Read Harkham's Corner (Harkham's Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Chanse Lowell,Lynch Marti

Harkham's Corner (Harkham's Series Book 3) (5 page)

He shook his head back and forth, his ears hitting her thighs.

She sighed and leaned back into the wall. They couldn’t afford a headboard.

It cost them all of their money to buy this place, and that was even after Dustin helped with the down payment.

“Then I’m telling you now—if you don’t do something about this tomorrow, then no more of this nice Mari.”

His head popped up. “Whattaya mean? No sex?” His voice shook.

“No. I’m not that cruel, and I’m not trying to punish myself.” She walked her fingers through his bangs and then scratched his scalp like he did sometimes to Choppy.

“Then what?”

“No more of me stocking you up with soda. I’ll let you tear through what we have, but then you go buy it yourself.”

“Maaaa-riiiii!” His voice hitched.

“I don’t care what you do, or who you talk to about what happened today, but someone needs to know what’s going on in that head of yours.” She leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Try to buy your soda yourself, and see what happens.”

“Zach can get it for me.”

“He won’t.”


“Nope. I’ll tell them both you’re being restricted.”

“I’m a man!” His spine snapped straight. “And I can have a damn soda if I want to.”

“Yes, but you can’t go into that grocery store by yourself since that stupid woman reported you when she saw you again. Remember her? The one with the cute little girl you gave a ride in the cart?”

“That was a long time ago. The grocery store doesn’t care anymore.” He swallowed hard. No more soda?

“They keep files of stuff like that.”

“They do?” His eyes dried out as he failed to blink. “I can go to a convenience store.”

“You don’t like operating the fountain machines, and you hate getting into those glass doors,” she reminded him.

“The doors make that awful suction sound. It makes my head ring.” He shivered for a second.


“Be nice.” He stroked her belly, and neared better places. “You have to be nice to me. I’m the man. I’m
man, and I say be

She let him touch her wherever he wanted, but her breathing didn’t escalate.

“Be hot for me,” he said. “I like that even better than being nice.”

“Be reasonable and talk to someone about your episode and dreams.” Her breathing was still the same.

His chest heated and pressure built up.

“Will you make those noises I like?” He leaned in and kissed her at the corner of her mouth.

Her left leg went up and bent at the knee.


“And soda? I can have that as well?”

“You can. Just share.” Her voice was softer.

“What if I decide to go to another grocery store?”

“You can do that, sure, but you’ll feel guilty while you’re buying it.”

He groaned, and his head fell down to his chest. “Why?
do you have to do this?”

She kissed his crown and set her hands on his shoulder. “Because I love you, and I want you to feel like a man. And when you have episodes and feel out of control, you act out. You regress, and I know you hate yourself when that happens, even if it doesn’t bother me. I want you to like
” She paused. “Do you realize you’ve told me about a dozen times today you’re a man? You only do that when you’re really upset.”

“I like you. I like you wet and soft and melting in my hands. I like you listening to me when I tell you where to touch me.” He ignored her man comment. Who counted stuff like that?

“Tell me right now you’ll talk to someone tomorrow, and I’ll do all of those things.” She gripped his shoulders harder.

“In the garage?” His voice went up in pitch, and his body temperature rose.

“Tomorrow I’ll do whatever you want in the garage, but only after you talk to someone.”

“In the car? If I want you to put your head in the trunk, and I get that sticky back seat down so it opens to the trunk, you’ll do that?”

She laughed for a moment, and it was low and sexy sounding, traveling down to his tightening groin.

“Yes, Adam. I’ll bend backward and do the splits with one leg out the window if that’s what you want.”

“Fucking hell and damn straight,” he said, smirking. “I need your pussy that way.” He lurched forward and practiced with her in that moment, making sure she was as limber as she was suggesting. Practicing was important.

She sighed when he rubbed himself all over her.

“Okay, Mari. I promise I’ll do whatever you ask, if you’ll make my garage fantasies come true tomorrow.”

She nodded, grinning at him and touching her nipples with her naughty fingertips.

Maybe he’d bring a soda so he could drink one afterward. He might need it if she was going to let him moan and scream, too.

Chapter 3


“What has you so upset?” Adam’s mom asked.

“You know what has me like this.” He gripped the back of his head.

She sat next to him, and he scooted away, creating distance. “It wasn’t done to upset you. He just wants to make things better.”

“By taking me to court?” Adam huffed, his voice going up in pitch. He gripped the edge of the couch.

“You wouldn’t talk to him or discuss this with him. He wants some rights.” Her fingers flexed on her lap. Was she going to try and touch him?

Adam stood. “You know what? Fine. He can have all the rights. I don’t want anything to do with him or his music.” He pointed down the hallway. “You tell him I don’t want any credit. See—then he has no claim on me. I did that because it was his birthday, not because I wanted to make any money off it. How was I supposed to know it would be so popular?”

“You have a gift. We both realize that—your father and I want to help you. This could make you a lot more money. It already helped you gather a down-payment for your home.” She slouched and leaned toward him. Was she about to hug him?

His spine stiffened, and he angled away from her. “That’s fine. I’ll give you all the money back.” He flinched.

“No, Adam.” Her eyes went wide. “That’s not why he did that. It’s not about the money—it’s about having some claim over you as your father. It’s about you recognizing him.”

Adam’s shoulders went back. “I told you—I did it for his birthday. Obviously I was recognizing him as my father! He wants money, or why would he be claiming rights to the song?”

“Forget it. It’s clear you’re still not ready to talk about this. He made money on it for you. He gave all the money to
—had Dustin put it straight into your joint account with him. If you’d just let him, your father could market you, and you could do what you love, instead of languishing away in some medical office.”

His eyes twitched, and his back was on fire as he damn near shouted, “I am
languishing! I’m good at what I do! Ask Dad—my
dad, not Thomas! I don’t know that man!” He was pointing down the hallway once more. “And see if I ever do anything nice for him ever again!”

He stomped through the living room and toward the door.

As soon as he was in his car, tears flooded down his cheeks.

His fingers shook as he held the steering wheel and raced down the street.

“Ahhhhhh! I hate that man!” he hollered over and over again.

The minute he was inside his house, he blasted down the hallway in search of his wife.

She was napping, and Button was in his crib, sleeping as well.

He went to Mari’s side, grabbed her into his arms and before she could speak, he was heading to the garage.

“I spoke to her like you wanted me to. Now, you’re coming with me. In the car—strip, and I’ll tell you what I want,” he growled.

She blinked with rapidly changing emotions crossing her features—shock, elation and being turned on. All of this while she was still waking up.

“What’re you . . . I mean, did you . . .”

“Shhh. I talked to Sarah, and that’s all I’m gonna tell you about it right now. I don’t want to talk about all that mess until after I’ve had you.” He kissed her, then opened the door to the garage. “When I’ve had my fill, then we can talk. So no more. I want quiet in this garage. This is my space, and you’re only to breathe hard and touch me where I say, when I say and how I want.”

“Okay.” Another set of rapid blinks from her and mixed emotions.

He set her down and opened up the car. “Clothes go over there and then you go in here.” He pointed at the little spot on his work station that he kept clean in case the opportunity ever arose to have her out here.

She shrugged out of her clothes while he put down the backseat of the car so it was gaping into the trunk.

His attention was riveted on her since her skin looked creamy and yummy.

Watering mouth.

Tightening pants.

Fingers flexing and aching for her.

He tore his clothes off, and instead of turning the car on for music, he pulled out his iPhone, put it on the front seat and set the song on repeat that had started this whole mess.

Her eyebrow arched up in question, and she paused.

“Yes, we’re going to love each other while playing this song. I want it to make a good memory for me.” He reached for her. “And stop worrying about the kids. They’ll be fine. This won’t take long.”

Her hesitation disappeared as she slid onto his lap.

In the next breath, his lips were all over her body, and his hands dug into her hips.

“I want you under me. I want you loud. Do
, and we can talk after.” He kissed her mouth.

She nodded when he broke away. “Okay, sweetheart. Whatever you need.”

“I need you to follow me.” He swapped spots with her, leaned her back so her face was in shadow from being in the empty trunk.

It was odd that such a small thing should make him so sore and achy for her, but it did. This was forbidden, and he knew it.

People didn’t do this. But

His pulse raced as he spread her legs and made love like he never had before.

The music filled the car along with her panting breaths.

His voice, his piano playing, along with his father’s deep tones, morphed into something more . . . Something better.

It was his mixture of funky and serious. It was a cross between classic piano, a touch of jazz and hip hop. His father’s voice sounded amazing, and Adam’s was okay.

It was the first time he was truly all right with jazz. He was learning to appreciate it.

“Ohhhhhh, you sound insanely sexy,” she whispered as he nipped at her neck and kept touching her.

“Shhhh . . . Just listen. Just breathe hard for me.” He gripped her behind the knees and kept reveling in the feel of her, thrusting harder, deeper, finding her special spot inside that made her very gushy and creamy for him.

The darkness, the steaminess of her skin and ragged breaths was too much, though.

He could feel it building too fast inside him. His balls were about bursting with his come, ready to move out of him and into her.

“Can you get there? I need you to . . . I’m gonna . . . I have to,” he stammered.

He entwined her fingers with his and locked them down by her head.

Then he realized he wasn’t touching her, and she needed that.

So, he let go with his right hand and sang along to the music to keep his mind occupied on the song so he wouldn’t come too fast. He brushed his fingers reverently over her swollen, sweet tissues. Her clitoris was really stiff and big, not to mention slippery and fun to tease.

“I could fuck you like this forever—dip inside your wetness and see what it does to you. It’s what a man like me does to a woman like you. I taste you.” He shoved himself inside with a quick movement of his hips. “Taste you like you’re all I need.” He pulled back and did it again. “Touch your clit until you can’t take it anymore.” Once more with a jabbing lunge and quick penetration with his cock. “Make it hum with pleasure and force your insides to drip for me.”

She moaned.

“All those things are satisfying to me. They all make me sore and make my balls tight and achy for you.” He blew down her neck, then licked at the hollow of her throat, following it up with a humid pulse of his breath.

“God, Adam,” she said, gripping his shoulders.

“You make everything better, Mari. And touching you makes it better than okay. It makes it perfect.” He kissed her and pinched her clit in sync with his tongue delving into her mouth.

With a shuddering moan and a tip of her hips, she came undone.

He released a dying groan and clutched her tightly to his chest, spurting inside her until there was no more left to give.

As their breaths slowed and the song repeated for the third time, he could hear Meg inside calling out for them.

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