
change location from my hands to the table, like it had grown legs
and moved there itself.

He grabbed my
hands and helped me rise. “Come on, get up.”

“Hey, I was
reading that.”

“You need to
get ready. I’m taking you out for dinner, birthday girl.”

“Oh, where are
you taking me?”

“You’ll find
out soon enough. Go and get ready, I’ve laid something out for you
on the bed.” I smiled and got all excited. I loved when he picked
something out for me to wear; it was like a surprise present in



Bryce took me
out for dinner to ‘Seaspray’ which was a lovely modern
seafood-inspired restaurant by the beach at St Kilda. The head chef
was a friend of his and had somewhat been a mentor to Bryce over
the years, teaching him all he knew about cooking— my tastebuds
would be forever grateful to Chef Daniels and his exceptional
culinary teachings...forever grateful.

After our
delicious grilled rock lobster, seared Moreton Bay Bugs and VIP
treatment by the restaurant’s staff, we headed back home. As I
stepped into the elevator with him I latched my arm around his and
rested my head on his shoulder, smiling contentedly.

“Thank you for
dinner...for everything. You really do spoil me. But that’s not why
I love you, you know.”

“I know. You
love my domineering dick.”

I raised my
head to catch his arrogant smile. “I do love your domineering dick,
but no...that’s still not why I love you. I love your passion and
devotion, and I love how you love with everything that you have.
You’re incredible, Bryce, and what we have is incredible and I
thank my lucky stars for it every day. I’m kind of waiting for my
bubble to burst, though.”

The elevator
doors opened to the apartment. He stepped in front of me and
produced a blindfold from his pocket. “No bubbles are gonna burst,
Hunny.” He placed it over my eyes, his serious yet sneaky smile
disappearing as my vision turned black.

“What are you
doing?” I asked, taken aback.

“Getting you
ready for your present.”

“Bryce, I
really don’t need another present. You’ve spoilt me enough as it
is,” I said as he led me to the couch. I had my arms out like a
zombie, braced and ready for God knows what.

“Relax. Here,
sit down.” He guided me to a sitting position. “I have to give you
this present, Alexis. I kind of promised you.”

I furrowed my
brow, trying to remember a time where he had promised me

“You have no
idea, do you?”

“No. None at

“I should just
let it go then. I really didn’t want to do it after I followed your
instructions and ‘Googled’ it.” He let out a regretful huff and
bound up the stairs. “Wait there,” he called back.

“I’m not
exactly in a position to go anywhere, Bryce. Where are you going?”
I yelled. He didn’t answer me.

The room grew
silent as I sat awkwardly on the edge of my seat, alone and in
darkness. I felt very self-conscious and slightly anxious at not
being able to see what was going on around me. Time felt longer
with a blindfold on for some reason.

It felt like
minutes and minutes before I heard him come down the stairs again.
“Finally. What took you so long?”

“If I’m going
to do this, I’m going to do it right. And trust me...I don’t think
I’ll be doing it again. My arse is very fucking uncomfortable right
now. I have a newfound respect for you, Hunny.”

“What?” I
laughed. “What are you talking about?”

“Shhh,” he
breathed unbearably close to my mouth, startling me as he dragged
his lips across mine, the sensation heightened because I could not
see it coming. “You’re about to find out. When you hear the music,
take your blindfold off.”

My mouth was
open, ready for his lips and tongue. I moved my neck forward
searching for his lips that were no longer there.
Hang on, what?

The deep drum
and bass sounds of “My Pony” by Ginuwine filled the room. I jumped
in my spot at first, wondering what the hell the noise was, but
when I realised it was Bryce’s sound system playing the sexy
R&B song, I grabbed at my blindfold and tore it down from my
face. My eyes needed a second to adjust to the light that was now
streaming into them, but when they did, I found Bryce at the top of
the step, standing with his legs apart and his hands behind his
back, wearing a baseball cap, a hoodie, very baggy tracksuit pants
and white runners. Visions of Channing Tatum in
Magic Mike
played across my memory, together with me telling Bryce after a bet
that he lost, that he would have to perform a ‘Channing’ for

My eyes
widened as he rolled his neck around, in a slow, sexy and seductive
way. I gasped, throwing my hands over my mouth.
Holy fuck, he’s
really gonna do a Channing.
Realising what he was about to do
for me, I squealed then kicked my feet up and down on the

“Oh! My! God!
Bryce!” I shrieked.

He unzipped
his jacket as he took a step toward me, sliding my way to the beat.
I squealed again as he got closer, bouncing up and down on my seat,
my smile threatening to spread wider than the edges of face—if that
was at all possible.

He moved his
hips to the beat as he removed his jacket and dropped it on the
floor, a smirk appearing at the corner of his mouth.
Fuck, where
the hell did this dancing God come from? He’s got moves!

He rolled his
body back a few times as he raised his eyebrow suggestively at me,
prompting an instant squeezing of my legs together. My pussy
abruptly woke up, beckoning his touch, a touch I wanted
desperately, but not until he’d finished Magic-Miking for me. This
was just too fucking good.

He slid my way
a little more then ran his hands down his chest which was covered
in a tight white singlet top. My mouth went dry and I swallowed
Oh, fuck. I’m about to sexually combust.
I could
feel the blood rushing to my head as he got down on his hands and
knees and crawled toward me then he slid backward in a
dry-hump-the-floor kind of way. I laughed and threw my head back,
as that particular move was my favourite part of Magic Mike’s strip
tease in the movie, and Bryce just pulled it off perfectly.

He smiled at
me, then with ease, did a back flip. I screamed, unprepared for his
talented acrobatics and for fear he was about to land on his head.
He didn’t though. He landed perfectly on his feet then stripped off
his singlet triumphantly, revealing his delicious chest, abs and
that freakishly fantastic ‘V’ muscle.

I gripped the
edge of the couch, needing to restrain myself from tearing across
the room and clawing at him like a sexually crazed wild animal. I
couldn’t entirely rule that scenario out, the sight of him stirring
an uncontrollable heated primal feeling within me.

The chorus
kicked in, and Ginuwine sang about ‘riding his pony’ and as those
lyrics filled the room, Bryce thrust his cock and pointed at it
definitively, forcing my mouth to drop. Yes...it dropped to the
freaking floor, followed by the rest of my body. I was now on my
knees, sitting on the backs of my feet in front of the couch,
I desperately wanted to ride his pony. I
wanted to freakin’ ride it immediately.

He did a
360-degree spin and stopped, standing over me, only centimetres
away. He pulled his tracksuit pants down at the front only slightly
revealing what looked like red underwear.
No! He hasn’t...He
didn’t...Oh, fuck! I think he did.
My eyes widened and I knelt
up higher to sneak a peek at what I thought was a red G-string,
just like Magic Mike’s.

He grabbed my
hand and twitched his finger at me as if to say ‘nuh uh’, then he
gently pulled me back up so that I was once again sitting on the
edge of the couch.

Eye-fucking me
heatedly, he slowly crouched down to his knees and placed his head
between my legs. I shuddered.
Oh, holy fuck.
Then, almost
instantly, he lifted me and stood up, my pelvis covering his face
and my legs wrapped around his neck. I screamed at my change of
elevation and because Magic Mike did the same thing to some random
chick in the movie.

He walked me
over to the step and gently knelt down, laying me flat on my back.
I laughed and covered my face with my hands.

crazy!” I branded him over the music.

He didn’t say
anything, just pretended to dry-hump me as Ginuwine sang about
being horny. I couldn’t stop laughing at his smirking face, when he
hovered over my mouth and teased me with his lips. I tried to kiss
him but he pulled away and slowly crept down my body, eyeing me
devilishly and stopping momentarily to nip at the damp spot between
my legs. My thighs instantly closed around his head, holding him
tightly. But my strength paled in comparison to his, as he opened
them back up with ease, releasing himself to stand above me once

insane,” I giggled, as he waggled his eyebrows in response and
removed his shoes and socks.

myself up on my elbows, I eagerly watched him pull down his
tracksuit pants. My eyes widened, and I fell back and put my hands
over my mouth to subdue the laugh that was bursting from within me.
To my absolute delight, I had been right in my assumption that he
was wearing a red G-string, just like Mike.

Birthday, Hunny,” he said with conviction.

I covered my
eyes, laughing hysterically, but peeking through my fingers at the
luscious eye-candy above me. I kicked my legs up and down with
excitement as I knew what he was going to do next. He crouched down
over me, facing my feet, then hovering his crotch over my face, he
pumped his pelvis to the music—imitating fucking my face. I
squealed again and tried to bite at his cock.

“Hey. Easy,”
he laughed.

I ignored him
and gripped his delicious arse pushing his package into my

The music died
down and Bryce rolled off of me, while trying to pluck the thin
material from between his arse in an awkward fashion. I couldn’t
hold it in any longer and burst into hysterics.

“I can’t
believe you,” I said in between laughs and gasps for air.

Chuckling, he
finally replied, “Believe it, because I ain’t wearing this fucking
arse flossing, red piece of shit ever again.”


I’ve often
wondered that if you fell asleep with a smile on your face and woke
up with that same smile, had it stayed on your face the entire time
you were asleep, being the evidence of overpowering elation you
experienced before your mind went to rest? If that notion was at
all possible, then I was pretty sure the smile I had just woken up
with was the same smile I had when I fell asleep the night before—a
result of Bryce’s strip tease.

I hadn’t even
opened my eyelids, yet I was thoroughly beaming, remembering the
birthday present my Mr. Magic-Mike Clark had given me.
Oh! My!
Freakin! God! He was hot.

I giggled then
snapped out of my euphoric state, opening my eyes completely to
scan my surroundings. Bryce wasn’t lying in bed next to me.
Instead, in his place were a blue rose and a note telling me he had
a mountain of work to do and for me to sleep in, take my time, and
come down when I was ready.

I picked up
the rose and sniffed it, still smiling from ear to ear then hopped
in the shower without hesitation. I wanted to go and see the sexy
dancing stud-muffin as quickly as I could and hoped that maybe,
just maybe, I could get him to do an encore performance.

Continuing my
pathetic adolescent school girl giggling, I started humming “My
Pony” while swaying my hips from side to side as I washed myself. I
realised that Ginuwine’s song, and the visuals of Bryce creeping
along the floor to me were going to be permanently etched onto my
brain and inner eyelids.
Awesome! Best birthday present,

Shaking my
head in disbelief at his devotion to please me—and the fact that he
was a pretty good dancer—I quickly showered and got myself ready so
that I could get to work and help him in any way that I could,
knowing that he had a tonne of work to do. I put on my purple
Versace jersey wrap dress, which adapted quite nicely to my
slightly thicker waistline, and paired it with my divinely gorgeous
purple Manolo Blahnik Kilis.

I hopped
along, putting my heels on as I walked to the top of the stairs,
making sure they were secured nicely before I started to make my
way down. As I took my third step, I felt a sudden surge of terror,
a feeling of imbalance and dread as if my senses knew what was
happening to me before my brain had a chance to convey the message.
My heart stopped beating, and my breath paused as I realised I was
falling forward rather quickly.

My first
instinct had me turning to the side to prevent tumbling face first,
while reaching out and securing the railing with both hands. But as
I gripped the safety rail, I felt a shocking surge of pain in my
ankle, forcing me to let go and slip further down, losing the fight
to stay upright. I slammed into the stairs, hitting my head and
instantly feeling really strange before all went black.

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