GO LONG (5 page)

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Authors: Joanna Blake

I gasped.

"My father will hear you!"

He grinned.

"No. He won't."

He stepped into my room and I stepped backwards until my back was against the wall. He loomed over me, saying nothing.

Then he ran his hands over my shoulders, deliberately brushing my breasts with his forearms.

"Did I do that to you, Miss Priss?"

I opened my mouth but no words came out. He was making me confused dammit! And he
done this to me... without even touching me, I was aroused like never before.

Well, like only
before anyway.

"Meet me tomorrow after practice at my dorm. Unless you want me to tell him what you've been up to."

I glared at him.

"Blackmail? Really?"

He nodded slowly.

"I will stoop to anything to get what I want, Bellie. What we both want."

I inhaled sharply as he leaned forward, his lips brushing my ear. I closed my eyes, feeling my heart thud in my chest. My whole body felt alive. I could feel the heat rolling off him. The strength. I could smell that clean manly scent... images of our night together flooded my mind against my will. I whimpered, ready to fall into his arms. All he had to do was kiss me.

But he didn't. He just breathed four soft words against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. At that moment, even my goosebumps had goosebumps.

"And I want you."

When I opened my eyes, he was gone.

Chapter Six


The first stringers were watching me during practice today. Hell, everyone seemed to be watching. I'd been given a locker and a uniform without any formal announcement. But people had noticed.

And they didn't much like it.

Well, as my dad liked to say, tough shit.

I just stepped it up even harder.

I did have some fans on the team though. Dennis, a second string linebacker, for one. He'd been high fiving me since day one. The coaches were giving me nods of approval too. I even got my own trainer to work with in the gym.

Oh yeah, things were going very, very well.

And tonight, they were going to go even better.

Tonight, Belinda was coming to my dorm. And then
would be coming.

I grinned at the joke and lathered up in the showers. They had some stuff here that smelled like pine. I sniffed myself and laughed.

I hoped
liked evergreens. Because she was about to visit the forest.

I was still smiling as I walked up to my dorm. I glanced at my watch. It was time. So where was Bellie? She'd agreed to meet me here, even if she only wanted to yell at me.

The girl had her prickly moments, that was for sure.

I turned in a circle, getting ready to raise hell. Then I saw her. Twenty feet away, sitting on a bench was a girl with dark sunglasses and a baseball cap pulled over her flaming red hair. She had on tight jeans and a jacket.

I walked over, my eyes sliding over her gorgeous body.

Even hunched over like that, there was no hiding it.

"It's kind of hard to hide this, Bellie."

I reached out and tugged on her bright red ponytail. She yanked it away from me, scowling. Clearly, she was here to fight, not fuck.

Oh, so it was going to be like this, was it?

Not on my watch.

I held out my hand.

"Come upstairs."

She stared at my hand like it was a snake. I left it there, waiting patiently. She looked away, clearly aggravated.

"Come on Bellie, I just want to talk."

That was a lie, but not a total one. I
want to talk. I also wanted to do other things.

Lots and lots of other things.

She made a rude sound and I smiled.

"You know this wasn't the deal, Princess."

She stood up and crossed her arms.

no deal."

"Yes. There is."

"Oh, you're going to tell my dad? And lose your spot on the team?"

"He wouldn't kick me off for going with his daughter."

"Oh he wouldn't, would he? Wait, what do you mean 'going'?"

I smiled at her, speaking slowly. Like you would to a child. Because she was acting like one. She was mine already, why was she fighting it?

"Going. More than dating, less than marriage. What do you call it?"

She sputtered, clearly not sure what to say. She hadn't been expecting that clearly. I took the opportunity to step closer while her defenses were down.

A good hunter knows when to strike.

I lifted her face, studying her beautiful eyes. Then I leaned down slowly and kissed her.

She was stiff in my arms for about thirty seconds. Then she melted. I growled and fitted her against me, rubbing my hands over her lithe form.

"Hmmm... Belinda..."

I kissed her neck, taking soft little nips of the tender skin.

"Come upstairs."

She sighed softly, clearly uncertain. I tipped her chin up, staring down at her lovely, confused face. I realized I would never do anything to hurt her. Or let anyone hurt her.

I felt a strange emotion settle over me. I had no idea what it was and I didn't care. I had more pressing things on my mind at the moment. Like getting into her kitty.

"Come upstairs."

She looked up at me, her eyes softer now. I knew I had won before she said a word.



The door was barely closed before Kyle had me in his arms again. His hands were everywhere at once, touching, pressing, soothing, molding. I was all over him too, touching his hard muscles wherever I could reach. I felt like I was floating from the incredible sensations spreading through my body.

Then I realized I

Kyle was carrying me to the bed.

That was what I wanted though, wasn't it? What I hadn't been able to stop thinking about? All the wicked things Kyle knew how to do- what he was about to do- with me?

I sighed as he covered me with his body. He wasn't rushing things. He was just kissing me.

I opened my eyes when he stopped.

Kyle was staring down at me. He didn't look lustful or smug. He looked almost... awestruck. His finger traced my brow and the curve of my cheek.

"You really don't have any idea what you are doing to me, do you?"

I just looked at him, trying to understand what was happening between us.

it was happening.

Then he lowered his head again and I stopped thinking entirely. He was kissing me with such passionate sweetness, it took my breath away. His hands moved faster now, stroking my breasts though my shirt. He started to circle his hips where they nestled between my thighs. I moaned at the feeling of his cock rubbing against me.

It was a simulation of sex. He was pretend fucking. I realized something in that moment that surprised me.

I desperately wanted the real thing.

Maybe as much as he did.

Maybe more than he did.

I reached up, sliding my hands over his body. I let them wander lower, then up and under his shirt. He moaned as my fingers stroked the smooth skin of his back. I felt a sense of power unlike anything I'd ever known before.

I did that to him.


Little Miss Priss.

I tugged his shirt up and he looked at me, surprised. Then he grinned and pulled it over his head. I ran my hands over his chest and he flexed his muscles under my palms.

"Your turn."

I nodded and he helped me pull my shirt off. He grunted as he looked down at me in my jeans and plain white bra.

"I don't want to be greedy, but can we get the rest of it off now?"

I laughed and nodded again.

He peeled my jeans off me, making appreciative sounds as my bare flesh came into view.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?"

He stood by the bed and tugged his jeans over his trim hips, kicking them away. I smiled up at him.

"Do you know how beautiful

He groaned and pulled me up against him, our bare skin giving off sparks as we connected. I was mindless as we pressed against each other, our limbs entangling. Then I felt him hoist me up and wrap my legs around him.


"Hmmm hmmm?"

"Remember last time you asked if I was on the pill?"

He was rubbing my body, looking me over. He was barely listening to me.

"Hmmm hmmm..."

"Well I'm not."

He stared at me, his eyes wide.

"What? Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

I sat up, crossing my arms.

"You didn't ask until after! Anyway, how many virgins do you know who are on the pill?"

I grabbed my shirt, all thoughts of sex flying out the window.

"Forget it. This was a stupid mistake."

Kyle reached out to stop me.

"Belinda- I don't care. Fucking A!"

He grinned at me stupidly.

"I'd love to make a baby with you."

I stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Don't you think we're a little young?"

He shook his head.

"I'd be fucking proud to be your baby daddy."

He grinned at me. The man was insane. A caveman. An idiot. An insane caveman idiot.

"Let's make lots of babies..."

Then he pounced on me.

Chapter Seven


The first time had been an accident. I'd assumed she was on the pill. This time though, it was different.

I hadn't wanted to stop. I realized in half a second I wanted everything from her. Including a baby. My primal instincts were kicking in.

Baby. Fucking. Baby. Fucking. Baby.

Oh hell yeah it sounded good.

It was something I had never thought about before. But suddenly, having a baby with Belinda made perfect sense.

What a beautiful baby it would be.

I kissed her but her lips were hard and unyielding.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Let go of me."

I lowered my arms, standing there buck ass naked with a massive hard on. I ran my hand through my hair, utterly confused.

"Okay. Yeah. We should talk."

"Yes. We can't do this again. It's too risky. If my dad finds out he'll kill us both."

"No Bellie. That's not what I meant."

"What do you want to talk about then?"

"If you want to keep this secret, you are going to have to play by my rules."


I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest.

"First of all, you're mine. You don't so much as look at another guy. Got it?"

Her jaw dropped. She got it. I continued.

"Second of all, I call the shots. When, where, how much."

"How much what?"

I grinned.

"How much we fuck."

Her mouth snapped shut. Her cheeks were practically glowing pink. Oh yeah, she was getting it alright.

"This is a long-term arrangement. You play by the rules and I will treat you like a queen. You don't have anything to worry about. I promised to take care of you, with or without a baby. No matter what."

"No matter what?"

I nodded wisely.

"Yes. You and our baby."

She stared at me, her pretty lips curling into a smile. I was about to pull her against me and reward her for being so reasonable when her finger poked my chest.


"Let me tell
the rules."

My jaw dropped. My angel looked like a devil. A hot, sexy she-devil. Her eyes were blazing. Her red hair was wild around her face.

That smile had
been friendly. Not at all. Bellie was

"Rule number one. Don't call me. Ever."

She poked me again.

"Rule number two. I'm not your girl
your property."

She poked me even harder. I winced. I was going to have a bruise on my chest. I wondered briefly if she played piano. Her fingers were that strong.

"Rule number three.
will abide by
rules or I will make your life a living hell!"

She looked at me triumphantly as she grabbed her purse and stormed out of the room. I rubbed my chest. Damn, that had not gone according to plan.

I frowned. I'd been wanting to take a crack at her before she left. Another couple of cracks, to be honest. We hadn't even gotten to the good part!

Now I was standing here, alone and naked with my still hard dick in my hand. I ran to the window, just in time to see her hot little ass running down the sidewalk. I frowned.

What the fuck was I supposed to do now?

Well, duh. I was supposed to finish. Even if it was only in my head.

I opened my bedside drawer and pulled out the lube. Handy for tight squeezes and alone time. I had a date with my fist.

I layed back on the bed and tried to go back in time to about five minutes ago. Belinda was underneath me, naked. Her big eyes stared up at me as she whispered.

Make a baby inside me Kyle... please!

I squeezed the tip of my cock, letting my grip loosen as I slid it down to the base. A few long strokes as I imagined pressing my dick inside her hot little snatch. Then it was off to the races.

Fuck me! Harder! Harder!

Hmmfff she was a greedy little girl, begging for my cock! My head rolled back and my feet started to tingle. I was getting close.

I went for it, stroking my jock for all it was worth. In my mind I saw Belinda coming, her head tossing back and forth on the pillow.

Don't stop! Don't stop!

I groaned as my balls tightened up and released, shooting a wad of come all over my stomach. I stroked slower now, imagining her begging me to fuck her again. Right away. She wanted more of my cock. She needed it.

A few last spurts shot out, spilling over my hand. I stopped stroking and caught my breath. Even in my head, she was fucking amazing.

I smiled to myself. She would be annoyed if she knew I was jacking off to her. I was pretty sure about a thousand guys had already done that though.

Thanks for the ride, Miss Priss.

I got up and got dressed. I decided to get something to eat. I had to give her time to calm down and see reason. She was mine, in real life and my fantasies.

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