Read GianMarco Online

Authors: Eve Vaughn

GianMarco (14 page)

It was now Maggie’s turn to be bewildered. “What are you talking about? I signed those
papers months ago.”

“Liar! I don’t know what game you’re playing, but it ends now. I want you to sign
those papers, and let Eugene and me move on with our lives. You’re so pathetic. Just
look at yourself. It’s no wonder he didn’t want you anymore. Do yourself a favor and
let him go or things will get very uncomfortable for you.” Shelly poked her finger
into Maggie’s chest.

“Are you threatening me?”

“I’m just giving you a friendly warning. Besides,” Shelly looked Maggie up and down
and sneered, “there’s nothing I could do to you that genetics hasn’t already done.”

Maggie’s clenched fist, ready to abandon her belief of nonviolence, when they were

“Can I be of some assistance to you, Miss?” GianMarco slipped out of his office, smiling
pleasantly at Shelly, although there was a coldness within the depths of his golden
eyes that made Shelly step away from Maggie.

Maggie turned on him, annoyed by his interference after she had told him to stay put.
“No. She was just leaving, actually.”

Shelly continued to stare at GianMarco as if she had never seen such a good-looking
man before. She was practically drooling.

“That’s too bad. Well, in that case, I wish you a good day.” GianMarco nodded toward
the door, making his wishes clear.

Shelly shook her head as if coming out of a trance. “Uh-uh. I’m not going anywhere
until I get what I want from this cow.” Shelly crossed her arms across her chest.

“I beg your pardon?” GianMarco’s eyes narrowed.

“You heard me. Who the hell are you anyway? This is between me and her.”

“I can’t imagine who I am would be of any interest to you, but I can tell you who
Maggie is to me.” To both women’s amazement, he walked behind Maggie and put his arm
around her waist. He then lowered his head to nuzzle Maggie’s neck in a possessive
gesture, leaving no doubt in either woman’s mind the nature of his relationship with

“Maggie is my employee and my woman. If this concerns Maggie, it also concerns me.
I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation, and I must say I take exception to
you calling her a cow. If we’re going to call each other animal names, I would say
you’re a dog of the female variety, if you catch my drift.” His smile never left his

Shelly’s jaw dropped. She was obviously not used to being spoken to this way. Maggie
pulled herself away from GianMarco. If anyone was going to tell this hussy off it
would be her.

“GianMarco, I think I need to speak to Shelly in private. Didn’t you say you had business
to attend to?”

“It can wait.”

“No, it can’t. Please let me handle this.” Maggie spoke firmly enough to make sure
he knew she meant it.


“No. I can deal with this myself. I’ll see you later.”

“Maggie —”

“I’ll see you later,” she repeated, not backing down.

“Fine, but call my cell phone if you need me.”

“I will. Now, go.”

He didn’t seem very happy at being dismissed, but left —though not before giving her
a long, hard kiss on the lips.

Shelly stood there the entire time, watching the scene as it played out in front of
her. The look in her eyes said that she couldn’t believe that someone like Maggie
could possibly end up with someone like the blond god she was looking at.

Maggie smiled at the other woman’s reaction. It would have really blown that bitch’s
mind if she knew what GianMarco actually was. She was a little annoyed that he would
try to handle things for her when she had asked him not to, and in such a presumptuous
manner, but it was so hard to be mad at him. His protectiveness was touching.

Damn you, GianMarco.
Maybe it was a good thing he had interrupted them or else Shelly would have been
swallowing her teeth, and Maggie abhorred senseless violence. She had to handle this
situation with a little more diplomacy to find out why Shelly believed that she hadn’t
signed the divorce papers.

“Look, Shelly, I’m sorry for that interruption. Would you like to have a seat? I can
you get you some coffee, and I’m sure we can amicably settle whatever it is that’s
bothering you.”

By now, Shelly had regained her composure to her original haughty stance. “Hmm, having
an affair with the boss? He must be pretty desperate if he’s with you, although I
can’t really see that he would need to be. Maybe he’s just experimenting to see what
it’s like to be with ... someone like you. No matter, he’ll lose interest eventually;
after all, we both know you’re not woman enough to hold on to a man.”

A few months back, a comment like that would have crushed her, but Maggie was now
able to see it for what it really was: the remark of a very unhappy, insecure woman.

“Shelly, if you make one more unnecessary crack on me, I’m going to forget I’m a lady.
You seem like a reasonable woman, not to mention you’re attractive and well put together,
but you’re acting like common street trash.” This seemed to take some of the wind
out of Shelly’s sails.

“I’m not looking for a fight and I can assure you don’t want one with me, because
I assure you I’m not as big a pushover as you seem to think I am. So I suggest we
either resolve this issue without insults or you can get the hell out of this office.
You mentioned me not signing the divorce papers. I’m not sure why you’d think that
because as I’ve already stated, I signed them a while back, and I mailed them to Eugene
by certified mail. I know he must have received them because I received the signed
receipt a couple of days after I mailed it. As a matter of fact, I put it in my purse
when I retrieved it from my mailbox. I don’t think I removed it. Hold on a sec, let
me check my purse to see if it’s still there.” Maggie spoke calmly.

“You’re making this up.” Shelly sounded uncertain for the first time since she arrived.

“I have no reason to lie.” Maggie dug through her purse and thankfully, the receipt
was still there.

Shelly seemed reluctant to take the green slip of paper from Maggie’s hand when it
was offered to her. Sure enough, Eugene’s signature was on the receipt along with
the date. “I ... I don’t understand.”

“I don’t either. Could you explain why you think I haven’t signed the papers?”

“Eugene told me you didn’t. He said that you were holding things up. He wouldn’t lie
to me. This receipt doesn’t prove anything. How do I know it was the divorce papers
you sent and not something else?”

Maggie sent a silent prayer to be saved from stupid people. “Shelly, let me tell you
something, because I won’t repeat myself. I’m not a liar. If you choose not to believe
me, then that’s your problem. I have no idea why Eugene would tell you that bold-faced
lie. As a matter of fact, Eugene told me he would take care of filing the papers.
As far as I knew I’d be getting the final decree soon. The only thing I’m guilty of
is not following up with him to see where in the process things were.”

Shelly crossed her arms and pouted. She looked like a spoiled child, uncertain of
what to say now that Maggie had made it clear she wasn’t holding up the divorce.

“Shelly, I honestly don’t know what’s going on either, but I intend to find out. I
want this divorce, too.”

“Yeah, right. Eugene said that you fought this divorce tooth and nail. Well, I’m tired
of him sitting on his ass doing nothing about it. I’m taking matters into my own hands
and I’m telling you that he doesn’t want you. Let him go.”

Maggie shook her head. There were no blinder eyes than ones that refused to see. “How
about I call him right now and we can settle this issue?”

Shelly’s eyes widened with panic. “No! Eugene is in court all day. You wouldn’t be
able to reach him.”

It became apparent to Maggie that Shelly didn’t want Eugene to know about this visit.
That wasn’t her problem. “I haven’t got time to argue with you and clearly you won’t
believe anything I say.”

“I’m not fin—”

“No. Don’t say anything else, Shelly. Just go. You’re wasting my time.”

“So you’re not going to cooperate, are you?” Shelly remained stubborn.

Maggie threw her hands up in the air. What the hell had this chick been smoking? “It
looks like I’m not the only pathetic person here,” Maggie snapped, finally losing
her temper.

“Oh, that’s rich, coming from someone like you. You’re still trying to hold on to
a man who doesn’t want you anymore. I know how you’ve used your children all these
years to blackmail him into staying with you and how you manipulated him and treated
him badly all these years. Eugene told me everything.”

Maggie had treated Eugene badly? This was news to Maggie. She’d practically waited
on the man hand and foot yet he was the victim? That was a good one. Unable to stop
herself, Maggie let out a lout belly laugh.

Shelly however, was not amused. “This is no laughing matter. Listen here, sister,
even if you don’t sign those papers, Eugene will still get the divorce. We’ll just
have to wait a little longer and then we’re going to be married.” Shelly smiled smugly.

“And once you’re married to him, he’ll lose interest in you like he did me, but then
again it seems as if he’s lost interest in you already if he’s lying about the divorce
papers,” Maggie shot back, tired of trying to be civil.

Shelly’s eyes narrowed to slits. “You are just as awful as Eugene said you were. Just
because you weren’t woman enough to hold him doesn’t mean I’m not. Since you’re not
willing to see reason, I’m leaving. I can’t say it’s been nice meeting you.” Shelly
turned on her heel and stalked out of the office, leaving a scented trail of expensive
French perfume behind her.

Maggie shook her head, feeling a wave of pity for the other woman. Having been married
to Eugene for twenty-three years, she knew Shelly Thompson was in for some very unhappy
times ahead. She couldn’t figure out why he’d lie to Shelly about the papers, but
it appeared there was already trouble in paradise. She didn’t have a lot of faith
in her soon-to-be ex-husband, but she had been sure that he would take care of the
divorce, as he was the one who had initiated the proceedings.

Because she had been left with so little money, Maggie had not been able to afford
an attorney, but now that she was working and had built up a little savings. She figured
now was good a time as any to utilize it by hiring an attorney of her own to make
sure the divorce went through as planned. Just because Eugene and Shelly were having
problems, it didn’t mean she’d be his back-up plan. Not anymore. She was done with
him and had found someone who loved her like she deserved. Maggie refused to allow
Eugene to remain a dark cloud in her sky.



Chapter Twelve


He watched her come out of the office and licked his lips in anticipation. She would
be a tasty morsel. The thought of sinking his teeth and claws into her flesh made
his heart pound. He could almost smell the blood coursing through her veins, but now
wasn’t the time. He would wait until she was brought over.

Once she became one of them, killing her would be all the sweeter. He smiled as he
thought of what it would do to GianMarco Grimaldi to lose another bloodmate. He would
make sure to sample this one’s sweet cunt juices before he ripped her heart out.

Sweet, sweet Maggie—he had plans for her. He intended to do her exactly as he had
done Bianca. Pure, innocent Bianca. He had gained her trust, making her believe that
he was a friend while GianMarco had gone gallivanting through Florence trying to make
a name for himself as an artist. What a laugh that had been.

He remembered the day as if it were yesterday.

He had knocked on the door, announcing himself because he knew Bianca had been instructed
not to open the door for anyone she didn’t know. She had been so sweet and trusting.
Bianca had wanted to show him her little son. She was so proud of Giovanni, named
for his nonno.

When she had laid the infant down for his nap, he had had his way with her. She had
struggled and was quite strong for such a young vampire, but she was no match for
him. When Bianca had realized that she could not hope to beat him, she had cried and
pleaded for her life and her son’s life. He had laughed as he licked the tears that
fell from her dark eyes. The fighting had amused him, but the begging disgusted him.
Nothing bothered him more than weakness.

He had snatched her tongue out and stuffed it down her throat. He then took pleasure
in ripping her heart out. He almost felt guilty about killing the baby but then he’d
remembered whose child it was and the guilt was gone. Now, it seemed after all this
time GianMarco had finally found another bloodmate.

She would go the route of Bianca Grimaldi. To this day, GianMarco had not found Bianca’s
real murderer. Some other vampire had taken the fall for that.

He vowed that he would not rest until the Grimaldi brothers and everything they loved
were destroyed. He grinned as he thought of Dante Grimaldi, who still believed he
was responsible for the death of his own bloodmate. And then there was Niccolo, who
remained blissfully ignorant of what his true mate was up to while he mourned another.
Romeo Grimaldi was the only one who had yet to suffer, but he had a special punishment
for that cocky son of a bitch.

It was too bad the trap he’d set in the club had backfired. If that stupid cunt hadn’t
messed things up, he would have taken them all out that very night. That was fine,
though—he had waited this long, he could wait a little longer. As the years had gone
by, he had grown stronger and stronger waiting for his time to come. It would be soon
... very soon.

Now, for the moment at hand, he would have to find a way to get into the good graces
of GianMarco’s new love. He liked the slight jiggle to her wide, round bottom. Her
smooth, dark skin looked soft, like velvet. It was too bad she had gotten involved
with a Grimaldi, because now she was going to die.


Maggie was on the way into the restaurant to meet Montana for dinner when her cell
phone rang. She frowned, not recognizing the number. She’d recently purchased this
phone and only her kids, Montana, GianMarco and Oliver had her number. She then remembered
she’d given her number to a couple clients because Oliver had been waiting on information
and she wanted them to get a hold of her immediately with it.

She could have let it go to her voicemail but answered it anyway, against her better


“Margaret, how are you?”

Hearing her ex-husband’s voice made Maggie wish she’d let her call go to voicemail.
Eugene, how did you get this number?”

“I asked how you were doing. There’s no need to be rude.”

It was typical of him to think he could talk to her any way he pleased. “Eugene, I’m
not a child for you to reprimand so I need you to modify your tone. Second, I asked
how you got this number. If I wanted you to call it, I would have given it to you.”

He didn’t respond right away, but when he did, he sound a bit surprised. “I got it
from Darren.”

“Somehow, I seriously doubt he would have willing given it to you.”

“Okay, so I went by his apartment and he had your number pinned to his fridge. If
your number was such a top secret, he wouldn’t have had it so publicly displayed.”

“Most people would not presume to use said number. Eugene, I’m late for a dinner date.
Why are you calling?”

“When did you get so feisty?”

“Probably around the time I finally admitted I’d been married to a colossal douche
bag for twenty-three years.”

“There’s no need to be so nasty. I was only calling to see how you were doing. I was
thinking about you.”

Was he serious? Did he honestly think by calling her and saying that lame line she’d
be grateful. “I’m fine. Great, actually. I would be much better you hadn’t called.
It’ll be a real inconvenience to change my number but I will if you call me again.”

“So you’re going to be like that? After all we shared? Twenty-three years and all
I get is hostility?”

“After the way you dumped me, you’ve got a whole lot of nerve. The only thing I’m
interested in talking to you about if the finalization of our divorce. By the way,
did you get those papers? Of course you did, you signed for them. You said this should
be a quick process but I’ve heard nothing back from you. So you’ll be hearing from
my attorney shortly. Don’t call again.”

“What? And who the hell are you on a date with?” he demanded as if he had the right.

She wasn’t in the mood for his bullshit so Maggie disconnected the call and turned
off her phone. She didn’t even bother asking him why Shelly believed he hadn’t received
the papers from her. That was for their attorneys to discuss. That was by far one
of the most bizarre conversations she’d had in a while. It didn’t take a genius to
figure out Eugene was starting to get cold feet where Shelly was concerned, but if
he thought she’d take him back, he was out of his mind.

Maggie hurried inside the restaurant to see her friend sitting in the back, tapping
furiously away at her smartphone.

Montana looked up when Maggie took the seat opposite her. “Where the hell have you
been? I’ve been leaving messages on your answering machine and cell phone. I haven’t
heard from you in weeks except that message you left for me about your new cell phone
number. Welcome to the world of modern technology, by the way.”

Maggie grinned. She was probably the last person in the universe to have a cell phone,
but she found it necessary to have one since she was on her own. “Finally, right?”

“Well you waited long enough. I’ve been on your case to get one for ages. I ordered
for us already because I’m starving. I chose your usual. Chicken Alfredo. Is that

“Sounds good. And I’m really sorry about not being in touch. I promise I’ll do better.
Things have been hectic GianMarco hasn’t given me a moment’s peace.” Maggie couldn’t
help grinning as she remembered GianMarco’s monster cock deliciously stretching her
pussy walls last night.

“GianMarco? Isn’t he the asshole boss who’s been kind of nasty to you?”

Maggie shook her head. “He’s not an asshole.”

“Oh? And what brought on this about-face, and why are you practically glowing? Are
you screwing your boss? I thought you looked different. Damn, girl! It’s about time
you got some dick. From the looks of that shit-eating grin, he’s giving it to you
good.” Montana spoke with her usual straightforwardness.

Maggie giggled. “Must you be so crude?”

“I knew it! You never looked this way with Eugene.”

“Because Eugene was a selfish lover. He only cared about his pleasure. I almost feel
sorry for his so-called finance. Speaking of that damn man, he just called me before
I came into the restaurant. He swiped my number off Darren’s fridge.”

“Did he call to rain more abuse over your head?”

“No. It was the weirdest conversation. He claimed he called to see how I was doing.
And you’ll never ever guess what happened last week.” Maggie then explained the incident
between herself and Shelly.

“What the fuck? Girl, you are better than me because I would have slapped that tramp
into next week. So, did you find out what happened about the papers?”

“I’ve actually contracted an attorney, one who’ll accept a payment plan of course.
I don’t want to deal with Eugene anymore. We both know he’s a liar, and furthermore,
I think he didn’t file the papers yet because he’s getting cold feet with Shelly.
Contacting Eugene and asking him for the truth would be an exercise in futility.”

“So have you had a meeting with this attorney yet?”

“We’ve had a phone consultation and I explained my situation to him. He believes what
I already suspect, that Eugene hasn’t filed the paperwork. He’ll look into it for
me. I’m guessing he may have changed his mind about marrying Shelly and is trying
to ease his way back into my life.”

“I wouldn’t put it past that worm. But you better not take him back.”

“Honey, you don’t have to tell me that. I’m officially done with Eugene Williams.
I feel like an idiot for all the other times I forgave him when he cheated. You were
right, I didn’t take him back any of those times out of some great love for him, I
did it because I was scared to be on my own. I’d prefer being a hermit than considering

“That’s the spirit. It’s good to see you’re over him.”

“I still don’t understand why he went through all that trouble to get divorce papers
drawn up if he didn’t want to go through with it.”

“Who knows what he was thinking. So what will you do when you confirm he didn’t file?”

Maggie took a sip from her water glass before answering. “My lawyer is setting forth
to serve him with papers of my own. It will be expensive, but it’ll be money well

“I would have loaned you the money for an attorney months ago.”

“I know, I guess my pride got in the way of asking. Besides, I foolishly put my trust
in Eugene thinking he’d take care of this in a prudent fashion. He seemed so determined
to dissolve the marriage I didn’t think he’d have second thoughts. I have absolutely
no clue why he’s decided to lie to his girlfriend about it.”

“He might have been mesmerized by new pussy and he thought he could upgrade to a trophy
wife, but the more time he spent with her he realized she wasn’t as malleable as he
wanted her to be, or the thrill just didn’t last very long. For whatever reason, he’d
decided it won’t work out, but he’s keeping her around long enough to see if he can
get you back first. He’s the type of guy who can’t be alone despite how much he puts
on a front to the contrary. I’m glad to hear you’re not going to let him get back
with him.”

“Trust me, the thought of being with Eugene makes my stomach turn.”

Montana shuddered in disgust. “I can’t even imagine why anyone would want the little
turd in the first place. Looks are not his strong suit.”

Maggie laughed. “Eugene can be very persuasive and charming when he wants to be.”

Montana snorted. “If you say so. Enough about the frog, I want to hear all about the
prince. Tell me about GianMarco. He sounds dishy. Is he Italian or that’s just a name
his mom picked out from a book?”

“He’s full blood Italian. Speaks the language and everything.”

“Oh! I love Italian men!”

Maggie rolled her eyes. “You love men, period.”

“So what? Stop trying to change the subject. I knew you had a crush on him before
you even told me this.”

“Oh? And just how did you figure that out, Miss Smarty Pants?”

“Because it was always ‘GianMarco this’ and ‘GianMarco that’ whenever we spoke. I’m
dying to know what he’s like in the sack.”

“You have a one track mind, Montana. Didn’t you know a lady never kisses and tells?”

Montana smirked. “I’m no lady.”

“But I am.”

“Spoilsport.” Montana folded her arms across her chest and pouted. “Have you told
GianMarco about Eugene?”

“Yes. He’s not happy about the situation.” Saying he was unhappy was a gross understatement.
GianMarco had literally threatened to kill Eugene for holding things up. It was only
with Maggie’s insistence and every ounce of her womanly persuasion that he backed
off. Regardless of her feelings for Eugene, she had had two children with him, and
it was for their sake she did not want any harm to befall him. GianMarco didn’t seem
to grasp her need to handle this situation on her own but thankfully he didn’t press
the issue any more.

“This GianMarco must be something else. There’s a light in your eyes I haven’t seen
in years. You seem much happier.”

“I am. Even the Eugene situation isn’t bothering me.”

“But something is bothering you.”

She wondered if Montana was a vampire. Her friend had the strangest ability to read
Maggie’s moods. “No, everything is fine.”

“We’ve known each other for nearly thirty years. I know when something is bothering
you, now spit it out.”

Maggie traced the outline of the table with the tip of her finger so she wouldn’t
have to look Montana in the eye when she lied. “Nothing. Really.”

“Maggie, look at me.” When Maggie raised her head she saw Montana wore her ‘I-smell-bullshit’

Maggie sighed in resignation. There was not a lot she could get past her friend. “I’ve
fallen for GianMarco so quickly that it’s scary, but there’s a big price to pay for
becoming involved with him.”

“What? Does he have mob connections or something?”

Maggie shot her friend side-eye. “Just because he’s Italian it doesn’t mean he’s involved
in the mob.”

“You know I didn’t mean anything by it, now stop stalling. Is he an escaped felon?
I can only make assumptions when you don’t tell me anything.”

“If it were only that simple.”

“What’s the problem?”

“You’re going to think I’ve lost my mind.”

“Maggie, I already thought you were nuts a long time ago when you married the turd.”

“No, I’m serious. You’ll really think I’m crazy.”

“So, tell me already!”

“GianMarco is not like other men. Montana, I’m telling you this in the strictest of
confidence, so what I say doesn’t leave this table.”

“You can trust me.” Montana reached across the table to take Maggie’s hand.

“He’s a vampire,” Maggie whispered.

Montana looked at Maggie as if she really had gone crazy, and then burst out into
loud laughter, drawing stares from the other restaurant patrons.

Maggie glanced away, wishing she hadn’t said anything. She knew it was a hard story
to swallow. She could hardly believe it herself.

Montana must have sensed Maggie’s unease because she stopped laughing. “You are joking,

“I wish I were. You probably think I’m making it up, but he’s an honest-to-goodness

“Maggie, you’re the most honest person I’ve ever met, so I know you wouldn’t make
something like this up. Do you perhaps think he’s playing some kind of trick on you?”

“No, and he has three brothers who are also vampires, apparently. I’ve met one of
them so far.”

“This is just too weird. This joke has gone far enough, Maggie.”

Maggie did the only thing she could think to do. She unfastened the top two buttons
of her blouse, revealing quite a bit of cleavage. She discreetly pushed her shirt
aside to reveal a recent mark that GianMarco had left about an inch above her areola.
Most of his bites healed within a day but this was still fresh from their morning
lovemaking session.

“What the hell? This guy might be some kind of freak, but that doesn’t make him a
vampire, Maggie,” Montana said in disbelief, her eyes never leaving the two teeth
marks Maggie had just revealed.

“Okay, if you that doesn’t convince you. Explain this.” Maggie picked up her steak
knife and made a small cut on the top of her hand, not deep enough to draw blood but
enough to break a few layers of skin.

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