Grey's Awakening (28 page)

Read Grey's Awakening Online

Authors: Cameron Dane

Tags: #Romance

Sirus took Grey’s erection in hand and stroked his rigid length with a tight, dry hand, drawing a sharp cry and shiver from Grey. “Make him moan for more.”

Sirus held Grey at the mercy of his slowly pumping fist, as well as the dark evolution of Grey’s imagination. “Do you think I’ll love fucking Noah as much as I love fucking you?” Sirus asked, his voice gravelly at Grey’s ear. “Will I want to taste every inch of his body the way I crave learning yours?” Letting go of Grey’s dick, Sirus pushed Grey’s underwear and jeans down to his knees. “Will I think his is as beautiful as yours?”

Somehow, through the mingling haze of pain and desire, Grey processed that Sirus removed Grey’s shoes, socks, and the rest of his clothes, leaving him naked in every way.

All the while, Sirus didn’t let up his verbal and mental torture. His wicked mouth went right back to Grey’s ear. “Do you think he’ll be eager to suck my cock, the way you are?” Sirus pushed two fingers into Grey’s mouth and started an abbreviated, fucking motion. “Will he take it all the way down and make me scream, the way you do?” He added a third finger and filled Grey’s mouth to the throat.

Like a starving man, Grey lapped and sucked at Sirus’s fingers. Moaning, slipping to a place of pure reaction, Grey anointed the salty flesh of Sirus’s digits, remembering the feel of blowing his thick cock.

Sirus slipped his fingers out of Grey’s mouth, leaving him bereft. Hot breath constantly tormented Grey’s nape, never letting him forget Sirus loomed close, pulling every raw response out of Grey like a puppet on a string. Sirus’s arm forged in between their bodies, and the agonizing sweetness of his fingers on Grey’s asshole had Grey whimpering. Pressure played with Grey’s pucker, ever more insistent with every swipe of Sirus’s rough fingertips, making Grey squirm. Sirus licked at the shell of Grey’s ear and flicked his tongue into the opening.

Sirus’s voice, Svengali-like and low, whispered, “Will Noah’s ass be hot and tight, and cling to my cock the way yours does?”
Right then
, Sirus shoved two fingers home, breaching Grey’s asshole in one sure thrust.

Grey jerked and his cock spiked at the invasion, unprepared, even though he had known it was coming. He bit his lip to keep from crying out; only this time he did it because it was so damn
he almost couldn’t stand to feel it. Sirus penetrated Grey’s channel again and again with full, deep strokes, scissoring his fingers and exquisitely widening Grey’s entrance, making Grey’s legs shake as he struggled to accept every layer of sensation without coming. When Sirus forced a third finger inside and started a corkscrewing motion, Grey shuddered, his mouth falling open. He grabbed onto the open refrigerator door, clutching the width in his fingers, keening through the pleasure of what Sirus did to him.

Sirus wrapped his arm around Grey’s chest, holding him upright as he plowed his fingers in and out of Grey’s anus. “You think Noah will respond so completely to me being inside his ass, like you’re doing right now?” Sirus’s taunting invaded Grey’s mind, consumed him and spurred his emotions as invasively as the man’s fingers did in his rectum. “You think I can make him hard and make him come without doing anything other than plugging his hole, the way I can with you?” Sirus shifted his fingers in Grey’s body and crooked the tips over Grey’s kill spot, shooting direct lines of zinging joy to every corner of Grey’s being, pushing him into overdrive.

His body and mind weakened with longing and wanting, Grey felt as if he hung suspended from Sirus’s arm and fingers; his balls painfully full, and his cock aching with the need to release. He shoved his ass back on Sirus’s embedded digits, trying to find that one extra touch that would throw him into orgasm. Grey reached, searched, almost sobbing for it, but couldn’t make himself come.

“Should I walk away from you right now and invite Noah into my bed?” Sirus said, slipping the words into Grey’s soul. “Leave you unfulfilled and go fuck him, hold him, love him, the way I do you?” His fingers started to slide from Grey’s ass, and Grey had never felt so frightened and alone in his life. The final inch of Sirus’s fingers left Grey’s body,
left him
, and Grey’s entire world went hazy red. “Tell me to leave you—”


Rage and loss tore through Grey, leaving him ragged and raw. He spun around and grabbed Sirus by the neck, yanking him in until mere inches separated their faces. His bare chest brushed against Sirus’s jacket with every heavy breath they shared. “You are mine,” Grey uttered, his voice so guttural he didn’t recognize it as his own. “I don’t care that you’re angry at me, or what you fucking think I tried to do to you today; you are mine.” His throat clogged, and he barely scratched out the words. “I wasn’t trying to change you or hurt you.” He crushed his mouth on Sirus’s, clinging in desperation. His fingers brushed through the hair at Sirus’s nape, and he somehow pulled the man even closer, whispering against his mouth in between kisses. “I swear I wasn’t.”

“I know.” His eyes unnaturally bright, Sirus held Grey’s head in his bruising hold, angling his mouth for a deeper kiss. Tongues swirled and fused together, bringing light back into the brief darkness of Grey’s world. “Now.” Sirus scraped his lips against Grey’s, sipping there. “I know now.”

Grey dug his fingers into Sirus’s coat, possessive fire scorching a trail right through his core. “You’d better have told Noah to get the hell out.” He pulled on the bigger man, stumbling them both into the counter. “He better fucking never try to shield you from me again.”

“Noah understands how I feel about you now,” Sirus said in between kisses. He tilted Grey’s head back and nuzzled into his neck, sucking the sensitive flesh there. “He knows the score.”

Hardness coated a shell around Grey’s fear, making his voice harsh. “You belong to me.” Insecurity smothered the softness his soul ached to give Sirus. “He can’t have you.”

“I want to be yours.” Sirus slid his lips all over Grey’s face, leaving not an inch of it untouched. “Just yours. I don’t want anyone else.”

A crack in the foundation of Grey’s resolve to stay strong weakened his knees, but he fought to stay upright. “I gave you my ass.” Roughness filled his voice and his throat was tight, hurting like hell, but he couldn’t shut up. “That better fucking mean something to you.”

“It does.” Sirus broke the savage depth of their kiss and pulled back, putting a small distance between them. His chest rose and fell in visible waves, breathless, but his eyes were clear and focused, and trained right on Grey. He lifted his hand and swept his knuckles softly over Grey’s cheek. With a catch in his voice, Sirus said, “It means everything to me.” He held Grey’s gaze, keeping him prisoner with just his eyes. “You mean everything to me.”

“Oh, Christ.” Unsteady, unable to catch himself and pull back, Grey fell. “I love you.” He mangled the words with the depth of his emotions, and he shook all over. “I love you.” Complete vulnerability rocked through him, and he turned away, terrified to let Sirus see such need in his eyes. The words just kept spilling out, though, ones he had never spoken to anyone in this way before. “I love you.”

“I know.” Sirus slid his hand around Grey’s waist, and Grey swore the other man knew he needed the extra strength to help hold him up. The brush of Sirus’s hand slid across Grey’s lower back, the warmth creating a shiver. The snap of a button and the soft sigh of a zipper caught the evening air, and then the rigid length of Sirus’s cock slid between the cheeks of Grey’s ass, teasing his pucker and crack. “I love you too, Greyson,” Sirus finally said softly, and tore right through what was left of Grey’s cool.

He kissed the side of Grey’s neck. “Always.”

“Oh fuck.” Grey’s legs buckled, the enormity of hearing Sirus say those words to him—and knowing they were true—stole the strength right from his body.

“Shh, shh, it’s all right.” Sirus took hold of Grey and slid them both down the cabinets to the floor. They landed with Grey on Sirus’s lap, his legs spread wide on either side of Sirus’s open thighs. Holding Grey around the waist with one arm, Sirus reached out and knocked the tray of butter off the shelf in the fridge, letting it fall the short distance to the floor. He smeared his fingers in the oily stuff and lifted Grey just a few inches, lubing Grey’s hole. Sirus fitted the head of his cock to Grey’s tender ring, drawing a whimpering gasp of need from Grey. “Slide down, baby,” Sirus said, pressing on Grey’s lower belly, “and take me inside.”

Grey did as ordered, moaning at the pure, physical
of Sirus penetrating his body and making them one. His eyelids slid closed, his head fell back against Sirus’s shoulder, and he blocked out every single thing in the world except the thick length of Sirus’s shaft pushing deep into his ass. Grey’s passage was still sore from the newness of fucking this way, but he welcomed the slight pain that mixed and became confused with the pleasure, knowing now that with Sirus this meant he was
. With Sirus, Grey wanted to experience everything. And he wanted it forever.

Lips brushed against Grey’s temple, and then the flick of a warm tongue. “Look at me, Greyson,” Sirus said, his voice husky and a little bit harsh. “Don’t hide. Not anymore. Not from me.”

Turning his head, Grey opened his eyes and found Sirus’s
gaze waiting for him, and he fought down the need to cry.

“No. Not hiding,” Grey promised. He touched Sirus’s stubbly cheek, and it looked like Sirus fought tears. “Just…” He looked into Sirus’s eyes, falling into their depths, while at the same time breathed through the stuffed-full sensation the man’s hard cock wreaked in his ass. “Feeling.” The scrape of the zipper on Sirus’s jacket rubbed Grey’s bare back, and the fabric of his barely opened jeans scratched Grey’s buttocks too. Sirus’s fingers dug into Grey’s legs, holding him spread open, pulling at Grey’s inner thigh muscles in the most exquisite way. Cool air caressed the front half of Grey’s body, but every inch of his flesh that touched Sirus burned hot enough to scorch his skin. Early cum leaked in a steady stream down Grey’s rearing erection, and his balls were pulled up tight against his body, painfully so. “Feeling everything; for the first time.” Grey gritted his teeth, fighting the onslaught of release, struggling to process everything and make this moment last forever. He stared into Sirus’s slate eyes, and tumbled the rest of the way home. “Because of you.”

Sirus’s pupils flared, blackness nearly overtaking the silver. “Son of a…” He left the curse in the air and latched onto Grey’s mouth in a bruising kiss, and at the same time surged up with his hips and stabbed his cock deep into Grey’s ass. Grey jerked and cried out, but never took his mouth off Sirus’s, craving the mingling of need and desire more than his next breath. Sirus curled his hands under Grey’s upper thighs and manipulated Grey’s movement, lifting and lowering Grey’s ass to slide up and down his piercing length, sending Grey’s channel walls into a rippling frenzy.

“Oh yeah, oh yeah…” Grey clamped his teeth, biting Sirus’s lower lip as he bore down and squeezed his chute all around Sirus’s embedded cock. Blinding pleasure raced through him and tingled every nerve ending in his body to life. Sirus groaned and let go of Grey’s legs, but quickly snaked one arm around Grey’s waist and tied them together in the middle. He jerked his other hand up and down Grey’s rock-hard dick in a suffocating tight grip, rendering Grey temporarily incapable of anything more than grunting and moaning.

Grey’s rectum flamed with the heat of Sirus’s invasion, but he needed the scorching-hot fire of friction or he thought he might die. His upper body fell forward, and he shifted his legs, bending at the knee as he planted his hands on Sirus’s jean-covered knees, searching for a hold. He dropped his head and his mouth hung open, his hair dripping sweat as he started to pound his ass down on Sirus’s cock in shallow, fast strokes. Grey’s knees lost traction on the hardwood floor, spreading wider and wider with every hard fuck. His left foot eventually hit the edge of the refrigerator and gave him a hold, but Grey didn’t care how he looked; he only cared about Sirus and coming.

His nuts crying for release, Grey became a frenzy of erratic gyrating as he pummeled his aching passage down on Sirus’s massive penis. “Fuck me; oh yeah, fuck me good.”

He howled low with the fierce stabbing of Sirus’s member into his hole. “Again, again.”

Grey couldn’t keep the need or pleading out of his voice, and no longer cared. “Oh, Christ, make me come for you.”

Sirus yanked Grey back up to his chest and fused their mouths together in a hard kiss. He buried a hand between Grey’s legs, but forewent his cock and balls. He went right past them straight to the pulled-tight, thin membrane of skin between Grey’s anus and scrotum, and gave it a good, hard rub with his butter-slicked fingers.

Grey exploded on contact, shouting into Sirus as his entire body convulsed on top of the other man, shuddering as orgasm took him over completely. His channel squeezed mightily and repeatedly around Sirus’s cock, triggering not only a second wave of orgasm in himself, but pushed Sirus there too. Sirus held onto Grey with a bruising hold as his cock swelled in Grey’s ass, and then pumped within, filling Grey’s rectum with steaming lines of cum. At the same time, Grey grabbed his cock and directed it upward, spraying a ridiculous, endless amount of seed, splashing the warm liquid onto his stomach, chest, and Sirus’s forearm. All the while, Grey kissed Sirus with every ounce of love in him, trying to invade the man,
him, brand him, in every single way.

He had to.

Grey was terrified.

Nothing was resolved between them, but he didn’t want this to ever end.

Chapter Twenty

Sirus’s head fell back against the cabinet; he exhaled, exhausted, as the last wave of orgasm rippled through him.

Good God. He had never had sex with anyone in the way he’d just had with Grey.

Never had sex with someone he loved so deeply, who also loved him back.

Holy shit. How in the hell did I fall so fast?

Grey suddenly tensed on top of Sirus, and started to pull away.

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