Gale, Avery - Katarina's Return [The ShadowDance Club 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (18 page)

Alex had taken great care to make sure she was adequately prepared for him, his fingers massaging so much lube into her tight hole she’d sworn she ought to be able to taste it. She would never forget the soft words he spoken to her just before he’d breached her ass with his cock. “Now, my love, you will be ours in every way. We are going to mark you in a way that you have yet to even imagine and bring you a level of pleasure unlike anything you have ever experienced.” And how true those words had been. The feeling of him pushing inside her had been dark and naughty. And the initial burning had morphed quickly into the most overwhelming pleasure she’d ever known.

Zach had set a desperate rhythm just as she had felt her release start to wash over her in huge, drowning waves. She heard Alex shout his release at the same time she felt Zach’s cock pulsing seed up against her womb. She faintly remembered collapsing onto Zach’s chest and his arms wrapping tightly around her before she’d let sleep overtake her. They’d had similar sessions several times since returning home, but none had been as magical as that first night.

* * * *

Thinking about finally getting to see The ShadowDance Club as their sub and wife was sending her pulse racing. Would they do a public scene with her? While she didn’t consider herself an exhibitionist, the idea of other people watching her husbands fuck her was getting her so wet she was worried she was going to have to go clean up yet again if she didn’t get her thoughts back to something less arousing.

Kat couldn’t help smiling to herself when she thought about the special gift she had for them tonight, a small white plastic stick with two pink lines she’d wrapped up and planned to give them sometime toward the end of this evenings’ activities. Because knowing how overprotective her husbands could be, she was going to make sure she got to play at The Club first, because she was certain once they knew they were going to be daddies in the spring, she wouldn’t be getting another chance anytime soon. Smiling to herself, Kat unconsciously placed her hand protectively over her still-flat stomach and sighed.

* * * *

Alex and Zach stood just inside the room watching their beautiful wife lost in thought as she looked out the back windows. And not for the first time, they both thanked God above for the multiple ‘second chances’ they’d been given with the angel standing before them. Speaking quietly, Zach asked, “When do you think she plans to tell us?” They’d known before she did that she was pregnant. They knew her body so intimately that even the most subtle changes hadn’t escaped their notice. Even if they hadn’t noticed that her breasts were even more sensitive or that her skin seemed to glow more than usual, the way she tended to turn a bit green at times would surely have given her away.

Alex smiled and said, “I don’t know, probably tonight. If I know our beautiful wife, she wants to play at The Club before we drop a protective net over her.” He chuckled to himself, he then added, “How she thought she could keep her body’s changes from us baffles me.”

“I know. I’m pretty sure she didn’t really fall for our story about accidently forgetting to pack her birth control pills for our honeymoon.” He grinned to himself, it had been a stroke of pure genius when they’d told her their honeymoon trip destination was a surprise and to not worry about a thing, they’d pack for her. They had known for years that Kat’s dream was to have a houseful of children, and since they were both more than anxious to make that dream come true, they’d managed to “forget” those tiny little pills.

“She doesn’t even realize that she places her hand protectively over our child, hell even the security guys have noticed and started a ‘When is she due?’ baby pool. And knowing those jokers, they’ll add gender and multiple birth questions so that the damned thing is going to be worth a fortune to the winner by the time she gives birth.”

“I’d heard about that and my money’s on Grayson. I swear the man’s sixth sense scares the shit out of me sometimes.” Alex smiled then said, “Let’s go get our woman, and remember, don’t tip our hand, let her enjoy surprising us. God knows she’s earned every moment of happiness we can ever give her.”

“Amen to that, brother, amen to that.”

Chapter 27

Alex wrapped his arms around Katarina and turned her toward his chest. He had to smile, submissives were always barefoot while inside The Club, and they’d made sure their sweet little sub observed that same rule when they were alone in their home. He and his brother were both tall men, and they towered above their diminutive little woman. They had chosen her dress for this evening, and the very sheer midnight blue mini was actually little more than long strips of fabric held up by a sparkling ribbon topped with what he’d heard Jenna refer to as spaghetti straps.

Jenna had helped them purchase several club dresses for Katarina before she’d left right after their wedding on a several-month work-related trip abroad. He wasn’t sure what had taken place between his sister and Colt that night, but whatever it had been was enough to send her hightailing it back to Denver before dawn the next morning. And before they’d even landed at their first honeymoon destination, he’d heard she’d been “suddenly called” to check the viability of several locations Lamont Oil was scouting for development in countries all over the world. She was running, no doubt about it. He and Zach had decided they wouldn’t get involved unless the situation had a negative impact on Kat. Now that Kat was carrying their child, she’d need her friend’s love and support. He’d call his little sister tomorrow.

Thinking of the scene they had planned for her tonight at The Club had Alex about to burst through his leathers. Tying her to the St. Andrew’s Cross in the middle of the main lounge was going to guarantee every member of The Club would be watching as the owners finally publically claimed their woman. Flogging her bare skin until the strokes that started as little more than tickles, were sending flaming pulses to her clit was going to be something to behold. Watching her pale back and ass turn pink then deep red as they sent her in to subspace was sure to have the entire club as mesmerized as they would both be. While she was floating, they’d move to the leather lounger they had placed off to the side of the stage. The spotlights would be glowing with soft pink and gold-toned light to highlight her glowing backside and cascading blonde curls while they fucked her ass and pussy at the same time. They had spent a lot of their honeymoon preparing her, making sure she’d been properly stretched by the plugs they’d taken along. Tonight’s scene would require them working in tandem, but they would make sure they all climaxed at the same time. They knew the expectations from their members would be high for Katarina’s first Club appearance, and they had worked meticulously to make sure no one was disappointed. Bringing himself back to the present, he looked down at the sweet pixie before him and said another prayer of thanks before speaking. “You look lovely in your Club wear, my love.” Alex kissed the tip of her nose before handing her off to his brother.

Zach smiled down at her and said, “Isn’t she the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen, brother? She looks like an angel, all sparkles and flowing material. This sheer dress shows off her new nipple clamps, too. And that bare pussy, um-hmm-hmm. Heaven on earth for sure.”

Kat had to admit, waxing her “privates,” as she like to call them, added a whole new dimension of sensation to sex. The night after she’d been waxed at the minispa inside The Club, she’d nearly levitated right off the bed the first time Zach’s tongue had run over her newly bared flesh. Since then, she and spa operator Rissa had become friends and had even met a few times in town for lunch. Rissa had regaled her with tales of all the colorful things she’d heard when ripping wax strips off clients, Kat had laughed so hard she’d been afraid she’d pee her pants.

“The nipple clamps are beautiful, thank you for them, by the way. But the diamond clit-clip is making me…um, well, let’s say a bit anxious.” Looking directly up at Zach, she watched his eyes darken at her words, and she smiled to herself.
Oh yeah, I’m not going to be the only one suffering through this danged little meet and greet you’ve planned, now am I?

Clearing his throat, Zach leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “I know what you’re trying to do, and it won’t work, kitten. The jewelry stays on, and if you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself over my lap and your new glass butt plug shoved in that beautiful ass of yours. And I can assure you every Dom at the reception would know exactly why you were walking oddly. And it might be just the thing to spice up the reception, perhaps we’d have you spend a few minutes bent over, grasping those beautiful ankles so you could show off your earned punishment.” Zach chuckled at Kat’s reaction to the picture he’d painted in her mind, looking at her intently, he could see that she was nearly panting, the telltale flutters of her pulse at the base of her throat and her dilated eyes clearly indicated her arousal. She was so very perfect, it never ceased to amaze him; he looked up at his brother and knew his wide grin made him look like the lovesick fool he was, and he didn’t give a damn.

Alex reached for her and tipped her chin up to meet his gaze. “Oh yes, love, perhaps you need a little reminder about the discipline this evening is going to require. Hmm, if you are finding your jewelry gifts a bit distracting, a few swats might be just the thing to bring your focus back to your loving Masters.” Alex loved watching her eyes go from their normal bright, lighter blue to the lust-filled deep sapphire blue they always became when she was aroused, but after Zach’s little prep speech, her eyes were so dilated that the color was little more than a small ring around her huge pupils.

Alex and Zach had spent hours secretly reading everything they could find online about pregnancy and BDSM and knew that an erotic spanking was not going to damage her sweet cargo. They’d also already seen her increase in responsiveness, oh yes, pregnancy certainly seemed to agree with their lovely bride.

* * * *

Kat was sure her heart was going to beat itself right out of her chest she was so turned-on. Geez, these pregnancy hormones were something to behold. She knew the joys of an erotic spanking and knew Alex was right, it would bring her some much needed relief. Ooh the joy of having husbands that knew her even better than she knew herself. Alex sat down and pulled her over his lap, erotic spankings were always done OTK—over the knee. They’d explained how it was more personal and intimate, and she certainly wouldn’t argue that point. No siree, her husbands had this pleasure thing down to a fine science. Neither of them seemed to like spankings as punishment for her, but God knew they could sure think up torturous ways to remind her of the rules, orgasm delay and denial were among their favorites. She reminded them frequently that the Bill of Rights was in place to protect her from “cruel and unusual punishment,” but they seemed convinced that amendment didn’t apply to not allowing her to come.

“Well, you seem to be quite distracted, love, I’ve asked you the same question twice, and you have yet to answer me. Having trouble focusing for any particular reason this evening?” If she hadn’t known Alex so well, she might have missed the underlying humor in his voice, but there was something else, too, but before she could really identify it, a slap landed firmly on her ass. Wow, when had they moved her dress, if you could really call it that, aside? Geez, she really was zoning out today. “Katarina…Focus. Let’s review, what is your safe word?” Alex’s sharp words finally seemed to penetrate and bring her back into the moment.

“It’s red, Sir,” Kat answered clearly.

“Good girl. Now, let’s see if we can’t help you overcome your little distraction problem so we can all better enjoy our evening.” And with that, Alex landed several stinging blows to her rounded ass. He never hit the same place twice in succession, and while they were sharp and certainly were warming her up nicely, they were clearly not meant as punishment. Alex knew Zach stood to the side and was smiling as he spanked their little sub’s ass until it was a nice shade of pink. Alex had to stifle a laugh, who knew that two rough, tough former Special Forces soldiers would become so fond of the color pink? Before standing Katarina back up, he ran his fingers through her now-soaking-wet pussy, eliciting a sensual moan from the back of her throat. “Well, Zach, it seems our sweet wife needs a bit more help, what do you say?”

Zach was sure if Kat hadn’t been teetering so close to orgasm, she might have heard the teasing tone in Alex’s voice, but as it was, her eyes were still glazed in lust and her legs were visibly trembling. “I’d be happy to help you, kitten. Now, lie across my lap, and let’s see if we can’t get you to where you need to go.” Five sharp swats later, Zach plunged his fingers inside her wet heat and said, “Come now, kitten,” and Kat sailed right into her completion.

* * * *

Kat had known she was almost floating when Zach had laid her over his knees, but she’d barely registered the swats before he’d tugged on the clit clip then pushed through her swollen pussy lips and she had heard his command to come. She felt like she had been launched in to space. Time seemed to stand still, and the rush of pleasure had been unlike anything she had ever experienced. Holy Mother of God those books were right, sex really was amplified by pregnancy hormones. She didn’t even remember them standing her back up or Zach sitting her on his lap. The next thing she was really fully aware of was his softly spoken words of praise and Alex gently cleaning her cream from between her thighs. Their aftercare was always one of her favorite parts of a scene. Even though the orgasms were over-the-top amazing, the cuddling and care later made her feel like the most cherished and loved woman in the world.

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