Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter) (7 page)

Ash looked over at her big strong uncle who was the leader of his clan and at Jonas who was an Alpha of a pack and they looked like whipped puppy dogs waiting to be fed as they knelt in front of her.  She would have burst out laughing if
it wouldn’t have upset River any more than she already was. 

River watched as the men only inched away from her. 
“What is a mate?”  She looked at Ash again for the answer.  “Well, a mate is your other half.”  River watched as Ash got up, went, and stood between Larken and the Sheriff.  River narrowed her eyes wondering why Larken possessively had his arm around her and the Sheriff was holding her hand.  “A mate, River, is your destined partner who sees only you.  It is the equivalent to a wife or husband but much, much more in our world.  They will never stray or leave you for another woman.  Nobody is better looking than you or has a better body then you.  It’s what shifters and vampires use to describe their wife or husband except we mate for life.  Your soul mate is what they are.  We never get divorced or stray.”  River was still confused as to why both men were looking like they loved her.

Then why is Larken looking at you that way?” River asked, unsure she wanted to know the answer.

Because the fates have granted me two mates.  I’m their mate and we have mated for life,” Ash explained.

Get out of here.”  River leaned forward, not believing what she was hearing but seeing the threesome right in front of her.  They were both touching her all the time.  She noticed all the touching, but with the vampire in the room, her attention had been focused on him. 

You mean you have sex with both…” All the men in the room laughed at River’s comment.  River blushed at what she had just blurted out.  She couldn’t believe she said that aloud.  She had sex before but never with two men at the same time or even in the same room together.  She always wondered what that would feel like. 
But if she blurted that out now, everyone will think she was a freak
, River chastised herself.

Ash smiled.  She showed no embarrassment, only love for her two men. 
“Yes, I have sex with them together and by themselves sometimes.  We love each other and we make it work,” Ash said lovingly as she looked at her mates.  River could see the love in their eyes as they kissed her on the cheek.

And we will make it work.”  Reece reached out and touched River’s hand.  She looked down at Reece and Jonas and the realization of what they were talking about dawned on her.  She jerked her hand away as she fell backwards trying to get away from them.  Jonas and Reece couldn’t help it.  She ran and they wanted to chase her.  She was fast as she made it to the door when Jonas got to her first and picked her up. 

Calm down, River.  Nobody is going to hurt you.”  River became frantic to get away, she started kicking and hitting him.  Screaming at the top of her lungs to be let go.  Reece tried to help grab her arms but she hit him in the face with her fist, hitting Reece in the nose.  Blood poured out.

It was the funniest thing Larken and Larsen had ever seen.  It was so funny that Larken got out his cell phone and recorded River beating the crap out of her mates.

“Larken, stop that,” Ash said, but Larken and Larsen laughed as River kicked Jonas in the nuts.  “Ohh…” Larken and Larsen said at the same time as they watched River deliver a hit to end all hits to Jonas’s manhood.  He lowered her to grab his balls when she jumped out of his arms. 

Reece only wanted to get her under control.  He didn
’t want to hurt her.  He was much stronger then her and could easily break her arm.  Bringing her arms around her back, Reece held her closely so Jonas could talk to her and calm her down.  He grabbed her face between his hands and lightly kissed her lips.  River’s eyes widened as she struggled to get away from Jonas.  The way he touched her was so raw as he kissed her forehead, eyelids, nose, then as she opened her eyes, Jonas was staring into her eyes.  She couldn’t look away.  She was so drawn to him that her body stopped fighting. 

Trying not to scare her, Jonas spoke softly,
“I know you don’t understand this and I know you are scared, but…I’ve never felt this way about anyone.”  Jonas could see her shoulders slump as she listened to what he was saying.  “The moment I saw you, I just knew.”  River tried to say something but Jonas placed his finger over her lips.  “I know you don’t understand our ways or how we can feel something so fast, but if you give us a chance to get to know us, River, I think you will understand.  You have been put here at this exact moment for a reason.  Life has been hard on you and we understand that, but we want to help make life easier for you.  If you will give us a chance, just one chance, River, I promise it will change you for the rest of your life.  We are not like Paddock or his goons.  We are not murders.  We are shifters and vampires, but we are not bad people.  Paddock and his men are.  Even humans have bad people.  And unfortunately, we have some bad apples too, but I promise we will never hurt you or make you run to escape us.  Please, River.  Just give us a chance.”  Taking his hand away, Jonas waited to see if she would respond.

Reece knew it was a long shot, but he whispered in her ear,
“We are not like him, River.  I promise that nobody will hurt you.  Please give us a chance and trust us.” 

River listened to what Reece and Jonas were saying.  Her gut was telling her to trust this vampire but her head was telling her to run.  She didn
’t want to kiss him back but his lips were so soft and his taste was so unexpected that River stopped moving, allowing Jonas to kiss her.  Her ability to say no was on the tip of her tongue but the passion this man was giving her dissolved her ability to say no.  River knew what he was doing but she couldn’t think while he kissed her like that.  These men were different from anyone she had ever met.  Even Paddock didn’t make her heart go crazy like these two men did.  Jonas kissed her with more gentleness than she had ever experienced before.  Nobody had ever kissed her like that.  His lips were so warm and he smelled wonderful.  His eyes pleaded for her to kiss him back.

Reece looked over at Ash and her mates then nodded to the back door.  Larken picked his mate up and threw her over his shoulder with her squealing all the way out.  Larsen swatted her on the butt as they left Reece and Jonas to deal with their mate.

When Reece heard the moan coming out of his mate, he almost lost it.  He wanted her so bad that his zipper was cutting into him since he went commando today.  Reece could hardly realize how fast the mating pull affected him.  He put her hands in one hand and pulled her hair away from her neck.  Her blood called to him as well.  He started at her shoulder as he kissed up her neck.  His fangs dropped, scrapping against her neck on that spot that made her squirm. 

River couldn
’t believe it.  Her body was going into overdrive.  It had been so long since she had sex and this feeling was more than she had ever felt with anyone in her life.  It felt so good. 
But they are a vampire and a werewolf
, she shouted back at herself. 
But…but…his kisses
.  They were driving her insane.  The man could kiss and make her drop her pants in a second.  If her hands weren’t being held behind her back, she could grab on to his juicy body.  River almost fell to the floor when she felt his fangs graze her neck.  She didn’t even flinch when he did it.  He had hit some type of erogenous zone because she wanted to have sex right where she stood. 
They have possessed me

Jonas and Reece turned toward the door when someone cleared their throat.  Arden Bartley stood at the back of the door smiling at Jonas.  He knew Jonas was going to be mad but
he brought Kerra to the lodge for him.  Larken never said he was involved in extra circular activities when Larken showed him the room Jonas was in.  “Sorry, Alpha.  I didn’t know you were busy.”  Arden laughed a little as his eyes focused on River.  Jonas didn’t like the way he was staring at his mate.  He needed her away from him. 

River came out of the haze when she heard the man talking.  She looked to her side and saw the man smiling at her.  Embarrassed was an understatement as she watched the man laughing at what was going on.  Her hands were still being held behind her back.  Her buttons on her shirt had been undone.  Her bra was showing and her breasts were pushed out toward Jonas. 

“I can’t believe I let you do that,” River whispered.  She couldn’t believe she was about to let these two men that she had just met do whatever they wanted.  She was making out like a hussy with a vampire.  Disappointment etched her face. 
Mind control, that’s what it was.  All the movies say that.  He can use mind control on me.

Let my arms go,” River spit out. 

Reece reluctantly released her hands.  She
buttoned her shirt, fixing her bra at the same time, then smoothed her hair back.  Lifting her head up, she quickly walked to the door leaving the men in the dining room. 

Chapter Seven



River blew out the breath she had been holding, quickly walking away from the door.  The further away she got from Reece and Jonas the less likely they could use mind control on her.  These two men were potent and they just about had her pants off in one of the private dining rooms of the Lodge.  She didn’t know if she could control the way they made her feel.  Her body tingled with a heat she had never experienced in her life.  The heat traveled all the way to her core where she ached for their touch. 

Anybody could have walked in
—and they did.  The man even laughed at her.  Shame was a part of River’s life as she looked in the mirror she passed in the hallway.  River’s pace slowed as she stared at the woman in the mirror, her mood darkening as she continued to the elevator.  She had to get upstairs and fix herself.  She could feel it between her legs.  The erotic throbbing was making her act stupid.  She wanted these two men and that was downright dangerous. 
Ash probably thinks I’m a whore the way I allowed them to do that
.  You tell the woman that you are scared to death of vampires and here you are letting one kiss you and rub all over you. 

Ash was standing at the front desk as she passed to get to the elevators.  River decided that she would just tell Ash the truth how she was to blame and allowed this to happen.  She stopped in front of her.  On shaky legs, River needed to tell her she would leave immediately for her actions. 
“Ash, may I speak to you for a few minutes?” 

Ash turned and smiled at her. 
“Sure.  Come on, let’s go eat while we talk.” 

River was grateful that Ash didn
’t act different toward her or look at her like she was a floozy.  She hoped she wasn’t just being nice right now before she fired her.  This was her first day on the job and most likely her last.

River followed Ash as they walked into the dining room and found a table next to the windows.  Looking out the window took her breath away.  The view was beautiful with snow on the mountains.  People were outside playing, building snowm
en, and getting on sleigh rides.  “Beautiful.” 

Ash smiled as she watched River look outside. 
“You have the same expression I had when I saw it for the first time too.  We are a lot alike.  Have a seat.” 

River sat down in her seat then focused on Ash instead of the ski slopes.  She needed to take whatever Ash dished out to her.  Then leave with a little dignity.  River cleared her throat then blurted out,
“I know you probably think I just lay down with any man but, Ash…” Ash put her hand over River’s trying to soothe her nerves.  River grabbed her water trying to calm down so she could have a civil conversation with her.

River, please stop worrying about this.  I know how this has shocked you but believe me when I tell you that I was in the same spot you were a few years ago.  My men treated me the same way Reese and Jonas are treating you.  They only know one way and that is to get into your pants and make you love them.”  River almost choked on her water. 

I don’t know what to think about that,” River explained shyly as she placed her glass back down on the table.

Ash giggled then patted River
’s hand reassuring her.  “My uncle is a great guy, River, and Jonas is so funny and just a wonderful man too.  I couldn’t be happier for you.  They will make you happier than you have ever been.  Plus now that they have touched you, the mating urge will start and you won’t be able to stay away from them.” 

River stared at Ash.  She couldn
’t be talking about her getting together with these two men.  She would bring trouble right to their doorstep once Paddock found out that she was at the Lodge. 

River bowed her head. 
“I wish it was that simple, Ash.  I really do, but Paddock is crazy and I heard him killing that man in the basement and then all the other women I worked with.  He will not stop until he gets to me.  I can’t do that to you or them.  I won’t get you…” River teared up when she thought that Paddock would kill Ash because she helped her.  She couldn’t risk it.  She would work long enough to make some money then move on.

Now you stop that talk, River.  Were shifters and…”  Ash looked over at Reece and Jonas who were standing behind River listening. 

Jonas stood listening to River and knew that now was the time to set her straight and let her know that she wouldn
’t be running anymore.

And we are capable of taking care of ourselves and you too.  You are our mate and that will not go away.  My clan will protect you just like Jonas’s pack will and you’re not leaving,” Reece advised as he stood up straight, daring her to say she was going to leave. 

River narrowed her eyes at the arrogant man. 
“I’m not leaving…  Well I can damn well leave if I want too,” River blurted out.

Then we will follow you,” Jonas added, trying to calm his mate down before she got out of control again.  Reece seemed to get her started.  

The nerve she had just evaporated. 
“You can’t do that.  He will try to kill you too,” River replied anxiously.  Her hands started to shake thinking about Paddock killing all of her new friends.

River, you have no idea who you are talking about.  We are Alphas and stronger than the average vampire and werewolf.  Plus, Paddock tucked his scared ass between his legs and ran when he knew I was going to kill him,” Reece confided as his face hardened, thinking about River getting hurt.   

Let’s just see what happens and let us get to know you.  Are you not tired of running?  Don’t you want a place to call home?  We can give you that,” Jonas pleaded.

River looked at Jonas then at Reece.  More than anything, she wanted a place to call home.  She wanted friends and a job she didn
’t have to leave every week or month.  She felt a strong attraction to these two men, but it wasn’t enough to get them hurt.  She tensed at the thoughts running wild in her head.  She could see it in their faces that they meant what they said, but River didn’t know if she would forgive herself if something happened to any of them.

You don’t know how tired I am.  I’m scared all the time and I never get to relax and just enjoy life.  My whole life has been about surviving and that is all I know.  I won’t let him have me.  I…”  River explained with tears pooling in her eyes.  She wanted to believe what they were saying, but taking a chance may cost them their lives.

Reece and Jonas surrounded River on both sides. 
“River, it is time to make a stand, darling.  Trust us to care for you and protect you,” Jonas urged River as he put his hand on hers.   

She could see the concern in their eyes. 
They both seem to care about me
but why
.  They were the sexiest men she had ever seen.  She couldn’t help but stare at the two men.  Both were alike in some ways but so different.  Jonas was the sweet, calm one who smiled and winked at her all the time.  He was also built like a brick wall.  He looked like he was an outdoorsman with his skin golden where he had been out in the sun.  He had to be about six foot three.  She could see his muscles through his shirt as he moved.  He was strong with zero body fat.  She wouldn’t mind seeing what he looked like with his shirt off—or his pants either.  It was instinct as River let her gaze travel lower but the table stopped her as she looked up and found his eyes with lust in them.  She licked her lips just thinking about the man naked.  All she wanted to do was play with his hair.  It was a light brown color that curled over his ears like a little boy’s would.  He had hazel color eyes that sparkled when he smiled at you.  River couldn’t help smiling back at him when he looked at her.  He always had a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. 

Now Reece.  He was as tall as Jonas but had leaner muscles, like a runner.  He appeared more sophisticated, like a man who dealt with business but she could tell just how dangerous Reece Ramsey could be.  His eyes were as blue as the sea.  Vibrant as he glared at you.  As Jonas smiled a lot, Reece didn
’t smile at all.  He was simply gorgeous with his brutish looks.  His hair was a golden brown color that he kept shorter then Jonas.  She could see Reece’s lips were fuller and oh how she liked how he kissed too. 

Both of these men burned her up inside.  She could tell they wanted to eat her up, and she felt the same way.  But River didn
’t know what to do.  She didn’t want to bring danger to her new friends. 

Two men, River couldn
’t grasp that idea either.  She looked up then back down at the floor trying to wrap her mind around the idea of two men at the same time. 
What would people think of me?  What the hell are you thinking about them anyway?  You have to run before you lead them to Ash and these men. Plus Reece is a vampire, you know the kind that sucks all of your blood, and Jonas may look innocent but he turns into a werewolf and who knows if he will leave any scraps of your body once he changes.

I can see that pretty little head of yours spinning.  Listen, baby, we can take care of you.  I will put the guards on protection detail and will notify some friends who would love to get their hands on Paddock.  He needs to be stopped before he brings too much attention to us.  I will call the Council and inform them of what is going on.  They may have already been notified but they don’t know who it is causing all the trouble.  Now that we can put it together with your story, they will act on this,” Reece explained as he smiled at her for the first time. 

Taking a deep breath, River still felt concerned about bringing the danger to these people but she knew she had to stop running sometime.  River wanted it to be here.  She loved it and she would have a job and a place to live.  She still wasn
’t so sure about Jonas and Reece, but…could she do this?  Could she stop running and actually have a life. 

River, what are you thinking?” Ash asked.

River blinked as she looked up at Ash. 
“I have been running for so long that I don’t know how to stop.  I’m so scared that I will bring this idiot to your front door, I want to take off just so he doesn’t follow me here,” River whispered in response.

We will follow you, River, so danger will be with us too,” Reece’s voice softened as he spoke.  River could tell that Reece was used to people doing what he said when he ordered them too.  But she wasn’t a follower and she knew that would only cause trouble for him.  He would eventually tire of her.  She wasn’t a submissive person who would take orders.

Hey, I have an idea.  Let Reece contact the Council and see if the unit can catch this vampire.  We need to find out if they have been watching this.  Paddock needs to be stopped like you said before he brings too much attention to us,” Ash offered up a plan that she knew the Council would jump on.  If the local police or the FBI captured this vampire then they would all be in jeopardy of humans finding out. 

I’ll be right back to make the call to the Council.”  Reece smiled then jumped up from his seat and went to make the call.  Jonas grinned and winked at River when she looked up at him. 

So what do you say, River?  Because I have a lot of stuff to do and I will need your help,” asked Ash. 

River needed to respond and blew out a deep breath and nodded. 
“Okay, I will give it a try.” 

She knew that Ash wanted something permanent but River needed to be honest with her.  She couldn
’t promise anything long-term.  These people had been great to her and she felt that she owed them to at least try.

“This is all I can do, Ash.  I’m sorry.  I want to see how this turns out but I’m so scared.  I want this job.  I really do.  I will work hard for you and give you my all, but if I feel like he is getting close then I will leave.  I can’t promise you forever.”

Okay great.”  River grinned as Ash continued to talk like she was going to stay here forever.  “Well, we have a meeting in a little while so we need to get everything prepared for it.  Let’s eat and then go and get the paperwork ready for the Alphas.” 

River nodded then looked over at Jonas who was still staring at her.  Her body went still as Jonas picked her hand up and kissed it.  She gasped as she felt her body heat up again as he lightly brushed his lips over her hand. 
I will not let him do this.  I can’t take it if he kisses me again.  I lose myself.  Damn it,
River told herself as she straightened her back then moved her hand away from Jonas.  Putting her hand in her lap, River needed to get some things straight with him.  They needed some ground rules.

I said I would try and that is all I can do.  I’m not sure about this mate thing either.  Please don’t pressure me about this.  This was a lot to take in today.  I don’t think I can handle much more,” River pleaded with Jonas to understand that she was human and wanted to slow everything down. 

Baby, I don’t want to put any more pressure on you.  I just hope you will give us a chance.”  Short and sweet was how he put it.  She didn’t need any pressure from him. 

“I just want to feel normal for the first time in my life.  I want this job and I hope you are all telling me the truth because I want to stop running.  I really do and that is all I can promise.”  River watched as Jonas nodded his head, agreeing to her terms. 

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