Ghost's Treasure (24 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #contemporary action crime erotic romance

They had spent the whole afternoon with Lindsay's parents. He'd enjoyed himself immensely and believed Josie felt the same way. Near dusk, they had excused themselves for the long four hour trip back home. About halfway through, Josie drifted off to sleep and remained so despite his removing her from the vehicle.

He considered taking her to her apartment clear across town, but quickly discarded the idea. First, he didn't have the key to her apartment. Second, he didn't have the heart to wake her at midnight in order to climb a couple flights of stairs before sliding back into a comfortable cocoon of sleep. He wanted and needed to care for her, which meant stopping at his house, carrying her in, and depositing her in the bed. He'd simply take the couch for the night since he didn't have a spare bed. Didn't need one. Never before had he even considered an overnight guest.

Juggling her slightly, he managed to open the door to the kitchen, slip off his shoes, click on the light with his elbow, then continued on his journey, not pausing until he stood beside his oversized king bed. Very gently, he lowered her to the comforter, watching as her eyelids blinked open. The dim light from the hallway allowed him to see the changes in her light green eyes as she struggled to wake and make sense of her surroundings.

"Where are we?" Her voice came out raspy from dozing, all the more sexy.

He lightly pushed strands of hair out of her face and tamped down on the sudden rush of desire. "At my house. You were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to wake you."

"Oh." She yawned and sat up. "If it's okay, I'd rather sleep on the couch."

His heart clenched at her words.

She must have read his expression because she quickly clarified. "Your sofa isn't very long and you're a long, tall drink of water. I can't sentence you to the couch when you could stay in this much more roomy bed."

Tension eased from his body. "What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you take the couch?"

"A practical one who knows when to give up on an argument." She flashed him a smile.

He shook his head and grinned reluctantly. "Do you want a shirt to sleep in?"

"If you don't mind?"

"Not at all." The thought of his clothing wrapping around her body for the duration of the night added another branch to the slowly burning flame of passion. Striding to the closet, he flipped through his clothes until he came across a button-down shirt with a long hem that should cover all her important bits. He tossed the garment on the bed. "I'll let you change in private."


Her voice stopped him. "Yes?"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He started toward the door once more.

"Umm. Ghost?"

"Yes?" He glanced back at her, found her slipping from the bed with shirt in hand.

"Since you're sleeping here, why don't I just head to the hallway bathroom to change?"

He returned to the closet, dug around on the top shelf, then handed her a couple of blankets. Plucking a pillow off his bed, he laid it on top the small pile. "Will that be enough?"

She nodded. "Definitely." Lifting on her toes, she brushed a kiss across his cheek. "Goodnight, Ghost."

"Goodnight, Josie."

The door clicked quietly closed behind her. He touched his cheek and felt rightness slip into place.

Today, he'd said his piece, closing the circle with his late wife. Tomorrow, he'd start a new chapter. This time with Josie. He couldn't predict the path but knew he had to seize hold of the adventure in order to reap any rewards at the end. Bumps and pitfalls were sure to line the way, but he'd been there before. Nothing worth having came easy.

Without further ado, he stripped down, tossed his dirty clothes in the hamper, and entered the master bathroom.

Chapter 39


Ghost woke like he always did, one moment asleep, the next acutely aware of his surroundings. A creak in the living room put a frown on his face until he remembered Josie spent the night on the couch. In one of his shirts. The idea piqued his interest and nudged his libido.

Climbing out of bed, he walked to the nearby dresser, pulled out a pair of loose sweats, and slid them on over his naked form. Covered enough for decency, he went in search of his cute little houseguest.

Striding down the hall, he caught sight of her and froze. Sometime during the night, she'd removed her slacks, leaving her legs bare. The tails of his white shirt hung low enough to protect her modesty, yet flapped with her movements, allowing him to glimpse dark blue bikini underwear now and again. The top buttons of the garment had been undone, forming a "v" down to her modest cleavage. Long blonde hair had been brushed, but hung loose, swaying with her motions.

She puttered around the kitchen, set the coffeepot in the maker, and punched the start button.

He'd never seen anything sexier in his life.

Hard arousal hit him like a runaway train as his cock leaped to attention. His mouth dried up as he watched the beauty stretch to reach for a coffee mug in the upper cabinets, the action revealing her tantalizing ass covered by the scrap of cotton.

A low groan escaped.

Josie turned his way, then grinned in welcome. Her face lit up with sheer radiance. "Good morning. What would you like for breakfast?"

"You." The word came out gruffly from his recent sleep.

She blinked at him in astonishment, then a slow smile spread across her face. Her eyes danced with excitement. "I'd like that too."

His heart first stuttered, then sped once again. Five long strides found him at her side. Immediately, he wrapped her in his embrace, pulled her against his overheating body, and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

She gasped, then returned the affection with gusto. As soon as she opened her mouth, he swooped in, reacquainting himself with her unique taste, a delicious honey he'd never get enough of. Reaching down, he ran his hands under the oversized shirt, pulling the cloth upward in his effort to touch the soft skin of her body. He forged a trail up and down her back, around to her front, across her flat stomach, then up to cover her breasts, thrilled to find her braless. Molding the soft orbs, he lightly tweaked the peaks, pebbling them into hardness.

Josie moaned and explored his body, mirroring his actions, even to the point of rubbing his nipples. She left small fires in her wake, adding to the raging flames threatening to consume him with need for this one woman.

Releasing his prize, he grabbed her rear and lifted. She encircled his neck with her arms, her legs went around his waist as she broke their kiss long enough to first nibble his collarbone, then lave his earlobe, and finally lick up the column of his throat.

"I need you." He elevated his chin to allow her further exploration with her teasing tongue.

"I need you more," she panted out against his skin.

"Hold on." Unable to take his hands off her, he simply carried Josie to his bedroom, depositing her in the center of his bed.

She spread out, still wearing his shirt, now pulled up enough to expose her bare stomach and panties. She stuffed a pillow under her head, allowing her light hair to spill all around her. An angel's halo.

He couldn't take his eyes off her. "You're beautiful."

Pinkness stained her cheeks. "Nothing compared to you. You're absolutely gorgeous." She raised her arms.

Ghost kneeled on the bed, then moved over to her side, glorifying in her eager caresses, even if they tested his control.

"I've wanted to touch you for so long. Wondered what your body felt like under my fingertips."

His cock jumped in reaction to her gentle petting.

Boldly, she placed her hand over his bulge, lightly feeling. "Oh."

The corners of his mouth hitched up. Rolling to his side, he quickly shucked the sweats, kicking them to fall to the floor beside the bed.

Her eyes widened as she reached for him almost tentatively. With exquisite gentleness, she brushed her fingers across his tip, blinking when a bead of moisture appeared. More confident, she encompassed his width in her hand, her fingers not quite meeting, and stroked him.

He threw his head back and ground his teeth. Her hesitant explorations were nearly unraveling his strong grasp on the reins of his control. Regaining the aggressor role, he sat up, yanked her shirt off, then settled his mouth over an all too tempting breast. Sliding his hand down her body, he hooked her underwear and pushed.

Josie took the hint, lifted her hips, and removed the final piece of clothing barring him from her naked body. Tossing the panties aside, she reclined supine while Ghost scooted closer, still on his side, making for easy access to all her wonderful tidbits.

"This might be a good time to confess something." She fisted her hands in his hair as he drew her nipple into his mouth and commenced sucking.

"Hmmm?" Unwilling to give up his prize quite yet, he laved his tongue over the raspberry tip until she gasped with need. He released her breast with a quiet pop. "What is it?"

Her green eyes, once so disconcerting, met his. "I've never done this before." A pink blush blossomed over her cheeks.

The announcement surprised him only a little. He could tell she wasn't the sort of woman to hang out at bars hoping to catch a man for a slap and a tickle through the night. That behavior simply wasn't Josie's style.

"How did you remain a virgin so long?" In this day and time, finding a virgin over the age of twenty-one more likely proved as hard to find as eye teeth.

She glanced away, but his fingers on her chin pulled her focus back on him. "I hadn't met you yet."

The whispered words hit him square in the chest like a fast ball straight to the sternum. Instead of sending a resulting jolt of skittish panic or shards of dismay, Josie's declaration warmed and buoyed his heart, melted the remaining wedge of ice and opened the door of his long buried emotions. Feelings flooded over him for the first time in ages. The anger gone, he blinked at the softness and tenderness she brought out in him. Freedom took hold and a flicker of hope roared back to life.

Unable to speak for the lump in his throat, he leveled himself back down and captured her lips in a kiss so passionate, he thought time would end before they came up for air. His tongue slipped past her lips, touched her tongue, and explored deeper, needing to taste her once more. She gave everything back with inspired enthusiasm, her hands wrapping around to hold onto his shoulders, short nails biting into his skin as she pulled him closer.

Scooting down her body, he cupped the junction of her thighs. "Open for me." As soon as she complied, he slid his middle finger through her glistening folds and into her slick heat. The tight ring of muscles clamped down, causing his arousal level to jump tenfold. "Damn, you're tight." He knew logistically her body had been made to accept his aching member, but that didn't mean the joining would be comfortable, especially with his above-average endowment. His gut clenched at the thought of hurting her in the least.

Removing his digit, he added another and pushed back in, twisting his wrist to rotate now and again, easing and preparing the path. Plunging in as deep as he could go, he strummed his thumb across her erect clit.

Josie jerked and moaned. Her hands fisting in the sheets as she wiggled under his ministrations. "Oh, Ghost…"

Her cry worked like a potent aphrodisiac on his already rigid tool. Ignoring the persistent throbbing, he plied her channel with his fingers until she softened and relaxed to his satisfaction.

The ache in his groin became too much to bear. Shifting into a push-up, he stared down at her face, seeing a flash of concern appear. "Scared?"

She shook her head. "No."

He tried again. "Nervous?"

"Yes." Josie blinked up at him. "I just want to do everything right. To please you."

Ghost lowered his head to sup at her breast again. "You already do. Just follow my lead. If something feels good let me know. If it doesn't, tell me about that, too." He took extra time to work on her modest breasts, not pulling away until both glistened in the light from his attentions, their tips full and ripe.

He rolled off the bed, dug around in the top drawer of the bedside table, found a condom, and quickly rolled it on. Returning to his former position, he splayed her legs wider with a simple touch and looked into her eyes.

"Reach down and guide me, Josie. Let me know you need me as much as I need you."

Her hand crept between them. Wrapping her fingers around his base, she measured him once. Twice.

Ghost clung to his control with an iron fist. He refused to rush through her first time just because she had him so hot he could burst at any moment. Just when he thought she'd drive him to an early climax, she angled her hips, widened those glorious long legs, and tucked him against her swollen pink folds.

He pushed his condom-clad tip into her channel with care, continued with a steady, slow penetration, watching her face the entire time.

She gasped as her mouth fell open at his deliberate entrance. Amazement sparked in her eyes along with a healthy dose of pleasure. Then she flinched.

"Look at me, Josie." He waited until their eyes met. "Stay with me."

Ghost paused, understanding the reason as he nudged into the fragile barrier separating him from his ultimate goal. He wanted to say pretty words, to reassure her, yet he could barely utter a sound, so focused on a tight restraint and a gentle joining of their bodies. Pressing forward with exquisite care, he put pressure on the membrane.

Josie hissed in a breath.

"Hold on." With the short warning, he levered back, then thrust hard, feeling the blockage resist for a fraction of a second before giving way. He surged ahead until he completely filled her snug core.

Her body arched up in an instinctive effort to escape the pain as a tiny whimper emerged from her throat. Discomfort flew across her face as her vaginal muscles clenched like a fist around his throbbing erection, the hold so tight he couldn't have moved if he wanted.

Lowering to his forearms, he nibbled her collarbone, licked up her neck, and nipped her earlobe. Once she caught her breath, he covered her lips with his, seeking to rebuild her fire to match his and apologizing for hurting her with his actions. Her response came immediately as she aggressively invaded his mouth with her frisky tongue, even as her hands resumed their previous exploration up and down his back. By the time she cupped his rear and squeezed, he began a tentative rocking motion, easing his way back and forth, testing the waters.

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