Heart of the Unknown Alpha (12 page)

              Without conscious thought he slid down till his face was even with her thighs. He HAD to smell her at her most condensed. Running his nose along her thigh to her center he inhaled deeply. Giving little nips along the way, every time he caught her tender flesh between his teeth she whimpered in desire and want.

Aryana watched as Darian raised up over her and placed a hand on the outside of each of her thighs. As he spread her legs wide she felt sharp stabbing pricks in the skin on the back of her legs that shocked her out of her aroused state.

              Involuntarily she jerked her legs trying to get away from whatever was stabbing at her only to have it get worse as he gripped her thighs even harder and suddenly she stilled. Darian was poised ready to enter her but something was terribly wrong. His face was changing as was the rest of his body.

              Aryana watched frozen with growing horror as Darian’s face morphed, twisting and extending, till his mouth and nose started to resemble that of a large dog. His shoulders and arms started rippling as the muscles grew and veins started showing. His hands still grasping her thighs contorted into long muscular appendages with large knuckles. That’s when she realized the things stabbing her in the back of the leg were his nails, growing and extending to sharp points.

              Darian’s hair lengthened and his ears started to become pointed as his eyes started growing a bright fierce menacing yellow. Aryana could feel her heart sounding in her head in sheer terror at the half dog half man in front of her. When the beast let out a low snarl it was as if someone had given her back her rational thought once more. She started twisting trying to get away. Grabbing at the bed sheets desperate for a hand hold to help leverage herself away from whatever the hell Darian had become.

              Her hands landed on the pillows and in a last ditch effort she grasped them and hurled them at the beasts face. The momentary distraction gave her the chance to slip her legs free from its grasp and try to slid away.

              Darian atched as Aryana’s eyes grew wide and she went completely still.
Yes, this was it. This was what he wanted, what she wanted. This is what would bind them together forever.
His gaze became pinpointed on her, her scent overriding all his other sense. When she started to squirm on the bed he held on tighter figuring it was some sort of game she wanted to play.

              He was totally caught off guard when she landed the pillows squarely in his face. He let go of both her legs in shock . What the hell? He caught the last pillow and tossed it aside then reached out and grasped her by one ankle determined to pull her back and finish what they had started.

              Aryana panicked when that thing at the end of the bed managed to grab her by one ankle. Instinctively she threw up her other leg in a kick as powerful as she could manage catching it under the chin, hoping she broke some of its teeth for good measure. The grotesque figure let go of her ankle as its head was rocked backwards by the force of the blow. Not wasting time Aryana rolled of the bed, landing on her feet. Scooping up whatever pile of clothing was closest in her arms she made a mad dash for the door in the wall to the side of the bed.

              Slamming the door behind her and flipping the lock in place for some protection she quickly took stock of where she was. The master bathroom. Eyes skirting quickly over the large double sinks and walk-in shower and large sunken tub they landed on the window. Dropping the clothing onto the floor she started furiously digging through trying to find her clothing.

              Darian hadn’t expected her to become violent. Who the hell did she think she was? Recovering from the powerful kick he started to go after her when something caught his eyes. Turning to the mirror over the dresser he saw his reflection.
No wonder Aryana had freaked out.  Darian didn’t even recognize himself.  He was some sort of mash up between a wolf and a man.

              Darian had never heard of such a thing happening before. While it had him freaked out he had to make sure Aryana was ok first. He tried the door knob and found it locked. Trying harder he broke of the handle. Frustrated he tried calling her and pounding on the door. He was horrified when instead of his voice out came the deep animalistic snarl of a beast. His fist had dented the door, the wood around where it had landed splintered. He stared dazedly at the mark. WHAT THE HELL!?!?! He hadn’t even been using any strength. That’s when he noticed his hands. They were twisted and knarled. The nails had become extended dagger points and at the very tips were what looked like blood.

              That’s when the smell hit him. Fresh blood. Aryana’s blood. He turned quickly and looked at the bed and there on the white sheets where eight small splotches of dark red. Four for each leg. Has he approached the bed cautiously never taking his eyes  from those tiny spots something else hit him.  The unmistakable stench of stark terror.  Darian’s heart sank through the souls of his feet. What had he done? What must Aryana think of him now? Also HOW was he going to fix all of this?

              In the bathroom Aryana was already pulling on her pants but her top wasn’t in the pile. Damnit! She was NOT going back out there to get it either. Pulling on the shirt Darian had been wearing she froze when she heard the doorknob rattle. She heard the sound of something metallic snapping then came a loud bang on the door followed by snarling. The wood on her side of the door cracked and a small bulge where a first had hit showed but otherwise it held. Digging through the rest of the pile she found her socks but not her shoes.

              Chalking the rest of her clothing up to a loss she hurried over to the window. Unhooking the latch she climbed up onto the sill and looked down. She grabbed the frame of the window and got into a crouching position. Thinking her courage was going to fail her and trying to psych herself up for the two story jump while praying she didn’t break a leg she froze. Hearing another snarl from the other room she cast a last glance over her shoulder narrowing her eyes at the door. No way was she going back. Narrowing her eyes at the grass that was her target she jumped.

              Aryana landed on the soft grass on all fours. She cast one last glance up at the window with eyes that glowed a brilliant orange and took off at a dead run into the surrounding forest. Soon she had disappeared into the night.




Chapter 15 Return of Lluna

              “Hello Reanult.”

              The older wolf turned to see the Fae sitting in the chair behind his desk. She was smiling at him. This couldn’t be good not after her last visit. “What do you want Fae?”

              She tilted her head and looked at him queerly. “I came to see how you where… feeling these days.”

              “I am fine. So what else did you want?” The man motioned for her to get out of his chair and she graciously did so but didn’t move far from him.

              She gave him a pointed look, arched eyebrow and all. “I didn’t say I was here to see how YOU are. I said I came to see how you are FEELING.”

              The Supreme Alpha had had enough of this game. “What the hell do you..” suddenly he froze bent over. His eyes bulged out and he grasped his chest.

              He was overcome with intense sheer stark terror. His heart was beating faster than it ever had yet felt like it was in a vice grip. His breathe was coming in gasps like he couldn’t get enough oxygen. His wolf let out a loud mournful howl in his mind, something he hadn’t heard in almost seventy years. Soon it passed and he slumped back against the chair. Unfocused eyes sought out the Fae standing in front of him. ”What was that?”

              Her grey eyes probed his “Time closing in on you? Your heir maybe? Fate having fun changing the future for you and your people? Hard to say really. Though you should know, you are after all the Supreme Alpha.”

              She walked out of the office and down the hall to where the Beta sat in his office working. A quick wave of her fingers and his door opened, the papers he was working flying from the desk to the floor. The man looked up at her, his green eyes full of surprise and slight irritation. “What do you want Lluna? Haven’t you caused enough trouble already?”

              The Fae, insulted by the man’s tone rose to her full height. Her hair started to wave on invisible waves of magic that started circling around her. “I would watch my tail and tongue if I was you wolf. As is your son is in a very bad way. I would suggest tending to your young before I handle the matter for you.”

              The Beta leapt to his feet, bracing his hands on the desk he got out in a low voice “What do you mean by that? What is wrong with my son?”

              Silver eyes devoid of a pupil now turned and stared through him. In a voice that sounded distant she replied “Your son has crossed a boundary no wolf has crossed in a millennia. He is now caught between his most primal self and the man he has become. Unless you wish to lose him for good I suggest you attend to him.”

              Leaving the Beta staring at empty space Lluna vanished in a shimmer of dust. Yanking open the top drawer with such force he pulled it from its slide he snatched his keys before they hit the floor and within seconds was speeding towards his son’s home.




Chapter 16 a Secret Revealed

              Darian sat on the end of his blood stained bed. His head bowed, resting in both of his misshapen hands. What was he going to do? How had he become like this? How was he going to explain this to Aryana? Hell would he even get a chance to explain? He fully didn’t expect her to even speak to him again after tonight. He was a grotesque warped figure of a werewolf. At least this way he would never have to worry about becoming Supreme Alpha but it also meant he could never live among pack either. The thought of never living among Pack again shattered his heart. Wolves are not solitary animals in fact some werewolves had been known to die from solitary existences. The thought of never seeing Aryana again, of never holding her, kissing her or hearing her sweet voice shattered his soul.

              A tear leaked from his still human shaped eyes and rolled down the twisted muzzle that made up most of his face when he heard pounding on his front door. Whoever it was could go away. He couldn’t face anyone like he was. It only took moments before his warped ears picked up his father’s voice shouting for him. Soon he heard the footfalls on the lower level. Damn his father for always having a key.

              He was still on the bed, his head in his hands when his father found him. The older wolf stopped in the door way stunned by the sight in front of him. The bed had been trashed; the door to the bathroom damaged but what consumed his attention was his transformed son. He had never seen anything like it.  Cautiously he approached not wanting to provoke his son and not knowing what manner or personality had caused this.

              “Darian? Son?” the older man asked quietly never taking his eyes from the animal in front of him. It was not till the beast raised up its head and he saw his sons familiar green eyes and tears he relaxed. “Son what happened?”

              Darian tried to answer but all that came out was growls, snuffs and whimpers. Darian’s arms dropped in defeat. It was useless. He couldn’t even talk anymore. He raised pleading eyes to his father silently begging for help.

              The older wolf wrapped his arm around his son’s shoulders and pulled him in to his chest.  Horrified by what he found and yet praying to the moon he could help him.  “It’s okay son. It’s going to be ok. We are going to fix this. I promise. We will get ou back.”

It was nearing daybreak when Darian and his father pulled into the circular drive at Alpha House. Everyone else was asleep. Darian’s looked at his father, the pain and fear blatant in their green depths that still swam with tears. Thankfully his father had been able to help him into a pair of sweatpants to cover his lower half. It hadn’t been easy as his feet resembled his hands and the muscles in his legs had bulged and the hair had lengthened a bit too. Unfortunately none of his shirts would fit over his arms and back. He sat and waited helplessly as his father came around to the back of the large SUV and helped his son out of the rear. Darian hadn’t been able to fit into any of the seats. His bulk had just increased to much for that. There hadn’t been any other choice for him then to ride in the cargo area.

Slowly climbing out of the back Darian waited for his father to close up the SUV and followed him up the stairs. He felt horrible. How could this have happened? How could he have hurt Aryana? He had lost her for good and for some reason it had him barely containing the urge to howl out in mourning.  What was wrong with him? Why was he feeling more animal then human? Would he ever be able to go back? To being a normal werewolf?

He stopped inside the great foyer as he waited for his father to close the door behind them. When he heard and smelled the Supreme Alpha before he saw him.

“Samuel!” The Supreme Alpha stood at the tops of the stairs staring down at the father and son. “WHAT in blue moons are you doing? And WHAT is that beast you have brought to my home?!” His bright blue eyes showed he would not let his questions go unanswered.

His father turned his weary face up to the Supreme Alpha. Pulling himself up to his full height he made it clear that even tired he was willing to fight. “Reanult. You remember my son.”

The Supreme Alpha came bounding down the stairs at a speed that would have surprised a lesser wolf.  He drew up close to Darian and stared at him with narrowed eyes. “Darian? You mean to tell me this BEAST is Darian? By the moons what happened to him?!” The Supreme Alpha focused his gaze on his Beta waiting for an explanation.

“I don’t know.  I found him like this. He is my son Reanult and your Beta or not I WILL help him the best I can.”

The Supreme Alpha turned his head back to Darian confusion, wonder and curiosity in his gaze. His voice was stern and brooked no argument “Well Darian? What happened? Why won’t you tell your father?”

Samuel reached out and laid his hand on the Alpha’s shoulder. “Reanult he cannot tell me. He cannot tell anyone. He can’t speak anymore. He can only make noises like a wolf. But it is not anything I can discern. I need to access the vault.”

Reanult turned sharply to look at his old friend. “The Vault? Nobody goes into the Vault. You know this. To do so without permission can be punishable by death.”

Samuel looked at his oldest and dearest friend fully understanding what it was he was asking. “I know but I must help my son. Lluna said this has happened before I have to know how they cured it. The answer is in the Vault. I have to go in.”

Darian felt so weary he dropped down into a crouching position. He hung his head in shame. Wolves were supposed to be strong, they were supposed to be fighters but all he felt was powerless and beaten. Tears once again slowly formed in his eyes and ran down his distorted face.

The Supreme Alpha looked down at the pathetic and mournful creature that he loved like his own son. His heart broke at the site of the younger wolf. Such a powerful wolf already to be so broken was a terrible thing. Another thought came to him. If this had happened before and it had happened to Darian what was to prevent it from spreading to other pack members? What is the entire Pack became infected? It would be the end of their race as the human world would hunt them down and kill them one by one. He couldn’t allow that to happen. It was his job as Supreme Alpha to protect the pack at all costs. His decision was made. “Get some rest. At dusk we will enter the Vault.”


              Aryana woke up the next morning and rolled over. She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. The first thing that hit her was the sense she wasn’t at Darian’s. Second thing was that she wasn’t in her own clothing.  Sitting up quickly he instantly recognized her own bedroom. Looking down at herself she shoved off the comforter and realized she was in her pants and socks but was wearing Darian’s shirt. How did she get home last night? What the hell had happened last night?

              Slowly the events in Darian’s bedroom came trickling back into her brain forming a bizarre movie of twisted events. She remembered being with him, then Darian’s changing into… What the hell had he changed into? Barricading herself in the bathroom, and then… What happened after she had gotten the clothes on? She vaguely remembered opening the window but nothing else. What was going on with her brain lately? Why was she having bouts of amnesia? Resolving that she had to get to a doctor, she climbed out of the bed.

              She was halfway through her first cup of coffee and checking email when her phone rang. She didn’t recognize the caller ID and since it was her home line she didn’t answer. Only her cell was listed for the business so whoever was calling it wasn’t business related and she already knew Tony’s number. An hour later it rang again. Again she ignored it. Once it had stopped ringing she picked up the receiver and called her doctor to make an appointment. She got lucky and was able to get in that day. Checking the time she had just enough time to get there.


She was mourning the loss of her favorite pair of flat ballerina slip-ons as she opened her closet door to get shoes. She stopped startled to find the shoes in their place. How had they gotten there? Hadn’t she left them at Darian’s the night before? She didn’t remember having them on after they had hit the bed, then again she didn’t even remember everything from the night before either. Hurriedly she slipped them on and headed out. Whatever was wrong with her she wanted it found out and fixed fast. Losing her mind is NOT something she wanted to live with for years.

              A few hours later Aryana was leaving the doctor’s office. Everything was fine and she was perfectly healthy according to her physician. He had suggested that her prolonged stress and depressed state had been the cause of her forgetfulness.  Not fully satisfied but relieved that nothing was wrong Aryana did her grocery shopping and returned home.  She had just finished putting the groceries away when her phone rang again. Glancing at the ID she saw it was the same number from that morning. Wow. Whoever was calling obviously wanted to talk. To bad she didn’t. Unplugging the phone she made herself a light lunch and then got to work.

              Six hours later she was just getting up to stretch when her cell phone went off.  Seeing an unfamiliar number she answered it with her customary business greeting.
“Eternal Image Enhancement, this is Aryana how can I help you?”

              “Ms. Barstin. You do not know me but I am Darian’s father. I have been trying to contact you all day. I need to speak with you about my son.”

              Aryana frowned into the phone. “Mr. Night. I am sorry but I have NOTHING to say to you or your son. In fact I would appreciate it if you both left me alone. Call this number again and I will file a harassment report.”

              “Ms. Barstin I can understand you being reluctant to talk me. But Darian is in a peculiar predicament and we need to know…”

              “MR. Night. I neither know nor care what happened to Darian. He is not someone I want in my life nor do I wish discussing him with you or anyone else. His problems are HIS and I refuse to be drawn into them. DO NOT contact me again or I WILL call the police.” With that she clicked off and set the phone to silent. She buried her head in her hands feeling like the worst type of human being.

              She cared, dammit. She REALLY cared about Darian but last night had just been too much. She didn’t know what had happened but she sure as HELL wasn’t going to discuss what they had been up to when he had suddenly changed. Ok so she more than just cared about him but whatever was going on she couldn’t be part of it. She just couldn’t. What if he couldn’t be cured? What if it happened again?  She could not take loving someone only to lose them again. She just couldnt.

              Turning her attention back to her work her eyes landed on the screen. She was working on Stephens project and she froze as she stared at the next picture. A handsome young man lay one the ground. He was laying naked in bed curled up with his dog. It was a touching picture of the bond between man and his best friend but for some reason it just reminded her of Darian. 

              Shutting down the computer she sighed. It was impossible. No matter how much she tried she couldn’t get her mind off Darian and the night before. Making her way to the kitchen she decided a nice big mug of tea and her book on the sofa was just what she needed.


              The sun had just set when Darian met his father and the Supreme Alpha at the heavy gated door that lead down to the Vault. He watched silently as the Supreme Alpha lit one of the torches he carried. He handed it to Samuel and then lit the other one. He  used his considerable strength to open the large heavy door and they proceeded down into the darkness.

              The Vault held the most treasured artifacts of the Lycans. Among the most prized possessions were two ancient books. Both extremely powerful. One held the entire history of the Lycan people. Through it was the ability to call upon the spirits of the Alphas of the past. The other book held the prophecies of the Lycans as well as the genealogy of the Supreme Alpha. Each book had the ability to write itself and to add to it through the use of magic.  Only the Supreme Alpha had access to the books. Access to them was strictly controlled through Pack Law. If the matter was found to be selfish or not in the packs best interest accessing the books meant death.

They followed the dark stone corridor down steps that were worn smooth from age. Once they reached the bottom they started down the stone hallway that led to the large silver door and gate. Darian had never been down here since it was off limits so he watched with awe as the Supreme Alpha touched his torch to a small bowl carved out into the wall. A small flame flickered and sped along a channel past the door.  Next the Supreme Alpha removed his signet ring and inserted it into the carved out recess in the gate. He depressed it and there was a click, soon the intricate gate moved and revealed the silver door behind it clearly.

              Looking back at his Beta Reanult pulled a sliver key from the chain around his neck. Pulling the chain over his head he inserted it into the lock and turned it. Pushing open the heavy doors he, his Beta and Darian became the first Wolves to enter the Vault in almost five centuries..

              Darian and his father watched eyes widening as they doors swung open. Following his father and the Supreme Alpha into the Vault Darian couldn’t help but look around. He had thought the space would be dark and closed in but it was the opposite. The ceilings were vaulted about twelve feet high and the walls were lined with shelves and artworks. On the shelves were jeweled boxes containing various treasures of the Pack, most of them one of a kind jewelry pieces and documents with other races. One artwork struck him as familiar but how he couldn’t place it. It was of a wolf couple under the full moon in  a woodland clearing.  The painting next to it was of a girl in the same clearing with a wolf by her side. Next was a piece with a girl in the middle of a challenge arena. Light was pouring from her around her lay wolves and off to the side stood a man.  They were odd piece to belong to the Pack. Shrugging it off Darian hurried to catch up with his father and the Supreme Alpha.

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