Hard Corps (26 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

I waited, my padded knees and gloved palms resting comfortably on the hay that covered the stall floor. This was the strangest assignment yet. After what seemed like a long time when you’re on your hands and knees, but probably wasn’t more than ten minutes or so, I heard the sound of boots stomping and shuffling through the stall. I felt Captain Rather’s presence as I looked at the ground, bit in my mouth, my body harnessed and bridled.

‘Ah, lovely,’ he murmured. I could see his boots from the corner of my eye; tall, rich, brown leather riding boots. I also saw the long, thin riding crop dangling carelessly from one hand, the looped tip touching the toe of his boot.

I felt his hand on the harness and bridle, pulling, feeling the fit. Then I felt the reins being lifted and the bit in my mouth was suddenly pulling back against the corners of my mouth. Without thinking about it, I raised my head to relieve the pressure against my lips.

‘Good little filly,’ he laughed delightedly. ‘You respond well to the bit. Ah, and such nice, well-formed flanks.’ He stroked my lower back, moving down the curve of my ass to my thighs.

‘Your tail looks so pretty against your legs. I can’t wait to ride you.’ Ride me! Of course, I should have realised instantly, when Joe put on the pads and gloves. Well, the captain was not a big man, though he did sport a lot of extra fat. But I was strong, and surely I could handle it if he didn’t make me go too fast.

He mounted me, for lack of a better term, and leaned over, kissing my neck with wet lips. ‘Let’s see what you’re made of, pony girl. Yah!’ With that last yell, I felt the sharp sting of his crop on my ass. He grabbed the reins and pulled, forcing my head up high. ‘Let’s go, pony girl, and step high!’

He continued to smack my ass as I started to crawl around the stall with this little man on my back. ‘Faster!’ he yelled, pulling the reins and hitting at my thighs. I tried to speed up. It was hot in the leather bridle and harness and the sweat was already beginning to trickle from my forehead and underarms.

Around and around we went, until he directed me to go out into the open air. I was nervous, but knew I had no choice but to obey. No one was in sight, luckily, as I entered the bright sunlight of that warm spring day. With the sun now beating down and the weight of the harness and the captain, I began to sweat in earnest, and to breathe heavily as I tried to ‘step high’. Would this ever end?

‘Yes, yes, yes,’ he kept muttering, as he leaned forward, the crop stinging my ass and thighs. I was slowing my pace; I couldn’t help it. He relented at last as we reached the stall entrance and jerked at the reins. ‘Whoa. Halt.’ I stopped, grateful, sweat dripping into my eyes. I tossed my head in an effort to get the sweat off and the gesture seemed to please him.

‘Oh, my poor, hot, little darling,’ he crooned. ‘Let’s get you cleaned up.’ He slipped off me and carefully lifted the leather cap and reins. I opened my mouth to let the saliva-covered bit slip out as he took the whole apparatus and tossed it on the ground near us. Then he began unbuckling the heavy harness, lifting it from my sweat-soaked body. When he removed the long tassels from my breasts I sucked in my breath as the bloodflow returned to my tender nipples. He didn’t remove the tail, pads or gloves, but instead said, ‘Stay on your knees, pony girl, and follow me.’

Exhausted, I trailed behind him, my muscles like jelly as I forced my body to cooperate. Once in the stall, he helped me off with the pads and gloves, and told me to kneel just on my bare knees. Then he took a large bucket of water, dipped a soft rag into it, and began to wash me down. The cold water felt heavenly on my heated flanks. He dunked the rag and lifted it, raining water on to my head and face. I lifted my face to the refreshing water, eyes closed. Then he held a cup to my mouth and allowed me to drink until I was satisfied. Roughly he towelled me dry and then he said, ‘Lie on your back and spread your legs, pony girl. I want to see that pussy.’

I lay back, relieved to be able to lie down. I closed my eyes as he kneeled next to me, leaning his body over mine so that his face was close to my pussy. ‘You look so good like that, with that beautiful tail stuck up your pretty little ass. Oh, and you are so soft.’ As he spoke, I felt his fingers lightly touching my pussy lips. Slowly, delicately, he began to massage the flesh. He was skilful and, though this whole charade had left me exhausted and not at all turned on, his fingers began to awaken desire in me.

He inserted one, and then two fingers deep into my pussy, sending a shiver of sensation through me that made me shudder visibly. He laughed his pleasure at my reaction. He continued to rub and finger-fuck my pussy until I was moaning and arching up into his hand. Just as I was about to come, he stopped and stood up in front of me. I opened my eyes to see him pulling his small but very erect penis out. He began furiously pumping his cock, positioned over my prostrate body and spread pussy.

After a few moments, he moaned loudly and then began to spurt over my belly and sex. I was still aroused and unsatisfied, and wasn’t really expecting to get to come. I started to close my legs but he said, ‘Keep them open, bitch. I’m not done with you yet.’ Then he held his now flaccid penis over me and did something I will never forget. He pissed on my spread pussy, the hot urine splashing in a steady, hard stream against my clit. And here’s the really perverse part of the whole thing: I came.

Chapter Sixteen
The Freedom Club

t was two weeks before I could get away from the requirements of the Academy for a leave with my sweetheart. He sent me the plane ticket and said he would meet me at the airport. I was more than a little nervous to see him after these two weeks. What if it had only been an infatuation, as Amelia suspected? What if the magic was gone, an illusion born of need and wishful thinking?

Any fears evaporated when I saw him waiting at the gate. He stood back a little from the crowd, smiling, his arms crossed on his chest. When I came to him he wrapped me silently in a strong embrace, his face buried in my hair.

‘Remy,’ he whispered. ‘You came back.’ As if I wouldn’t! I pulled back a little, and offered my lips up for a kiss. He kissed me, that sweet, warm kiss that had melted all resistance the first time we had touched. He took my small duffel-bag and said as we walked out of the terminal, ‘Good that you packed light; you won’t be needing much.’

Back at his place we ate a nice lunch of chicken salad sandwiches and fruit that he had prepared and then he turned to me, his eyes warm but his expression serious. ‘Remy, we’ve had time to think things through, you and I. We’ve been apart these last two weeks and had time to decide if what we had together is something we want to continue. I want to tell you now that I have decided I want you whatever way I can have you. And if that doesn’t include D/s, that’s OK too. It’s your call, Remy. That’s what I’m trying to say. But understand this.’ He paused, making sure I was focused on what he was saying. I was.

‘Understand that, if you enter this relationship with me as my slave, there is no going back. I know it was a kind of game for you back at school, but with me it will be different. You will be my possession. I will own every part of you, from your toes, to your pussy to your breasts to your heart to your soul. Do you understand that? I would demand that nothing be held back from me, not now or ever. You would pledge your devotion, your servitude and your love for as long as we are together. I in turn will pledge my devotion, my guidance and my love for as long as we are together. Is that something you want, darling?’ The similarity to wedding vows was not lost on me.

‘Oh, yes, Eric. I want it. I have always wanted it, and I never even knew it was possible until we met. But this isn’t even about want for me. I have no choice. I already belong to you. I just thank God that you want to claim what is already yours.’ He held out his hand, smiling broadly, but there were tears in his eyes.

I came to him, rising from the chair. He pulled me on to his lap and kissed me long and hard. ‘We only have a weekend for now to cram in everything we can. I don’t want to waste a second! Let me tell you how it will be for this weekend. You won’t sit on any furniture, unless expressly invited to do so. I want to help you feel your new status as quickly as possible. You won’t wear any clothing except what I give you and when I tell you. You will always kneel in my presence, and keep your eyes on my cock unless I am speaking to you, then you can look me in the face.

‘I’m familiar with “safe words”, as I presume you are, but we won’t be using anything like that. You are safe with me by definition. You are safe because you can trust me to explore your limits carefully and to stop when I, as your master, think it is time to stop. Understand that you no longer call the shots. Everything is up to me. For this weekend, again to help you to more quickly appreciate your position, you will take no action without my express permission and approval. You won’t eat food, or drink water, or pee on the toilet, without asking me first. You certainly won’t come without permission, and you must always thank me for whatever I choose to do to you. Do you understand, Remy?’

His words were having a hypnotic effect on me. Just the words alone, uttered in his lovely baritone, were enough to soak my panties. I felt that delicious languor of submission fall over me, slowing my heart rate, parting my lips, engorging my pussy and nipples with desire. I nodded, sliding from his lap to the floor as I did so. I kneeled there, head bowed, my heart so full of love it actually hurt.

I felt his hand on my head. ‘Go wash up, Remy, and leave your clothes in the bathroom. Come to me in the bedroom when you’re ready. I want to use you.’

I hurried to the bathroom, unable to control the huge smile that spread across my face. I was in heaven. This was what I had not been able to articulate, but had known somehow was there. This was what it was really about for me. This was what I had yearned for with Jacob, but hadn’t had the words or understanding to seek.

I stripped and used a warm, soapy washcloth to freshen myself. Then I brushed my teeth and splashed on some perfume. I undid my French braid and shook my hair free over my shoulders. I hoped he would approve; I desperately wanted to please my new master.

Eric was on the bed, his shirt off, only in his faded jeans. I wanted to come and cover his hard, well-muscled chest with kisses, but of course I didn’t. I kneeled at the foot of the bed, head bowed, arms behind my back, to await his bidding.

‘I’ve gotten some toys since you were last here.’ Eric was up now, getting something from his bureau. ‘I can’t wait to try them out on my little slave girl. I’ve been practising my technique, but have yet to try it out on a real person, so you’ll have to let me know if I’m doing it right, Ms Expert Slave Girl.’ He laughed and I smiled.

‘See what I have for you, slave?’ I looked up and saw that he had a large, heavy flogger, a riding crop, leather wrist and ankle cuffs, several dildos and gags, a blindfold, and lots of rope. I was impressed, and said so. Just seeing all that lovely equipment laid out got me even hornier than I already was.

‘Get on the bed,’ he said quietly, ‘on your back. Spread your legs and put your arms over your head.’

I did as I was told, feeling my heart already beginning to thud in my chest. He attached the soft, leather cuffs to my wrists and ankles, looking at me tenderly as he did so. Taking my left leg, he raised it and attached it to a tie already secured high up on the post. He did the same thing with my right leg, so that my ass was lifted off the bed. Then he took each wrist and secured them to the top posts. I was completely immobilised now, but not at all afraid. I would have trusted him with my life.

‘Oh, God, are you beautiful,’ he sighed, and I felt myself colouring slightly. I loved his attentions, but I still wasn’t used to them. He went over and picked up the crop. ‘I think I’ll start with this,’ he informed me. ‘It’s the easiest one to handle. Just lie back and relax — ’ like I had a choice ‘ — I want to warm that lovely flesh all over to get you in the mood.’

He began to smack my ass with the little square of hard leather. The smack of leather on skin always aroused me, as did the sting of the little crop. It didn’t hurt at all, at first, as he warmed my skin, moving from my ass to my thighs, and then up to my stomach, my breasts, and back down again. I was breathing harder, but controlled and deeply. He put down the crop for a moment and I felt his lovely fingers invade my spread and very wet pussy. He slid in several fingers and I felt my muscles contracting on them. I tried to move into his hand, to position myself to fuck myself on his hand, but I couldn’t move.

‘Naughty little slut.’ He laughed. ‘Did I tell you you could move? Time for lesson number one. Don’t move until invited to do so.’ He picked up the crop and smacked my delicate pussy folds, causing me to yelp and twist in my bonds. ‘You forgot already! There you are, moving again! Let’s try it once more.’ Again he smacked my pussy, and again I yelled and twisted, not having been prepared for the quick blow. I was longing to press my thighs together, to escape the hard, leather stinging my pussy, but of course I couldn’t.

‘Remy, this isn’t a game. Behave, or I will really punish you. I will tie you under the bed and leave you there for hours. Don’t make me do that, honey. We don’t have the time for this silliness. Now, get ready. I’m warning you this time. Stay still when I spank that naughty little pussy, or we’ll be at this all night.’

Smack! Down came the crop, but this time I managed it. I sighed deeply but I did manage to keep from twisting away from the crop. Then it came down on my nipple, and I screamed, but again did not try to squirm away.

‘Much better. I knew you could do it, Remy. You can do so much more than you think you can. I am going to help you discover just how far you can go.’

I wanted him so bad just then. If I had been free I think I would have fucked him! But I was bound and helpless, and forced to endure the delicious torment. He continued the cropping, covering every part of my body he could reach with the wicked sting. Then his large, cool hands were on me, soothing away the fire, lighting a new one in my belly. ‘Thank me,’ he murmured, his face in the hollow of my neck.

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