Read Grabbed by Vicious Online

Authors: Lolita Lopez

Tags: #Erotica

Grabbed by Vicious (29 page)

pink folds again.

“There,” she whispered, her voice shaky. “Now what?”

“What do you think?” He fondled his sac and tried to

remember the last time he and Hallie had been in his

office together. She’d been tentative and hesitant then but

ever so curious. And she’d blown his damn mind. “Lick

your fingers. Get them nice and wet. Touch your clit,


She brought her fingertips to her mouth and laved them

with her tongue. He could see her hand trembling as it

lowered to her pussy. She spread the delicate petals of her

sex and placed just one fingertip over her clit. Already,

her pink folds glistened as that sweet honey seeped from

her core. The need to bury his tongue in her, to feel her

thighs tightening around his head and to hear her cries of

ecstasy overwhelmed him.

“Like that, Kitten,” he murmured and grasped his cock a

little harder. “Tell me how it feels?”

“Good. Different,” she replied, her voice growing

husky. “Not like when you touch me. Your fingers are

bigger and rougher. You always know exactly what to do.”

He had to admit he liked hearing her brag on him like

that. “Close your eyes. Imagine me there with you. I’m

kneeling in front of you. My hands are on your thighs. It’s

my tongue lapping at your clit.”

“Ah!” Eyes closed, she rubbed faster circles around her

clit. Her nipples were hard now.

“Touch your nipples. Show me what you like.”

He wasn’t the least bit surprised when she pinched the

stiff peaks between her fingertips. It was the reason he

always played with her breasts a little roughly. She

responded so beautifully to the sharp mix of pleasure and

pain. Sometimes, when he had his fingers buried in her

cunt, he could feel her pussy clenching around him as he

pinched and tweaked her nipples. She absolutely loved it.

“Are you wet, Kitten?” He stroked his cock faster now.


“For me?”

“Only you,” she whispered, her breaths coming in tight

little pants.

“I’m there with you, Hallie. I’m right there. I’m licking

your clit and stabbing my tongue deep inside your cunt.

I’m sucking your clit now. I’m sucking it and rubbing my

tongue over it the way you love so much. The way that

makes you scream.”


He matched her feverish movements. His balls ached

and buzzed as they started to draw tight. His toes curled

against the floor. He tightened his fingers and raced to the

finish with Hallie. She whimpered his name as she came,

her body undulating in the chair as her fingers slid through

her slick pussy lips and circled her clit. The sight of her

coming undone shattered him. He growled her name as his

orgasm hit. His seed sprayed his chest and abdomen, the

pearly fluid dripping along his rippled abs as he fought to

catch his breath.

Sated and smiling, Hallie closed her legs and caressed

her lower belly. “That was amazing, Vicious.”

“It was pretty damn good on this end.”

“We should do this more—”

The screen blinked red and the connection failed.

Frustration welled inside him. He supposed it was a good

thing it hadn’t failed earlier. He probably would have

stomped the screen to bits if it had. At least they’d been

able to come together and enjoy a little bit of afterglow.

He tapped his screen and put the call on delayed

connect. As soon as a satellite became available, the call

would go through again. He took advantage of the quick

break to rush into the bathroom and clean up.

As he wiped at his belly, he thought of the quick

conversation they’d shared. Just where the hell was

Terror? It wasn’t like him to be unavailable. Something

else bothered him. Hallie had done that twitchy cheek

thing when he’d asked her about Terror. She’d done it a

couple of times before, especially when he’d been

questioning her about her sister. Back then, they’d had the

secret of the Red Feather between them.

But why in the world would she lie to him about


The question still niggled at him when he returned to his

office. The screen flashed yellow now, alerting him that a

satellite connection was coming online. He settled into his

chair and waited for the green screen to return. When it

did, he sat forward, fully expecting to see Hallie’s smiling

face waiting for him.

But it was her empty chair that greeted him. He assumed

she’d stepped away from the communication console so he

called out, “Hallie?”

There was no answer. As he listened, he heard the

faintest murmur of voices. Curious, he turned up the

volume on his end, maximizing the feed from her end. He

recognized the voices now as Hallie’s and Terror’s.

“We can’t tell Vicious,” Terror said, his voice low and


“No,” Hallie agreed. “This will be our secret.”

Vicious went rigid in his chair. A secret? Between his

Hallie and Terror?

“Take off your pants, Terror,” Hallie urged. “Get on the


The blood in his veins ran cold. Hallie,

asking Terror to remove his pants and get on
bed? No.

Terror laughed. “If I’d known this was all it would take

to get you to strip me naked and crawl into bed, I would

have booked this trip weeks ago.”

Vicious slapped at the screen.

He ended the call and fell back into his chair. His

stomach lurched painfully. His chest burned and his heart

felt as if it was being ripped in half.

Hallie and Terror? In bed together? His sweet, beautiful

Hallie was committing adultery with his best friend.

As the shock of his inadvertent discovery faded, rage

gripped him. In all his life, he’d never been so furious.

The pain of this betrayal cut so deep. He couldn’t breathe,

couldn’t think. He balled his fists at his sides and fought

the urge to fly out of his chair and batter the black vid

screen in front of him.

Terror was a dead man.

Chapter Sixteen

Hallie frowned at the red screen. She couldn’t believe

the satellite had dropped their call. Of all the times for it

to happen! They’d just shared an incredibly intimate

moment and she needed a little reassurance that she’d

done it right. It was her first vid-sex, after all.

Annoyed, Hallie got out of her chair, slipped into the

shirt again and ducked into the bathroom. When she came

out, she started toward the desk but stopped at the strange

thudding noise coming from Terror’s room
. What in the


Hallie grabbed some shorts and hopped into them.

There was a crash and the sound of breaking glass.

Worried, she rushed to the door and flung it open.

It was dark in Terror’s room, so dark her eyes needed a

moment to adjust but once they did, she took in the scene

in a matter of seconds. Movement near the balcony caught

her eye. The gauzy curtains whipped in the night breeze.

The pale light from the moon spilled into the dark room.

She glanced down and spotted Terror on his belly facing

the open double doors.

A man straddled his back and had a belt looped tightly

around Terror’s neck.

Though Terror kicked and twisted, there was no

escaping that stranglehold. He’d lost his weapons. One of

them, a sharp, gnarly looking knife, rested on the floor next

to his bed.

Hallie didn’t think. She simply acted. She snatched up

the knife and flew at the man trying to kill her husband’s

best friend.

She slammed the blade into the man’s neck and jerked

the knife forward through his windpipe, severing the

tissues and blood vessels there. He gurgled and slumped

to the side, his arms waving and clutching at his throat in a

frantic panic. She shoved him aside and grabbed Terror’s


When she rolled him onto his back, he gasped in long

pulls of air. His eyes were bloodshot and his lips tinged

with blue. She tugged on the belt, loosening it from his

neck. “Oh god. Terror! Are you all right?”

He blinked at her and gripped her wrist. She feared he

didn’t recognize her after all that trauma and lack of

oxygen. He couldn’t talk but nodded.

The last death rattle of the man she’d stabbed drew both

their gazes. Her stomach lurched and bile started to rise in

her throat. She’d done that. She’d stabbed a knife in that

man’s throat and killed him.

Terror squeezed her hand. His scarred face showed

such pain. Not physical pain but emotional. It was guilt

that twisted his face now. “Hallie.”

There was no mistaking the anguish in his voice. She

shook her head. “Not now, Terror. We don’t have time.”

Certain Terror was going to live. She hurried to his bed

and grabbed the thin duvet. She tugged on the top sheet and

carried both back to the man she’d just killed. She tried

not to look at his face, his expression frozen in pure

horror. “We need some kind of plastic, Terror. He’s going

to bleed everywhere.”

Terror made a grunting noise as he shoved up on his

feet. Moments later, he returned with a trash bag from the

receptacle in the bathroom. He threw open his suitcase

and retrieved a roll of silver fix-all tape. She glanced

away as he ripped free his knife and covered the dead

man’s face and neck in the bag. He used the tape to hastily

secure it below the fatal wound she’d inflicted.

“That should keep most of the blood in place,” Terror

said, his voice low and scratchy. “Are you all right?”

“It’s not my first dead body.” She started to lay out the

sheet and duvet. “Hurry. We need to move him and wrap

him up.”

Terror stared at her for a second before nodding. They

quickly placed the dead man on the bedcovers and

bundled him tightly. She sat back on her heels when it was

done and stared at the lumpy shape. The memory of her

mother’s lifeless, bloodless body wrapped up like a

mummy assaulted her. Even at that extremely young age,

she’d been forced to help prepare the body and wrap it in

the white death shroud. Bernie had completely broken

down. Kerri had fainted and sat speechless and stupefied

in the kitchen. A female neighbor and the midwife had

shown Hallie how to clean and wrap her mother’s body.

Now she’d used those skills on this man. The reality of

what she’d done slammed into her. Horror struck. “I killed

a man, Terror.”

“Yes, you did.”

It wasn’t his cold reply but the pain in his voice that

made her look at him. He winced and placed a hand to his

bloody thigh. She realized then that he’d been injured.

“Damn it, Terror! Why didn’t you tell me you’d been


“I didn’t realize until just now. Lights!” The room

instantly brightened. He grunted as he surveyed the slash

in his leg. “It must have been the broken glass.”

“You think?” Hallie asked sarcastically as she helped

him stand. “Do you have any medical supplies?”

“In my bag,” he said, panting now. His voice was tight

when next he spoke. “We can’t tell Vicious.”

She eyed him and finally nodded. “No. This will be our


It made her ache to even think about keeping this from

Vicious. How could she go back to the

pretend nothing had happened? She’d just

The sight of blood staining Terror’s pants brought her

back to the present. This man would die if she didn’t help

him now.

“Take off your pants, Terror,” Hallie urged. “Get on the


Terror laughed. “If I’d known this was all it would take

to get you to strip me naked and crawl into bed, I would

have booked this trip weeks ago.”

“Be serious,” she begged. “You’re going to bleed to

death. No jokes.”

He snorted. “It’s a flesh wound. I won’t bleed to death.

And I’ve had worse, Hallie.”

Her gaze followed his gesturing hand to his face. “Yes.

I suppose.”

“We’ll do this in the bathroom. Too much blood,” he

explained. “There’s a full med kit in my bag. Bring it with


Hallie found the red pouch in his luggage and trailed

him to the bathroom. While she soaped and scrubbed her

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