Hawaiian Holiday: Destination Desire, Book 2 (3 page)

They both reached for the salt shaker at the same time and their fingers tangled. Neither of them pulled back, their gazes locking. Just that quickly, hot chemistry sizzled between them. He drew her hand slowly to his mouth, turned it over to brush his lips over her palm and bit down lightly on the base of her thumb. Raw want flashed across her expressive face. Answering need fisted in his gut, sent lava boiling through his veins. His cock went rigid, chafing against his fly. And that was when he knew without any doubts that this week was going to end with some serious mattress time. Bam. No more just hoping. He
. The attraction was too powerful to resist.

“I want you.” He said it bluntly, but pitched his voice low enough so that no one could overhear. “I have since the minute I saw you. I’m telling you to make sure we’re on the same page. If this is just a little harmless flirtation, that’s fine, but I’d like more. The naked, sweaty kind of more. If you’re not interested in that, let me know now.”

She drew in a sharp breath that lifted her breasts against the front of her blouse. His gaze zeroed in on them, and he noticed that her nipples were hard points. He wanted to suck them. She tugged her hand from his grip and crossed her arms over her chest, rolling her eyes. “Clearly, I’m interested. Not…right this second, since we just met a few hours ago, but…I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking we’d end up in bed together.”

God, yes. He’d love to see her tangled in his sheets, her dark hair spread out on a white pillowcase, her body arched to take him deep. Impossibly, inevitably, his dick grew harder, his lust skyrocketing. He craved this woman in a way he hadn’t craved anyone in…years. Maybe ever. He had to have her. Sooner would be better than later.

She cleared her throat, glancing away. “So, um…I took a couple of semesters of German in college.” Her hand made a graceful arc through the air as she spoke. “We had a foreign language requirement we had to fulfill, and I thought I might like to study abroad in Berlin someday.”

“And how did you like my hometown?” He settled back in his seat, enjoying the way a blush stained her cheeks.

“I didn’t end up going. My mother died and I decided leaving my dad behind for a year would be a bad idea.” She shrugged, fidgeting in her seat. “I don’t remember much German now though. Languages are a use-it or lose-it kind of skill, I suppose.”

Sympathy and pain squeezed inside of him, and he reached over to curl his fingers over hers. “I’m sorry about your mom. I lost my dad a few years ago and…I’m sorry.”

“Me too.” She tightened her hand on his for a moment before she pulled back, and he thought he saw a glimmer of tears in her gaze before she blinked them away and offered up a brave grin. “Okay, let’s lighten the moment a bit, shall we?”

The conversation had morphed from sexy to sad in moments, and he wasn’t sure how to rein it back in to normalcy. The woman had a knack for keeping him off-balance. As someone who liked to be in control, that wasn’t necessarily what he considered a good thing. “How should we do that?”

“Like this.” She speared some of the calamari with her fork and lifted it for him to see. “The great experiment begins, Dr. Scientist. Ready?”

He arched a brow. “You realize for an experiment to be successful, you have to repeat it. Scientists have to be able to verify their findings.”

She popped the food into her mouth. There was a long pause before horror crossed her expression. She looked as if she really wanted to spit it out, but then screwed up her face and began chewing rapidly. Choking a little when she swallowed, she dove for her drink. He couldn’t help the laughter that spilled out of him, and he wrapped an arm around his stomach while another wave of chuckles broke loose.

“Blech. Nasty.” She scrubbed her napkin over her mouth. “I’m not trying that again. The experiment was a

The look of offended dignity she turned on him just made him laugh harder, and he had to wipe tears from his eyes. “No squid for Julie. Got it.”

She stuck her tongue out at him. “Don’t take food recommendations from Lukas. Got it.”

“Hey, I have excellent taste in food.” He reached over the table and stabbed his fork into the remaining calamari on her plate. “I’m willing to eat everything I recommend.”

He suited actions to words, snorting at the disgusted fascination on her face as she watched him chew and swallow. With a roll of her eyes, she went back to her own dinner. They settled into a companionable silence for a while, and it was far more comfortable than he would have anticipated. When they did talk, it was light. She regaled him with a few outrageous stories about her group of friends, and he made her chortle at some of his cultural misadventures when he’d first moved to America. The conversation wasn’t deep, but it was…nice. The meal was as delicious as he expected from the restaurant, despite the squid mishap, and he was with an intelligent, desirable woman. Not a bad way to spend the evening.

When the check arrived, they both reached for it, but he tugged it away from her. “I’ve got this.”

She frowned. “We can split it. It’s not like this is a date.”

Raising an eyebrow, he tsked. “What makes you think it’s not a date?”

“I…” She blinked. “Well, I guess it is, if we want it to be.”

“I want.” He offered her a look he knew was nothing short of wicked. “Didn’t I already make that clear?”

The breath she let out was shaky. “Yes.”

Whether she was agreeing to his clarity or to the wanting, he wasn’t sure, but he knew which he was hoping for. Tossing a few bills on the table, he rose to his feet and held out his hand. “Come on, let’s watch the last of the sunset on the beach.”

Her slim fingers slipped into his, and he pulled her out of her seat. He kept his hold on her hand as they left the restaurant, and he liked the feel of her palm nestled against his. They stood on a wide concrete path that separated the hotel’s property from the beach, and it seemed the world went quiet and still as everyone turned to watch the last sliver of the sun slip below the horizon.

“Gorgeous,” Julie whispered beside him. “Just like on a postcard, it was so perfect.”

“You’ve never been to Hawaii?” He glanced away from the fading rays of sunset to look at her.

She shook her head. “Nope.”

“Then why come here for Christmas?” He frowned. “You might not even have liked it here. Not everyone cares for the crowds on Waikiki Beach.”

“Because I
to go somewhere I’d never been before. I wasn’t exactly feeling the spirit of the season.” Shrugging, she met his gaze. “But the holidays are definitely starting to look up.”

“You should like this, then.” He pointed to a young Hawaiian man running down the beach with a torch in his hand. The man was in traditional island garb with a loincloth and fresh
leaves wreathing his head, upper arms and ankles. Every few meters, he’d pause to light tiki torches that were buried in the sand. “They do this ritual at sunset. I’ve always thought it was an interesting tradition.”

interesting.” The lilt in Julie’s voice made Lukas glance at her again.

“You like it?”

“Oh, yeah. But I think your enjoyment of it is a little different than mine. And every other heterosexual woman watching. The guy is ripped and half naked. Hello, Hawaiian fantasy man.” A rich chuckle bubbled out of her, her dark gaze dancing with mirth, the firelight caressing the curves of her face. At that moment, she was the most intoxicating thing he’d ever seen.

Chapter Three

He had to kiss her. He couldn’t help himself.

Brushing his lips over hers, he caught her laughter with his mouth. It was meant to be quick, fleeting. But he felt her breathing hitch, and her arms slid around his neck, bringing their bodies into full contact. He bit back a groan at having her softness molded to his harder planes. Rising up on tiptoe, she pressed closer, and nipped at his lower lip with her teeth. This time, he didn’t bother to hold in the groan as he feasted on her mouth.

Thrusting his tongue between her lips, he savored the sweet flavor of her. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her even tighter to him. His cock went rigid, and he skipped his hands down her back. Touching her was the most erotic thing he’d done in years, and they weren’t even naked yet. He curled his hands over her ass, rocking himself into the juncture of her thighs. More. God, he wanted inside her. He burned with the craving, his heart raced as hot blood pounded through his veins. She whimpered, her nails digging into his scalp as she pulled him nearer.

A little pain to sharpen the pleasure.

The sound of giggling brought his head up, reminding him of where they were and what they were doing. Fuck. He shot a glare at a couple of young teenagers who were staring at them. Suppressing a snarl, he slowly eased himself away from Julie. His cock throbbed, and a shudder wracked his body at the lust he had to deny.

“Wow. That was…wow.” She drew in a shaky breath, her hands still clinging to his shoulders.

A snort escaped him and he shook his head. “I agree. We should do it again some time.”

The teens giggled again, and Julie flushed, stepping back. Embarrassment flooded her expression, and he hated that. Her hands rose to smooth her hair and fuss with her clothes. “Um…I don’t normally…”

“Make out on public beaches? Me neither. Exhibitionism isn’t my style.” Catching her arm, he guided her down a path away from their audience. “Would you care to have that drink now?”

“Okay.” She glanced back as if she expected their nosy observers to have followed. “I know I’m the one who asked for the drink, but I have to admit I’m a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. One cocktail and I’m okay, two is iffy, and by the time I’m done with number three I’m dancing on the table with a lampshade on my head.”

“Now there’s a show I’d like to see.” And he’d enjoy every minute of it too. He tugged her forward, leading her past a pond with flamingos. “But you can have a soda, if you prefer. There’s an interesting Hawaiian band playing tonight in the Tapa Bar. Olomana, they’re called. I like their music.”

“Sounds great.” She glanced around. They approached a space with a stage set up on one side, a bar on the other, and tables in between. One of the hotel towers soared overhead and provided a roof, but other than pillars to hold up the building, the bar had no walls. “This place is pretty cool.”

“I’ve always liked it.” The band was already playing and it was standing room only, but he spotted a couple leaving their table and urged Julie in that direction. Perfect timing. He pulled out a chair for her, motioning her into it.

“Thanks.” She settled into the seat, her gaze going to the stage. They sat in silence for a moment while the song wound down. She turned her head to look at him. “Do you come to Hawaii often, Lukas?”

He rocked a hand back and forth through the air. “My conference is here every year. I don’t always attend, but when I do, I try to find time to relax. This is one of the places I do that.”

“Well, this is my first time, and I want to make the most of it.” She narrowed her gaze at him. “Don’t you dare make a virgin joke out of that.”

His grin was wolfish. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Liar,” she retorted softly, her eyes crinkling in amusement.

“Aloha. Welcome to the Tapa Bar.” A waitress bustled up, picking up the glasses from the table’s last occupants and wiping down the wooden surface. “So, what can I get you two?”

Julie leaned forward, and he got a clear shot at her cleavage. Damn, he wanted his hands on those breasts. He wanted to know what color her nipples were, if they’d turn red for him when he sucked them.

She waved a hand. “I want something that’s an island classic. What would you recommend?”

“A Blue Hawaiian, Pineapple Margarita, or Lava Flow.” The waitress tilted her head. “Maybe a Mai Tai.”

Julie pursed her lips. “I’ve had a Mai Tai and a margarita before, but I’m debating between the Lava Flow and the Blue Hawaiian.”

“We’ll take one of each, and we can share.” He pushed his fingers through his hair, trying to rein in the desire to forget the drinks and drag her back to his room. It had been a while since he’d indulged in an affair, but his body was more than eager to give it a try. With Julie. “How does that sound?”

“I’m game.” She smiled at him, and it was a kick to the chest. She was so lovely and he wanted her.

The waitress left, but he barely spared her a glance. His attention was on the woman before him. “You said you came here because you weren’t in the holiday spirit. What happened?”

Her chin lifted. “How do you know something happened?”

“Because you seem the type of woman who enjoys life, celebrates it.” A few minutes with her had told him that. A woman who laughed at the rain and sighed over a beautiful sunset wasn’t bored by the world around her. “I’m guessing you don’t just
the holidays, you’re the first one on your street with lights and a tree up every year. Am I right?”

She made a face at him. “Maybe.”

“So, something had to have happened. There’s a story there.” He crooked a finger at her. “Tell me.”

Why he was so insistent, he wasn’t sure. He liked to solve puzzles, liked everything to make sense, but he didn’t normally push for people to spill their problems all over him. Out of character, but he couldn’t deny he wanted to know more about her, what made her tick.

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