Read Garden of Serenity Online

Authors: Nina Pierce

Garden of Serenity (21 page)

He stepped out of the pants and carried her deeper into the pool. A moan of desire rumbled in his throat as their mouths tangled again. He stripped away her pants before lifting her high to sit on the edge of the pool, her feet dangling in the cool water. The gossamer fabric of their clothing drifted like wispy clouds in the cerulean blue of the pool and Jahara shimmied with the thrill of being naked with him.

“This is right, Bren. All of this. It’s right.”

I love you too, Jahara.
Somehow hearing his words in her head made it all the more intimate.

He loved her with his mouth and hands, making her body quake with an ecstasy so complete, it seemed to burn over every sensitive nerve. Just when she thought she’d melt from the heat of his touches, he lifted her off the edge of the pool, lowering her slowly into the cool water. With one gentle glide, he entered her, sending another shiver of bliss along her spine.

She stared into his eyes, seeing only the love and commitment he’d promised her over and over. “Brenimyn, I’m not afraid of this anymore. It is right and perfect and … I love you. With all my heart … I love you.”

“It’s my sexual prowess you love.” The smile reaching up to spark in his eyes, belied his lighthearted response. The man understood the weight of her words.

She laughed. “Well, there is that.”

“Then I shall spend my days satisfying your every need.” He pistoned his hips, allowing the cool water to flow over their heated flesh.
And there is more, Jahara.

His voice in her head was gentle and she smiled up at him.

“I don’t need more, Bren. Just be with me like this. It’s enough. Right here. Right now. It’s all I need.”

Not for me. Not anymore.
Brenimyn kissed her tenderly, his arms holding her close.
Today I realized just how much it means to have you in my life.
He nibbled along her jaw and teased her earlobe with his teeth, his body still moving deeply within her.
We aren’t about visions and new world orders. We’re about two halves finally becoming whole.

She cupped his cheek in her palm, his hooded gaze capturing hers. “Yes. All that and more,” she said. The silken water caressed her skin even as he filled her, holding her on the desperate edge of need.

I want people to know how much we love each other, Jahara. I want to make a baby with you. I want to see your body heavy with
His eyes raked her face.
For the first time, I give myself completely to you.
The rhythm of his thrusts increased, pulling her with him to the brink of bliss.
I give my life essence to you freely and without reservation. It is my gift to you.

The tempo of her heart matched his thrusts.

Here—in the most unlikely of places, in a government facility where the needs of the human population outweighed the will of the individual, in a Garden where she hadn’t been looking—Jahara had finally found the love she’d sought for so long. This was a man willing to give her everything.

“I love you. Mind, body and soul, I love you,” she whispered.

They both moaned with pleasure as their mouths and bodies fused. She hugged him tight, wanting to truly feel one with this man. She cried out his name, digging her nails into the flesh of his shoulders, mooring herself against the raging torrent of their love. The power built deep inside her. She closed her eyes, letting his love wash over her. As the wave of ecstasy rolled through her with thunderous power, he grasped her hips and moved within her with such force, they were powerless to stop the storm of euphoria ravaging their bodies.

For the first time, she felt the hot surge of his seed. Bren’s cry of total ecstasy was a thrilling sound she would not soon forget. Their muscles convulsed as the bliss controlled them. The crushing orgasms of total surrender left them trembling with exhaustion.

When the last of their releases shuddered through them, Bren moved on week legs to lean against the pool wall. He cradled her in his arms, his heart thudding heavy against her cheek. If they weren’t still floating in the water, she was sure they both would have collapsed.

* * * *

She heard the music far away and swam through the lake to find it. A bird flew overhead, calling her name. It was peaceful where she was and Jahara didn’t want to leave. Something squeezed her shoulder.

“Jahara, wake up.”

Brenimyn’s voice cut through the mist of the dream, sounding urgent in her muddled state between sleep and wake. Her head swam as she forced herself awake.

“What? What’s wrong?” Memories of her day flooded over her, the gossamer veil of dreams dropping away. “Lukiam? Is it Lukiam? What time is it? Bren, how long did I sleep?” Jahara tried to push out of the bed.

He laughed. “Slow down, my love.” Putting his hand on her shoulder, he held her in bed. “It’s not Lukiam. Nazaret called. He’s doing well. And so is the baby.” The dimples dug deep around his smile. “It’s Merenith. She’s on the video-communicator. It’s the second time she’s called today. I thought you’d like to talk to her. It’s nearly sunset.”

“You let me sleep the day away?”

you sleep? You were the walking dead by the time we made it to the bed. Do you want to take this call?”

“Of course.” It was odd talking to Brenimyn about Merenith. She pulled on his discarded tunic from the floor, enjoying the scent of him enveloping her.

So much had happened since she’d talked with Merenith. How many days had passed? Three? Four? A week? She couldn’t be sure.

She ran down the hall to the office.

“Hello, Merenith, it’s good to see you.” Merenith’s short crop of blond hair swirled about her face, accenting the graceful curve of her neck.

“I, however, am a sight.” Jahara’s cheeks flushed and she hoped her embarrassment wasn’t obvious. She pulled her fingers through her hair. It had dried as Brenimyn loved her in their bed. The tangles would require more than her fingers.

“You’ve done some powerful healing.” Merenith touched the screen. “I see it in your face. Are you all right?”

Jahara didn’t know what Merenith saw after she’d healed. Somehow this woman who’d known her for such a short time, knew instinctively when Jahara arrived home from the medical facility after a difficult day.

“A breeder was badly hurt by some machinery. With the help of others, I was able to save a life. And the breeder’s partner was incredibly relieved.” She couldn’t bring herself to mention Nazaret or the baby, or that they’d actually saved a family.

“A breeder? Sometimes the agricultural section is so dangerous. I’m not sure why women choose to work there. But how fortunate you were there to save her. I’m sure her partner will be forever grateful.”

Merenith had misunderstood. Of course she would think Jahara would save only a female breeder. It would never occur to her that a man’s life was worth anything. Jahara bit back a scathing retort and forced a smile. “You’re right, Mer. So, how’re things at work for you?” She was desperate to change the subject.

“The same, but I don’t want to talk about that. I have good news for you. It’s why I called. The acceptance came through today. I can visit you at the Garden next week.” She held up several computer disks. “I’ve gathered all the files from the hospital for you to update.” She sounded so pleased.

Jahara’s heart pinched with guilt. Had a month passed already?

“I have no doubt your Dame pushed through the paperwork,” Merenith said. “She knew how unhappy you were to be going in the first place.” She laughed. “So much has happened at the barns, I can’t wait to see you to catch you up on all that’s been going on. Not the least of which is a promotion.” Merenith preened. “But I can tell you all about it next week.”

Jahara couldn’t respond.

“Oh, and look who I found to keep me busy.” The squirming pup she held up to her face licked Merenith’s chin and she laughed. “He was from a stray litter one of the workers brought to the barns. Isn’t he just adorable?”

Jahara nodded slowly. So much had happened since her arrival, but it seemed unfair to share it with Merenith over the distance of the vid-com.

The puppy barked at the screen. “He’s always got so much to say.” The little imp squirmed out of her hands and Merenith bent and set him down. “Not like sharing my days with you, but he helps fill the empty hours.” Her fingers danced across the screen as if touching Jahara’s face. “I didn’t expect to miss you so much.”

“Nor I you, Merenith.” Jahara’s mind raced. It frightened her how easily the lie fell from her mouth. Next week, she’d tell Merenith about Brenimyn. Next week, when they weren’t talking over the vid-com, she’d break the woman’s heart. She hadn’t expected Merenith to react this way to their separation. Not so long ago, it was all she had hoped for. Now Jahara didn’t know what to do with Merenith’s unwanted emotions.

But Jahara
know, with absolute certainty—her heart was meant for Brenimyn. She understood now that she’d never fallen in love with any woman. Her heart had found its other half and Merenith wasn’t it.

“Jahara, you’re quiet.”

Jahara forced the muscles of her face to lift one corner of her mouth. “Just tired from the healing.”

“Your breeder seems nice. I talked to him briefly today. A very nice specimen indeed. He looks Olakuma like me. People won’t know which one of us birthed your offspring.” It was Merenith’s turn to blush. “I mean, if you have a female and you choose to bring her back home.”

“Of course. That would be wonderful.” Jahara swallowed the bile filling her throat.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about children and how nice it might be to share the responsibility of raising them with someone.” Merenith smiled shyly.

Jahara also wanted to rear the children she birthed—male or female—in a loving family environment. This blond woman with the shy smile just wasn’t part of what she envisioned for her future.

“I’m sorry.” Merenith shook her head, waving a hand and dismissing her last statement. “Obviously I’m way overstepping my bounds. Forget I said anything. They say absence is good for the heart, but I think it’s affecting my brain.”

“No it’s not.” Jahara tried to contort her face into an expression of happiness—too difficult—with a false smile and a nod, she settled for empathy. “We’ve been separated too long. And things here at the Garden have been … overwhelming.”

“I know, right?” Merenith leaned in conspiratorially. “The copulating is just awful isn’t it? So messy with all those fluids moving about. Hopefully your breeder’s like mine and it’s quick without much pain. I didn’t want to tell you how awful it was when you kept asking, but now that you’ve experienced it, I don’t mind saying—I didn’t like it very much.” Her face pinched in disgust. “Thank goodness it was over within a couple of months. I can count on my fingers how many times I endured that ritual.” She wiggled her fingers in the air. “With any luck, it’ll be the same for you.”

Jahara thought of the love she’d shared with Brenimyn just that afternoon and the trust they’d placed in each other. There was a unity in their lovemaking. When they were apart, she counted the minutes until they could join their bodies again. She loved him, but never more than when he was deep inside her, making her whole.

“So bad you don’t want to talk about it?”

No, I love being with him.
“Oh, you know, I tolerate it. Hopefully, it won’t be much longer before I’m pregnant and don’t have to endure it anymore.” Jahara shrugged, trying to sound bored. “Like you said, the fluid exchange is quick. I manage.” Greasy nausea clawed at her throat. Jahara didn’t have to tell Merenith about Bren, but she certainly didn’t need to add lies to this farce.

“Just the thought of their aroused bodies …” Merenith shuddered in disgust.

Jahara nodded when Merenith paused. “Nothing like the curves of a woman.”

Merenith laughed. “And they’re as clumsy and needy as a stallion. All that bucking and braying.”

“Like you said, hopefully it won’t be much longer.” Jahara forced a laugh.

“Why don’t you introduce us? He barely spoke when he answered your communicator.”

“Maybe another time. He’s in the other room.”

“No … he’s standing in the doorway right behind you.”

Chapter Fifteen


Jahara clicked off the line with Merenith, no longer caring about hurting the woman’s feelings. She couldn’t remember any of the lies that had tripped off her tongue during their conversation, but she could imagine how it all sounded to Brenimyn. Though she’d only meant to deceive the woman on the other side of the vid-com, with the man ignoring her calls as she ran down the empty hall, she suspected he believed every word that had come from her mouth.

She stormed into their bedroom, hoping he was waiting in the bathroom to talk in private. Instead, she found him ripping clothes from their hangers and haphazardly shoving clothing into a backpack.


Don’t bother, Jahara. I would never have believed it, but you’re a better actor than Kylie.
The anguish in his words filled her head.
All this time I thought there was something between us. Just today you proclaimed your love for me.
His lips remained pursed, his jaw knotted as he clenched his teeth. His eyes were piercing nuggets of ice, but his angry assault continued.
Not in our bed as you have for so many weeks, but out there in front of the cameras. You dared speak the words aloud. You do remember that, don’t you? I gave my life essence to you.
The warmth she’d bathed in this morning had been replaced by icy rage.

Jahara banged her head. “Get out of there. Talk. To.
.” Anxiety and fear rode on her words. What she’d said to Merenith had cut Brenimyn deeply. She saw the pain in the creases of his forehead. The angry motions his hands made as he balled up the clothing told her so much.
was no wound she could heal with her touch.

Shooting a look at the camera, Brenimyn shoved another tunic into the pack. “Honorable Jahara, it is apparent that you prefer not to have me in your bed. I shall move to the other bedroom since that seems to be what would please you.” He spoke aloud.

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