Read Guilty Pleasures Online

Authors: Donna Hill

Guilty Pleasures (37 page)

She hurried across the room, keeping a lookout on the bathroom.

“What are you doing here
” she whispered.

Eva peeked out from behind the row of suits. “Seeing what I could find. Where are his bodyguards

“One is out in front of the door. Don't know about the other two.”

“You gotta get him out of here and keep him busy. So whatever you had on your mind, forget it, Rita. Understood
” she said in no uncertain terms.

Rita vigorously nodded her head. “Just be quiet and stay out of sight.” Rita straightened and quietly shut the door. She quickly crossed the room and sat in the chair by the bed, composing herself just as Suarez emerged from the bathroom.

“I'm sure I can find something that you would be more comfortable in.”

She licked her lips. “Oh, I had my heart set on going to the show. I thought that was the plan.”

Suarez walked up to her, lifted her chin with the tip of his finger. “Plans can always be changed.”

Her insides melted; her resolve faltered. She wanted him, but she didn't want to arouse his suspicions. Too much was at stake. But then she pictured her cousin crouched in the closet. Could Eva sit there and be quiet while she and Suarez got wet and wild on his king-size bed

She took a step back. “Of course plans can be changed. I enjoy spontaneity in a man. But I did have my heart set on the show, especially after you recommended it.” She drew in a breath and stepped closer. “And you don't seem to be the kind of man that would disappoint a lady.” She drew a long nail tantalizingly down the center of his exposed chest.

Suarez's dark eyes grew even darker. His cheeks flushed beneath his even bronze complexion. “As you wish.” He walked away, back into the bathroom to change.

Rita sighed in relief. She walked past the closet and out into the front room, taking a seat on the couch. She didn't want Suarez to come out of the bathroom, find her sitting on his bed, and get any ideas that she'd changed her mind.

Moments later Suarez joined her. He straightened his tie. Looking down at her, he said, “Never let anyone tell you that I didn't make a lady happy.”

Damn that Eva!
“No one would dare say that.” She took his hand and stood.

Xavier placed a light kiss on her cheek. “I also admire a woman who has respect for herself. It forces me to respect her as well.” He chuckled. “You have forced me to respect you, beautiful Rita.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed the top of it. “Respect goes a long way. Always remember that,” he added, looking into her eyes. “Come. Let us go and be entertained.”

*   *   *

Once Eva was certain that they were gone and no one else was lurking about, she crept out of the closet. She tried to stand, but her legs gave out from being crouched for so long, and she wobbled to the floor. Wincing, she stretched her legs out in front of her and massaged her thighs and calves and wiggled her toes until blood started flowing again. She would have been a permanent pretzel if the two of them had hit the sheets and she'd been stuck in the closet the whole time.

At least she didn't lose her cool, she thought, slowly standing to test out her legs. The closet experience with Jake taught her well how to remain calm under pressure and not get claustrophobic and flip out.

Jake. She sighed, arched her back, then continued snooping around. She expected all sorts of reactions when she told him about being pregnant: shock, surprise, elation, maybe even anger, but not nothing. Not a word, not an outward expression of any emotion. All that nothing made her feel like she was dying inside.

She knew Jake had issues about starting a family. She opened the drawer next to the bed and gently lifted the papers inside so as not to disturb anything. But Jake had never really discussed his feelings with her. She closed the drawer then stood in the center of the room and did a slow 360, taking in the room inch by inch. She also knew he and Jinx grew up pretty much on their own much like she and Rita. All he'd ever said about his home life was that it was bad. It was a touchy subject for both of them, and so it was easy to push the past to the side and act like it didn't happen.

Eva crossed the room and went back to the closet, pulling out the locked suitcase.
People don't lock things if the stuff inside isn't important.
She could hear Jake's voice as plain as day. She fought back a smile as she studied the lock. It wasn't the lock that typically came with the suitcase. This one was specially made and from what she could see, brand-spanking-new. There were three locks on it: one on either end and one in the center. The one in the center was a combination lock. The suitcase was pretty heavy, but was it heavy enough to contain the money and the diamonds

No way of knowing unless they could get inside it. If anyone could, it would be Jake.

She snatched a piece of paper from the complimentary notepad on the nightstand by the bed and returned to the suitcase. Her years of sketching came in handy now. She quickly drew a duplicate of the suitcase, careful to include all the minute details, particularly the combination and the assembly around the locks.

Satisfied with her handiwork, she returned the suitcase to the closet, took one last look around to be sure she didn't leave any signs of her entry. She went to the front door, listened for any sounds, and inched the door open, then remembered that she was dressed as one of the crew. She was in uniform.

Eva opened the door fully and boldly stepped out into the corridor. She pulled the door shut behind her as two couples walked in opposite directions down the hallway, neither of them paying her any attention.

She headed back to her room. Just as she reached the cabin door, Jake and Jinx were coming out.


“Eva, I'm—”

“Why don't I let you two chat.” Jinx looked from one to the other before walking off.

They faced each other.

Less than an hour ago, she was ready to do it on her own. Walk away from the job and the man. But now, standing in front of him, she knew that all she'd ever wanted was Jake Kelly. But something was different.

Jake's always-ready grin, his devil-may-care charm were missing. In their place was an aura of tentativeness, a vulnerability that she rarely if ever saw. And that's when it hit her. He was afraid, not of failing at this job but at failing her. She reached out her hand and took his.

The beginning of a smile warmed his eyes. He angled his head toward the door of the cabin, and they went inside.



A Latin jazz band opened the show and enthusiastic partygoers took to the small dance floor doing salsa and mambo, dancing in the aisles when the floor became too crowded as they gyrated to the driving beats and sensual rhythms. Waiters couldn't keep up with the requests for drinks and refills even as they dodged around. Sequins flashed and heels clicked to the beat.

Xavier and Rita had front-row seats. Xavier saw to her every want. Drinks and food flowed throughout the evening. Xavier was the perfect gentleman and an excellent dancer. Never once did he give her the impression that he was the vicious crime lord she'd heard about.

Xavier's hand was at the small of her back as they left the lounge.

“I hope that you enjoyed yourself,” Xavier said.

“I had a wonderful time. Thank you.”

“Perhaps a nightcap … in my suite

She turned to him, keeping her smile in place. She reached out and ran a manicured nail across his jaw. “Another night. Maybe tomorrow
Besides, we have this entire cruise to get to know each other,” she said in a husky whisper.

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