Read Hard Corps Online

Authors: Claire Thompson

Hard Corps (23 page)

‘Eric! This stuff is gorgeous! I want it!’

He laughed, and I caught that slight flush to his cheeks that was so appealing.

‘I’m glad you like it. I don’t produce much, though. I spend too damn long on each piece. Then I end up attached to it somehow and don’t want to sell it. Isn’t that dumb?’

‘Not at all. Such pretty stuff; I would want to keep it too. Especially if I’d made it with my own hands.’

‘Wanna see more?’ He suddenly looked like a devilish four-year-old with something up his sleeve.

‘Sure. Is there another showroom somewhere?’

‘Yep. One just chock full of the stuff. About two blocks from here.’

‘Oh! What’s it called?’

‘My house.’ He laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh with him. Why not, I figured, and off we went, calling our farewells to Frank as we headed toward Eric’s place.

Eric’s house was on a pretty little lot with carefully tended flowerbeds on each side of the walkway. The house had a big, open front porch where two of his beautiful rocking chairs sat, looking empty and inviting.

‘Do you live here alone?’

‘Sure do. I like my solitude. I’m too old for a roommate, anyway.’ I turned toward him. ‘Twenty-four,’ he said, anticipating my question. ‘Anyway, here it is. My humble abode. Come on in.’

We entered and I liked it right away. Eric’s signature furniture was nicely spaced around the room. On a futon frame rested a bright, overstuffed futon cushion with splashes of yellow and gold against a teal green. The room was open and had a spacious feel to it, with blond, hardwood floors and little throw rugs here and there.

Giving me a tour, he showed me the study, where his computer rested in a corner on a computer table of his own design. It was built to nestle into the corner of the room, with several tiers of shelves, laden with books and papers, rising to the ceiling. A long, low couch occupied the other wall.

There was a little kitchen and then finally, the bedroom. His bed filled most of the room. It was a king-sized bed with tall posts at each corner. There was a gauzy netting draped over the posts, creating a canopy effect. The window was open, and breeze blew through at just that moment, causing the netting to sway.

‘This is so great. It is like a dream room.’

‘That’s my dream canopy!’ he said, surprised. ‘I sort of imagine it catches my dreams. I know it’s corny, but I like the idea.’

‘No, it’s neat. I like it too.’

We were standing close to the bed. Suddenly his arms were around me. His mouth found mine and we kissed for a long moment. It wasn’t like Jacob’s crushing, probing kisses, all force and teeth and tongue. It was gentle, but deep. It was almost like we were drinking each other in.

After a long moment, he let me go, and we both sort of fell together on the bed. Slowly, sensually, Eric started to unbutton the row of tiny buttons that held my dress closed. He pulled them open one by one, until my breasts were exposed, though still covered in the lace of my pink bra. Eric’s mouth found the swell of my breasts. His tongue slid over the lace fabric till it reached my nipples, where he playfully bit and tugged until I was rigid with desire.

Not willing to wait for him, I reached behind my back and unclasped the hooks of my bra. Eric at once took over, pushing up the delicate fabric with his hands. My eyes shut in pleasure as I felt his kiss again, this time on bare flesh. Eric focused on the tender, stiffening tips, drawing a moan from me.

He kissed and suckled me like a starving man, his mouth devouring me while his hands moved up and down my sides. I wanted him. I wanted him to take me, there and then. My arms circled up around his neck and I pulled his body on to mine. We rolled so that I was on top of him. Straddling him at the hips, I leaned down and kissed his perfect mouth again and again.

I could feel his impossibly hard erection pressing against my inner thigh. After a few more kisses, he sat up. ‘Remy.’ His voice was hoarse with desire, with need. I rolled over as he stood, pulling his shirt over his head and quickly unbuttoning his jeans. His cock was perfectly outlined in his pale-blue cotton underwear, long and thick and painfully erect. There was already a drop of pre-come at the tip, making a little wet spot on his underwear.

As he stood there, strong and beautiful, with dark, reddish-blond chest hair tapering off in a thin line down his belly, I inhaled his beauty. He was gorgeous. I was almost transfixed by his muscular, lean body, as I stripped unselfconsciously in front of him. I slipped out of my dress and let the useless bra drop to the floor. I could feel my nipples straining as the blood engorged them. They were literally aching to be kissed again. I wriggled out of my panties and stood for a moment naked before him.

Being exposed so often and with so many different people had given me a certain confidence — or at least ease — about my body. I stood still and straight as he stared at my naked form. I wanted to give him a chance to examine me. I felt somehow that he had that right. Eric didn’t speak, but his eyes were bright with desire.

Without planning it, without deciding to be submissive or otherwise, I kneeled on the floor at his feet. It felt like the natural place to be. Using my hands and my mouth, I carefully pulled his underwear down past his engorged cock. It popped out, jutting toward me.

I put my hands behind my back, kneeled carefully up, and took that gorgeous cock into my mouth. First I swirled my tongue around the hooded head of his penis, feeling the groove with my tongue. Then I let him slip into my mouth, relaxing my throat as Jacob had taught me, until his cock was all the way back. I couldn’t breathe. His cock was actually blocking the air passages of my throat.

I eased forward slightly, breathed deeply, and then took him back again into my throat, my tongue and mouth muscles working to massage his cock from tip to base. Eric moaned and pulled my head into his hands. He grasped handfuls of my hair and held them as if they were reins. Moaning, he arched into me. I took him in, revelling in the sexy, musky scent of his pubic hair. Still I kept my hands behind my back. I wanted to please him using just my mouth.

After just a minute more, he pulled away, his cock sliding out as he let go of my hair. I looked up at him. Had I failed to please him in some way? His penis was still rock hard, and now shiny with my kisses. He held out his hands to me and pulled me up, then lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his hips, feeling his cock press up against my pubic bone.

Leaning over the bed, Eric dropped me gently on to the covers. Then he fell on top of me, pinning me with his perfect weight. My arms fell over my head, and his hands found my wrists. Taking each one tightly, he held me, pinned under him. His cock found its way with little trouble to my sopping wet, eager pussy. With one thrust he was in to the hilt. He lay still for a moment, perhaps savouring the feeling of being enveloped by my hot, velvet walls.

I couldn’t stay still. My hips started to rotate, trying to take him further into my body. Still he didn’t move, but lay heavily on top of me. I groaned, trying to pull my hands free, but his grip only tightened. Suddenly he pulled out a little and thrust back in, hard. This forced a gasp from me. Again and again he pulled back and then thrust, creating a perfect, intense rhythm as his pubic bone struck my clit while his cock impaled my pussy.

I was moaning and writhing under him. His mouth found mine and he kissed me, more forcefully this time, as his cock pounded my pussy until I thought I would faint from pleasure. Finally, with his own long, low moan, Eric arched up and thrust his seed into me. I kept moving, desperate to come now, but he pulled back and away suddenly.

‘What is it?’ I asked, half crazed with the need to come.

‘You didn’t come, did you?’

‘God, I’m so close. Come back. You’re still hard.’

‘No. I want to watch you. Make yourself come with your hand. Keep your eyes open. I want to see your eyes as you come.’

Just his commanding voice was enough. I felt myself becoming his. I felt that subtle transition from lover to submissive. Staring at him, my body on fire, I put my fingers to my swollen pussy. First I slowly pressed two fingers into my vagina. Leaning over, he pressed his own hand over mine, forcing my fingers in as deep as they would go. The intensity of the movement made my body convulse with desire. He let go, and sat back again, watching me intensely.

I slowly withdrew my fingers, and began to rub and swirl around the hot, wet surface of my pussy. I was so aroused, I knew I could come instantly. As if it were the most natural question in the world, I said, ‘Please, sir. May I come now?’

And as if it were the most natural answer in the world, Eric answered, ‘Yes. Do it for me. Now.’ On the word now, my body began to convulse with spasms of pleasure. I was wracked with waves of intense release. I struggled to keep my eyes open and fixed on his. But they kept fluttering shut. My hand dropped away from my sex, and I fell back, my breathing still loud and ragged. Suddenly I felt his fingers where mine had just been. He began kneading the hard, little nub of my clit with rough fingers.

‘No,’ I said weakly. ‘No, I can’t come anymore. Stop. I’ve had enough.’

‘Ah, but I haven’t.’ He smiled slightly but his eyes were hard. ‘I want to see you come again. For me. Come for me, Remy.’ His fingers were relentless. As they swirled and tugged and pressed against me, his mouth came down on one nipple, kissing and biting it. I fell back, completely giving myself over to the sensations. I was treading on the edge of consciousness. I felt dizzy and hot. The intensity of feeling radiated up from my pussy. I became nothing more than a pussy. Just feeling, just sensation, just raw sex.

I heard a high-pitched squealing sound that seemed to go on and on. I realised as my body convulsed, wracked with the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced, that the wailing came from me. My body took complete control, then, and I heard no more. I came and came until I fell back, completely spent, tears streaming down my face.

I felt his arms around me then, enfolding me against his warm, supple body. He was kissing away the tears that had trickled down my cheeks of their own accord. I sighed and snuggled into his chest, deeply happy, completely exhausted.

We must have fallen asleep, because when I awoke, still crushed in Eric’s tender embrace, the sun was slanting through the window at a much lower angle. I kissed Eric’s stratchy cheek, and slowly his lovely, blue-green eyes opened. For a moment he looked confused, and then desperately, touchingly happy. Again I felt that slight catch in my chest. Remembering Eloise’s description of how the colonel made her feel, I wondered, was this going to be my taste of the stars in heaven?

Chapter Fourteen

hat night Eric and I ate at a little seafood place that had the best fresh oysters I ever tasted. It was weird, but somehow food just tasted better when I was with him. A squeeze of lemon, a dash of Tabasco, and down went the slippery little morsel. We’d follow it up with a healthy swig of ice-cold beer. After neither of us could eat another bite, we decided to go for a little walk.

It was a new moon, so you could really see the stars, pricking the sky in all directions. We held hands and walked quietly for a while. Eric led me down a winding path behind the park. It was secluded and quiet, with a little grove of trees obscuring the path just ahead. Eric turned to me and stopped. I stopped too, about to ask what was up, when he silenced me with a long, deep kiss.

I felt my nipples harden and my pussy grow moist with desire. My body was already softening in anticipation of whatever might follow. Without a word, Eric drew back, looking at me with an expression at once tender and fierce.

‘Remy,’ he whispered. ‘I want to taste you. No one can see us.’ As he spoke, he pressed me up against a tree. Pinning me there with his body, he kissed me again. While his mouth was busy on mine, his hands reached up under my dress. With one quick pull, my panties were down to my ankles. I struggled against him, trying to get away.

‘Eric! What are you doing! Someone will see!’

‘No one will see. No one comes around here at night. And if they do see, so what? Don’t you want to take risks for me? Don’t you want to please me in this way? Because it would please me, Remy. To know that you are submitting, yes, submitting to me.’ He seemed to savour the words, to get excited just from the sound of them. I was getting excited too.

I stopped struggling, and felt that wonderful sense of peace dropping over me like a cloak. I have never been able to adequately describe the feeling I get when I let go, when I give myself up to someone else’s control. It is sublime.

Eric kneeled down before me. Placing a hand on either thigh, he gently spread my legs. ‘Put your hands over your head, Remy. High. Grab hold of each wrist. Don’t move or speak until I give you permission. Do you understand?’

‘Yes, sir.’ The ‘sir’ just slipped out. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world. I raised my arms high above my head, locking my wrists together as instructed. I leaned back against a tree, feeling its rough bark pressing through the light fabric of my dress. Then I felt his mouth close to my bared pussy. His breath was hot against me as I felt his tongue, wet and tentative, on my delicate folds.

Remembering his admonishment to be quiet and still, I bit my lower lip, trying to keep silent as he picked up his pace, licking and tasting every part of my pussy that he could reach. Using his hands, he spread the lips wide, leaving my clit bared and defenceless to his onslaught.

I couldn’t help but moan as he licked and bit my tender little bud. Soon I had forgotten all warnings to be still and was writhing against him, so close to coming I could feel the pull deep in my pussy as my body prepared for its sweet release.

On and on he kissed me, holding me still with his hands on my hips. I did manage to keep my arms up and raised as he had told me, but my cry pierced the still night as I came on his face. Bucking and arching into him, I came again and again.

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