Full Count (16 page)

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Authors: C.A. Williams

Tags: #General Fiction

She dropped to her knees, flicking
the button open on my jeans and pulled them down along with my boxers. Her hand
moved up and down at a steady pace until I felt her warm mouth engulf me. Her
tongue flicked out to run along my length and I let out a groan, pulling on her
hair to move her closer to my body.

“Baby, that feels so good.” Her
eyes met mine and she smiled around my dick. I wish I could take a picture of
that right there. Her cheeks hollowed out and I felt myself getting closer, but
I didn’t want it to end this way, I wanted it to end buried in Paige.

I tugged up on her bun and she
released me with a pop, looking up at me with her wide innocent eyes. “What’s
the matter, you didn’t like that?”

“I fucking loved that, but I love
this even better.” I twirled her around until her hands were plastered against
the wall.

My fingers searched out the hem of
her skirt and I worked my way up her bare thighs until I found what I was
looking for. “No panties, either? What in the hell are you trying to do to me?”
My teeth sank lightly into the side of her neck while I worked my fingers in.
“You are so fuckin’ wet. Did sucking my dick turn you on?”

“Mmm,” she groaned out, arching her
hips back into me. “Maybe I should have given you a punishment instead for that
dirty mouth of yours.”

“Baby you can punish me anytime you
want.” I guided my dick to her waiting entrance, just touching the opening.
“Wait!” She squirmed against me and dug into her bra, pushing a square package
into my hand. “You need one of these till I start my birth control.”

“Fine,” I huffed out, ripping open
the package with my teeth. Truthfully, when Paige told me she had gone to the
clinic to get put on the pill, I was a little shocked. Up until that point, I
hadn’t thought about protection with her even though I had never been without
it before.

When Paige brought it up and
jokingly told me that luckily she wasn’t pregnant, I think my heart about
stopped. Who knows what would have happened if she ended up pregnant? I wasn’t
ready for a kid and I wasn’t sure if I ever would be. I didn’t want to risk
messing some kid up like my mom messed me up.

I made my way back to Paige’s
entrance and pushed in with one hard thrust, her hips arched back into me as
she leaned against the wall for leverage and she screamed out my name. We
hadn’t tried it this way before, and I could feel how deep I was. It felt
perfect. My arm snaked around her waist to pull her closer to my body and she
circled me with her hips.

She let out a low moan in the back
of her throat that was probably the sexiest sound I had ever heard and it
caused my speed to increase even more. The sound of our hips slamming together
and heavy breathing filled the silent floor. I felt Paige tighten around me and
I felt my dick grow even harder as we both exploded together.

I cradled her to me as her body
went limp with exertion and we both sank to the floor. I pushed a strand of her
hair behind her ear that had come loose and placed a light kiss on her nose.
“Happy Halloween, Sparky.”


“Are you sure you’re ready for
this?” I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel in time to the music playing
softly on the radio. My other free hand lay on Paige’s thigh that was resting against
me, drives with her were so much better. “Of course, why wouldn’t I be? I’ve
met all of Kitty’s family, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

“That’s what you think,” I replied
with a snort. “I know how you’re used to holidays with just your dad, so all of
these people packed together can get a little overwhelming. The first time
Chris brought me back to his place, I had to go to the bathroom about ten times
that day just so I could get a little bit of peace and quiet. And then Chris
told everyone in the family that I had the shits, it was a great first

“We’ll see,” she answered with a
giggle, looking out the window to see the peaks of the ocean in between the
rows of houses and hotels.

I still couldn’t get over the fact
that I still had her in my life. For once, I had finally gotten lucky and Paige
made my life so much better. It had only been around a month of us officially
being together but I wouldn’t trade any of those days for the world.

I loved how she laughed at almost
everything I had to say. I loved how she could be just as adventurous as me and
was always willing to try new things. I loved everything about her. I loved
her. Now I just needed to get those words out of my head. I hadn’t told anyone
those three words before and I was finding it a little difficult.

“Did you talk to your dad today?” I
knew it was a sore subject, but I wanted to make sure she was doing okay. I
knew she was close to her dad and even though she was happy that we were
getting away together for a four- day weekend, I could see the sadness in her

“Yeah, I just can’t believe he’s
not going to be home. He just sounded so…distant. I’m really not sure what’s
going on with him.”

“Well at least you have winter
break to look forward to; it’ll give you some time to catch up with him.” I
pulled up to the gated driveway and punched in the code. My car definitely
didn’t belong in this driveway, but the Chapmans would never make me feel like
that. Here, I was always wanted.

“About that.” Her eyes didn’t stray
from mine as I put the car in park and turned it off. “I kinda told my dad
about you and now he’s insisting you come home with me for Christmas. How do
you feel about that?”

Wow, how did I feel about that?
Coming here was like a family thing for me, but she was also Kitty’s roommate
and invited here by her. This, this would be a whole next step in our
relationship and truthfully it scared the hell out of me.

“Of course I’ll come home with you,
Sparky.” Our hands laced together before we both got out of the car and I
grabbed our luggage.

“This place is amazing,” Paige
breathed out, following me along the tiled entrance to the double wooden doors.
It truly was, the first time I had seen it, I had been afraid to go inside.
Probably all six foster homes that I had been tossed around to could all fit
together into this ginormous place.

“Just wait until you get inside and
see the view, then you’ll really be blown away.”



Dylan was right, the Chapman’s
house was absolutely breathtaking. The second I walked in, I could instantly smell
the ocean blowing in through the open doors. The whole house flowed together in
various shades of beiges accented by light blues.

I stepped into the sunken living
room and gave Tim and Susanne each a hug, instantly feeling welcome.

“I’m so glad you two made it and of
course you beat everyone else. My Dylan is always so prompt; I wish that would
rub off on the rest of ‘em.” Susanne pinched Dylan’s cheek, before turning her
wide smile to me. “Glad to see you, son,” Tim patted Dylan on the back and
wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

“How about Dylan here shows you
where you’re staying, Paige? I figured you two could stay in his room since I
know you’ve already been ‘together.’” Susanne’s fingers formed little bunny
ears and I swear I saw just a hint of redness flood Dylan’s cheeks. I didn’t
think anything could embarrass Dylan Turner.  Was he really telling Kitty’s mom
about our sex life?

Dylan led me up a short flight of
stairs and pushed open the door at the top. “This is your room?” My mouth gaped
open, taking in the room that was easily the size of the whole second floor of
my house back in Florida.

His room was almost a mirror image
to the one back home. Everything was neatly organized and baseball memorabilia
littered the walls. For some reason, he kept his room impeccable but couldn’t
do the same with his car, even though I knew he had been trying to make an
effort with that. My feet could actually find the floor this morning when he
picked me up to head out for the Chapman’s.

A king size bed was off to one side
centered between two nightstands and a flat screen was mounted on the opposite
wall. The other side of the room was set up more as a living space with a
chocolate brown sectional and another flat screen on top of an entertainment
stand, with what looked to be almost every gaming system ever made. A wet bar
was pushed into the corner next to another door that I assumed was a bathroom.

“I know, it’s a lot.” Dylan tugged
at his hair before setting our luggage down. “After the first time I came home
with Chris, Susanne set this all up. She insisted that the room was completely
empty anyway and she liked having a new project to work on. I wasn’t about to
tell her no and hurt her feelings when she showed it to me the first time.”

“Dylan, that was nice of her. You
really are a part of the family.”

“Yeah, I guess I am.” He kissed the
corner of my mouth and grabbed my hand. “C’mon, we better head down stairs
before Susanne starts telling everyone what she
we’re doing up

The next morning was Thanksgiving.
I woke up early realizing the bed was unusually empty and I instantly missed Dylan’s
warmth. I had been staying over at his place a couple of nights a week, but I
always felt guilty for ditching Kitty, so I made it a point to spend a few days
a week with her in between classes. Although Dylan was totally engulfing my
world, I still wanted to make time for my friends.

I found a pair of yoga pants and a
tank top that Dylan had unpacked into the empty drawers and followed the voices
down the stairs that were up so early.

“There you are Paige!” Kitty
squealed when my feet entered the modern kitchen where just about everyone was
gathered. “C’mon sleepy head, we need to get some breakfast in you before the
kitchen really starts to get busy.”

“Sleepy head, really Kitty? Besides
game days, you’re never up before me. When did you get in last night and why
did you get here so late?” Dylan and I had stayed up talking for hours after
everyone else had went to sleep, but Kitty still hadn’t arrived.

“Here Miss Grumpy, sit next to
lover boy maybe he’ll cheer you up.” Dylan greeted me with a smirk, placing a
light kiss on my nose and sliding a glass filled with yummy bubbliness in front
of me. Really, could the man get any more perfect?

“And to answer your question, we
made a pit stop at Grant’s family’s house before we came here.” I looked up
across the table where Kitty was perched onto Grant’s lap, who I hadn’t noticed
up until now.

When Kitty had first introduced me
to Grant as her boyfriend, I thought it was some kind of joke. Not that Grant
was a bad looking guy or anything. His jet black curly hair was something that
most girls would love to run their hands through. His features were manly with
a strong jaw and he almost always had light black stubble covering the lower
half of his face.

No, his looks weren’t what
surprised me. What surprised me was that he and Kitty’s personalities were
completely opposite. Where Kitty was bubbly and outgoing, Grant was laid back
and sometimes a little shy around new people. He had a quiet sense of humor
though that could charm anyone.

But he and Kitty seemed to get
along really well, even though their relationship was even newer than Dylan’s
and I. Kitty hadn’t even mentioned she was bringing him home, that was kind of
a big step, and she accused me of keeping secrets. We would most definitely be
having a talk about this later.

“Nice to see you Grant, Kitty
didn’t tell me you were coming.”

“Well it was sort of a last minute
thing,” Grant answered back, his eyes flitting nervously around the table where
Kitty’s family was gathered. I’m sure her three oversized brothers were more
than intimidating. Add Dylan into the mix and I truly felt bad for the guy.

We all filled up on sausage and
waffles before clearing the table together and then Susanne went into cooking
mode, barking out orders to each of us. Grant and I were put on potato peeling
duty since neither one of us really did much cooking, and Dylan disappeared
into the kitchen to work on some top- secret dish. Pretty soon the smell of the
ocean was overpowered by the scents wafting through the kitchen that smelled
absolutely mouthwatering.

After everything was cooking, we
all filed into the living room to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade. Even with
everyone there, the large room still had space available.

Chris had brought Claire who I had
become friends with since I spent so much time at their place. She was always a
little cold around Dylan, but we always hung out whenever the boys were playing
video games or got into some heated argument about who was the better baseball

Bryce had brought Marcy along.
Those two always seemed to be lost in their own world, discussing school
related subjects almost constantly. I think Kitty had mentioned that they were
both majoring in engineering and that’s all they really talked about.

Jared came alone, even though I
knew he had started dating Maddie recently. She had gone home to Ohio, a few
days before we headed out and I was guessing that’s who he was currently
texting with a wide smile on his face.

The doorbell started to ring pretty
consistently as the eating time of 1:00 approached. Pretty soon I was meeting
grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, and even third cousins.
When the Chapmans had a holiday, they invited every relative under the sun.

Everyone helped to set the food
onto the large dining table and found their seats quickly. Dylan sat next to me
and instantly found my leg with his hand under the thick white tablecloth. The
sounds from everyone chattering as they passed the dishes around all melded

My plate was filled to the brim
with all of the different dishes Susanne and her kids had worked so hard on. It
was hard to believe how quickly the meal was finished after all of the hard
work that had gone into it.

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