Hagen, Lynn and Glenn, Stormy - End of the Line [Lady Blue Crew 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (14 page)

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Gigi could hear the slight crack in Remy’s voice. He didn’t want to let the large cock go. He focused on Remy’s pleasure. A need so deep it almost overwhelmed him had Gigi whimpering to hear cries of pleasure from Remy’s lips.

Remy placed his hands on Gigi’s head, holding him back as he pulled free. “On your hands and knees,” Remy repeated.

A light ripple skated over his skin as he turned over and got into position. Gigi groaned when Remy’s large hand grabbed one ass cheek and began to knead it.

“You had me scared to death something bad had happened to you, angel.”

Gigi shivered when he felt his mate’s saliva touch his hole. His eyes closed and his lips parted when a finger slid inside of him and grazed over his prostate. Gigi tried desperately to think of what Remy had just said, but his brain cells weren’t talking to each other right now. They were too busy taking pleasure at what his mate was doing behind him.

His forehead hit the mattress when Remy pulled his finger out and replaced it with a very large cock. He wanted to come, god he wanted to come, but Gigi was determined to make this last as long as possible. He grabbed onto the small amount of control that was slipping away and held onto it with an iron fist.

Remy was buried so deep inside of him that Gigi would swear they were one person, no beginning and no ending. His fingers curled into the sheets as Remy kicked his legs further apart with his knees.

“This is mine, angel.” His fingers bit into Gigi’s hips, as if backing up his declaration with his touch.

“Yours,” Gigi readily agreed as he rocked back to meet Remy’s forward thrust. Skin clapping together echoed through the room as Gigi smashed his eyes together, fighting off his orgasm. It was extremely difficult when Remy’s cock slid over his sweet spot on every damn stroke.

Gigi knew his control was gone when Remy leaned forward and sank his canines into his mating mark. He didn’t even have to touch his cock. The act of his mate claiming him had Gigi shouting to the gods as his seed spurted out in one throbbing burst after another.

“Remy!” he shouted as he rocked back on his hands and knees, pounding his ass as hard as he possibly could onto Remy’s cock.

Remy licked the wound closed as he howled, yanking Gigi back onto his shaft while manically snapping his hips. Waves of ecstasy crashed through Gigi as he felt Remy’s cock throbbing in his ass, spilling his seed inside of Gigi’s channel.

Remy held still for a moment as his hands glided over Gigi’s back. When his mate pulled free, Gigi groaned and collapsed onto the bed. Remy followed him down to the bed and pulled him close to his side.

“Never again, angel,” he whispered. “No more bruises. No more threats. No more getting attacked. My heart just can’t take it.”

Gigi smiled as he patted Remy’s massive chest. “I’ll try my best, love.”

Chapter 9

Remy leaned against the mess hall wall as he watched Livewire tap out a rhythm on his thigh with his thumb. He wasn’t sure if the guy had actually helped them or if he was a part of the whole operation to kidnap Gigi.

His crew had already grown by two, and taking on one more as a crew member wouldn’t hurt them financially. Remy just wasn’t sure if the man could be trusted. Two mates were now onboard, and as commander and half of a mated pair, Remy had to be very careful and one-hundred-percent sure before agreeing to hiring the mechanic or killing him. At this point, he was pretty okay with either choice.

“Are you going to interrogate me, hire me, or kill me?” Livewire asked as his thumb stilled. “This waiting to find out is havoc on the nerves.”

Remy ignored him as he tried to put the puzzle pieces together. He had to figure out Livewire’s angle before he’d agree to anything.

“He’s blue,” Pax stated as he stood by the kitchen door. “Blue is good.”

Remy was told about Pax and his mist thing, but he hadn’t had the luxury of time yet to figure out what the hell the man was talking about. Gigi trusted Pax, and Remy trusted Gigi. So by extension, could Remy trust Livewire?

Remy pushed away from the wall, rubbing his hand over a two-day beard growth. “I’m going to hire you, but one pinky out of place and you end up in the airlock and dumped into deep space,” Remy said, the warning clear in his voice. “Understood?”

Livewire nodded and started toward the mess hall doors. “And on that note, let me look under Lady Blue’s skirt.”

“Oh, no.” Remy chuckled evilly. “Your first assignment is in this room.”

Livewire turned and frowned at Remy. “It’s a mess hall. What could be wrong in here?”

Remy pointed to the food replicator. “Meet Mr. Attitude.” He had to bite back a grin when his angel giggled behind him. Remy crossed his arms over his chest and raised a brow in challenge. “Show me how good you are,

The mechanic rolled his eyes at Remy as he walked over to the replicator. “Piece of cake.” He pronounced each word with confidence. “Get ready to be amazed.”

Remy would be amazed if Livewire was able to get the replicator to stop foaming at the mouth. He wasn’t really looking forward to using it again since Gigi started cooking fresh food. He was addicted to his mate’s cooking now. This was more of a test to see how good the guy really was.

The thing was outdated and needed to be tossed out, but he would measure Livewire’s skills by the end results. The entire crew, except Tank who was flying the ship, sat down to watch the mechanic work his magic.

“I’d work a lot better if I didn’t have six sets of eyes burning a hole in my back,” Livewire complained as he removed the front paneling.

“We’re a team. Get used to it,” Remy stated as he took a few steps back toward the kitchen doors. If the foam started spurting, he was out of there. He could feel his angel’s fingers curl into the back of his shirt as everyone watched the possibly new mechanic stare in confusion at the jumble of exposed wires.

“What was that you spouted off?” Crank teased. “If you fix it they will come?”

Livewire’s eyes narrowed in on Remy’s demo expert. “If I fix this shit, I will come.”

“Gross,” Gigi said from behind Remy.

Remy smirked as he watched Livewire untangle the wires one by one. Livewire cursed and shook his hand when one of wires shocked him. Remy chuckled quietly. He’d bet his last credit that Livewire activated the damn machine and ended up covered in white goo.

“Just how old is this thing?” Livewire asked.

“It came with the ship,” Remy replied. “I think it’s original equipment.”

“What happened to it?”

“Beats me.”

“No, seriously.” Livewire glanced over his shoulder. “This thing has been rewired. I’m surprised you didn’t blow up the entire ship when you tried to use it. Nothing is where it’s supposed to be.”

“Like I said,” Remy replied, “it came that way.”

“Dude, this machine is so seriously botched.” Livewire snorted and turned back to the food replicator. He started yanking wires out by the handful and unscrewing stuff. Part after part fell to the floor until all that was left of the replicator was the shell.

Remy didn’t know what to think when Livewire suddenly sat down on the floor, grabbed his little bag, and pulled it closer. He opened the bag and pulled out a bottle of purple liquid and a cloth.

“You got a bowl?”

“A bowl?” Remy asked.

“Yeah, I need to clean these parts. They have so much crud on them I’m surprised the replicator was working at all.”

Remy turned when he felt Gigi nudge him. He smiled when his mate held a small metal bowl out to him. “Thanks, angel.” Remy carried the bowl across the room and set it on the floor next to Livewire then crossed back and resumed his position in front of Gigi.

Livewire poured a large amount of the purple liquid into the bowl then began setting the parts into the metal bowl one at a time. He’d put one in, let it soak for a moment, then pull it out, replacing it with another part. Each piece that he pulled out of the bowl, he wiped down with the cloth in his hand until they gleamed. He even cleaned the wires.

Finally, Livewire stood up and started putting everything back into the replicator. Remy didn’t understand half of what the man was doing, but he wasn’t a mechanic. There was a reason he didn’t work on the ship’s engines or computer parts. He was lousy at it. He made a much better commander.

“There, all done,” Livewire said as he snapped the panel back into place. He spun around and looked at everyone. “Who’s hungry?”

“Not me.” Remy shook his head. He wasn’t going first. No way, no how. He’d seen what that machine could do, and he didn’t trust it, even if Livewire did. Besides, he’d much rather eat Gigi’s cooking.

Colt, Crank, and Blade all shook their heads. Colt growled. Pax and Gigi made a quick path back into the kitchen.

Livewire rolled his eyes. “Fine, I’ll test it out.” Livewire turned back to the machine and tapped in what he wanted.

Remy braced himself, ready to grab his mate and run when he heard the machine start up. He blinked when all he heard was a small whizzing sound, and a moment later a large glass of milk and a plate of cookies materialized on the tray under the machine.

Livewire grabbed the glass and plate and carried it over to the table. He sat down and proceeded to dip his cookies into the milk and eat each one. By the time he was done, the rest of the guys were leaning close, their eyes watching Livewire raise the last cookie to his mouth as they licked their lips.

Livewire picked up the glass of milk and drank it all down then set the glass on the table. He wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve then folded his hands together as he looked at everyone. “Anything else you want me to look at?” He wore a smug smile on his face with a gleam of pride shining in his eyes.

Remy chuckled as he pushed away from the kitchen doors and started toward the corridor. “You’re hired for now, Livewire. Tank will see that you’re assigned a room and give you a list of assignments.”

“Hey!” Gigi snapped as he barreled out of the kitchen and planted his hands on his hips. “Does this mean I’m not the cook anymore?”

“No, angel.” Remy pointed toward the newly repaired replicator. “This means that you can use the food replicator to assist you in cooking. I still expect home-cooked meals from my cook.”

“Oh.” Gigi’s face flushed.

“I prefer as much fresh food as I can get, but there will be times when we can’t buy any or barter for any. That’s when you’ll need the replicator. Until then think of the replicator like a tool, just like the stove and the spice shelf.”

“Okay, that makes sense.”

Remy chuckled as Gigi bounced back into the kitchen. A moment later he could hear pans clanking around. He knew his angel was satisfied his place was secure on the ship. He could hear him humming.

“Tank, plot a course to Beta Five,” Remy said into the com link in his ear when he reached the doors leading out of the mess hall. “We still have a job to do there.”

“Remy, I still need those detonators,” Crank said. “I never got them, and I can’t do the job without them.”

“Damn it.” Remy rubbed his jaw as he tried to think of any other place they could pick up some detonators. With a price on their heads, the number of people they could go to had significantly lowered.

“What’s a detonator?”

Remy glanced up to see Gigi standing in the doorway. “It’s something Crank uses to detonate explosives. Make them go boom.”

Crank laughed at the confused look on Gigi’s face. “It’s a small, thin, silver tube-looking thing about the size of my pinky.” Crank snickered as he held up his hand. “Well, if I had a pinky.”

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