Hawaiian Holiday: Destination Desire, Book 2 (4 page)

“Yeah, okay, so I like holidays. I get that from my great-aunt, Eloise, I guess. She was
on Christmas.” She dropped a shoulder in a shrug, sadness filling her gaze. “She passed away in February. It was…difficult to lose her. She played a big part in my life.”

Her mother and then her aunt? That was hard. His chest cinched tight. The unfamiliar need to comfort swamped him. He wanted to pull her into his arms and tell her it would all be okay, but that wasn’t true. “I’m sorry for your many losses.”

“Thank you.” She tried for a smile, but didn’t quite make it. “What about you? No family for the holidays?”

“My mother still lives in Berlin, but she’s gotten too old to fly overseas any more, and the timing of my conference made it difficult to make it home.” His mother had many, many friends she spent her holidays with. A brigade of retired women. Likely he’d have a difficult time even getting to speak to her on the phone to wish her a Merry Christmas. She had a more active social life than he did. “There are a few distant cousins in Frankfurt, but I haven’t seen them since I was a small child.”

“You said you were single, so that means no wife or girlfriend, but…no kids to spend Christmas with either?” Julie’s eyebrows lifted.

He shrugged, the motion rougher than he would have liked. “I had a wife, but we divorced…five years ago, now. I like children, but I’m glad we didn’t have any together.”

“Ugly breakup?”

“Very.” He didn’t say more. He’d never told anyone exactly how bad the breakup had been, how gutted he’d been in the end. He only knew he couldn’t live through something like that again.

Her dark gaze warmed. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

He glanced away, dragging in a breath. “Me too.”

She scooted her chair around the table so she sat next to him, her arm pressed to his. She said nothing else, but he could feel the empathy radiating from her. It was comforting. She was better at that than he was.

Leaning closer, she let her head rest on his shoulder. The softness of her pressed against him made his ugly memories dissipate, and his attention focused on here and now. Her nearness and the female scent of her made his body react in predictable ways.

he responded so strongly to her, he didn’t know. He looked down at her, studying her when she seemed unaware of it. She wasn’t the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, but she got to him. It wasn’t logical or rational. It wasn’t like him. That realization gave him pause. Perhaps this was more dangerous than he wanted to consider. He watched her relax and enjoy the music, only barely noticing when the waitress returned with their drinks. Julie sipped hers, but Lukas just observed her as if that might make his scientist brain work out the puzzle. He’d already wondered if he might see her after they went back to California, but he had to dismiss that. It smacked of more commitment than he could offer any woman. His ex-wife had ensured that. He’d walked away from relationships and never looked back.

But Julie…he’d met her only a few hours before and she’d already taken hold of something inside him. The logical, rational thing to do would be to run if he wanted to be certain that nothing shook his conviction to keep away from commitment. The possibility that she could tempt him was real, that much he knew.

“The band is awesome. Thank you for suggesting this place.” Reaching over, she twined her fingers with his, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

, his mind whispered. But too good to pass up. Shouldn’t he at least try the experience? If he discounted that they lived near each other, there was already a time limit. They were both in Hawaii for the holidays, and that was all he’d allow himself to consider. He’d do best to enjoy the time while it lasted…and he had no doubt he would enjoy Julie, in bed and out of it, but just for this handful of days.

Anything else was far too serious for him.


The alcohol warmed Julie’s insides. Just enough to relax her muscles and let the music slide over her, every care drifting away. The band played holiday tunes with a Hawaiian flavor, and sang original songs in the Hawaiian language. It was lively and exotic and fun and made her tap her feet to the beat. Lukas looked just a little too somber, so she smiled at him, squeezing his hand. He grinned back, and that was nice. It was even nicer when he lifted her fingers to his lips and brushed a kiss over her knuckles.

“Are you having a good time?” She gestured to the bright blue cocktail in front of him. “You haven’t touched your drink.”

“The first sip is for you, so you can try both.” He pushed the glass toward her. “We’re sharing, remember?”

“I warned you what happens when I drink too much.” She picked up the cocktail and took a swig anyway. Sweet and cold, with a kick of pineapple and coconut flavor. She had no idea what made it blue, but it was a tasty drink. She passed the Lava Flow to Lukas. “Your turn.”

The corners of his eyes crinkled and he reached for the red cocktail. “I’m normally a beer drinker. Pilsner, hefeweizen…the good stuff. It’s part of German genetics.”

“You don’t like American beer?” The tiny note of superiority in his voice made her bite back a giggle as he took a sip of the very girly mixed drink.

“Not the big U.S. brands.” He gestured with the glass, still looking aggrieved. “It’s all yellow water. That’s not real beer.”

She was proud of herself for keeping a straight face. “I’m glad there are imported options for you, then.”

“You’re mocking me.” He gave her a stony stare.

“Maybe a little.”

He stole the Blue Hawaiian from her, so he had both cocktails. “I think you’ve had enough. Clearly, your thinking is fuzzy or you’d understand how important good beer is to a well functioning society.”

That was it, she couldn’t hold back anymore. She laughed in his face, but held up her hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. I understand not to tease you about your beer anymore. Hand over the Lava Flow.”

“I’m not sure that’s good enough.” His blue eyes narrowed, his expression calculating. “It’ll cost you a kiss.”

Heart thumping hard, she struggled to catch her breath, the low simmer of heat that hadn’t quit since he’d kissed her—hell, since they’d met—firing high and hot within her. She licked her lips, and his gaze zeroed in on the movement, making it a far more sensual gesture than she’d meant it to be. Desire suffused her, loosening some muscles, tightening others.

“Just one kiss?”

His gaze rose from her lips to meet her eyes. “One will do. For now.”

As she shifted in her seat to face him, her arm slid against his and her breast pressed to his side. His breathing hitched and his pupils expanded until only a thin ring of blue remained, lust flushing the sharp angles of his face. A delicious shiver went through her. Leaning in, she brushed her mouth over his. The brief contact made her lips tingle. She nibbled at his lower lip, letting the flavor of him seep into her senses. Sweet alcohol and something that was pure Lukas. Hot, masculine. Intoxicating.

Nipping soft kisses over his lips, down to his chin, and along his jaw, she felt his chest expand in a deep breath, heard him swallow hard when she bit his earlobe. He set the drinks on the table and grabbed the ledge with a white-knuckled grip. Heady power rushed through her, that she could make him react to her. Only the knowledge that they were in public stopped her from doing things that might get him to beg for more.

He dropped one hand to her bare knee to squeeze lightly before his fingers began to stroke her skin along the edge of her skirt. She closed her eyes as he drew circles on her flesh, her heart picking up speed to race in her chest. Anticipation stretched her nerves taut. Would he slide his hand up her skirt? She shivered at the thought, her nipples beading into hard peaks. White-hot flames licked at her insides, melting her core. She felt wetness coat the lips of her sex. Everything within her was focused on where he’d touch her next. She squeezed her legs together, savoring the ache between them. She froze as his fingers drifted ever higher, nudging the hem of her skirt up, and air brushed against her thighs.

It shocked her that she was letting a man she’d just met stroke her this way. Intimately. And she wanted more. No one had ever gotten to her this fast. Sure, she’d figured they might end up in bed before the end of the trip, but before the night was over? Definitely hadn’t crossed her mind. Until now. He scraped her lightly with his nails, and more moisture flooded her pussy at the rougher contact.

Oh. God.

It was too much. Far, far too much. And nowhere near enough. Desperate need careened through her, a craving that couldn’t be ignored. She wanted more. Now. She couldn’t wait.

She clamped her hand over his wrist to still his movements, suppressing a shudder. “Let’s go back to my room.”

“No, mine,” he whispered. “I have condoms. Do you?”

“No, I don’t.” She leaned back a little so she could look at his face. “You were expecting to get laid on vacation?”

“No.” He took her hand and bit the base of her thumb, sending a pulse of heat exploding through her. “But I keep a couple in my travel kit, just in case.”

“Well, thank God for being prepared.” She grabbed her bag and stood. “Let’s go.”

Was this the wisest thing she’d ever done? Probably not. Was she going to do it anyway? Hell yes. Her hormones did a tap dance in joyful agreement.

She’d promised herself when she came here that she’d make an effort to get back to the land of the living. Loss and grief had taken the last year from her, and Auntie Eloise would have hated that. The old lady had always been one to relish every second. Julie could learn a thing or two from her example. So she was cutting loose and living in the moment.

She doubted she’d have any regrets in the morning either.

“This way.” His hand splayed over the small of her back as he guided her through the sprawling hotel complex. His touch sent goose bumps rippling across her skin.

Every step made her thighs brush together, intensifying her cravings. The warm night breeze caressed her legs and arms, and she drew in a breath of soft sea air. It smelled different from home, but she liked it.

They passed a few people on the way to the Rainbow Tower, but when they reached the elevator bank, there was no one around. He pushed the button to call the car, then pressed her against the wall. The full-body contact made her moan, stoking the fire that already threatened to consume her. She stroked her hands down the planes of his back, loving the play of muscles under his shirt. He buried his face in her throat, his teeth sinking into the sensitive tendon that connected neck to shoulder. Her pussy fisted at the sweet pain that shivered through her.

“Lukas, please,” she whispered.

“Pleasing you is on the agenda, yes.” His tongue trailed upward until he sucked her earlobe into his mouth.

“Oooh.” She bunched her fingers in his shirt, arching against his body. Wetness soaked her panties, and she didn’t know how long she’d last before she dragged him into the bushes and had her way with him.

The elevator arrived, sending agony and relief whipping through her. Agony that they had to stop, relief that they could get to his room and those condoms

It took only thirty seconds to ride up the many floors to his room. While he was unlocking his door, she let her palm slide down his back to ass, boldly squeezing the curve of muscle there. He hissed in a breath, shuddering. Touching him was a turn-on, his reaction an even bigger one. After shoving open the door, he snaked an arm around her waist and dragged her over the threshold.

“This is crazy.” She said it because she had to put it out there.

“It is.” His embrace tightened until her breasts flattened to his chest. “But I don’t want to stop.”

“Me neither.” No, this was a wild roller coaster she wanted to ride to the end. Her body was in wholehearted agreement, every point of contact between them sending ripples of heated awareness shooting through her.

“Good,” he growled. The door swung closed, a light flipped on, and she was alone with him. Excitement spurted inside her, sharpening the edge of her need. Her breathing sped, her skin feeling as if it were aflame. He brushed his lips over hers in a fleeting gesture before he released her. “Condoms—we’ll need them. Give me one minute.”

He walked into the bathroom, and she did a slow spin to take in his room. It looked much like hers, though his windows faced a different direction. She thought his might overlook the ocean, where hers had a view of Diamond Head, but it was too dark out now for her to be sure. A discarded shirt lay over his chair and a laptop sat on the desk, but the rest of his belongings were out of sight. She snorted softly.

“What?” A brawny arm wrapped around her waist as he came up behind her and kissed the back of her neck.

“I think we have the same laptop.” She waved a hand toward the small desk.

“Do we?” She felt him grin against her skin. Then he bit her nape and all thoughts of computers dissipated. “Great minds think alike.”

She shivered when his teeth scraped her flesh. His palm pressed to her belly, edged under her top, burning against the skin of her midriff, and she bit her lower lip as he moved higher. The air tangled in her throat and she shut her eyes to let herself savor the rush of feelings, so sweet and hot. His hand curved around her breast, cupping her through the lace of her bra just long enough to make her quiver with anticipation, aching to have him touch her flesh. After dipping into her bra, his fingers closed over her nipple, pinching, twisting, and a gasp strangled out of her. Letting her head fall back on his shoulder, she grabbed his thighs. “Lukas.”

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