Read Game for Marriage Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Game for It#1

Game for Marriage (12 page)

Chapter Twelve

Sheridan climbed on top of Jared, her bent legs on either side of him, her butt resting on his lower back. She couldn’t believe she was doing it. That he was letting her do it. Yesterday, he avoided her. Now, she was sitting on top of him, her girly bits coming into close contact with his hard muscles. Shock waves of bliss pulsed through her blood, but she ignored them.

It wasn’t about her at the moment. It was all about him.

He was so big, so solid, that hopefully he hardly felt her weight on him at all, she mused as she popped open the travel-sized bottle of lotion and poured a dollop into her palm. Rubbing her hands together, she set them on his shoulders and dug in.

Earning an agonized groan for her initial efforts.

She paused, her fingers curved around his stiff muscles. “Am I hurting you?”

“Hell, no.” He moaned again when she dug her fingers extra deep. “Don’t ever fuckin’ stop.”

Smiling, she rubbed him, pleased when she felt him slowly relax beneath her touch. The poor man was expected to do all of these extraordinary things on a daily basis, yet no one took care of his most basic needs. He deserved to know someone cared. Someone wanted to take care of him through the good times and the bad.

Sheridan frowned. She was thinking like they were really married. Completely ridiculous and setting herself up for failure, thank you very much. She needed to follow the advice she’d whispered to herself like some sort of mantra on the drive back from the stadium:
Live in the present and enjoy these moments with Jared. They aren’t going to last very long, so you have to cherish what you get.

The clause always hung in the back of her mind, and she wished for about the millionth time that she’d never asked for it. Guilt hung over her like a shroud. If he knew it was included at her request, he might never forgive her. Especially since she decided she didn’t want to hold herself to it any longer. She wanted her husband too much. Needed him. But in Jared’s eyes, it might look like a calculated move. As if she were setting him up to have their marriage rendered null and void.

Not good.

Focusing on the man before her, beneath her, she slid her hands down, rubbing the smooth, muscled expanse of his back. He had such a beautiful body. Big and muscular, but not over the top. Tall and with those broad, capable shoulders and long, quick legs, he was built like a super human.

But he wasn’t a super human. He was vulnerable and real and hurting. She wished she could ease his pain, at least for one night.

“Feels so good,” he murmured as he flipped his head to the side, his arms up and curved above his head. “You have the magic touch, wife.”

Her belly tingled. She loved it when he called her
and he hadn’t for a while. They always summoned each other with “
or “
while in public, but rarely in private. The media certainly liked it.

So did she.

“I like touching you, husband,” she replied, nibbling on her lower lip. She wanted to do something but she didn’t want to freak him out. It was a bold move, especially after what happened between them the last time they shed a few articles of clothing. But he was so relaxed and warm and he felt so good beneath her…

She wanted him to trust her. So much, it made her heart ache. It wasn’t about her selling him out, no matter what he believed. She wanted him. Felt as if she needed him. If only he felt the same way…

Deciding to go for it, she stretched out on top of him, her breasts nestled against his shoulder blades, her face close to his. She pressed a kiss to his nape, his silky hair brushing against her cheeks as she inhaled his spicy, masculine scent. She could lay like this all night.

“You feel good,” he murmured.

“Am I too heavy?”

He chuckled. “You weigh nothing.”

Not true but he was so damn big, he probably didn’t notice. “How’s your shoulder?”


“I’m glad I could help you. Whenever you need me, I’ll be there for you.” She was hinting she wanted to be there for him all the time.

But would he realize it?

“Thanks, baby,” he murmured, his voice sleepy.

Neither of them moved, nor did they talk. If they continued like that, he would fall asleep and then she’d never work up the courage to do what she really wanted.

And she wasn’t about to maul a man while he slept.

Now or never
, she told herself as she nuzzled her face against his neck, pressing a kiss there. He shivered as she shifted down the length of him, blazing a trail with her lips across his gloriously smooth skin. Slipping further…further…she felt him tremble beneath her lips, which filled her with urgent, overwhelming need.

For him.

“Sheridan,” he whispered when she came to the waistband of his boxer briefs. She curled her fingers around the cotton and tugged, her eyes going wide when she caught sight of his bare butt.

And what a mighty fine butt it was.

“Are you stripping me?” He sounded amused. And…aroused.

“Do you mind?” She pulled the soft cotton down hard thighs, pleased when he kicked them off the rest of the way. Releasing a shuddering breath, she nibbled on her lower lip, hoping against hope he wouldn’t complain.

“Baby, whatever you want to do to me while I’m naked, I’m not going to protest.”

Relief swept through her. She had the Mighty Quinn naked and at her mercy. She was going to make the most of it.

“Then roll over,” she murmured.

Propping himself on his elbows, he turned to look at her. “What?”

“Roll over.” She twirled her finger. “I want you on your back.”

Both brows rose. “And what do you plan on doing to me while I’m on my back?”

“Do I really have to spell it out?” This wasn’t about Harvey asking her to service her husband. Jared
some TLC. And she wanted to be the one who would give it to him. He was always so busy worrying about everyone else. It was time for him to be selfish for once.

Turning away from her, he dipped his head, seemingly staring at the mattress. “I’m trying to keep myself under control here.”

“I don’t want you under control.” Leaning over him, she touched his shoulder, noticing he was already tense again. “I don’t want you to hold back with me tonight.”
“Flip over, Jared,” she murmured close to his ear.

He did as she asked, his expression almost defiant, his erection huge. Her mouth went dry at the sight and she swallowed hard. All this male beauty spread out before her was overwhelming. She didn’t know where to start.

Well. She figured she knew where he’d like her to start. But she wanted to draw this out, not go straight for the main course.

Unable to stop herself, she touched him. Drifted her fingers across his chest, his pecs, through the hair that grew there. Across his ribs, his muscles that flinched beneath her touch, along his stomach, lightly tracing a circle around his navel, her index finger trailing the golden hair that led to the glory spot.

A choked sound escaped him and she glanced up, seeing the tension straining his beautiful face, the hard clench of his jaw showing how much she pushed him. She went to him, pressing a soft, sweet kiss to his firm lips.

“You’re driving me crazy,” he muttered against her mouth.

“I’m trying to.” She smiled, loving that she had the power to do so.

She kissed him again, his lips softening beneath hers, opening. Their tongues tangled, their breaths caught, and she climbed on top of him, her mouth never leaving his. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close, her breasts pressing against the hard wall of his chest, and she squirmed out of his grip.

“Where you going?” he whispered when she broke the kiss.

“Don’t worry about that,” she said with a sly smile. “You’ll enjoy it, I promise.”

Nuzzling his neck, she inhaled him, loving his intoxicating scent. He loosened his hold on her as if he sensed what she was about to do. Still smiling, she slid down, her mouth busy licking, nibbling, tasting him everywhere. His shoulder, his collarbone, his pectoral muscles. She licked his nipples, teasing the hard little points.

All the while she could feel him, his erection brushing against her belly. She went wet and loose between her legs, settling her mouth against his hard, flat stomach. Pressing her hands against his thighs, she pushed them apart, nervous anticipation fluttering in her belly at what she was about to do.

She’d never truly craved the taste of a man’s cock until…
this one
. Oh, God, she wanted to taste him so badly, wanted to watch him lose all control as she sucked him off. Wanted to hear that agonized groan when he completely lost it, those long fingers tightening in her hair while she milked him with her mouth…

Moving so she kneeled in between his powerful legs, she gripped the base of his erection with gentle fingers, stroking the length of him once. Twice. His entire body tensed, a shuddery moan escaping him when she bent her head and darted out her tongue to lick the tip, sending an answering clench of need within her body.

A ragged, wholly masculine sound erupted when she took him completely in her mouth. She sucked him deep, her lips tight, her tongue working as she tasted him completely. He hissed out a breath as he reached for her and tangled his long fingers in her hair, pushing away the stray strands that had fallen into her face so he could watch.

Sheridan lifted her lids, her gaze meeting his. His eyes were dark, full of smoldering, hot need as she withdrew from him, licking her lips, savoring his taste.

“You’re fucking killing me,” he murmured, his fingers gentle as they slid through her hair.

She closed her eyes and leaned into his palm, eating up the way he touched her, looked at her. It was what she’d wanted since that morning against the wall. More touching, more closeness, more Jared.

“You like it,” she whispered before she took him back into her mouth, sliding up and down his length before sucking just the head of his erection between her lips. He lifted his hips, seeking more of her mouth and she gave it to him. Gave him everything she had, loving the little groans and agonized whispers that escaped him. Loved how tightly he pulled on her hair, as if he couldn’t control himself.

She stroked him with her fingers, licked him with her tongue, trying her damnedest to make him lose complete and utter control…

“No. No, no, no.” His rough command made her lift her head away from him and next thing she knew, big hands were gripping her by her shoulders, hauling her so she was pushed onto her back on the mattress, a very big, very gorgeous male specimen hovering above her. “I’m not going to come like that.”

Omigod. He was such a complete control freak; he drove her nuts. “So now you’re depriving me?”

He closed his eyes, swallowing hard. Lifting his lids, his brilliant blue gaze met hers as he slowly thrust himself against her aching wet sex. “I’m trying to tell you I want to come inside your body, not in your mouth.”

Well, if he wanted that…

She wasn’t about to stop him.

He’d climbed out of bed, leaving a very sexy, trembling woman tangled in the sheets while he went in search of a condom. Luckily enough, they’d provided them in the mini-bar.

Jared grabbed the small box and tore into it with vigor, sprinkling the foil packages on the bedside table. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sheridan sit up and tear off her shirt, exposing the fact that she wore no bra, and her glorious breasts were on display for his eyes only.

And holy shit, what a sight. He’d wanted to be the one who tore off her shirt, but hell, he wasn’t going to complain.

Without thought, he went to her, attacking her, really. Pouncing on top of her, he touched her everywhere, pulling her shorts off with impatient fingers, groaning when he discovered she was bare beneath them. His mouth wandered down the length of her soft, sweet-smelling body until he was at her chest. Those pretty pink nipples were hard, taunting him, and he swiped his tongue first across one, then the other, smiling when she arched against him with a whimper.

She was so responsive, so beautiful. He wanted her, all of her, and this time he wasn’t going to stop himself. This time, he needed her too much to worry about a stupid fucking clause.

They were just words written on a piece of paper. And he was tired of letting those words rule his life. He’d grown to trust her despite his earlier trepidation. It was difficult to think about what it would be like
having Sheridan around.

He reared up, then devoured her mouth with his own, cupping her breasts in the palms of his hands, leaving them both panting when he finally broke the kiss. “Jared,” she whispered, her sneaky hands moving between them, grabbing his cock, trying to guide him where she wanted him most. “Please.”

He withdrew from her without a word and reached for a condom, their gazes meeting. Tearing open the packet, he sheathed himself, his eyes never leaving her. All he saw was a beautiful, naked woman and his brain short-circuited. Could focus on nothing else but getting inside her…


She laid back on the mattress and spread her legs, giving him a most superior view of everything she had to offer. He reached for her, and traced her with his index finger, slipping into all that slick goodness to push inside her. Tilting her head back, she moaned, her sex clenching around his finger, and he knew she was ready.

Thank Christ, because he felt like he’d been born ready. Only for her.

Gripping the base of his cock, he positioned himself, teasing her as he dragged his erection through her folds. A little cry escaping her, her eyes popped open, golden and glowing up at him, full of lust and want. “So mean,” she murmured with a little smile.

“Don’t like the tease?” He pushed inside, just a little, fascinated with the view. Nearly blowing his head off at that first hot blast of sensation when her body enveloped his. Maybe he didn’t like the tease either. He was about to lose it with the tease if he didn’t watch it.

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